Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 11, 1991, Page 10, Image 10

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    Page 10...The Portland ()bserver...Septeniber 11,1991
Portland Observer
Sub-Bids Requested
Tacoma St. Intchge - 17th Ave. Conn (unit 2)
Pacific Hwy. East (McLoughlin Blvd.)
BID DATE: Sept 26th, 1991 9:00 a.m.
Kiewit Pacific Co.
P.O. Box 1769
Vancouver, WA 98668
(206) 693-1478 (503) 285-4687
FAX (206) 693-5582
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from women and
minority owned business enterprises.
Sub-Bids Requested
Whatcom County Courthouse Addition-Phase II
Bellingham, Washington
Bid Date: September 19,1991 @ 10:00 A.M.
Andersen Construction Co., Inc.
6712 N. Cutter Circle
Portland, OR 97217
(503) 283-6712
FAX: (503) 283-3607
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from disadvan­
taged, minority, women, and emerging small business enterprises.
Oregon Contractor’s Board Registration #63053
Washington State License Anderha 362 NG
Subcontractor and Material Supplier
Prequalification Requested
Project: Portland International Airport-Terminal Expansion
Prequalification Deadline: September 20,1991
Prequalification by mail only. Forms available at Contractors Office.
Contact: Chris Waldram, (503) 641-2500.
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and request Prequalification from
Small Business, Small Disadvantaged Business Subcontractors and Women
and Minority Business Enterprises.
Informational Advertisement
Department Of Transportation
Highway Division
Call For Bids
Seaided bids will be received until 9 a.m. on September 2 6 .1991,
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for the projects listed below:
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U’Xing NE 8th Ave. Sec. of Oregon-W ashington
Hwy. in Milton-Freewater. Protective fencing.
Signals in Madras, The Dalles-Calif. Hwy.
Myrtle Creek Rd. (Culver) Bridge Sec. Roadwark
and struc. DBE goal.
Myrtle Point SCL-Powers Jet. Sec. of Coos Bay-
Roseburg Hwy. Roadwork and signing. DBE
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Sandy Blvd. W estbound Connection Sec. of E.
Portland Frwy. Roadwork, retain, wall, sign., il­
ium., & signals. DBE goal.
Washington Beaverton-Tualatin Hwy. at S.W. Oak St. and
S.W. Pfaffle in Tigard. Roadwork, structures and
signing. DBE goal.
Tierra Del Mar Slope Restoration on Sand Lake
County Rd. Roadwork and landscaping. DBE goal
Little Butte Creek Bridge Sec. of Little Butte Creek
County Rd. Roadwork and structure. DBE goal.
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Paterson Ferry Rd. Intrchnge. Roadwork & sign­
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ing. DBE goal.
N Fork Nehalem River Bridge Sec. of McDonald
County Rd. Roadwork and structure. DBE goal
Hood River
& Wasco
Troutdale-Deschutes River Sec. of Columbia
River Hwy. Signing. DBE goal.
Plans specifications, and bid documents may be obtained in Rm.
10, Transportation Building, Salem, OR 97310. Pnme contrac­
tors must be prequalified ten days prior to the bid opening day.
For additional information, please contact Commission Services
at 378-6526.
If your business is not certified as a Disadvantaged Business En­
terprise (DBE) or a Women Business Enterprise (WBE), please
contact the Office of Minority, Women, and Emerging Small Busi-
ness at 155 Cottage, Salem, OR 97310, phone (503) 378-5651.
Oregon Department Of Energy
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Request For Proposals
Invitation To Bid
Sealed Bids for the construction of the New South Apron, Taxiway
Lighting. Guidance Signs and PAPI Construction and related
work, addressed to Ron Stillmaker, will be received at the office
of the Director of Public W orks, City of North Bend, OR, until 1.30
p.m., local time, on the 23rd day of September, 1991 and then
will be publicly opened and read. Any bids received after the time
and date specified will not be considered.
The project contemplated consists of constructing a general
aviation apron of approximately 43,750 square feet, a connecting
taxiway approximately 220 feet in length, installing taxi way lights,
taxiway guidance signs, a precision approach path indicator
(PAPI) system(s), fencing, gates, and associated drainage and
utility improvements.
Drawings and Specifications will be available on or before Sep­
tember 9,1991, and may be examined in the office of the Owner,
office of the Director of Public W orks, City of North Bend, OR, or
at the office of the Engineer, CH2M Hill, 2300 W alnut Blvd_ ; p - O-
Box 428, Corvallis, Oregon 97339. A copy of the Bidding
Documents may be obtained from the Engineer s office upon
payment of $30 for each set of documents. . Return ofJb®
documents is not required, and the amount paid for the docu
ments is nonrefundable.
A prebid conference, followed by a site visit, will be held in the
Council Chambers at the North Bend, Oregon City HaH at 1.30
p.m. on Tuesday, September 17, 1991. All interested bidders
and suppliers are encouraged to attend.
The following plan room services have obtained copies of the
Bidding Documents for the work contemplated herein; Eugene
Builders Exchange, 135 Silver Lane, Eugene Oregon 97404,
503/342-1115: Oregon Builders Exchange, 1 Champion Plaza,
250 Garden Valley Road, Roseburg,Oregon 97470; Construc­
tion Data Westside, P.O. Box 5005, Portland, Oregon 97208,
Salem Contractors Exchange, 2256 Judson Street S E S a le m ,
Oregon 97302; Construction Data Eastside, 1125 S.E. Madison,
Room 200, Portland, Oregon 97214; Medford Builders Exchange,
315 North Bartlett Street, Medford, Oregon 97501; Bay Area Plan
Exchange, 2744 W oodland Drive, Coos Bay, Oregon 97420,
Each Bid must be submitted on the prescribed form and accom-
Danied by bid security as prescribed in the instructions to Bidders,
payable to the City of North Bend, OR, in an amount not less than
5 percent of the amount bid.
The successful Bidder will be required to furnish the necessary
additional bond(s) for the faithful performance of the Contract, as
prescribed in the Bidding Documents.
This project has certain requirements with regard to participation
by Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) with an estab­
lished goal of 11.0 percent DBE utilization.
Contractors must be qualified in accordance with the applicable
parts of ORS 279 in order to enter into a contract with the Owner
for public work in Oregon.
Each bid must contain a statem ent as to whether the Bidder is a
resident Bidder, as defined in ORS 279.029.
Bidders are not required to be prequalified by the Owner to
perform the type and size of work contemplated herein.
Bidders who are not currently prequalified with the Owner to
perform the type and size of project contemplated herein shall
submit a completely executed prequalification application to the
Director of Public Works, City of North Bend, at least 14 days prior
to the bid opening date. Prequalification application forms may
be obtained at the office of Ron Stillmaker, Director of Public
Works, City of North Bend, OR.
Bidders will be notified of their qualification status within 10 days
prior to bid opening, and official bid forms will be issued to those
Bidders who have been prequalified by the Owner to subm it a bid
for the work contemplated herein.
Before a Contract will be awarded for the work contemplated
herein, the Owner will conduct such investigation as is necessary
to determine the performance record and ability of the apparent
low Bidder to perform the size and type of work specified under
this Contract. Upon request, the Bidder shall subm it such infor­
mation as deemed necessary by the Owner to evaluate the Bid­
der’s qualifications.
No bid will be received or considered by Owner unless the bid
I form contains, or is accompanied by, a statement by the Bidder
as a part of the bid that the provisions required by 40 USC 2 /ba
pertaining to prevailing wages shall be included in the Contract.
For information concerning the proposed work, or for appoint­
ment to visit the site of the proposed work, contact Terry Kessier
or Dan Peterson, CH2M Hill, Inc., telephone: 503/752-4271 or
Ron Stillmaker, City of North Bend, telephone: 503/756-0405.
The right is reserved to reject all Bids or any Bid not conforming
to the intent and purpose of the Bidding Documents, and to post-
pone the award of the Contract for a period of time, which, how­
ever, shall not extend beyond 45 days from the bid opening date.
Dated this 3rd day of September, 1991.
City Of North Bend
By Ron Stillmaker,
Director of Public Works
The Oregon Department of Energy is responsible for qualifying
manufactured housing for Super Good Cents certification. The
Departm ent is seeking a contractor to process applications and
orovide information management services for this program. Com-
E X e < X " e n t and ability to use PARADOX 3.5 software is re­
4200 Main Street, Vancouver, WA 98668
P.O. Box 1709
Vancouver, Washington 98668
Bid Opening September 13,1991
Sealed bids will be received by the State of W ashington, Depart­
ment of Transportation, at District #4 Headquarters in Vancou­
ver, W ashington until Friday, September 13,1991, at 10:00 a.m.
and will then and there be opened and publicly read for the
construction of the improvement listed below,. This is a District 4
Performance and bids bonds will be required on this project.
Any person, firm, or corporation not currently prequalified with
the Department of Transportation and desiring to submit a bid on
this project must file a Standard Prequalification Questionnaire
and Financial Statement with the Prequalification Engineer at
the Department of Transportation, Transportation Building Olym­
pia WA. 98504-5201. The questionnaire must be properly filled
in, executed, and received not less than fifteen (15) days prior to
the date of bid opening to be considered for prequalification. Pre­
qualification is required before a proposal can be obtained.
Plans and contract provisions, may be obtained from the District
4 Plans Office upon written request to the p,ans En9'ne®r*
District 4 Headquarters, P.O. Box 1708, Vancouver, WA 98668,
or by calling (206) 696-6142.
A copy of the plans and contract provisions may be inspected in
the Chapter Offices of the Associated General Contractors of
America in Seattle, Tacoma, and the Construction Data Plan
Centers in Portland.
The improvement for which the bids will be received follows:
This contract provides for the im provement of 0.23 miles of SR
504, MP 25.19 to MP 25.42, in Cowlitz County, Hoffstadt Moun­
tain Slide, by clearing and grubbing, grading, draining, surfacing,
erosion contrtol, constructing a shear key and other work.
The primary class of work on this project is Class 1.
(Estimate Range: $1,250,000 to 1,500,000)
Kieth E. Ahola, P.E.
Acting District Administrator
Request For Proposals
Proposals are due before 5:00 p.m., September 12, ¡991, and
will not be accepted after that date and time.
This request is for the research, writing and submission of grant
proposals to fund a pilot service delivery of the em ployment serv­
ice registration and initial unemployment claims processes.
Contractor will be responsible for seeking out and obtaining fund­
ing from sources which may include private foundations, federal
grants, or other funding sources. Agreements for preparing
proposals to fund other special projects may also be negotiated
on a project by project basis.
Contract terms, conditions and specifications can be seen at:
Oregon Employment Division, Room 205, 875 Union Street NE,
Salem, OR 97311. Proposals will be received by Tracy Louden,
at this address. Proposals will be publicly opened at 8:00 a.m.,
September 13,1991 in room 205.
Proposals may be rejected for not complying with all prescribed
public bidding procedures and requirements. Any or all propos­
als may be rejected for good cause upon a finding that it is in the
public interest to do so. The proposal must include a statement
concerning whether bidder is a “ resident bidder as defined in
ORS 279.029; and whether or not a contractor or subcontractor
must be licensed under ORS 468.883. Interested parties are to
contact Tracy Louden at 378-3199 prior to September 12,1991
to receive a Request for Proposal.
Janice Dean, Manager
Budget and Finance
Technical Support
Are you interested in becoming
part of a strong team effort to
provide technical system sup­
port for Northwest Natural Gas
Company employee computer
users? The downtown One Pa­
cific Square location seeks
qualified candidates for a po­
sition that requires no less than
3 years experience in an IBM
3090 MVS XA/ESA environ­
ment with expert knowledge
of SMP/E and BAL.
Experience with CICS, Network
management tools, DB2 or
DATACOM products helpful.
College degree in computer
science, business or equiva­
lent combination of education/
experience preferred. Excel­
lent Benefit Package.
Please direct resume and letter
of application specifying this
position by September 20,
_ _
The contract to be awarded will end June 30,199 2. This project
? 1 00 percent federally funded by the Bonneville Power Admini­
20 1991.
City Of North Bend
Construction Of The New South Apron
Bids due 1 :30 pm, Sept. 23
Qualification and Data Management for
Super Good Cents Manufactured Housing
Deadline: September 20,1991
To obtain a com plete copy of the, Rquest for
Jan Simm ons, telephone 503-378-6968 or 1 ' ^ > 2 2 , 803:
Oregon. Proposals must be received by 5pm, Friday. Septe oer
« Advertising
& Employment
M Blds/Sub-Bids
TO $50,000.00
No Collateral, No Co-Signers.
Bad Credit and Bankruptcys OKAY
1 (800) 621-0770 Ext 23
Northwest Natural Gas
P.O. Box 3410
Portland, Oregon 97208-3410
FAX (503) 721-2506
An Equal Opportunity
JOB LINE 503/220-2434
Event Custodian
Oregon Convention Center
$7.28/hour 6 positions open
Portland Center for the
Performing Arts $7.63/hour
1 position open
W e’re looking for presentable,
industrious, reliable people to
assure that the Oregon Conven­
tion Center and the Portland
Center for the Performing Arts
are clean, orderly and properly
maintained for final set-up and
event maintenance and follow
Minimum one year experience in
facility cleaning or janitorial work.
You must be able to work inde­
pendently and follow written and
oral instructions. You must be
able to work with the general
public present; you must be able
to perform dirty work while stay­
ing personally clean and present­
able. You must be able to stand
and walk for your entire shift.
Some lifting. You must be avail­
able to work any day, any shift.
You must be willing to be CPR
Position open only to residents of
the First Opportunity Target Area.
Boundaries are: N. Columbia Bv.
on the North, N E 42nd Ave on the
East, Banfield Freeway on the
South, N. Chautauqua, including
Columbia Villa on the West.
sonnel Office at the COLISEUM,
1401 N. Wheeler. Applications
are available September 6 -1 9 ,
from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
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