M r« . F ra n c e s U n iv e r s ity Eugene, 97403 S c h o e n -N e w s p a p e r ai O re g o n Roc L ib r O re g o n BSERYER PO RTI September 11,1991 "The Eyes and Ears o f The Community" Volumn XXI, Number 37 25

ve the depth of their library (understandable) and wish to emphasize that this program deserves all the support we can provide. There are other good programs I have not mentioned here and parents need to get over to their schools, work on com- mitees and even visit that great orange administration building’ to avail them­ selves first hand of the data and specific informational services. Yes, it is true that 520,000 children enrolled this fall in Oregon’s finan­ cially strapped education system -and that we don’t know how this academic vs vocational tracking ploy is going to play out for minority kids, and we are cognizant that further cuts are coming- -but, nevertheless we arc going to have to take the offensive as indicated. When we think of our commitment think of the Latin name for the Redwood Tree, Sequoia Scmpervirens, “ Everlasting, Evcrliving!” I