« * * « • • « • » « » • • • • « '• * ♦ Y e-r% * Page 6...The P o rtla n d O b s e n er ...September 4,1991 ♦-W 4Y 4 Portland Observer ENTERTAINMENT Native Portlander Provides Positive Model for Youth H er b AI p e r t by T o n y MUSIC Now that honesty and vision have resulted in one of the most innovative and ¿»ciung albums o f his career. And that’s a career that includes seven Grammy awards, 15 Platinum albums and nearly 75 million records sold worldwide - all for the label he co-founded and nurtured. From the days when his Herb & The TJB were butting heads with the best of the British Invasion for chart space, Herb has never stopped moving; his music has never stopped evolving. A Youth Talent Extravaganza “Push The Positive” Pine Street Theatre 221 S.E. Ninth & Pine W a s h in g to n Arnold Pitre, a native Portlander , works as the field operations manager for S. Brooks and Associates Corpora­ tion, Handyworker Division. Arnold and his wife Judi have four sons, and are concerned about the plight of today’s youth in our society and in our communities. Pitre says “ Too much emphasis is placed on youth activities that go con­ trary to the law. The commercialism and hype concemig the gang activities, drug problems etc. sends negative Musician, Composer, Label Visionary, Artist Entrepreneur and Jazz Afficionado Herb Alpert is many things to many people, but h e’s always been true to himself, Pitre Production presents messages to our youth. Very often our youngsters are merely em ulating the behavior they view on the movie screen, the television programs, or what they read in the newspaper. They are re­ ceiving the wrong messages. They need to see more positive behavior by their peers.” Pitre’s intention and aim is to pro­ vide a means for young people to dem ­ onstrate and showcase their positive capabilities, to “ PUSH THE POSI­ TIV E.” * Superb youth entertainment * Top local artists Gospel singing Shirley Nanette * Boka Marimba * Norman Sylvester *Benny Wilson * Brenda Phillips * Paulette Davis * * Andrew Clay * Admission: $10.00 (food included) For ticket information call* 284-7930 or Pine Street Theatre * 231-8382 Portland Observer * 288-0020 223-9919 31 NW First M IL L E N N IU M 1:00-7:00 pm (a full night o f entertainment) Fun fo r the entire family (under 12 admitted free) WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 4 Josephine Ocean Travel Robert's 23R D & N W JOHNSON 2 4 8 -0 1 6 3 32N D & E BURNSIDE 2 3 1 -8 9 2 6 Herb has ever attempted before. 3415 N .E . B ro a d w a y (503) 287-1745 THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 5 Tempest th e new album is NORTH ON SOUTH ST. It’s a dance album. It’s unlike anything plus CLASSICAL M IL L E N N IU M n ext to EAST SIDE LOCATION. L o w F all F ares V a lid S e p t. 4 - D ec. 1 5 ,1 9 9 1 FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 6 Arnold Bros. P u r c h a s e By O ct. 3 1 ,1 9 9 1 7 D a y A d v a n c e P u rc h a s e SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 7 Blubinos ^ethnic A r t works Gallery "Works of Color" ~ • t '. ' si» September 5tli - 28th by: Charlotte Lewis Yvonne Manipon Charles Taluni 316 N.E. Tiontpsoii • Portland, Oregon 97212 (503)288-3779 Gallery Hours - Tues. - Sul. 12-6 4 Klacks North of Broufnwy r ’ > ; j i "% « ♦ . j ; » I <‘ > " i.v j-J Ice Cream A t Its Best Special O ccasions W h en Folks in Portland M ost Enjoy Ice C ream At a birthday, wedding o r graduation party 33% W h en th e w e a th e r is h o t 17% Sum m ertim e 15% W ith family 12% $298.00 ▼ E a st C o a s t ▼ Presents: *'» '< _ ▼ M id W est ▼ SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 8 Perfect 10 MONDAY SEPTEMBER 9 KGON & Chrylsalis Records .92€ concert with Chrissy Steele ♦ TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 10 PM A Showcase $338.00 N e w Y ork W a s h in g to n , D .C . A tla n ta C h ic a g o F lo rid a ▼ T h e W e st ▼ D e n v e r $238.00 S an D ie g o $238.00 Los A n g e le s $218.00 S a n F ra n c isc o $198.00 - Call Today - G abi s A M E R IC A ’S F A M IL Y T R A D IT IO N F O R 121 Y E A R S ! f e a t u r i n g l i v e m u s ic \Nednesday thru S u n d a y To satisfy a craving 9% F rid a y & S a tu rd a y , S e p te m b e r 6 & 7 a t 9 :0 0 pm To relax 9% 7Vew A ttitude - with Joshua Staples As a late night snack 9% S u n d a y , S e p te m b e r 8 at 7 :0 0 pm - '. e x K a n sa s C ity M in n e a p o lis /S t. P a u l M ichael Cooper a n d Calvin Walker Survey of 100 Portland ice cream purchasers M o n . a n d T u e s ., S e p te m b e r 9 & 10 at 9 :0 0 pm Source: BREYERS* Ice Cream H Blues on the Jukebox SIT W e d . a n d T h u rs ., S e p te m b e r 11 & 12 at 9 :0 0 pm “A lusty show that spells community theater at its best’ Willamette Week D.J. B u zzy’ Movie passes for a special advance screening of Livin’ Large (one per person) plus posters and t-shirts wifi be given away on a first come first serve basis while supplies last this Friday at 9:00 pm. ‘The funniest play o f the summer. The People’s choice!” “ PASSIN” Thursday, Friday, Saturday at 8pm Sundays at 7pm - now thru September 15th 5 700 THE PORTLAND BLACK REPERTORY THEATRE IS BACK! Í - 7 : « i i, , ■ k f'& f ■yr •,*> r- » - ,<•> ¿ ». .'A> * v . - •/ * ¿1 I > Ív'í-^V- *7*|¿** '* ' j - ’V ’ '.i"'.» î •ï •>' ~4 • ■•- Jr. B lv d BR O U G H T TO YOU BY „ Family Dining < Catering * Specialty Menu Reservations 287-3959 .Down Home Cooking At Its Very Best! “A must see!” .C a tfis h * R e d S n a p p e r .B B Q R ib s .S te a k s Tickets available at: T ue. SEPT. 17 M usic M ille n n iu m Record Stores J a B e ll’s Beauty Supplies M rs. C ’s W igs Or.c Stop Records FndMayv family night . Spirit katuo 2 .6 A M B re a k fa s t . H o t F o o d E x p re s s L in e 1 1am - 2 p m Present this ad at the door on Thursday, Aug. 29 or Sept. 5, and receive ‘‘two fo r one’ ’ admission price . M a s te r C h a rg e . V is a . A m e ric a n E x p re s s T o e. SEPT. 17 a t 7:30P M SAVE $3“ m xrrs SEPT SEPT SEFT SEFT SEFT 18......................... 1 9 ................... J JOPMt 20 ..................................... 21 llOOAMt 3 50PM .... 22 ................. 1 JOFM ’ JOPMt 7 JOFMt ’ JOFM* 7 JOFM 5 JOFM t rnnmnnn (7 q 1 kids * shows KIDS ÜNDFR 12 KPTV »AVI $2.00 * 1S FREE R? SPORT WATCH! Steen’s Kitchen Fri. SEPT. 20 7:50P M One FUFF Sport Watch per child under 12 •nth paid admission' 7332 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. WAYS TO GET YOUR TICK ETS coliseum box OFFICE and all Gl JOE'S TICKETMASTER locations Including CIVIC AUDITORIUM & FCPA Box Offices f renter charge a d d ed a t outlet!) BY PHONE: (5 0 3 ) 2 4 8 -4 4 9 6 . renter charge ad (dtd d ed to Obtint phone enden) BY MAIL: Send self addressed, stamped envelope with check or money order parable to RINGLING BROS CIRCUS. Memorial Coliseum, F O Box 2746. Portland OR 97208 (11 JO renVce charge pee m all order) n i l h c o u p o n i f r o m THRJFTX'AY a n d MARKETS' SEXTET MA) For Best Results vertise in the Observer Sun. SEPT. 22 IN PERSON: w ith c o u p o n » from I Hl I » MEYER Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun . P e a c h C o b b le r thru P o rtla n d M e m o ria l C o liseu m .T u rn ip G re e n s .C o r n b r e a d .C h itte rlin g s .Y a m s .B la c k e y e d P e a s .S w e e t P o ta to P ie s tfV -i J$,-£y.a ! ’ 249-1893 L u th e r K in g , M a r tin Homestyle Cooking at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural C enter 5340 N interstate .*< NE Inform ation: (5 0 5 ) 2 4 8 -4 4 9 6 G roup Rates: (5 0 5 ) 2 5 5 -8 7 7 1 o r (5 0 5 ) 2 5 0 -6 7 0 2 ALL SEATS RESERVED $ 7 .5 0 - $ 9 .5 0 - $ 1 1 . 5 0 puree includes tax * * * • * * * A * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ♦ ♦ * * * * * * * * ♦ + 1 • • ' ✓ V Í s ,: t ■ -• t ■. • < ■»»* V I 1 - * • A -* t.J 4 • J » • A.-.*, • • • » •