September 4,1991...Ttie Portland Obsei ver...Pagt 3 * Portland Observer Scripture o f the Meetc RELIGION In Loving Memory of Jessie Mae Varner M allory A venue C hurch of C hrist 3908 NE M A LLO R Y Minister Gregory Fobbs M arch 2 ,1 9 1 9 -August 10,1991 A V EN UE SUNDAY SCHEDULE Bible school, 9:30 am. Morning Worship, 10:45 am. Evening Bible Class, 5:00 pm. Evening Worship, 6:00 pm. Attended nursery for all services Wednesday prayer meeting and bible study, 7:30 pm. 288-1092 Advocating NEW TESTAMENT CHRISTIANITY Jessie Mae Varner Jessie Mae Varner was bom in Roston, Arkansas on March 2,1919, to Lewis and Mary J. Moss. She was the fifth of eight children. Jessie attended Oakgrove High School and enjoyed playing basketball in those early years. She furthered her education at Pine Bluff College in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. In 1943 she moved to Portland, Oregon, becoming one of the few black women welders. In 1947 she married James P. Varner and to this union two children were bom. Jessie worked in the medical field Jesus Loves You! at Saint Vincent Hospital for thirteen years. In 1965 she became Director of C-CAP (Church Community Action Program). She was also a member of the Order of the Eastern Stars P.H.A., and the United Methodist Women. From 1968 to 1983 Jessie worked as a community agent for the Portland Public Schools. In this role she in­ spired many would-be dropouts to continue their formal education. In 1983 she retired only to find herself a volunteer for Loaves and Fishes; later she became Assistant Man­ ager. Jessie, a Christian, was a member of Hughes Memorial United Method­ ist Church. Throughout her life she touched the lives of many, both young and old. The experience with Jessie was always positive and inspiring. Her well spent life came to an end on August 10,1991. She leaves loving memories with her husband of forty- four years, James P. Varner; four broth­ ers, Willie Moss of Dallas, Texas, Dexter Moss of Philadelphia, Penn­ sylvania, Delma Moss of Little Rock, Arkansas, and Chester Moss of Oakland, California; two children, Charles C. Moss and Brenda Y. Hill of Portland, Oregon; two grandchildren, Damany A. Williams and Kiara C. Hill; and a host of family members and friends. In Loving Memory of Geneva Warren Allen Tem p le CME CL urch 1910 -1991 Psalm 34:3 Geneva Cage Warren was the first born of nine children to Mr. Willie Cage and Mrs. Mary Griffen Cage on April 10, 1910 in Vicksburg, Missis­ sippi. She passed away from this life August 23, 1991. Geneva and her family came to Portland, Oregon in 1946 where she was employed as a domestic worker for over forty years. 4236 NE Eigth Avenue (corner of 8th & Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 ip S. Nelson Pastor Matthew 13:3 Mollorly Avenue Christion Church D i s c i p l e MARANATHA CHURCH New Worship Service Come expecting worship services, with contemporary music, practical preaching from the Bible, and sharing from personal experiences Service times are: Early Sunday Morning Worship at 8:00 AM (New) Sunday School at 9:30 AM Regular Sunday Morning Service at 10:45 AM Sunday Evening Service at 6:00 PM Wednesday Evening Service at 7:00 PM Sunday, "Maranatha Live”: KPDQ 93.7 FM at 11:00 PM Sunday, September 8, 1901 at 8:00 AM & 10:45 AM "HOW TO HANDLE LIFE’S DEEPEST HURTS & TOUGHEST PROBLEMS” Sunday, September 8, 1991 at 6:00 PM "RESTORING PURPOSE IN OUR GENERATION" Wednesday, September 11,1991 at 7:00 PM " M A R A N A T H A 'S V IS IO N ’ Prayer for healing every Service 4222 N.E. 12th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 288-7241 f C h r i s t God's Presence promises Pouuer through Jesus Christ in Good Times and Sod Times Motthecu / /.2 8 "Come to me all you who ore weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest" 9:45am 11:00am 7:30pm Sunday School M orning Worship Tuesday Bible Study and Prayer Inter-racial Congregation 126 N.E Alberta D enise FI. Bell, P ostor t Portland. OR 97211 t (503) 288-5173 ^ B a p tis t 8101 N. Fiske Avenue Portland, Oregon 97203 Church Phone: 2 8 9 -0 1 4 7 Study Phone: 2 8 9 -1 9 1 1 Sunday Service 10:45 Sunday School 9:30 Bible Study 6:00 Evening Service 7:00 P.M. Pastor. Rev James C.F. Faulkner Them e: W hatever you're going to do fo r th e Lord, do it now i Peter iv. 1 3 Pastor Wendell Wallace personally invites von to be bis special guest at o s Geneva Cage Warren She united with the Union Baptist Church, Rev. C. Thompson, Pastor. After the death of Rev. Thompson, she became a member of Vancouver Ave­ nue First Baptist Church and was a faithful member. There she served dili­ gently with Senior Missionary Eliza­ beth Circle until she became disabled. She leaves to mourn her passing away, her beloved husband of fifty-six years and five months, Willie Warren; one son, Julious Miller and daughter- in-law Clara Miller of Portland; two grandchildren, Ms. Sharon Miller and Richard Glenn Miller of Portland; one great-grandchild. Miss Tamara Sic of Portland; sisters, Mrs. Sophonia Miller of Clarkdale, Mississippi, Mrs. Laurie Fisgures of Grand Rapids, Michigan, Ms. Idella Cage of Portland, Mrs. Hat­ tie Mae Richardson of Moss Point, Mississippi; brothers, J.B. Cage of Vicksburg, Mississippi, Tommy Cage of Grand Rapids, Michigan, W.C. Cage of Portland; and a host of nieces and nephews. We all will miss you Geneva, but someday, that great and wonderful day, we will meet again, and what a rejoic­ ing that will be. We love you so. The family wishes to specially thank Deacon Bush and Deacon Graham, serving her communion. Also to every­ one, whatever the contribution was, during her illness. 1st A n n u a l K ic k -o ff B e n e fit Urban Entertainment Coalition, Inc. 573 North Killingsworth, Suite 207 Portland, OR 97217 Terry Porter of the Portland Trail­ blazers and the Urban Entertainment Coalition 1st Annual Kick-off benefit is scheduled for September 21 at the Portland Marriott at 7:00 p.m. Urban Entertainment Coalition is a non-profit organization that raises funds for stu­ dents in need of scholarship assistance in the arts, music and drama. For more information please call 240-5353 M ADD M o th e rs Against D ru n k D r iv in g FU N ERA L & D IR E C T O R S Fam ily Owned and Operated Since 1954 Serving the City o f Portland fo r over 37 years In your hour o f need Vann &Vann are there to serve Cleodus Vann 503/281-2836 5211 N. W illia m s P o rtla n d , O r. 97217 MT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH WE ARE MOVING SUNDAY SERVICES TO Stone Tower Church, N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 30th Worship Services 8:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. Church School 9:30 A.M, to 10:30 A.M. Bible Study. Wednesdays. 116 N.E.Schuyler 10:30 A.M. and 6:30 P.M. Radio Ministry each Sunday. 8:00 A.M.-KBMS A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin. Senior Pastor Church Office 116 N.E. Schuy er. Research works, American Heart Association V