Page 10...The Portland Observer...Septeinber 4,1991 1 Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 4 4200 Main Street, V ancouver, WA 98668 P.O. Box 1709 V ancouver, W ashington 98668 Bid O pening S eptem ber 13, 1991 Sealed bids will be received by the State of Washington, Depart­ ment of Transportation, at District #4 Headquarters in Vancou­ ver, W ashington until Friday, September 13,1991, at 10:00 a.m. and will then and there be opened and publicly read for the construction of the improvement listed below, This is a District 4 Contract. Performance and bids bonds will be required on this project. Any person, firm, or corporation not currently piequalified with the Department of Transportation and desiring to submit a bid on this project must file a Standard Prequalification Questionnaire and Financial Statement with the Prequalification Engineer at the Department of Transportation, Transportation Building, Olym­ pia, WA. 98504-5201. The questionnaire must be properly filled in, executed, and received not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of bid opening to be considered for prequalification. Pre­ qualification is required before a proposal can be obtained. Plans and contract provisions, may be obtained from the District 4 Plans Office upon written request to the Plans Engineer, District 4 Headquarters, P.O. Box 1708, Vancouver, WA 98668, or by calling (206) 696-6142. A copy of the plans and contract provisions may be inspected in the Chapter Offices of the Associated General Contractors of America in Seattle, Tacoma, and the Construction Data Plan Centers in Portland. The im provement for which the bids will be received follows: SR 504 HOFFSTADT MOUNTAIN SLIDE This contract provides for the improvement of 0.23 miles of SR 504, MP 25.19 to MP 25.42, in Cowlitz County, Hoffstadt Moun­ tain Slide, by clearing and grubbing, grading, draining, surfacing, erosion contrtol, constructing a shear key and other work. The primary class of work on this project is Class 1. (Estimate Range: $1,250,000 to 1,500,000) Kieth E. Ahola, P.E. Acting District Administrator Professional WELDERS/FITTERS Major manufacturer of large min­ ing and earthmovin? equipment has openings for individuals with the following qualifications: Read and interpret blueprints and welding symbols. Minimum of 1 year experience in all positions of welding with .035 and .045 GMAW, E7018 SMAW and Flat 8« Horizontal 3/32 and 1/16 FCAW. Must be available for any shift & have personal welding gear. r' ? . *“ , < * 4» Starting wage is $10.65 per hour ................. “1 tor with an additional $.20 for Swina -’ 4. ’ Shift. Benefits include Medical. ................. al, Dental, Vision and Union Pension Plans. Z Qualified individuals are en­ couraged to apply between 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. ... e uT»-. A dm in. A nalyst III $2330 - $2970/Mo. Professional, admin, position in support of Human Rights and Social Service Commission. Will provide prof, support in carrying out major staff functions, con­ duct research, procedural and admin, studies; prepare reports and budgets. Consid. exp. in organizational mgmt. Degree in Bus. or public admin.; or eqyuv, exp. and training. Knowledge of local govt., mediation; commu­ nity resources; human rights and social service issues. Exp. de­ veloping RFP’s preferred. Closes; 9/13/91. Apply: City of Salem, Pers. Dept., Rm. 225, 555 Lib­ erty SE, Salem, OR 97301 EOE Wagner Mining and Construction Equipment Co. « . ’• * s • •••< \ e 1 î.-> ■?. *>< K “< 4424 N.E. 158th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97230 In fo rm a tio n a l A d ve rtise m e n t D epartm ent o f T ra n s p o rta tio n H ighw ay D ivisio n Request for Proposals Q u a lific a tio n and Data M anagem ent fo r Super Good C ents M a nufactured H ousing DEADLINE: S eptem ber 20, 1991 Call for Bids Sealed bids will be received until 9 a.m. on September 26,1991, for the projects listed below; The Oregon Department of Energy is responsible for qualifying m anufactured housing for Super Good Cents certification. The Department is seeking a contractor to process applications and provide information management services for this program. Computer equipment and ability to use PARADOX 3.5 software is required. The contract to be awarded will end June 20,199 2. This project is 100 percent federally funded by the Bonneville Power Adm ini­ stration. To obtain a complete copy of the Request for Proposals, contact Jan Simmons, telephone 503-378-6968 or 1-800-221-8035 in Oregon. Proposals must be received by 5 pm, Friday, Septem ­ ber 20, 1991. NO LATE PROPOSALS W ILL BE ACCEPTED. County Deschutes* Redmond-Bend/North Unit Section of The Dal- les-California Hwy., south of Redmond. A.C. Pave­ ment and Oiling. DBE Goal. Multnomah* Tacoma Street Interchange-17th Ave. Connec­ tion Section/Unit 2 of Pacific Hwy. E. at McLough- lin Blvd. Reinforced Concrete and Structural Steel Bridges and Grade Separation Structures. DBE Goal. Lincoln** Yaquina Bay Bridge-Newport Section of Oregon Coast Hwy. Bridge Rehabilitation and Cathodic Protection. DBE Goal. Plans, specifications, and bid documents may be obtained in Rm. 10, Transportation Building, Salem, OR 97310. Prime con­ tractors must be prequalified ten days prior to the bid opening day. For additional information, please contact Commission Services at 378-6526. If your business is not certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) or a W omen Business Enterprise (WBE), please contact the Office of Minority, Women, and Emerging Small Business at 155 Cottage, Salem, OR 97310, phone (503) DATA PROCESSING INSURANCE SALES Supervisor Information Services Marketing Representative Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ore­ gon, a health Insurance carrier, is currently accepting applica­ tions for a Marketing Represen­ tative to work in their National and Negotiated Accounts depart­ ment. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ore­ gon Is currently accepting appli­ cations for Supervisor In the In­ formation Services area of our Total Plan Alternatives division. 378-5651. ‘ A DBE prebid workshop w ill be held at the AGC Center, 9450 SW Commerce Circle, W ilsonville, OR 97070 AT 9 a.m. on Thursday, September 19,1991. **A mandatory prebid meeting w ill be held at the auditorium of the Mark O. Hatfield Marine Science Center, Marine Sci­ ence Dr. (South Beach) In Newport, Oregon, at 8 a.m. on Thursday. September 12,1991. The doors to the auditorium w ill be locked precisely at 8:00 a.m. after which no one will be admitted. Bidders on this project must have submitted special prequalification form s by August 5,1991, and must have been accepted in w riting by the division. Qualified candidates will have a minimum of 3 years experience ■ • processing ’------- 'th knowl- in data wltf. ......... edge of COBOL, DOS, JCL, ICFF, SORT, ID, CAMS and IBM Utilities. IBM Hardware with DOS fam iliarity is required. Other re­ quirements Include an overall understanding of the insurance industry and related administra­ The Marketing Representative is responsible for marketing and servicing accounts who prim ari­ ly have Union involvement and/or multiple or regional loca­ tions. This positon coordiantes benefit programs, develops new accounts and extends the benefit scope of present accounts on an economically sound basis to meet or exceed required quotas. tive functions. Claims processing and eligibility , .. administration un» ------ knowledge would be Ideal ex- icrience. A college degree may E ............. wi. iln demonsfrated ue substituted Qualified applicants must have a degree in marketing or re evant field, or equivalent marketing experience, a successful track record in sales preferably in health and life insurance and have a sensitivity Io union and management relationships. The position also requires strong written communication skit s to assist in ttie writing of booklets and conracts and attendance at conventions, trust meetings and enrollment meetings as needed. experlenc in D.P. The Supervisor's responsibilities will Include: • • SALES Develop, Implement and ma­ intain the D.P. systems , Ensure the systems develop­ ment and modification protects are completed on schedule and according to specifications • Hire, train and develop staff Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ore­ gon offers on excellent employ­ ee benefits package and cotn- pelitive salary. Pre-employment '—•J. To as­ drug screening required. sure your resume is processed immediately, place ad //169 at the top of your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume fo: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Ore­ gon offers an excellent employ- ee benefits package, flex-Ume work rk hours and competitive salary. Pre-employment drug screening required. To assure your resume is processed Im ­ mediately, place ad// 204 at the top of your resume or In your cover letter. Send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th Fir 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 TDD// 225-6700 Equal Opportunity Employer P A R A G P A R A G O N C A B LE 30 75 NE S and y Blvd. P ortland, OR 97 232 E q u a l O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y e r Holladay Park Medical Center 1225 Northeast 2nd Avenue (503) 233-4567 ItCACV Sales -Service -Parts 4011N.E. Union Ave. Portland Oregon 97212 288-3233 An Equal Opportunity Employer For All Your M aintenance and Landscaping NEEDS! A ll Americans Picture Lawn Landscape M aintenance (503) 654-7188 Portland, OR Betty Cabine proprietor TUES - SAT 11:30-6:00 r y '~ < 3Ö& ■ 781 -6659 P R O F E S S IO N A L P R E S S U R E W A S H IN G A N D W I N D O W C L E A N IN G High Quality • Reasonable Rates Residential • Commercial MRS C’ s WIGS 1 f ¡lAV-z BOYD Licensed - Bonded - Insured Q uality G uaranteed O ffice Cleaning Specialists CALL Roland Reed ■>: ' ► » •’& ! •>.tf Z.t> .-•.X-» Weed Control, Lawn Insect Control, Moss Control and Pruning A Legacy Member Preferred Carpet Cleaning Head Fixer/Jim McGowne k VISA Wholesale & Retail Hundreds of Wigs Gutters For your everchanging lifestyles ☆ • Naomi Sims • Bornfree • Michael Weeks Roofs And other name brands Sidewalks ★ Everything from current styles to specialty wigs unique hair ornaments Hair beads & beauty supplies Mrs. C's Ebony Essence Cosmetics BEAUTICIAN Zuri Cosmetics 281 -6525 7th & Fremont ( 707 N.E. Fremont ) Patios ★ FREE ESTIMATES ★ A STUDENT DISCOUNTS ★ Storm Windows ★ P.O. Box 11583 Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 I Awnings ■A Phone: (5 0 3 )72 0-7 27 7 Doors ★ Moss Removal Bonded • Insured • License 72846 Skylights Driveways ,OO* HUMAN HAIR FOR BRAIDING * WEAVING ★ Parking lots VI 4'Ä>-1 h j’ -% ' Windows ★ ;.A 1 r N Are you interested in a career in Cable TV Sales? Well, HERE is a good place to start. Right now we are accepting applications for Residential Sales Reps and are looking for you. We offer good com ­ missions, excellent benefits, and a guarantee vs. com m ission. You need to have reliable transporta­ tion and a CAN DO attitude. We want to hear from you today so please call 230-2099 and ask for Rick Beaulieu to schedule an interview. D on’t de­ lay... Your future starts right now! Paragon offers a drug/free workplace. Human Resources Dept., 5th Fir. 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 TDD// 225-6780 Equal Opportunity Employer Hru/th S^lem C om m itted to Carter O p p o rtu n ity T o r O Direct Sales Representative Equal Opportunity Employer McMurphy 's Appliance Center »Employment » Blds/Sub-Blds O regon D epartm ent o f Energy 24-H our Job Line 239-3116 ? M Advertising f *** • *« ,• * Screens