Page 6 ...T h e P o rtla n d O b s e rv e r ...A u g u st 28,1991 Seahawks look to be average in 1991 ALL ROADS LEAD T O ... b \ A a r o n F e n tre s s CHRYSLER • PLYMOUTH WHY PAY MORE??? 1991 CHRYSLER 5TH AVENUE *1 5,995 STK# P379 TO CHOOSE FROM ^DONT E Q U IP M E N T , Automatic i Air • AM FM Radio , P/Windows • P/Door Locks • P/Seat • Cruise Control *n<( MISS OUT!!! , Tilt Wheel , Air Bag D ” A Handshake Is All It Takes” PLYMOUTH brand new 9 rs # J IN CUSTOMER SATISFACTION EQUIPMENT THESE NEW 1991 VOYAGERS WON’T LAST!!! ’ -•I . .*/ ’•* f ; / * ♦ » « : • Power brakes • Headlight warning • Corrosion protection injected • Fuel ii iniecit i • 20 galruel aa tank • Tinted glass • Glass vents • Halogen head lamps • Cloth interior ' • ? ;y. ’z ’ * « « ‘ ■ • S • ■ tf: Vanity mirrors AM/FM stereo Power steering Automatic transmission Rear window washer/wiper Intermittent wipers 7 passenger seating 2.5 Liter <’;í * 1 2 ,4 8 8 Starting As Low As ?•**• j. - -1. M Subject to prior sale. Graphics for A D purposes only. ^ E Z Î L — 3 CZ • „ • .7 V The Seattle Seahawks were s u p p o s e d ly g o in g th ro u g h a re b u ild in g p e rio d last season. Although their9-7 record shows that they w eren’t exactly a powerhouse, it did show that rebuilding or not— the Seahawks don't have very far to go before they can be regarded as serious contenders. The Seahawks started off last season w ith three straight losses while ending the season wining five of six and m issing the playoffs by only a half game. Although it would be stretching it a bit to say that the Seahawks will pick up in 1991 w here they left off in 1990, it is safe to say that with the parody in theNFL, the Seahawks have a solid shot at making the playoffs. O ffense To m ake the playoffs the Seahawks will count heavily on running back Derrick Fenner. Fenner came out of no where last season to finish sixth in the AFC in rushing with 859 yards and 14 touchdow ns. Fenner, coupled with fullback John L. W illiam s (714 y a rd s , th re e touchdow ns) give the Seahawks a dangerous running attack to keep the pressure off of quarterback Da ve Krieg, who will need it. Krieg's streakiness as a passer m akes the running gam e that m uch more im portant because Krieg can't be counted on to win games. If he does, fine. W hen he doesn't, Fenner and W illiams will have to carry the load. Krieg finished 11 th in the AFC last season in passing. While Krieg's completion percentage of 59.2 was impressive, his touchdow n passes (15) to interceptions (20) was the worst of his career. Third year man Kelly Stouffer looked to be the Seahawks QB of the future, but the Seahawks m ade San Diego State QB Dan McGwire their num ber one pick in last spring’s draft. If Krieg struggles McGwire will probably be the man. But to expect a rookie to step in and lead a team to the playoffs is asking a lot. If Krieg is to be successful he will need 4 th year m an Brian Blades to regain his form of 1989. Thatyear Blades produced over a 1,000 yards and landed in the Pro-Bowl. Last season Blades accounted for only 49 catches. On the other side of EUades is Tommy Kane who benefited from Blades' lack of productivity. Kane caught 52 passes for over 700 yards. T he S e a h a w k s g o t som e receiving help in the draft landing receivers Doug Thomas (Clemson) and David Daniels (Penn State). Both run under 4.5 and will gi ve the Seahawks some speed off the bench and challenge Jeff Chadwick and Paul Skansi for roster spots. Defense Defensively the Seahawks will be lead by their defensive line. Defcnsiveend Jacob Green (12 sacks) is Seattle's most feared pass rusher w hile second year m an C ortez Kennedy will be expected to live up to his potential as the third player tak e n in th e 1990 NFL d ra ft. Kennedy, along with Joe Nash and Jeff Bryant will give offenses trouble up the m iddle at Defensive tackle. At the other end Tony W oods figures to be a quality pass rusher due to his quickness. But according to scouting reports, W oods is most effective against the run. Last season the Seahaw ks defense finished 9th overall in the NFL. Seattle was 10th against run and 11 th against the pass. Although 9th is not bad, Sea ttle will need better play from their defensive backs to improve in 1991. Last season the secondary accounted for only 12 interceptions fin ish in g 23rd in th e NFL in tak e a w a y /g iv e a w a y ratio. The secondary is considered solid but unspectacular. D espite the low interception rate they did manage to give up an NFL low 10.8 yards percompletion. TheSeahawksbend but they don't break. But sometimes you have to break a little to force the action and create turnovers. Free safety, Eugene Robinson d e fin e s w h a t th e S e a h a w k s' secondary is all about. He's a solid p lay e r b u t u n sp e cta cu la r at m aking the big play. At Strong S afety S e a ttle s ta rts N esby Glasgow who is considered too slow and too old at 34. Glasgow is a liability w hen matched up m an to m an w ith fast backs out of the back field. Glasgow will be challenged by second year m an Robert Blackmon. At com er Dwayne Harper and P a tric k H u n te r are considered good zonedefenders but lack m an to m an ability. L in e b ac k e r is also a problem for the Seahawks. Dave W ym an is co n sisten t in the m iddle but has knee problems. Rufos Porter is the speed rusher for the Seahawks but lacks size at 226 pounds. Terry W ooden showed promise in his rookie season last year before suffering a knee injury. If the Seahawk backers are going to be effective they will need to keep these three healthy because the position lacks depth. OUTLOOK Although it's tough to predict the outcom e of the AFC West every year, it seems apparent that the Los Angeles Raidersand the Kansas City Chiefs will lead the way in 1991. The Seahaw ks look to challenge Denver for third place and a possible wild card playoff spot. The Seahawks are at best an average team right now. Butaverage is enough to m ake it to the playoffs with the new 12 team format used for the first time last season. Look for the Seahawks to be com petitive all year long, even giving the R aiders and Chiefs a tough time. Eut in the end the Seahawks will finish 8-8 w ith an outside shot at the playoffs. I I I I HUD HAS A HOME FOR YOU, AVAIUABUE NOW! « •< , ?<7< '< NEW VOYAGERS NOW IN STOCK! CHECK THE EQUIPMENT DONT Mill O U T !!! 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So to see a HUD home available in your area, call your real estate agent now! For your information: Details, conditions, program changes and Express Bid information on the HUD programs are included in the classified section of your Sunday Oregonian À - M HURRY, THESE GUYS ARE DEALING!” 665-7121 “ A Handshake Is All It Takes” or MINORITY rk-»r r-A OT n A U t/fl I GRESHAM 254-2076 OWNED M 1975 EAST POWELL Ê T »AatuLunnA»** »« _ n M V OREGON DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY ★ All new cars are priced after rebates, all subject to prior sale. Exp 8/31/91 l V . * '»»n I « z > # .» » . Vi ’ ' . z <» *■< < *■* « z ^ * « «. a a ‘ AiUfcrWiX/1 1 * «