X % Page 10...T h e P o rtlan d O bserver...A ugust 28,1991 i Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS Informational Advertisement Department Of Transportation Highway Division SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Call For Bids ANDERSEN CONSTRUCTION CO., INC S ealed bids w ill be received until 9 a.m. on S eptem ber 2 6 ,1 9 9 1 , fo r the project listed below: 6712 N. Cutter Circle, Portland, OR 97217 (503) 283-6712, FAX: (503) 283-3607. We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from disadvan­ taged, minority, women, and emerging small business enterprises. Oregon Contractor's Board Registration #63053. The Metropolitan Service District (METRO) is soliciting proposals for a: ONE (1) P A S S E N G E R W IN D O W VAN FOR PUBLIC A FF A IR S R E C Y C LIN G D E M O N S TR A TIO N S P roposals m ust be delivered to the R egional Facilities D epart­ m ent P ro curem en t D ivision, 2000 S. W . First A venue, Portland, O regon 97201 5398, to the attention of Rich W iley no later than T u esday, S ep te m be r 3 at 12:00 Noon. P otential p ro p o se r m ay obtain request for proposal d ocum ents by co nta cting Rich W iley at 221-1646, Ext. 536. M etro m ay reject any proposal not in com pliance w ith all public bidding pro ced u re s and m ay reject for good cause any or all p ro ­ p osa ls upon a finding of the agency tha t it is in the p u b lic’s best in terest to do so. Sub-Bids Requested Boeing Building 85-105 Expansion Boeing Of Portland Bid Date: August 29,1991.2:00 p.m. LYDIG CONSTRUCTION, INC. P.O. Box 11035. Spokane, WA 99211 (509) 534-0451 FAX (509) 535-6622 CCB #67444 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business and small disadvantaged business sub contractors and women and minority business enterprises. in NE Portland priced from under $60,000 Come and talk with the builder. Let's discuss floor plans & other options. B.B.#58292 "You'll Love our quality and service" Don Jones Call Today H aw thorne Bridge Transition S tructure R econ­ struction H aw thorne Boulevard. R einforced C o n ­ crete and S tructural Steel Bridges and G rade S eparation S tructures. DBE Goal. Plans, specifications, and bid docum ents m ay be obtained in Rm. 10, Transportation Building, Salem , OR 97310. Prime c o n tra c­ tors m ust be p requalified ten days prior to the bid opening day. For additional inform ation, please contact C om m ission S ervices at 378-6526. If your business is not certified as a D isadvantaged B usiness En­ terprise (D BE) or a W om en Business Enterprise (W BE), please contact the O ffice of M inority, W om en, and Em erging Sm all B usiness at 155 C ottage, Salem , OR 97310, phone (503) 378- 5651. * A M A N D A TO R Y PR EB ID M EETING W IL L BE HELD AT 8:30 A.M. ON SEPTEMBER 10,1991, AT THE MULTNOMAH COUNTY BR ID G E SH O P, 1403 S.E. W A TER A V E N U E IN P O R TLA N D . REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The O regon E conom ic D evelopm ent D epartm ent (O EDD) and The Oregon Housing and Com m unity Services Departm ent (HSC) is seeking a co nsu lta nt w ith experience in d eve lo p m en t and m an­ a gem ent of econom ic and housing d eve lo p m en t projects. To receive a copy of the RFP call the OEDD, Human R esources S ec­ tion at (503) 378-6324. Proposals m ust be received by O E D D no later than 5:00 pm, M onday, S eptem ber 2, 1991. BOEING 85-105 BUILDING EXPANSION Bid Date: September 4,1991 @ 2:00 P.M. PDT NOTICE OF INTENT The O regon D epartm ent of Transportation, Highw ay Division, is seeking the services of a num ber of qualified consultants to conduct natural resource research and docum entation for se­ lected highw ay construction projects in O regon. The E nvironm ental Section w ill assign w ork on a project by p ro j­ ect basis, and request d iffe re n t kinds of natural resource re­ search and d ocum entation. A pproxim ately 50% of the research will be in w e tla nd s analysis, up to 30% in threatened and e n d a n ­ gered plant and anim al species analysis, and the balance o f the w o rk in such fields as general biology (including terrestrial, aquatic and fishery), w a te r chem istry/quality, stream hydrology/ m orphology and geology. If you are interested in being considered, a R equest for Q ua lifi­ cations can be obtained by calling (503) 378-6563 or w riting the P rogram S ection, 307 Transportation B uilding, S alem , OR 97301 S tatem ents of Q ualification are due S eptem ber 6, 1991 10,000 Black Workers May Be Eligible To Share In $40 Million Northwest Airlines Settlement As many as 10,000 black employ­ ees, former employees and job appli­ cants at Northv est Airlines are eligible lo share in an estimated $40 million GSA Physical Fitness Center settlement of a class action race dis­ Federal Building n crimination lawsuit against the com­ 911 N.E. 11th Avenue pany. Portland, Oregon Under terms of the settlement Bid Date: 9/5/91 @ 2:30 p.m. granted final approval by U.S. District Silco Construction Company Court Chief Judge Donald D. Alsop in Fax no. (503) 286-8079 St. Paul, Minn, earlier this month, We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from disadvan­ Northwest agreed to provide a hearing taged, minority, women or emerging small business enterprises process for black employees, former employees and job applicants to assert their claims at no cost to those asserting ASSEMBLY- such claims. Northwest also agreed to set aside FLEXIBLE HOURS approximately $3.5 million over the Oregon Cutting Systems, an es­ next five years to enhance hiring and tablished Oregon Manufacturer, promotion opportunities for black has immediate openings in the Tualatin area for part-time light employees and to pay $535,(XX) to 28 name plaintiffs in the case plus job and assembly workers. This 25-30 promotions. hour per week job is ideal for “ Black persons who believe that parents with school-age children they suffered discrimination in hiring, as it allows you your own pace promotion or termination at Northwest with a focus on high quality out­ between September 1, 1987 and Au­ put. Pay is based on a piece rate targeted at $10.00 per hour. No gust 16, 1991 should call 1-800-648- benefits are provided. 2388 if calling from outside Minnesota The ideal applicant will be detail or (612) 871-2388 if calling from oriented, able to work independ­ Minnesota,’’ said Paul Sprcnger, lead ently and dedicated to doing things counsel for plaintiffs in the class action right the first time. High school law suit and partner in the Washington, level math and reading skills are D.C. and Minneapolis law firm of required. Training in quality Sprcnger & Lang. “ Those who call to methods will be provided. assert a claim will be sent a claim form A GATB Test is required. The test is given at the Oregon City Employment Office on Tuesdays from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Please A/zxt-» Kn Q o n û t/a ’c contact Todd brown at the Ore­ gon city Employment Division for more details. His number is 657- 2120 OREGON CUTTING SYSTEMS DIVISION BLOUNT, INC Job Hot Line 653-4441 An Equal Opportunity Employer REQUESTING SUB-BIDS J.A.M. Development Don Jones, owner Salem 581-2552 County M ultnom ah* North/Northeast Portland Economic and Housing Development Projects Management NEW HOMES ^Advertising «Employment « Bids/Sub-Bids Portland 220-1623 and will be represented at a hearing by Sprcnger & Lang at absolutely no cost' to the individual filing the claim. Claims must be filed no later than October 15x 1991.” Sprenger said all legal fees and expenses incurred by Sprenger & Lang in representing those filing claims will be paid by Northwest Airlines. “ It is very significant that there is no cap on the amount of money and job relief for class members,” said Sprenger. If just a fraction of the potential claim­ ants actually file claims and receive awards at the same level as the 38 name plaintiffs, approximately $20 million will be awarded. Futhermore, if North­ west comes close to meeting its hiring goals, another $14 million will go to the class through jobs that would other­ wise have gone to non-blacks. The class action suit that resulted in this settlement was filed in m id-1989 and alleged Northwest’s hiring, pro­ motion and termination practices dis­ criminated against black job applicants and employees nationwide. In agreeing to a consent decree to settle the case, Northwest expressly denied any unlawful conduct, but said the settlement is a fair and reasonable resolution of the race discrimination issues raised in the case and that it ends what otherwise would have been pro­ tracted and expensive legal proceed­ ings. nity Tournament Basketball Classic 40M7J0 r- 1 a g ^A /onzo Scott Jr. ^Yot/r personal ' Sales Rep. For any new or used car Give your 1 Friends a I call at I Gresham i Dodge Get the Personal Touch Owned 666-2277 855 NE Burnside, Gresham, OR. 97030 Q h a a r P n rfn n tio n THE COALITION OF BLACK MEN OMEGA BOYS CLUB would like to invite everyone to their 3rd. Annual Picnic & Tennis Tournament Sunday, September 1, 1991 IRVING PARK (7th and Fremont) TENNIS TOURNAMENT Starts @ 9:00 A.M. $10.00 per entry per division Many divisions: Open, A, B, Women, Children, etc. Call 281-6001 or 286-3631 to register. Advanced registration encouraged. PICNIC Starts @ 1:00 P.M. The C.B.O.M. will supply Bar-B-Que grill, Hot dogs, Potato salad. Punch, and Eating implements. Please bring: Meats, Drinks, (no alcohol). Snacks, Fruit, etc. Chil­ dren’s games and prizes will be provided. Amos Allen looks to get away from Greg West at the Unity Basketball Classic. The week-long Unity Basketball Classic ended Saturday with the Clip­ pers sponsored by Geneva’s Shear Per­ fection, coming away with the win over the Las Vegas Runners, sponsored by Brown and Hankins. The basketball tournament took place last week with the theme “ Unity,” for Afro-Americans. The action was hot and heavy with the finest basketball talent .n the re­ gion, taking part. The games started at 6:(X)pm and 8:(X)pm every day ending with a championship game on Satur­ day, August 24. Attendance for the week-long event was 2,500. This out­ i t standing event was produced by Enter­ tainment and All. The commissioner of the tournament is Byron Brown, presi­ dent of Entertainment and All. This was the second year of the Unity Tour­ nament Basketball Classic, at Irving Park basketball complex. This year’s MVP was Tony Hamp­ ton, who led the Clippers to victory. The week of fun ended with a dance downtown at the Neighbors of Woodcraft Hall, where Paul and Ge­ neva Knauls added another trophy to their collection. Let’s give a special thanks to Entertainment and All, and those who made it happen. (