August 2 1 ,1991"'The Portland Observer-Page 3 • Portland Observer RELIGION A Skilled Foreman BY MATTIE ANN CALLIER-SPEARS In the book of St. John, in the eleventh chapter and the fortieth verse, Jesus asks the question, "D id n ’t I tell you that if you would believe, you would see the glory of God?’ ’ Many are wandering around, still groping in the dark, wondering, "W hat must I do to be saved? I accepted the Lord but I’m still not sure...” And the list goes on. The city of Portland, Oregon has been under spiritual construction for about ten years now. It will be a while before the last brick will be in place. Across the city and across < « the denominations, there has been change. The time for change is NOW! This construc­ tion that’s under way has employed new construction foremen. Each foreman comes to us equipped with a different skill. But every last one of them is working on the same project; toiling until its comple­ tion. The foremen have come in from such places as California, West Vir­ ginia, Ohio, Missouri, Texas and other states -- in this, our United States of America. United! Words such as this ring in our ears from the very fabric of our nation. Togetherness, unity, weav­ ing patterns, brotherly love and kind­ ness are words pouring from the pulpits throughout the city. One of the pulpits in Portland has recently been filled by one o f these young, energetic construction foremen. His name is Minister Gregory Fobbs. Rev. Fobbs is the newly appointed Minister of the Mallory Avenue Church of Christ located at 3908 NE Mallory Avenue. Minister Fobbs came to Portland, from Redwood City, California in March of this year. While he was here he had an opportunity to speak before the con­ gregation of Mallory Avenue Church of Christ. They enjoyed his message and the rapport he exhibited with the members of the congregation. “ Yes! He’s the one that God has sent to us,” said the members. “ We must get him to come back.” So during that time, Minister Fobbs was asked to consider pastoring Mallory Avenue Church of Christ. On the 16’.hofJune, 1991, Gre­ gory Fobbs, assistant pastor of Laurel Avenue Church of Christ in Redwood City, California arrived in Portland with his wife, Levearn, and three of their six children: Latricia, 20; Gregory, 11; and Kevin, 9. The two oldest children, Ronnette, 26, and Char­ les, 24, both live in Sac­ ramento, California. And there is yet an­ other, who happens to be the twin to Latricia. His name is Luther. He is a student at UCLA in Los Angeles. Gregory Fobbs, the son of Sam and Louise Fobbs, is not just any fly-by- night, nickel and dime preacher. He is a construction foreman with a purpose. He’s not just any foreman, but Gods’s chosen. He is skilled and accomplished. He’s degreed and able. Already, he has set in motion a Life Support Group, a Benevolence Program, an Evangelistic Outreach Program and a Youth Depart­ ment. With the help of God, he is look­ ing to accomplish great things in the Portland area. Rev. Fobbs, equipped with a BA in Social Work and the Holy Bible, came to evangelize the youth, give an up­ lifting hand to the down trodden and to bring hope to a comm unity under siege. The tools he brings with him are love, understanding, a listening ear, an open heart, prayer and fellowship with the Holy Spirit " I had never really thought about ministering to a church,” said Fobbs. He had always worked with and under someone. It was in 1974 that he took up the cross and answered the call to be­ come a minister. As a youth, coming up in church (Westside Church of Christ in San Mateo. California), he can re- Always stick with the Lord and never turn back.” mcmber attending worship service with his family. He chose to get involved. He became the Youth Director. He would coordinate recreational activi­ ties and spiritual activities such as youth rallies, door-knocking campaigns and weekly Bible study. But the memory that lingers is the inspiration he received from his maternal grand­ mother, Mrs. Mattie Kelly. " I t was my grandmother who inspired me to become a Christian,” Fobbs shared. “ I still contact her. 1 can remember many nights sitting up with her. We would discuss various scriptures of the Bible.” He recalled the advice that his grandmother gave him. "Always stick with the Lord and never turn back," she said. "T he faith she has in the Lord really slicks out in my m ind,” Fobbs beams as a warm smile lights up his face. W ith three sisters and three broth­ ers, all still in California, Minister- Fobbs is the only sibling who chose to pursue the ministry. When asked if any of his children con­ sidered the ministry, he answered, “ None have considered the ministry. But they are happy that their father is a minister and doubly proud that he is involved.” As the assistant Minister at Lau­ rel Avenue Church o f Christ, Fobbs evangelized the youth in the Bay Area before coming here. It is his hope to be able to work with the youth in this community, as well. For five years, he was also employed with the Juvenile Detention Center in San Mateo as a Group Supervisor. Reaching the youth is his specialty. His goal is to have a full-time personal evangelism minis­ try and youth ministry in full opera­ tion. And to have various programs that will meet the needs of the com­ munity. Each program will be an out­ reach of Mallory Avenue Church of Christ. “ We will emphasize physical outreach and we will eventually ven­ ture out with a radio ministry,” Fobbs explained. The congregation of the church in San Mateo was about 150. The congregation at Mallory is about 180 strong. " It is my hope that through community evangelism we will increase the membership,” says Fobbs. Levearn has already begun assist­ ing her husband by teaching the Women’s Bible Class. She is currently employed with the DePaul Treatment Center as a Substance Abuse Coun­ selor. With these skills alone, many will be caught in the spiritual eruption coming from Mallory Avenue Church of C hrist Yes, construction is under way. The newest foreman on the job is Gre­ gory Fobbs. And the Master Builder is Jehovah-Jireh himself. A full-time ministry will require full-time dedica­ tion, commitment and prayer. Minister Gre- gory Fobbs is well educated, well bred, has good business scruples and enters the ranks as another young man on fire for the Lord. When asked if he had anything to say directly to the community, he chose these words: "W e, as a Christian fam­ ily and as a commumity, must begin to work together. We CAN make our com­ munity a better place to live in.” To Minister Fobbs and his family, we, the members of the Portland Ob­ server staff and the entire city of Port­ land, wish to welcome you and your family to our fair city. And we ask God’s blessing to rest upon you now, henceforth and forever. Fobbs shares his goals and objectives. "Thus sailh the Lord, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my foot­ stool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place o f my rest?" Isaiah 66:1 Scripture o f the