Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 21, 1991, Image 1

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    P O R T L fl
Volume XXI, Number 34
"The Eyes and Ears o f The Community"
Beauty In Your Own
Back Yard
by T o n y
W a s h i n g t o n Photo by Veronica Green
August 21,1991
Aretha Brown
One of Job Corps Best
to Visit Our
Sister City
by T o n y W a s h in g to n
Reading Writing and
Rapping by
McKinley Burt
P iv o t Teen P arent
PAGE 2 »
A Skilled Foreman
by Mattie Ann
Black Churches: Can
They Strengthen the
Black Family by
Alex Pointsett &
Avery Russell
True Identity
Bank of America's
Rock 'n' Rose
Concerts Return to
the Rose Garden
by P r o f e s s o r M c K in le y B u r t
“ If You Believe” from The Wiz.
Nikesha achieved top 5 in the es­
say and stale costum e. Her costume
was a beautiful Oregon Christm as tree
which lit up when she was on stage.
Nikesha hopes to utilize her new
title in the com ing year by helping
Barbara R oberts’ New Youth D evelop­
ment Program for hom eless children
and to work in all capacities as a role
A ryanna Hunter, age 8 and the
younger sister o f Nikesha, was awarded
1st runner up to the N ational Queen in
the Petite Division.
N ikesha’s first start was through
MARI (M inority Artists Representa­
tives, Inc. and Joe Bean Keller) along
with R onetta W alker o f ABC KIDS.
Getting the opportunity such as this is
an honor according to Nikesha she is a
hard worker and deserves the most rec­
ognition possible. So poised, and very
serious about the future, it’s lovely to
know that kids today are our natural re­
sources o f tomorrow. Nikesha, con-
gratulation from all o f us!
Was Columbus A Hero?
Who Cares!
Classifieds & Bids
Bids & News
Nikesha Breeze Hunter o f Sher­
wood, O regon, winner o f The Oregon
State M iss Cinderella Contest in 1988,
was named National Young Miss of
A m erica 1991-92 Pre-teen on August
8th, 1991 in Palm Springs, Ca. She is
the daughter o f Terry and Kay Nelson,
and CiCi and Steven Hunter. She is 11
years, old and attends Hopkins E le­
mentary School in Sherwood. Nikesha
was crow ned by her sister, Celeste.
This is the first time this has ever hap­
pened, where a sister has crowned another
sister in successive years. N ikcsha’s
long range projections look good. Her
other activities include m odeling, gym ­
nastics, dancing and singing. Nikesha
was an extra in the current move K in­
dergarten Cop. She is a com passionate
person who is very willing to help other
girls realize their dreams.
A t the national com petition the
girls were judged on scholastic achieve­
ment, interviewing skills, poise and
personality and in the catagories of
essay, sportswear, evening gown and
talent. Her talent consisted o f the song
W as he ju st a lucky adventurer
who used the vagaries o f the ocean
currents to pull him self up by his nau­
tical bootstraps to reach a honored place
in history? Or did he as the National
Council o f Churches has said, open the
rem ainder o f the world to “ genocide,
slavery and exploitation” ? In any case
the national media has launched a
massive binge of rhetoric and hype that
will last through the next 12 months.
As we approach the quincenten-
nial celebration o f the DISCOVERY
(?) OF AMERICA (October 1492-1992),
we find that Christopher C olum bus’
adm irers or detractors have been sol­
idly in one camp or another. Some
groups like the Irish and French C atho­
lics saw him early on as an * * Instrum ent
of Divine Providence,” though pro­
pelled by the less-than-divine patron­
age o f Q ueen Isabella of Spain who
wished to gain the lands, gold and trade
of the “ Indies.” O thers have said that
“ A m erica” should have been named
for Colum bus; instead, he was said to
be "m anifestly appointed of God to be
the Finder o f these lands.”
O n the other side o f the coin, na­
tive A m ericans are not that enam ored
o f Columbus. They have described him
as a pirate or worse, and as a person
who “ makes Hitler look like a juvenile
delinquent” (Russell M eans, Vemon
Bcllccourt). W hen this “ discovery”
topic com es up in discussions with
African A mericans, my experience has
continued on page 8
other girls from the Portland M etro­
politan area have been selected to par­
ticipate on a fifteen (15)-and-U nder
group basketball team w hich will
com pete in Sapporo, Japan, beginning
A ugust 15,1991. W e will be playing in
the Junior Goodwill Games against
basketball teams from Portland’s “ sis­
ter” cities from Japan, Russia, China
and W est Germany.
Though basketball is a primary
focus while on the trip, the girls also
will have the opportunity to experience
a homestay wi th a Japanese fam i 1 y after
the com petition is over.
Young Local
Model Shoots
Aretha Brown and her son, Elisah 9k»ne.
At the age of twenty, Aretha Brown,
the mother o f one child, Elisah Stone,
needed to get a different focus on her
life. A graduate of Jefferson High School,
there was a definite m ust to start her life
over. Aretha is a m em ber o f the new
Non Resident Program at Sprindale Job
Corps, where transportation.childcare,
training and job placem ent is available.
She recently went to give more insight
to caseworkers and managers about better
or new ideas for the program. W hat’s
needed in our community is better job
skills among our youth. We as adults
need to set an exam ple for Aretha and
others. T hey’re so important to our fu­
Ï, '
Aretha enjoys picnicing and being
with her 14 month old son. Job Corps
has improved A retha’s com m unication
skills, which is a must in the business
world today. She’s very concerned about
her life and is making new friends. She
wants to see a change, and old friends
sometimes must be forgotten. A role
model, but not perfect, she’s enjoying
her success. And the Portland Observer
is also! If any needy single parents
would like to get the sam e or simular
opportunity such as Aretha. It’s easy to
do. Job Corps offers a college program,
where the fee is paid for by them. Give
Lana Barr, State D irector, a call at 1-
800-344-4349 or 229-5366.
' ' '
' "
' "
Youth Gangs Program Director
Completes Probation
Sheena T er’e Crittenden, a young
Portland actress and model, was re­
cently involved in the shooting o f a
com m ercial at various Oregon loca­
tions, including Pioneer Courthouse
Square. Sheena is a graduate of ABC
KIDS Acting & M odeling School and
is presently attending American Dance
Theatre and advanced acting classes at
ABC KIDS. She is ju st six years old
and has already done com m unity plays,
fashion shows and a dance production.
Sheena is the daughter o f Teresa C rit­
t e n d e n . _____________________
V - - >"
Black United Fund to
Hold Second
Community Forum
The Black United Fund will hold
its second Com m unity Forum o f the
year onT uesday, August 27,1991 from
10:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. in the co n ­
ference room o f the U.S. Bank at 5505
N.E. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Com ­
munity Forums arc a scries of w ork­
shops for nonprofit organizations.
This m onth’s w orkshop is titled
"N onprofit M anagem ent for the 9 0 ’s ”
and will be presented by Gary W ithers,
J.D., the Executive Director o f the Center
for M anagem ent o f Nonprofit O rgani­
sations at Concordia College.
Stanley Peterson
O n July 1, Stanley Peterson com ­
pleted the initial 90 day probationary
period required o f all staff hired by the
North N ortheast Coalition o f N eigh­
borhoods. Peterson took over the reigns
o f the Y outh G angs Program after hav­
ing successfully directed the Grace
Collins M emorial C enter from em inent
shut down by C hildren’s Services Divi­
sion, to full recertification.
The Youth G angs Program, an
outgrow th o f the Youth Gangs Task
Force, has been in operation for three
years. It is a unique community based
program tasked with prevention, inter­
vention and referral service programs
and activities. Under Peterson’s direc­
tion, John Canda, the O utreach Coordi­
nator supervises field activities o f six
(6) outreach workers: Art Richardson,
Billie Porter, Roberta Taylor, Lewis
W illiam s, M adolyn Frazier and Byron
Brown. The program works extensively
with Portland Public and East County
schools to reach * ‘gang involved, gang
affected and at risk” youths. Many are
involved in the Juvenile Justice Sys­
tem while others are caught up in the
seeming excitement and flash o f gang
culture and lifestyle.
Outreach work includes group and
individual encounter sessions at schools
and frequently in home, discussions,
awareness training for parents, school
administrative and teaching staff, pres­
entations to community organizations
and businesses.
There are a host o f other social or
public events where YGP staff have
assisted to prevent potential violence
when rival gang m em bers are present
at a location. The Rose Festival “ Fun
C enter,” is one exam ple of the effec­
tiveness of YGP outreach. It is a widely
held opinion that the absence o f vio­
lent acts and arrests previously associ­
ated with gangs, was in part due to
intervention by YGP staff, in coopera­
tion with a well planned and executed
coverage strategy on the part o f the
Portland Police, under the direction
Sgt. Steve Smith.
Peterson is a native of Portland
having returned a year ago to w ork for
Merrill Lynch. After graduating from
Linfield College he enjoyed a success­
ful career in Sales and M arketing for
major corporations including NEC In­
formation Systems, ITT, Mcmorcx and
Boise Cascade.