» : i ie * e * + 4 > * * « « * » t * '« < * * t f * * |i« < * * « A * * * * * * * » # # « < * 4 * * * f 4 * * 4 * * # * t 4 e e Z’» * # i CLASSIFIEDS CITY OF GRESHAM EVENT COORDINATOR COMMUNITY PLANNER II $2,788 - $3,558/month The Community and Economic Development Department is seeking qualified candidates to fill a newly budgeted Community Planner II position to organize and adm inister the Community Development Block Grant Pro­ gram. Requires a bachelor's degree in planning or a related field and at least four years of professional-level planning ex­ perience, preferably in housing or with a block grant program. Additional relevant educataion and /or current A.I.C.P certifica­ tion may be substituted for expe­ rience. A pre-employment physi­ cal examination and drug screen are required. Submit a completed City applica­ tion and supplemental question­ naire to the Human Resources Division, 501 NE Hood Ave., Suite 230, Gresham OR 97030 by 5:00 p.m., August 23,1991. (503) 669- 2309. TTD (503) 665-8519. No postmarked applications ac­ cepted after the deadline. MENTAL HEALTH H aoiescenvram iiy i nerapist for a day treatment program serving SED youth. Master's degree in human services plus two years experience required. Send res­ ume by 8/14/91 to Tio Nick's, 7025 N. Lombard, Portland, OR 97203. Child/Family Therapist for outpatient program serving chil­ dren and families. MSW or master's degree in related field required, experience preferred Send resume by 8/23/91 to CCMH, 6329 N.E. M.L.King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211. Promotions/Public Oregon Convention Center Relations Coordinator Starting Salary: $25,692/year. Starting Salary: $28,356 Full time exempt. We re looking for a person to coor­ Under the direction of the Event dinate promotions, public rela­ Manager, serves as information tions and media relations. Rep­ and management liaison for resents Metropolitan Exposition- assigned events scheduled at the Recreation Commission facilities Oregon Convention C enter to media, community organiza­ (OCC). Determines, secures and tions, etc. monitors licensee's requirements You should have a bachelors d e ­ of OCC services, labor and equip­ gree and three years work expe­ ment. rience in public relations and Bachelors degree. Experience as promotions. Good wirtten and oral an event coordinator or meetting communications skills, with abil­ planner for trade shows and ity to work independently. You conventions preferred. Supervi­ may be expected to work some sory experience required. G en­ weekends, evenings and holi­ eral office and computer experi­ days, depending upon event ence helpful. Good physical calendar. You mut be willing to condition required, as the posi­ be CPR certified. tion requires movement on con­ Applications available only to resi­ crete floors and stairs. Will be dents of the First Opportunity expected to work long days, Target Area: Banfield Freeway weekends, evenings and holidays on the South, NE 42nd on the depending upon event calendar. East, N Chautaugua including Must be willing to be CPR certi­ Columbia Villa on the West and fied. Valid driver's license. N Columbia Bv. on the North. APPLY IN PERSON: August 9 - APPLY IN PERSON: August 9 - 22, 9:00 am through 5:00 pm, 22, 8:30 am through 5:00 pm, Memorial Coliseum Personnel Memorial Coliseum Personnel Ofice, 1401 N Wheeler. Your Office, 1401 N Wheeler. resume is not a substitute for our An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative application form. Call 230-6711 Action Employer for other job info. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative LEGAL ASSISTANT Action Employer Parttime parlegal position to work with attorney on fair housing Operations Manager cases. Intake, investigations, trial Major Portland Newstalk station assistance and community edu­ (over 20 years in format) has cation involved. Salary depend­ immediate opening for Opera­ ent on experience. Excellent tions Manager. 5 years mini­ benefits. Send resume to Han­ nah Callaghan, Legal Aid Serv­ mum experience in Newstalk pro­ gram management role. Strong ice, 310 S. W. 4th Ave., #900, people and organizational skills. Portland, OR 97204 by August Resume to P. O. Box 14957, 26. Equal Opportunity Employer. Portland, OR 97214. SECRETARIAL THE SOUTHLAND CORPORATION LOOKING TO KEEP YOUR DAYS BUSY AND FULL OF VARIETY? We currently have 3 staff secretary positions available. The position requires an individual who is well organized, detail oriented, self- motivated. Typing 60 wpm, word processing exp. $7.90/hr depend­ ing on exp along with an excel­ lent benefit pkg. You are invited to apply Mon-Fri between 9am- 4pm, Lincoln Center II or send your resume to our Division o f­ fice located at: 10220 SW Greenburg Rd., Suite 470, Pltd, 97223 Equal Opportunity Em­ ployer M/F/V/H Counselor/Diversion Northeast Youth Service Center is seeking an individual for the position of counselor to work with diverse youth population in the center’s diversion program. Quali­ fication: must have MA or MSW and at least two years experi­ ence with youth as primary fo ­ cus. 20-24K. Send resume and three letters of reference to: The Urban League, 10 N Russel! St., Portland, OR 97227, Attn: Larry Foltz, by August 23. 1991. Job description available from recep­ tionist. EOE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR THE DESIGN, ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT OF A PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITY The C ity of M ilw aukie invites prelim inary architectural design, e n ­ gineering and co nstructio n m anagem ent proposals aim ed at m eeting the needs of the C ity as described in this docum ent. The City is se eking proposals that w ill lead to the construction of a Public Safety Facility specifically designed for use by police, fire and em ergency com m unications personnel. The purpose o f this request fo r P roposals is to provide the basis for selecting a q ua lified and experienced person/firm to assist the C ity with the program m ing, planning and construction o f a high quality, functional, low m aintenance and a ttractive P ublic S afety Facility for the C ity of M ilwaukie. The se le cte d person/firm w ill be responsible for the design of in te ­ riors and the d evelopm ent of the surrounding property, including utilities, landscaping, ingress and egress, and parking. The se ­ lected person/firm w ill w o rk closely w ith the C ity from the early design pha se o f the project to the P ublic Safety Facility construction and com pletion. SELECTION PROCESS The C ity contem plates a tw o-stage selection process. The first stage is to so licit and review exam ples of w o rk done on sim ila r projects. The second stage will involve a more intensive exploration of se lected re sp on d en ts’ ability to accom plish the p ro ject c o m p o ­ nents. In the in te re st of a fair and equitable selection process, the C ity of M ilw aukie retains sole responsibility to determ ine the tim ing, a r­ rangem ent and m ethod of proposal presentation th ro u g h o u t the process. R espondents are cautioned not to undertake any a ctivitie s or actions to prom ote or advertise the ir proposal excep t in the course of C ity-sp o nso re d presentations. O the r than d iscu ssion s w ith the C ity M anager, respondents are not perm itted to m ake any dire ct or indirect (through others) contact w ith m em bers o f the M ilw aukie C ity C ouncil o r Planning com m ission except in the course o f C ity- sponsored presentations. Violations of these rules will be grounds fo r d isq u alificatio n of the respondent. All su bm itta ls shall include three (3) copies of the proposal. All su bm itta ls w ill provide the follow ing inform ation: 1. N am e and a ddress of co nta ct person and re la tion sh ip of co n ta ct person to the p roposed project. 2. Nam e of person(s) w h o w ould be w orking on this project. 3. A list of sim ila r projects with telephone num bers and a d ­ d re sses o f reference. 4. E xam ples of re sp o n d e n t’s w o rk on sim ila r projects and s ta te ­ m ents of how those expe rie n ces w ould benefit this project. R espondents sh ould in dicate those item s in the ir proposal they co n sid e r to be co n fid en tial and exem p t from public inspection. The C ity w ill hon o r any re q ue st for co nfid e ntia lity to the extent allow ed by law. EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS The p re lim in a ry pro po sa ls w ill be evaluated d uring the period b e ­ g in nin g M onday, A ug u st 26, 1991, and ending Friday, A ug u st 30, 1991, by the C ity A dm inistration staff. Three to five respondents will be se le cte d by the C ity sta ff to continue to S tage 2, based on an e valuation o f the above inform ation. F in a lis t fo r stag e 2 w ill be asked to provide ad d itio n al detailed in fo rm atio n . T h is additional inform ation will fo cu s on: 1. A d e ta ile d b ackg ro u nd check on re sp o n d e n t’s success with p ro jects o f sim ila r scope and experience with finance and tim e sch ed u le s and d em on stra te d ability to produce a project w hich w ill: (a.) co ntribu te to the image o f the C ity (b.) p ro vide an econom ical and e fficient stru cture in term s o f space utilization and e nergy conservation (c.) p rovide and im age of quality (d.) co m p atib ility w ith the surrounding neighborhood. 2. A d e ta ile d explanation of their fee system relating to the "S co p e of W o rk” d escribed in this docum ent. 3. An estim a te d tim e schedule fo r the p ro je ct w ith special in te re st on w hen construction will begin and w hen the facility w ill ready fo r occupancy. All inq u iries are to be directed to: C ity M anager C ity Hall 10722 SE Main S treet M ilwaukie, O regon 97222 All resp on d en ts to this request fo r proposals, w aive all rights to p rotest or se ek any legal rem edies or com pensation w h a tso e ver regarding any aspect of this request for proposals or the C ity’s a cceptance or rejection of sam e. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL R e co m m e nd a tion s on the proposals w ill be forw arded to the C ity C o u ncil fo r action. The C ity C ouncil plans to m ake a final decision on se le ction d uring the m onth of O ctober, 1991. The City M anager’s O ffice City o f M ilwaukie, City Hall 10722 SE Main Street, M ilw aukie, O regon 97222 until 4:30 pm , Friday, A ug u st 23, 1991. P roposals m ay be held by the City of M ilw aukie for a period not to excee d n inety (90) days from the date of the opening of P roposals fo r the purpose of review ing the P roposals p rior to award. For fu rth er inform ation, contact: The O ffice of the C ity M anager, 10722 SE M ain S treet, M ilw aukie, O regon 97222, telephone: (503) 6 59-5171. A I PRINCIPAL/ EXECUTIVE MANAGER C PRINCIPAL/ EXECUTIVE MANAGER C (COMMUNICATIONS (COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER) MANAGER) This is an Executive Service posi­ This is an Executive Service posi­ tion iwth the Employment Divi­ tion iwth the Employment Divi­ sion located in Salem. The sion located in Salem. The C o m m u n ic a tio n s M a n a ger C o m m u n ic a tio n s M anager serves as a member o f the serves as a member of the Adm inistrator's executive m an­ Adm inistrator's executive man­ agement team. $2,614 - $3,680/ agement team. $2,614 - $3,680/ mo. plus liberal fringe benefits mo. plus liberal fringe benefits including contricutions to family including contricutions to family health and dental insurance, and health and dental insurance, and a fully paid retirement program. a fully paid retirement program. The em ploym ent Division is inter­ The em ploym ent Division is inter­ ested in persons with skills and ested in persons with skills and abilities to support the agency’s abilities to support the agency's mission, goals and values and mission, goals and values and are alert to the need for continu­ are alert to the need for continu­ ing self-developm ent to maintain ing self-development to maintain high standards of professional high standards of professional performance. performance. TO QUALIFY... TO QUALIFY... You must have five years of pro­ You must have five years of pro­ gressively responsible experi­ gressively responsible experi­ ence in supervision or staff tech­ ence in supervision or staff tech­ nical or professional level work. nical or professional level work. Experience must have included at Experience must have included at least one year of supervision and least one year of supervision and m anagement of a program, sec­ management of a program, sec­ tion or unit which included such tion or unit which included such areas as: developm ent of pro­ areas as: development of pro­ gram rules and policies, long and gram rules and policies, long and short range goals and plans, short range goals and plans, program evaluation or budget program evaluation or budget preparation. preparation. A Bachelor’s degree or course- A Bachelor's degree or course- work in a field related to m anage­ work in a field related to manage­ ment (such as Business or Pub­ ment (such as Business or Pub­ lic Administration), OR a field lic Administration), OR a field related to a human resource related to a human resource program, may be substituted for program, may be substituted for up to three years of the required up to three years of the required experience. experience. Applications and announcements Applications and announcements may be obtained from any O re­ may be obtained from any Ore­ gon State Employment Division gon State Employment Division office. If out-of-state, call 1 -503- Í office. If out-of-state, call 1 -503- 378-3253 for application. Appli­ 378-3253 for application. Appli­ 1 cations must be returned to I cations must be returned to Employment Division, Person­ I Employment Division, Person­ nel and Training Unit, 875 Union nel and Training Unit, 875 Union St. N.E., Salem, OR 97311 by St. N.E., Salem, OR 97311 by 5:00 p.m. September 3 ,1 9 9 1 . 5:00 p.m. September 3 ,1 9 91 . AN EOE/AA EMPLOYER AN EOE/AA EMPLOYER OFFICE McCAW CELULAR STATE LIBRARIAN OF COMMUNICATIONS, INC. I OREGON CELLULAR ONE The Board of Trustees of the Ore­ PORTLAND gon State Library is seeking a CELLULAR ONE'S Downtown State Librarian to provide lead­ offices currently have the follow­ ership during an exciting period ing positions open: of change. Oregon has an ac­ #115 ACCOUNTS tively involved library commu­ RECEIVABLE nity which has just completed a strategic planning process. We REPRESENTATIVE are ready to move forward. We This position requires a minimum need a manager for an independ­ of one year in on-line collections ent state agency, with a staff of and excellent custom er service 55 and an annual budget of $4.5 skills. million. This manager must also #116 CREDIT CLERK-PT be a consensus-builder able to M U S T HAVE O N -L IN E work with a broad coalition of CUSTO M ER S E R V IC E librarians, board members and E X P E R IE N C E (m in im u m 6 lay supporters to develop and months). Prior credit report ex­ pursue shared goals. perience preferred but school or Minimum qualifications for this training may be substituted. position are an MLS from an ALA- #117 RECEPTIONIST-FT accredited library school and 8 Must have strong com m unication yrs. progressively responsible and organization skills, initiative, library management experience. multi-task and d ecisbn-m akig- 5- Compensation range is $48,648- abilities. Switchboard m ulti-line i $65,208. experience preferred. 50-55 WPM Application packets are available typing/keyboard skills necessary. from Susan Bibelheimer, Execu­ Minimal Macintosh PC know l­ tive Department, 155 Cottage St. edge desirable but w e will train. NE, Salem, OR 97310 (503) 373- For details about these positions 7431. call Equal Opportunity/Affirmative CELLULAR ONE Action Employer JOBLINE 789-JOBS State of Oregon Send your resume showing the Number/Title of your job interest to: SALES I PARAGON CABLE No P roposals w ill be received or considered a fte r the tim e indicated above. All P ro po sa ls m u st contain a state m e n t as to w h e th e r the re sp o n ­ d en t is a R e sid en t B idder as defined by O R S 279.029. The pro po sa ls w ill not be opened until after the deadline for su b m is­ sion. »Advertising »Employment » Bids/Sub-Blds P roposal enve lo p es shall be m arked w ith the nam e of the re sp on ­ d en t and the title of the item : P UBLIC S A F E T Y FA C ILITY . A co py of the R equest For Proposal docu m e n ts is available to re­ sp on d en ts, fo r review , at the O ffice of the C ity M anager, C ity Hall, M ilw aukie, O regon. Interested Bidders m ay obtain one (1) copy of the d o cu m e n ts from the C ity M anager’s O ffice located at M ilw aukie C ity Hall. S ealed P ro p o sals will be received by: u August 1 4 ,1991-The Portland Observer-- Page 9 ■ Portland Observer CELLULAR ONE PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT DEPT. 409 SW 9th Portland, OT 97205 All replies in confidence An equal opportunity em ployer NURSE PART TIME AND FULL TIME positions available to do field marketing door to door to resi­ dents in Paragon Cable's serv­ ice area. This is an excellent opportunity to EARN EXTRA MONEY from commission sales. We train, provide bene­ fits, and auto allowance. For more information contact Dave at 230-2099 ext 408, OR apply at: PARAGON CABLE 3075 NE Sandy Blvd. Portland, OR 97232 Equal Opportunity Employer STAFF NURSE Full-time position available. Re­ quires Oregon licensed RN to perform all nursing phases of Blood Services related to autolo­ gous donor processing. Must possess excellent venipuncture skills and work with minimal supervision. $13.30/hr + bene­ fits. Position may close at anv time. Call 284-0011, X243 or apply at: American Red Croat 3131 N. Vancouver Ave Portland, O R 97227 Drug Test Administered Equal Opportunity Employer