August 14,1991--The Portland Observer-Page 7 Portland Observer RELIGION NEW HOMES in NE Portland priced from under $60,000 Come and talk with the builder. Let's discuss floor plans & other options. J.A.M. Development Don Jones, owner B.B.M8292 "You’ll Love our quality and service" Don Jones Salem 581-2552 Call Today Portland 220-1623 z UNJONZAVENUE< CT ©tÁsVcOMPÁNY The 100th Ses­ sion o f the Puget Sound A M E annual conference w ill be held at the First A frican M ethodist Episcopal Church o f Seatde, Washing­ ton, 1522—14th Avenue, Seattle, W A , (206) 324-3664, on August 12 - 18, 1991. Bethel A M E Church o f Portland w ill host the opening ceremonies. Rev. M ilto n Green w ill deliver the opening sermon on Wednesday, August 14 at 7 pm. He w ill be accompanied by the Bethel Cathedral Choir. The W om en’ s M issionary Society w ill convene on Tuesday, August 13 w ith a missionary witness service to be held that Tuesday night at 7 pm. The Missionary Service w ill continue through Wednesday until 5 pm., that evening. Plan your week so that you can attend at least one o f the nights during the full-w eek conference session. Rev. Jewel B. D ew itty is the Pre­ siding Elder and the R ight Rev. Vinton R. Anderson, conference Bishop. O regon BALLET THEAT 4709 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd Portland, Oregon 97211 Woman-Owned Phone 249-5886 " '1 BY MATTIE ANN CALUER-SPEARS The School o f Storm Doors and Windows Luke 22:64 Puget Sound Holds Conference Summer Workshop LORRAINE HLAVINKA All Types of Auto Plate and Window Glass Scripture o f the V^eef^ James Canfield Artistic Director Joseph Wyatt School Director For registration and information contact: The School of Oregon Ballet Theatre 1120 S.W. Tenth Avenue Portland. OR 97205 • (503) 227-6890 REVIVAL REVIVAL REVIVAL The public is invited to attend our “ Summer R eviva l” . Starting the third Sunday, which is the 18th o f August through the 23rd. Services starts 7:00 p.m. nightly. B ring the unsaved and sick. Young people w ith problems. God is going to move doing these H o ly Ghost S p irit fille d services. Our evangelist fo r the week w ill be the Elder R. Jackson, pastor o f G od’s H oly Tabernacle Church o f God In Christ, Killeen Texas. He is a sp irit fille d annointed man o f God. Come and hear this preacher! Brothers and Sisters, We need a “ R evival” . A ll roads leads to A rk o f Safety Church. The address is 84 N.E. K illin g sw o rth, Portland, Oregon. Phone 281 -0499. D on’ t forget this H oly Ghost meeting. Come one — Come a ll! Ark O f Safety Church O f God In Christ, Bishop U. V. Peterson, Pastor. A Special Thanks JLhe W ashington fam ily would like to extend our gratitude to all of our many friends whose contributions ■ ■ of money, cards, letters, flowers and other gifts were given in our time of extreme sorrow with the loss of our dear loved JETO: one. w •ALÍ ■■■■ - Cory is gone but he has left many, many friends who loved him dearly. He touched so many hearts, so many lives. He will never be forgotten. We thank you all and may God bless you. Special acknowledgements: Margaret Carter, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Harper, Rental Washer Company and the Womack Family. Cory N. Washington 1965-1991 For Best Results Advertise in the Observer SummertimeSavings! PGE Announces Staff Reductions Portland General Electric (PGE) has announced a new management action program that w ill reduce staffing levels by 250 to 400 positions by the end o f 1991. The w ork force reductions w ill affect a ll staff levels at most PGE loca­ tions. The key goal o f the program is to reduce the layers o f management at the company while helping employees focus on activities that most contribute to the company goals to improve customer service and reduce operating costs. “ O ur purpose is to get the organi­ zation rig h t and thereby better meet the demands o f the com petitive m arket­ place,” says PGE President, Kay Stepp. “ W e do not have a goal to achieve a particular dollar figure; we want to be a smarter, more e fficien t and effective com pany.” Stepp says PGE wants to reduce costs w hile maintaining reasonable profits. Earlier this year, PGE began an internal process to look at how the company was organized and how to better use its employees. “ The resulting recommendations te ll us how to organize ourselves to more effectively accomplish our goals,” explains Stepp. A model fo r organizational struc­ ture w ill be implemented in 1991. Additional staff reductions may result as critica l work processes are stream­ lined over the next tw o years. “ This is not a quick fix . I t ’ s a new way o f thinking about w hat w ork is essential to meeting customer needs,” says Stepp. “ Continued im provem ent w ill be a characteristic o f the com pany forever.” PGE currendy em ployes about 3,500 employees. .• II .1 u it : COPYRIGHT 1978. SAFEWAY INC ■ .i'kí.íA