Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 14, 1991, Page 4, Image 4

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    The Portland Observer - August 14, 1991
59th Annual MKC Derby
Oregon's Most Prestigious Wagering Event—Saturday Night, August 17
First round Derby Victors ERIC WYDNER,
continue their quest for a post
in the $51,000 MKC Derby
in the final round of 1991 Derby Elims.
KWJJ Money Machine
30-Second Money Grab
Second Round Derby Elims
MKC Employee Reunion
Atzc. 15
W ed ., A ug . 14
S unday , A ug . 18
O regon’s Favorite Spectator Sport
N E 223rd & G lisan
Call (503) 667-7700 for more reunion information.
R eservations 6 6 9 - 2 2 8 0
Tuesday-Saturday 7:30 p.m.
Saturday Matinee 1:00 p.m.
Sunday Matinee
2:00 p.m.
In fo rm a tio n
Budweiser 60-Second Sprint
(A j many uagers as can he made in ! CO 1 IÏ.H
60 secondi.)
Wholesale & Retail
Hundreds of Wigs
For your everchanging lifestyles
Betty Cabine
8 —18 Age Group
• Naomi Sims • Bornfree
• Michael Weeks
And other name brands
Everything from current styles to specialty wigs
unique hair ornaments
Hair beads & beauty supplies
Mrs. C's Ebony Essence Cosmetics
Zuri Cosmetics
Saturday, August 17, 1991
7th & Fremont ( 707 N.E. Fremont )
12:00-4:00 pm
Irving Park (Corner of N.E. 7th Fremont)
For further info, contact Brenda K. Calvin (503) 281-6553
Come see
Live and
in person!
Pick “P * f™*
For Best Results
Advertise in the Observer
V 41 ,
6 6 7 -7 7 0 0
Track in the magazine depart.
mene af any Fred Meyer.
Job Training
continued from front page
The Private Industry Council is a
private, nonprofit organization, which
provides a wide variety o f jo b training
and stay-in-school services fo r low -
income youth and adults throughout
Washington and M ultnom ah Counties.
The organization also serves those out
o f w ork due to plant closures and lay­
The seventeen programs whose
graduates are being honored are spon­
sored w ho lly or p artially by The P ri­
vate Industry C ouncil, which is p ri­
mary funded through the Job Training
Partnership Act. Some o f the programs
also receive funding from city, county
and state governments, com m unity-
based organizations, school districts,
and local businesses.
Additional inform ation about the
training programs and their graduates
is available by w ritin g to The Private
Industry Council, 520 S.W. Sixth Ave.,
Suite 400, Portland, OR 97204.
The Prospects for a Black Led
Independent Campaign
For President in ‘92 (Part I)
by Ron Daniels
Help us celebrate the 2 year anniversary of our new
McDonald’s located on Martin Luther King Jr. Ave.
at Columbia Blvd. It’s free! And it’s more fun
than a barrel of hamburgers. There will be
prizes, plus a bike given away. Be sure to
bring your camera too, so you can lake
pictures of Ronald and the kids.
The fun lasts from 3-5pm on S a tu rd a y ,^
August 17th, Don’t miss it. It’s
McWonalderful fun for the whole
Hey Mom! Be sure to cut out this
On Saturday, Aug. 17th at 8011
NE Martin Luther KingJr. Ave.
Bring all the kids to see the all new
Ronald McDonald Show. The show
starts at 3PM and lasts til 5PM.
<©’ 987 McDonald » Corporation
M e D o n a R ls
“ The deteriorating condition o f the
masses o f A frican Americans, other
oppressed nationalities, poor and w o rk ­
ing people, cries out for the creation o f
a legitimate third force or new political
party in American p o litics.” W ith these
words I announced on August 27,1990,
that I would spend 12 months “ vigo r­
ously exploring the desirability and
feasibility o f running as an independent
candidate for President in 1992.”
Since the announcement I have
crisscrossed this country participating
in countless meetings with various groups
and constituencies. I have done scores
o f radio, television, and newspaper inter­
views. Alw ays the message has been/is
the same. African Americans, other
m inorities and poor and w orking people
must wage a relentless struggle to fun­
damentally transform the racist, op­
pressive and exploitive system in the
United States. And A frican Americans
must be in the forefront o f the struggle
fo r social transformation; the struggle
to create a new society based on human
needs and the principles o f genuine
p olitical and economic democracy fo r
the masses o f the citizens o f this nation.
To create a new society, the op­
pressed and those who care about the
oppressed, those who yearn for an
Am erica where there is an end to op­
pression and exploitation, must build a
movement, an organization, an institu­
tion which can lead the struggle fo r a
new society. I f the new Am erica which
must be bom is to become a reality,
then those who arc now the victim s o f
racism, sexism, homophobia, economic
exploitation, p olitical repression and
m ilitarism , the victim s o f this system
must spawn a movement to contest fo r
power. The downtrodden, the dispos­
sessed, and the disadvantaged, and those
who aspire to a new life in a new society
must gain the confidence and amass the
power to govern.
Neither the Democratic Party or
Republican Party can be counted on to
fight fo r fundamental systemic change.
The Republicans are openly for the rich
and the privileged, and the Democrats
are content to hold out the vague prom ­
ise o f a kinder, gentler, less abrasive
capitalism . Neither o f the establishment
parties is committed to fundamentally
transforming a system which allows 10
percent o f the people to control nearly
80 percent o f the wealth in the United
States. The vision, values and politics o f
social transformation w ill not emanate
from the Republicans or the democrats.
Indeed, there is an urgent need to shatter
the two party monopoly over politics in
the U.S. A third force must emerge
which can march in the streets as w ell as
march on ballot boxes to fig ht for the
power to shape a new tomorrow for poor
and w orking people in this country.
I contend that an independent cam­
paign for President must be utilized as a
catalyst to spark a voter revolt and ignite
a mass movement for social transforma­
tion; a dynamic campaign based on a
fighting program for jobs, justice and
peace, a crusade which offers a vision o f
the new A m e ric a n -a C A M P A IG N FOR
A NEW TO M O R R O W . I may not win
the presidency, but our Campaign fo r a
New Tom orrow can serve as a vehicle
for massive p olitical ed1 ition and po­
litica l m obilization, and I uild the foun­
dation fo r a permanent organization/
institution which can contest for power.
The Campaign for a New tomorrow can
build a movement that can eventually
win the W hite House, and ultim ately
come to govern this nation at all levels.
Those who arc now the victim s o f the
present systems o f U.S. society can
remake American and create a new
The vast m ajority o f the people that
1 have met during the course o f the last
year arc excited about the challenges
and prospects o f an independent cam­
paign fo r president in 1992. There is a
mood o f frustration and discontent w ith
the current crises a fflic tin g the masses
o f poor and w orking people and a con­
viction that the tw o establishment par­
ties are incapable o f leading the nation
out o f the present mess. Some activists
have questioned whether an independ­
ent presidential campaign is the best
way to proceed in terms o f a strategy fo r
92. But none o f the skeptics have pre­
sented a comprehensive alternative to
the strategy which I am proposing. I
have constantly reiterated that an inde­
pendent presidential campaign is not an
end in and o f itself, but a means to an
end: the building o f a new movement,
with new leadership rooted in the masses
o f the people; a new movement which
organizes the people for fig ht for power
and governance.
A fter a year o f extensive discus­
sions around the country, I am con­
vinced that there is a sizeable constitu­
ency o f people who are ready to support
the strategy o f running an independent
candidate for President as a vehicle to
achieve the goals articulated above. With
that in mind, I am prepared to move this
proposition to the next phase in the
process. On October 14, 1991 (C olum ­
bus Day), I w ill o ffic ia lly announce the
form ation o f a National Ron Daniels
For President Exploratory Committee.
Columbus Day is being selected for this
announcement because the Campaign
for a New Tom orrow w ill confront the
legacy lies, crimes and genocide which
C olum bus’ arrival in this hemisphere
represents. The October 14 announce­
ment w ill not be a form al declaration o f
candidacy, but the next step on the road
to a final decision to launch an inde­
pendent presidential campaign in 1992.
Next week - Launching an Inde­
pendent Campaign for President: The
Road Ahead.