PUUUV . V ) ♦ V » <*»Pk *>*»4> w^a» a.#*»1 • « Y ri* v » ♦ i • Portland Observer RELIGION , A »*••>-» kV*«***»«**** August 14, 1991--The Portland Observer -Page 3 Scripture o f the W kef Matthew 13:3 I Know I Can Do It! BY MATTIE ANN CALLIER-SPEARS Gladys and Avelton Harris arrived in Portland in 1945 with their two chil­ dren, Arthur and G lenda, from W arren, Arkansas. The children attended school at Vanport Elementary. “ And it all got washed out,’ ’ A rthur said. G lenda grew and excelled in her school subjects. She, later on, w ent to college, found a husband and got married. H o w ev er- big brother, Arthur, about whom this story is being written, did not do as well. Arthur was the victim of an injury sustained at birth. It left him with a dim inished capacity to leant and inau­ dible speech. The year is now 1991. G lenda is now Mrs. Sam Benefield. A rthur and G lenda’s parents are both deceased. All that they have is each o th e r-a n d Sam. A rthur is 60 years old and is still handicapped. Since 1945, Arthur has been in and out o f one program after another. He has attended Vocational Rehab for the handicapped and has struggled through num erousotherprogram s. “ Arthur was in Fairview for a long, long tim e,” says Glenda. “ I had moved to C alifornia for 12 years after graduating from high school. Then I m oved back to Portland in 1952.” W hen G lenda returned, she w ent to Fairview and got her brother, brought him home and has cared for him since. W hen I arrived to do the interview, A rthur greeted me with a big smile and m otioned for me to have a seat until his sister cam e into the room. A rthur resides with his sister and her husband, Sam, in a very clean, orderly and modest, Christian home. A home W here G od is the point o f atten­ tion. “ I am ju st tired o f waiting and I w ant som ething done - now !” Glenda has struggled and struggled to make things better for her brother. She was so happy when she found out about a program at Sylvania College entitled ARC, Assoc iation for Retarded Citizens. It took her eight months be­ fore she even got a chance to reach someone. She called the case m anager with the M ultnomah Developm ental D isabilities and was placed on an eight year w aiting list. Nothing was happen ing. She was told that there w eren’t enough case managers to go around. B u t-o n e person finally came out to the house. It was Randal Sherwood. Glenda told the interview er, “ la m just tired o f waiting and I want som ething d o n e - now !” G lenda got an interview and A rthur got into the program. All total, it took about nine months. Arth ur entered the program two to three m onths after speaking to Sherwood. Arthur was going to school. Reed College has developed a food service program with the Professional Food-Service Management, Inc. Arthur received his training at the PCC Sylva­ nia cam pus under the tutelage o f Chef Paul from England. A rthur received instruction real great. He began in the dishroom and was then taken through all phases of restaurant training. “ Arthur was well liked by everyone,” says Glenda. A rthur excelled. He got excellent grades. “ D on’t ask me how it hap­ pened,” Glenda spouted. “ It was noth­ ing but the good Lord. People try to give me credit, but it was G od.” Arthur w ent to school everyday; all by himself; on the city bus. His exam s were oral exam s. He has an excellent understanding o f the spoken language. He can rem em ber w hat is explained to him. He can com prehend spoken directions and he is able to do things well with his hands. He cannot read or write. Arthur has held small jobs. He worked for Goodwill for 12 years on a sorting belt. B u t-it paid so little. Vocational Rehab tests to see what individuals can do. Som etim es it does more harm than good. One place at a lab the handicapped persons are assem ­ bling packets. “ It pleases them to be able to accomplish som ething,” says Glenda. “ I am so glad for the ARC Program . A fter a student com pletes the program , they can find gainful em ploy­ ment. Glenda said that a counselor comes out, on the job site, and checks up on the student’s progress. Arthur showed me his grades. They were all A ’s and B ’s. He even does homework, with help from his sister. “ He did m uch better than I im agined he could,” Glenda shared. The course taught him how to m anage on his ow n, attitudes, living on his own in an apart­ ment. W hen he graduates, the program will provide help in finding a jo b a c ­ cording to his abilities. Som e o f the instructors w ere skeptical because they thought that the em ployer might not be able to understand w hat Arthur is say­ ing. W hen A rthur entered the program he could not read or write. Now he can write much better. He can also identify kitchen tools and equipm ent and he knows how to prepare food. Everyone is not fortunate enough to have a rela­ tive to help them, But Arthur does. In this program, each student is taught that “ failure is not a part o f success.” They can set goals. A rthur’s goal is to do a good job at w hat he is doing. His jo b is to cut up all the ingre­ dients. He has a utility belt that is ju st awesome. Il has over 20 different tools in it and A rthur can identify each one and can tell you w hat it’s used for. Left, Arthur and other members of ARC - Top Right, Glenda Benefield - Bottom Right, Arthur T. Harris Arthur is pictured here with other m em bers o f the ARC Program. This particular picture is used on brochures and envelopes. They hold conventions each year. One year it was at the Red Lion at the Lloyd Center. O ther times it was held in Eugene, Salem, Springfield and Corvallis. They also made a video in which Arthur participated. Following one year of intense study and guidance, Arthur received his Cer­ tificate o f Completion as a Culinary A ssistant in a graduation cerem ony that Minister Gregory Fobbs Bible school 9:30 am. Morning Worship 10:45 am. Evening Bible Class 5:00 pm. Evening Worship at 6:00 pm.Attended nursey for all services Wed. prayer meeting and bible study 7:30 pm. Advacating NEW TESTAMENT CHRISTIANITY Mallory AveChruch Of Christ Invites you to open house\ visitors welcome Aug. 25, 1991. Bible Study 9:30 am worship 10:45 am. This invitation is extended to guest and friends to meet our new Pulpit Minister and his family. Following services, will be a Potluck Fellowship! Please join us in Christian Fellowship. Maranatha Church MT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH WE ARE MOVING SUNDAY SERVICES TO 4222 N.E. 12th Avenue, Portland, Oregon Stone Tower Church, N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 30th Worship Services 8:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. Church School 9:30 A.M. to 10:30 A.M. Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 N.E.Schuyler 10:30 A.M. and 6:30 P.M. Sunday Services Sunday School 9:00 A.M. Morning Worship his sister, nor he, shall ever forget. G lenda says that people with re­ tarded relatives should look into the different programs for the handicapped. Look to see which one is best and just w ho will benefit m ost from the pro­ gram ’s concepts. You have to pursue all angles and ju st stay on top o f things. “ Som etim es you get your feelings hurt but keep on going. W hatever it takes, never give up,” Glenda concludes. Mr. and Mrs. Benefield and Mr. Harris are m em bers o f Allen Tem ple CM E Church. A rthur works with C hil­ dren’s Church. His responsibility is to serve the snacks. He is a m em ber o f the A rkansas C lub o f Oregon and has held the position o f Sgt. o f Arms. The staff m em bers of the Portland O bserver and the entire Portland com ­ munity wish to offer its warm-hearted-, congratulations to Mr. Arthur T h o m a s' Harris for a jo b well done. May Gcxf continue to bless and keep you all y o u r days. St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church ~ 8101 N. Fiske Avenue Portland, Oregon 97203 Church Phone: 289-0147 Study Phone: 289-1911 Sunday Service 10:45 Sunday School 9.36 Bible Study 6:00 Evening Service 7:00 P.M. 'astor, Rev. James C.E. Faulkner Theme: Whatever you’re going to do for the Lord, do it now. I Peter iv.ll Jesus Loves You/ Ällän iän)pia © iE Ähu/d) 10:30 A.M. Evening Worship Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00 A.M.-KBMS PsaJm 3 4 .3 A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor 4236 NE Eighth Avenue 6:00 P.M. M idweek Service - Wednesday 7:00 P.M. Saturday- BASIC Youth Service Rev. Wendall H. Wallace Senior Pastor 7:00 P.M. Church Office 116 N.E. Schuy cr, & FUNERAL God's Presence i promises prom Power through Jesus Christ in G ood Times and Bod Times M a tth e w 11:28 "Come to m e a l you who ore w eory and heavyloden ond I will gwo you i Sunday School Morning Worship Tuesday Bible Study ond Prayer Cleodus Vann 126 N.€. Alberto Portland. OR 97211 (503) 288-5173 Interracial Congregation Denise A. Bell Pastor (503) 287-0261 M W V M nM VA VkW W W M W W Mollerv Avenu« Christian Church 9:45am 11:00am 7:30pm Portland, Oregon 97211 Phillip S. Nelson, Pastor "Maranatha Live" Radio Program/Talk Show KPDQ 93.7 FM 800 AM 11 ;00 P.M. to 12:00 midnight (Each Sunday) (Disciples oí Christ) (com er of 8th 4 Skidmore) D IR E C T O R S Family Owned and Operated Since 1954 Serving the City of Portland for over 37 years In your hour of need Vann &Vann are there to serve 503/281-2836 5211 N. Williams Portland, Or. 97217 NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST 1237 NE FAILING ST PORTLAND, OR 97212 (503) 284-7594 ELDER LEON BREWER JR., PASTOR & FOUNDER 6TH ANNUAL FELLOWSHIP WORKSHOP SEMINAR RED LION INN COLISEUM 1225 N THUNDERBIRD WAY PORTLAND, OR 97227 AUGUST 1 6 -1 8 EVERYONE WELCOME AUGUST 16TH - FRIDAY 12:00 NOON WORKSHOP AUGUST 17TH - SATURDAY 10:00 AM WORKSHOP AUGUST 17TH - SATURDAY 7:30 PM EVENING WORSHIP AUGUST 18TH - SUNDAY 3:30 PM WORSHIP SERVICE AT THE NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH MSN. ERMA J BREWER, PRESIDENT. PLEASE COME AND BE A PART OF THIS SPECIAL EVENT SPECIAL GUEST FROM TACOMA & SEATTLE WASHINGTON J: