V . í i* > « • • « > * < • * • ♦’• • • * t •> August 7,1991—7 he Portland Observer--Page 9 CIVIL RIGHTS JOURNAL HUD HAS A HOME FOR YOU, AVAILABLE NOW! By Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr. Freedom Now for Geronimo Pratt The ju s t demand fo r freedom o f p o litic a l prisoners is a demand that most A m ericans are co m fo rta b le w ith m aking in the interest o f human rights throughout the w o rld , but w ith one e x ­ ception and that is when the p o litic a l prisoners are being held here inside the U nited States. Today, how ever, thou­ sands o f people are now raising their voices to dem and the freedom o f one o f the longest held p o litic a l prisoners in the U nited Suites: G e ro n im o Ji Jaga Pratt. F o r m ore than 21 years G eronim o Pratt has been u n ju stly im prisoned in the state o f C a lifo rn ia . R ecently, C o n ­ gressman Ronald D ellum s (Dem. - C A .) and renow ned actor, Danny G lover, wrote an open le tte r suiting, “ W e w rite on b e h a lf o f G e ro n im o Ji Jaga Pratt, a this tim e in histo ry than the case o f o u r brother, G e ro n im o Pratt. H is unjust incarceration stands as an a ffro n t to the C h ristia n fa ith , and we intend to stand 0979. A p o litic a l p riso n e r is a “ p risoner o f conscience,’ ’ a person w h o has been un ju stly im prisoned because o f th e ir p o litic a l acts o f conscience to c h a l­ lenge in ju stice . The state and the g o v ­ w ith him and his fa m ily and this c o m ­ m u n ity that desperately needs c o m m it­ ted leaders lik e G e ro n im o back in o u r ernm ent im p riso n these innocent p e r­ sons in an attem pt to “ sile n ce ” th e ir voice o f o p p o sitio n to in ju stive . M a rtin L u th e r K in g , Jr. was a p o litic a l prisoner c o m m u n ity and ch u rc h .” Based on o u r re vie w o f the record o f the tria l, subsequent legal file s , and other new evidence that has surface, it on m any occassions. The latest news is that the m any was concluded that G eronim o Pratt is in fact a p o litic a l prisoner and is not years o f unjust im p riso n m e n t has taken a to ll on G e ro n im o ’ s health. A sse m b ly- man W illie L . B ro w n , Speaker o f the Assembly o f C a lifo rn ia Legislature, has g u ilty o f the alleged m u rd e ro f a p o lic e ­ man in Santa M o n ica , C a lifo rn ia o ver tw o decades ago. A s a d ire c t result o f P ratt’ s e ffe ctive a ctivism in the A f r i­ others were fa lse ly accused on num er­ continued incarceration and dete rio ra ­ tion o f his health. It is therefore c ritic a l that im m ediate letters o f protest, p e ti­ tions, and o ther com m u n ica tio n s be onim o and others rem ain in ja il fo r the stands they to o k rather than the crimes ous allegations in a system atic attem pt to “ c rim in a liz e ” the ju s t struggles o f the A fric a n A m e rica n c o m m u n ity fo r they purportedly com m itted. Please jo in w ith thousands o f in d ivid u a ls thrcugh- out the w o rld w ho believe, as we do, that G e ro n im o ’ s release is twenty-one sent in support o f the “ unco n d itio n a l release” o f G e ro n im o P ratt to the C a li­ fo m ia l Parole B oard, G o ve rn o r Pete empowerm ent. F o r all the m illio n s o f persons in this nation and fro m around the w o rld W ilso n , m e m b e rs o f the U.S. Congress, A m nesty In te rn a tio n a l, and to the In ­ ternational C am paign T o Free G e ro n ­ im o Pratt. 43 year o ld A fric a n A m erican man, who was fram ed du rin g the height o f the “ B lack P ow er M o ve m e n t” in the late 6 0 ’ s. T w e n ty-o n e years later G er­ years o verdue.” W e have ju s t relum ed from a trip to O akland, C a lifo rn ia as participants in a “ fa c t-fin d in g m issio n ” concern­ ing the case o f G e ro n im o Pratt. This mission was sponsored by the Oakland C om m unity U n ite d Church o f C hrist, a F B I s infamous C O IN T E L P R O counter intelligence program . P ratt and m any w ho successfully demanded the fre e ­ dom o f N elson M andela fro m the prison same type o f massive demand needs to be made on b e h a lf o f Pratt. P ratt is a v ic tim o f A m erican racism and repres­ sion and his continued im p riso n m e n t is an atrocious in s u lt to human d ig n ity . I f you w o u ld lik e m ore in fo rm a ­ congregation. Reverend Dr. Lorenzo tion on this case and w ish to jo in this C arlisle, pastor o f the church stated, g ro w in g cam paign, please contact sis­ “ We begin our outreac h to the Oakland com m unity in the quest fo r ju stice fo r all o f G o d ’ s people. There is not a case ter M uhjah S hakir, co -co o rd in a to r o f the International Cam paign to Free G eronim o Ji Jaga Pratt, P.O. B ox 3585, more w o rth y o f our active support at Oakland, C a lifo rn ia 94609, (415) 268- < If you’ve been wanting your very own home but never thought you could afford it, HUD has exciting news for you! HUD makes homeownership easier and more affordable than you ever thought possible. You won’t find a better home for the money than a HUD home ... and there’s one in your area that’s available right now. HUD properties are offered for sale to Remember that C O IN T E LP R O was a federal program as w e ll as a state e ffo rt to fa lse ly in c rim in a te and im ­ prison A fric a n A m e rica n and other ac­ system o f apartheid South A fric a , this newly established A fric a n A m erican EB a stressed, to the C a lifo m ia l D epartm ent o f Corrections the “ extraordinary” situ­ ation o f in ju stice in regard to P ra tt’ s can A m erican co m m u n ity d u rin g the 1960’ s as a mem ber o f the B la ck Pan­ ther Party, he became a target o f the tivists. W e a ll share in the re s p o n s ib il­ ity to help rig h t these grievous w rongs paid by o u r tax dollars. Hum an freedom cannot be m iti­ gated by the grand desires o f the forces o f racial oppression. H um an lib e rty cannot p o litic a lly be parceled out o n ly to those w h o subm it to tyranny. A n d we w ill not be at rest u n til G e ro n im o P ratt is FREE. Portland Observer encourages our readers to write letters to the editor in response to any articles we publish. I qualified purchasers w ithout regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status or handicap. So to see a HUD home available in your area, call your real estate agent now! For your information: Details, conditions, program changes and Express Bid information on the HUD programs are included in the classified section of your Sunday Oregonian. t=l EQUAL HOUSING DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT O P P O R T U N IT Y i Clinic Offers Free Health Check- Ups For Kids W estern States C h iro p ra ctic C o l­ lege is sponsoring a free health check­ up fo r ch ild re n from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m ., Saturday, A u g u st 24,1991 a tits O utpa­ tient C lin ic , 2900 N E 132nd A venue in SAVE ON V ision C enter — — \ Offers Low-Cost Care/Free Screenings Portland. T he screening w ill include a spinal exam ¡nation and scoliosis evalu­ ation fo r ch ild re n up to the age o f 16. Q uality The com prehensive exam also includes screening o f the eyes, ears and throat by interns at the c lin ic . P a rtic i­ vision care based on ability to pay is avail­ able at the Pacific University Cascade Campus Family pants w ill receive a w ritte n report and referrals to o ther health care specialists i f necessary. Appointm ents are required Vision Center, located at 600 N. Killingsworth, across and may be made by c a llin g 255-6771. Community College Cascade Campus. the street from the Portland Youth Gang Task Force S ervices W ednesday, A ug u st 7, 1991 K in g F a c ility 10:00 A .M . vision exams, specialty care, Agenda 1. In tro d u ctio n s 2. Y o u th Gang Program Update patient dispensary, and free vision screenings forall ages. 3. P olice Reports Patients pay for services ac­ 4. Y o u th Resources Update Fire F ig h te r Program 5. O ther 6. A d jo u rn m e n t Northeast C o a litio n o f Neighborhoods N orth/N ortheast Y outh Gangs Task Force cording to individual or fam­ 3 Flavors Kids will Love ... in 1 Box! ily income. The Center does include a minimum pay level 1991 The Quaker Oats Company and most patients receive MANUFACTURER COUPON some fee adjustment due to Public Relations Director Joins OHS Staff 50 T he C ascade Campus Fam­ ily Vision Center is open OFF 53000022050919922 5 information, scheduling, and free vision screenings, MANUFACTURER COUPON A n Oregon native, M s. Layton was educated at local schools and at Chatham C ollege in Pennsylvania where she graduated w ith a B .A . in E nglish. She has served on the Board o f Directors o f 1991 3 U U U U "¿ ¿ U 5 U 75 Pacific University Cascade Campus Family Vision Center RETAILER JuoAer w ,ll'to t'o OAK m COUPON PER PURCHASE » w .w d w ,, ANY CAPN CRUNCHS ou, -„woohoo o o k, C o m , kwh » « o n o M s l C «A n t » OOK k w » » « HkWwcoORd »00 IM O or dr-PMHd b, low MW tnuoons lo Q u » ,, o « s 800 SoroswD™, lomtod. 1601A8 e | m QO EXPIRES OCTOBER 31 53000022075219921 CRUNCH 600 N. Killingsworth 240-5319 3U U U U P ortland’ s C ity C lu b . ' » »A » * * . :. • V • * ». - • I ■ •'cC -.w- » 9 A__________ <£ OFF please call 240-5319. o f stores hcadquarted in Eugene. EXPIRES OCTOBER 31 ONE 111 • * ou> rMemotwi o o k, Coo», mwau , k w i» » » s l C osh,«» OOIC vou]»Rans MoWOCOMM »00 I k " Iw M or pttWOM »> M MW ,0,000s lo Quww Oils 800 Sc'ORFOow io w o « IE C IIJ m i EXPIRES OCTONER 31 m i 812 ANY will expand to a fourth day of service this fall. For more sional experience as p u b lic relations d ire cto r fo r L lo y d C orporation o f P ort­ land as w e ll as fo r the E m porium chain RETAILER ft ' , d „ COUPON PER PURCHASE CAPN CRUNCH Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during regular business hours. The Center Society co m m u n ica tio n activitie s. Ms. Layton brings to the S ociety profes­ EXPIRES OCTOBER 3 1. 1991 ft* limited income. A rle n e L . L a yto n has been ap­ pointed as D ire c to r o f Public Relations fo r the Oregon H isto rica l Society w ith the re s p o n sib ility fo r coordinationg all the Oregon D o w n to w n D evelopm ent A ssociation and o f the P itto ck M ansion S ociety. She is a m em ber o f the P ublic R elations S ociety o f A m erica and o f include complete :U O m i B.2