« i » v i » »»»*•> •* 4 * * .'♦ V * « « • • ♦ 9V \ w Page 4 - T h e Portland Observer -August 7, 1991 New Study Shows Effect of Warning Labels on Records ALL ROADS LEAD TO ... Despite Predictions—Teens are Less Likely to Pity Records With Warning Labels Parental A dvisory: E x p lic it L y r ­ ics. ’ rh a t’ s the warning record com ­ panies vo lu n ta rily stick on their most blatantly offensive records, tapes and CDs. if they think parents are going to do much about this whole thing, th ey’re dead wrong. We know that parents are not going to intrude upon the privacy o f their k id s’ bedrooms, go through every record and listen to the lyrics. Parents consider music to be outside the realm o f things they can control. " I f labeling is to affect anyone, it ’ s going to affect k id s -th e ir purchas­ ing o f and listening to records. I t ’ s going to affect them directly-not through their parents,” he said. Christenson’ s study involved 145 middle school students, grades 6 through 8, ages 11 to 15. The sample was pre­ dom inantly white, from lower-m iddle to upper-middle income fam ilies. Subjects were randomly assigned one o f two conditions: a label condi­ tion, in which the album cover o f the music they were asked to judge was shown to them w ith a parental advisory label a ffixe d to the album cover; and a control condition, in w hich they heard and judged the same music w ithout a label. The study used tw o diferent target albums: a hard rock (bordering on heavy metal) album by a regional band and a nationally released by unfam iliar pop/ urban contemporary dance album. Each subject heard and responded to four short samples o f songs. Lew is & Clark students, ages 18 to 21, con­ ducted the experiment. "T h e results confirm ed my pre­ d ictio n ,” said Christenson. “ This con­ flicts w ith what everyone has said from day one. The evidence is that the fru it is tainted and not made more attractive through lableing,” he said. A sk any 10 people how that label affects k id s ,” challenges Peter C hris­ tenson, assoc late professor o f com m u­ nications at L ew is & C lark College in Portland, Ore. " T h e y ’ ll say. I t ’ s o b v i­ ous. K id s are in the business o f reject­ ing th eir parental tentacles. W arning stickers w ill make them want the rec­ ords m ore.’ ” T h a t’ s what Christenson calls the "fo rb id d e n fru it theory,” and it ’ s the com m on lay theory Christenson heard repealed over and over again. But i t ’ s wrong. A t least that’ s what Christenson found in his most recent research. " W e found a small but significant e ffe c t-th e presence o f a label made kids like the music le ss-n o t more. I saw absolutely no evidence that stick­ ers act as a parental rebellion mecha­ nism to make adolescents want the music m ore,” said Christenson. Christenson has spent years study­ ing popular music and adolescence and the relationship between music and the peer culture and has w ritten numerous papers on those topics. He recently com pleted his paper on “ The Effects o f Parental A dvisory Labels on A d o ­ lescent M usic Preferences,” the o nly paper that exists on how labeling actu­ a lly affects adolescents. "W e know the intent o f the people w ho pushed fo r labeling was to de­ crease the extent to w hich kids are exposed to it,” said Christenson. " B u t Christenson’ s 1989 study on “ I Son o f W ant M y M T V : C hildren’ s Use o f Music Television,” gave him additional insight. "W h e n you really get down to ta lk­ ing w ith early teenagers, they are not te rribly comfortable w ith sexual im ­ agery,” said Christenson. “ When I asked them what they disliked about M T V , for instance, many kids, aged 12 to 15, said they disliked the sex in it. Christenson pointed out that very few records get labels. "K id s , by now, know that the ones that get labels are quite extreme in their sexual content and offensiveness. I f you would compare it to film ratings, a label would compare to an X rating, not an R. Teenagers want something a little b it racy, they are attracted to movies w ith a PG or an R rating. But they are famous fo r rejecting extremes. They want to be in the mainstream. They want to f it in ,” he said “ I put a ll o f this together and pre­ dicted that what labels really mean for kids is that the record is way out o f bounds. I predicted that i f the presence o f a label does anything, it w ill make kids like the album less-no t more. And that’ s what the research shows.” Christenson’s next step is to study the effect o f labeling on tw o popula­ tions: adolescents who do w ell in school and adolescents who are alienated from the school culture. He and Donald Roberts o f Stanford U niversity studied the ef­ fects o f popular music on both o f those groups in a paper he completed last year fo r the Carnegie C ouncil on Adolecent Development: ‘ ‘Popular Music in Early Adolescence.” GRESHAM Ä WHY PAY MORE???? BRAND NEW 1991 GREAT FUEL ECONOMY 4- STK #27016 D o n t B e lie v e T h e H y p e Taken fro m the Peoples’ Preacher By Rev. A l Sharpton In the recent debate on the nom i nation to the Supreme C ourt by Presi­ dent Bush o f Clarence Thomas, the usual litm us test hysteria has been in ­ troduced again into national politics. M r. Thomas w ill not be judged on his ju d ic ia l record, or lack thereof, but he w ill be judged on his statements that he admired L ouis Farrakhan. This par­ ticular part o f the debate is most troub­ ling , since no politicians, or public o fficials, or jurists, other than Blacks, are subjected to such a ridiculous and demeaning form o f a litm us test. As one who clearly opposes the Thomas nom ination, I am just as unequivocally opposed to a litm us test being intro­ duced here in the name o f Louis Farra­ khan. First o f a ll, M r. Farrakhan is a re li­ gious leader o f great respect in Black Am erica, and around the w orld. M r. Farrakhan has been maligned, distorted and in many ways castigated by the w hite media fo r his uncomprom ising and courageous stands on behalf o f Black people and people o f color around the w orld. Because he has done the unheard o f by questioning Jewish au­ th ority in certain fields o f American life , he has been labeled anti-Sem itic, w hich is the way fo r those w ho sin and are members o f the Jewish faith to try to purge themselves o f examination by clouding the issue w ith a non-issue, when the issue is whether they have acted in an unsavory and unprincipled manner politically and/or economically, and not be discriminated against be­ cause o f their faith or their heritage. No white religious or political fig ­ ure, no matter how extreme their views are perceived to be, has been a litmus test for w hite politicians or white o ffi­ cials. Ronald Reagan was endorsed by the Ku K lu x Kian, and announced his election campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi. Philadelphia, M ississippi’ s only claim to fame, is the place where Goodman, Chaney and Schwemer were kille d during the c iv il rights m ove­ ment. Yet no one asked him to repudi­ ate Philadelphia, M ississippi, where he strangely chose to announce his candi­ dacy, nor to repudiate the K K K ’s en­ dorsement. N or has anyone asked the National Republican Chairman to re­ pudiate D avid Duke, or George Bush to repudiate David D uke’ s support. And these people are clearly practicing, violent racists, whereas Louis Farra­ khan clearly is not. I think that it is again the double standard and triple play o f the white media to try and reinforce this "b o g e y man” image on the Farrakhans o f this w orld, and to make those in the Black com m unity who want to rise to posi­ tions o f power feel that in order to do that, they must make sure they distance themselves from those that dare to cry fo r freedom. The subtlety here is that i f you want to advance, yo u ’ve got to have nothing to do w ith liberation o f liberation fighters. For that precedent to be established and unquestioned is dangerous to Black Am erica, danger­ ous to white Am erica, and dangerous to the freedom and liberty o f all people. M r. Thomas should admire Farra­ khan because Farrakhan represents a self-empowered, self economic, and IN STOCK NOW self-sufficency program unequaled by any national Black leader today. It is nothing that Thomas ought to apologize for; it is probably the only positive thing I ’ ve heard about him since his nom ina­ tion. But the issue is not even Thomas, the issue is the white media and white power structures continual branding o f certain forceful, aggressive, uncompro­ mising leaders as unacceptable, o r as some anathema that must be shunned by those who seek power and positions and postures o f influence in this society. This must be unilaterally rejected and not accepted by a ll conscious, thinking Americans. I ’d much rather see us operate across the board or not at all. When the people are not maligned fo r ide ntifyin g w ith fascists like Jerry F alw ell or admitted racists like Daved Duke, then how can they in any way try to use as a litm us test a man who has taken junkies and al- choholics and transformed them into responsible fa m ily men and citizens? It w ould seem to me that i f there are some who ought to be shunned based on their demagoguery, their racism, and their ill effects on society, we ought to re-evalu­ ate a ll those who ran around and en­ joyed the endorsement o f the M oral M a jo rity from some T V evangelists, h a lf o f w hich are now finishing their second year in federal prison fo r de­ frauding the public and ripping o ff old ladies. But i f they w ill not be questioned for being aligned with some gospel thieves and some religious r ip -o ff artists, then certainly we cannot bear this litmus test using a man who has operated above the worship houses o f ill repute. EQUIPMENT rjDON'T M IS S O U T!!! PLYM OUTH Derby Poster Day S unday , A ug . 11 # 1 IN CUSTOMER SATISFACTION THESE NEW 1991 VOYAGERS WON’T LAST!!! 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