Page 2—1 he Portland Observer- August 7, 1991 Handwriting On The Wall ers By Dr. Lenora Fulani In the spring I wrote to businesses throughout New Y o rk C ity on behalf o f acom m ittee o f com m unity fo lks,you th and adults, who have been w orking to provide an opportunity fo r our young people to make a positive statement through their art - “ tag” art and g ra f­ fit i art — w h ile pro vid ing them w ith som ething to do fo r the summer. I was asking them to provide us w ith co ntri­ butions, m aterials, w a ll space and p u b lic ity so that our youth could speak! The p o in t was to support and bring public attelion to the demands that kids were m aking fo r youth services (among the firs t casualites o f the severe budget cutbacks that have closed down every­ thing from pools to schools in our com ­ m unities) and at the same tim e to give them the opportunity to develop their creative skills and talents in a construc­ tive and pro-social fashion. W hen a local T V station decided to cover us, I thought o f B e ll’s Fashions on 125th Street between Seventh and E ig hth Avenues, w hich has a big w all. I asked the owner, M r. Malachi B el­ lam y, i f we could use it. He loved the idea and said he w ould do whatever we wanted. Members o f our committee w ent out to paint stores and asked them to donate paint and supplies. We had a m eeting to conceptual ize the mural and we were ready to go. Before we knew it we were at the crossroads o f Harlem w ith the cameras ro llin g w hile the muralists fille d one w a il w ith a pow erful portrait o f M a l­ colm X , the words “ Register a Pro­ test” above and “ Voter Power” be­ lo w . M eanw hile, a second w all was being fille d w ith hundreds o f co lo rful and distinctive tags. And through it all, rappers and dancers from the A ll Stars Talent Show N etwork - including M C Browneyes, the w inner o f this spring’ s national finals -- performed on the street and other kids slopped everyone who passed by and asked them to register to vote. S till other kids carried signs that said “ Don’t k ill us for writing on walls” and “ Give us jobs and opportunities, not prison.” A s yo uca nim ag in e .il w asw ild! In the midst o f every thing else that was going on, a fight broke out between the muralists and the taggers. The m ural­ ists, who tend to see themselves as the " r e a l” artists, were upset that some o f the taggers were draw ing on their mu­ ral. One o f the muralists came up to me and asked, “ What is this, art or p o li­ tics?” I told him it depends on how you look at it: the fact that cops are k illin g young people fo r doing it is very p o liti­ cal. Then he asked, “ Are you saying that all Black and Latino youth are artists?” M y answer to that one was that I don’ t give a damn. The point is that they deserve to live, whether they’re artists or not! N ot very' long ago my 14 year old son Am ani was arrested fo r w ritin g his name on a wall. One o f the arresting officers told me that they had caught him “ armed w ith magic m arkers.” I walked out o f the police station deter­ mined to do something about the fact that Black and Latino youth are in danger o f losing their lives for no other reason than the fact that they have something to say and very few ways - or places - to say i t Having this happen to Am ani was very painful, but very important. I knew that a young Black man named M ichael Stewart had been kille d by the cops a few years ago because he was tagging a subway w all, but I hadn’t realized how widespread the arrest and harassment o f these young artists really was. The police are relating to Black and Latino youth who are hanging out in our comm unities w ith nothing to do as potential crim inals. It doesn’ t m at­ ter to the cops that they have nothing to do because the most recent round o f cutbacks has le fto u r communities w ith very few recreational facilities and almost no jobs. G ra ffiti is one o f the few ways these kids have to express themselves, to gain any kind o f recognition and fame and to rebel against a society that hates their guts. So they are doing it a lot more. The cops are coming after them in fu ll force, which means a lot more o f our young people end up w ith crim inal records. I t ’ s a powder keg out there, and the cops are more than w ill­ ing to ligh t the fuse. On the day o f the 12th ¿treet “ happening” a lo t o f adults came over and asked me what was going on. When I told them, they thanked me. I met a lot o f tourists who knew me. There was a woman from Augusta, Georgia who reads this column in the Augusta Fo­ cus, another woman from Indiana who had seen the column in a Black news­ paper there, and someone from Ft. Lauderdale in Florida who had seen me on C N N . It was a very touching and joyous scene. In the midst o f it the reporter from Channel 5 turned to me and asked, rather incredulously, " D o you know all these people?” In a way Id o . Ia m Fighting fo r our children - not ju s t the talented tenth, but fo r a ll o f our children. I have read the handw riting on the wall. D r. Lenora F u la n i is the chairper­ son o f the New A lliance P arty and a practicing social therapist in Harlem. She can be contacted at the New A lli­ ance Party, 2032 F ifth Avenue, New York,N Y 10035 a n d a l (212) 996-4700. Readers Have The Last Word D o n ’ t they always? We always appreciate any reinforcements (or cor­ rections) from the “ audience.” The Series, “ In the Beginning Was The W o rd,” must have gotten instantane­ ous reactions because I got phone calls this tim e instead o f letters. John B. Altm an o f S. E. Portland had this to say: “ U.S. News and W orld Report recently stated, ‘ A wave o f archaeo­ logical discoveries is altering old ideas about the roots o f C hristianity and Ju- daism -and a ffirm in g that the Bible is more accurate than many scholars thought.’ According to M itche ll Da- hood o f the Pontifical Bible Institute; w ritin g in the pages o f the respected B ibical Archaeological Review (B i­ m onthly), ‘W e’ ve got to take the Bible much more seriously as an historical document.’ ” Thank you M r. Altm an, I have just become a subscriber to that magazine. I have long held the same view as demonstrated by m y long use o f such material as I have found it to exactly match the research o f scholars from other fields whose documented research is held in high esteem. However, you w ill fin d me in active correspondence with the publishers whenever they might avoid a correct attribution o f source o f an ancient culture or personage (i.e. us­ ing the terms “ oriental, middle east­ ern, Sem itic,” etc.) when the place or Stop This Lynching Tim e is running out for M um ia Abu-Jamal, w idely acclaimed Black jou rn a list on death row in Pennsylva­ nia. Abu-Jamal is facing death fo r what many thoughtful people see as punish­ ment fo r his outspoken and uncompro­ mising political beliefs. Starting at the age o f 13 when he and three compan­ ions were beaten and hospitalized by Philadelphia plainclothes and uniformed police after they protested a ra lly fo r George Wallace, Abu-Jamel has been an activist fo r social change. He be­ came a Black Panther at the age o f 16, learned journalism w ritin g for the Black Panther Party newspaper, and became the president o f the Philadelphia chap­ ter o f the Association o f Black Journal­ ists in 1980. Am ong those he inter­ viewed were the Africas, connected with M O V E . Jamal admired the courage and com m itm ent o f M O V E and was one o f the very few to state his support pub­ lic ly . M O V E was later wiped out in the murderous m ilita ry assault by Philadel­ phia police in 1985, w hich kille d eleven men, women and children. In December, 1981, Abu-Jamal intervened when he saw a policeman beating up his brother. There were many people around the scene and a lo t o f confusion. He was c ritica lly wounded; the policeman died. In the tria l, w it­ nesses contradicted each other and key eye witnesses were people w ith charges pending against them. A number o f w it­ nesses said they saw another man run­ ning away from the scene. Even the star witness, a prostitute w ith charges pend­ ing, gave a description o f the assailant that did not fit Jamal. Other witnesses said they did not see the star witness at the scene. The bullets that k ille d the policeman did not come from Jamal’ s gun, although the bullet that wounded Jamal came from the policem an’ s gun. The judge, who was a form er head o f the policem an’ s association, permitted into evidence the claim by one o ffice r that Jamal had confessed the crim e in the ambulance to the hospital, but another o ffice r who said Jamal had made no statements was on vacation during the trial and did not testify. Another witness Advertise in the Observer (USPS 959-680) OREGON'S OLDEST AFRICAN AMERICAN r-UBLICATION Established in 1970 Alfred L. Henderson Publisher Joyce Washington Operations Manager Gary Ann Garnett Business Manager The PORTLAND OBSERVER is published weekly by Exie Publishing Company, Inc. 4747 N.E. M.L.K., Jr. Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97211 P.O. Box 3137 Port’and, Oregon 97208 (503) 288-0033 (Office) FAX#: (503) 288-0015 Deadlines for all submitted materials: Articles: Monday, 5 p.m. - Ads: Tuesday. 5p.m. POSTMASTER: Send Address Changes Io: P ortla nd Observer, P.O. Box 3137, P o rte n d , OR 97208. Second lass postage paid at Portland. Oregon The Portland Observer welcomes froelance submissions Manuscripts and phono­ graphs should be clearly tabled and will be returned if accompanied by a self addressed envelope All created design display ads become the sole property oi this newspapor and can not be used in other publication.- or personal usage, without tho written consent cf the general manager unless the client has purchased the compos.tien of such ad 1990 PORTLAND OBSERVER ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUCTION IN WHO E OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED Subscriptions $ 2 0 0 0 per year in the Tri-Countyarea; $25 00 all other areas. The Portland O b s e rv e r-Oregon's Oldest African-American Publication - is a member of The National Newspaper Association - Founded ir 1885, and The National Advertis­ ing Amalgamated Publishers, Inc . New York, NY mg Representative Rt L_— 'i’# claimed Jamal admitted to shooting the o ffice r in the hospital, but hospital staff said he made no statements but was only groaning w ith pain as the police beat him in the w aiting room. D uring the sentencing phase o f the trial, the prosecutor argued that Jamal should be condemned to death because o f his p olitical beliefs. He referred to Jamal’s Black Panther past. Jamal continued to w rite columns for newspapers around the country. His campaign has attracted the support o f many prominent people, like Ed Asner and Ramsey Clark. His appeals have been supported by the Am ericn C iv il Liberties Union and the National Con­ ference o f Black Lawyers. Over 40,000 people have petitioned for clemency. L et your voice be heard to stop this racist execution. W rite to Governor Robert Casey, M ain Capitol Building, Room 225, Harrisburg, PA 17120. Public opinion does make a difference-Angela Davis and others have proved that. To get background materials and petitions, call 281-8540. Plan Ahead For Health Care Expenses (NU) - Your tooth aches, but you need every penny you’ve got. and more, to pay your child’s college tuition. So you delay the needed den­ tal work and endure the pain. You are not alone. A recent sur­ vey found that one-third of all con­ sumers delay routine medical or den­ tal care because they lack the cash to pay for the service at the lime of the visit. That same survey showed that about two-thirds of this group said they would have used a credit caul to pay if they had known this option was available. A new booklet by Dr. Carolvnc K. L u ..., a recognized lie ... expert, details important steps to take when planning for your fam ily’s health care: SAVE ON VINYL SIDING INSTALLED ON YOUR HOME BY EXPERTS SPECIAL 40% DISCOUNT 3 COLORS ONLY IVORY - BEIGE - GRAY CALL CAREFREE VINYL HOMES 283-0348 FOR FREE ESTIMATE By Professor McKinley Burt concept is obviously A FR IC A N . Some readers may be aware o f a very famous case, that o f the book, They Came Before Columbus, by famed Black Historian Ivan Van Sertima. Despite meticulous documentation o f the pres­ ence o f African landings in America long before “ ChristoferC olum bus,” the author was attacked and belittled by the press despite his impeccable academic credentials. That was fifteen years ago, but today the accuracy o f his research is recognized by scholars and institutions a ll over the world. M y point is that this charge o f affairs came about because those w orking in the cause o f truth en­ gaged in “ active correspondence” with an errant media on a scale that made it impossible for racists to continue to hide the truth. Another reader was somewhat in­ dignant that I did not detail how much that famed Greek poet “ H om er” em­ phasized the A frican presence in Greek affairs. Here are some excerpts from an excellent text by Snowden, a Howard U niversity history professor, “ Blacks in A n tiq u ity .” “ The first Greek poet had heard o f Ethiopians. Not only does Homer men­ tion Ethiopians but he describes a well known herald o f Odysseus as black­ skinned and w oolly-haired—Their home is by the ‘ streams o f ocean.’ ” (p. 101) In the fo llo w in g passage from the chapter, “ Ethiopians In Classical M y ­ thology,” most o f the personages are black Africans, a fact which most schol­ ars w ill not mention. “ Hom er tells us that the Olympians were fond o f visting the Ethiopians. Zeus, follow ed by all the gods, went to feast w ith the blame­ less Ethiopians where he remained for twelve days. ” (p. 144-155) The chapter continues on w ith descriptions o f the Greek and Ethiopian personages who interacted in the affairs o f the tw o na­ tions: “ Iris, Poseidon, Ichthyophagi, Cambyses, Sabacos, Piankhi, Amasis, Seneca, Thespesion, A pollonius o f Tyana, Bacchus, Memnon, Tithonius, etc.” Oh, how much dishonest scholars have kept from us, hoping that most o f us would not have access to “ fu ll” translations by researchers o f integrity. Snowden and other historians o f repute do not hesitate to te ll us that “ It was black-skinned, woolly-haired Eurybates who accompanied Odysseus on the embassy to Achilles, the companion whom Odysseus esteemed more highly than his other companions because he had a mind like his o w n .” (p. 122 ibid) Thank you, dear readers, fo r your input and your interest. It not only keeps us on our toes, but adds immeas­ urably to the data we have available to build our research. We a ll shall con­ tinue to develop the “ A frican perspec- fiv e ’ ’ until the fu ll depth o f our ances­ tors’ role in c iviliza tio n is known. Parent Educator Program to Begin Parenting and working with young children are skills that need develop­ ment and nourishment. The OS U Par­ ent Educator program offers parents and professionals training in child development and parenting issues, fa m ily theory, group fam ily theory, group facilitation and the “ D iscipline That Doesn’ t H u rt!” and Footsteps series. Volunteer parents are needed to lead discussion groups for parents whose children are ten and younger. Professionals working with parents need current inform ation and training perti­ nent to the issues concerning their clients. Dr. Linda Ladd is the director o f the Parent Educator training which runs fo r four days (28 hours) in all three metro counties beginning in Sep­ tember. Orientation for the Parent Educator program w ill be held at the OSU Extension offices in Clackamas, Washington, and M ultnom ah counties beginning in late August. Cost fo r ma­ terials is $30. Volunteers w ill pay back training by w orking w ith parent groups in each county. Professionals w ill deliver materials and training back to their own programs. For orientation and training dates or program in fo r­ mation, call Annette Fetters at 254- 1500. United Airlines PORTLflWfifctfsEKVER Are • The • Proud • Sponsors • Of Reinvestments Community OPINION by Dr. Jamil Cherovee Education Our students must perfect wha, hile in Alabama, I was they are studying, rather than ac­ in v ite d to speak at cepting it as it is. Black students Chappie James Hall. The stu­ should not be a slave to yester­ dents insisted that I cut the lec­ day's knowledge. ture short, that they may have more time to ask questions. I applaud Washington’s call for technical and agricultural train­ Education is no better than the ing. Farming is the engine of life philosophy that guides it. And itself. Delving into and comparing since the world is based on ex­ the principles of Booker T. altation of Caucasians, the philo­ Washington, W.E.B. DuBois, and sophical underpinnings of every Marcus Garvey, I attempted to discipline is to support the basic show how today a synthesis of premise that caucasoids are these great thinker's programs superior to Blacks ... This poison was needed. permeates every d iscip lin e . Before ending my lecture, I Therefore, education must be "re­ scrutinized the role of woman in examined." Since Black people society, and the proper relation­ have been mis-educated under a ship and respect that should exist system of Caucasoid supremacy, between man and woman. The Blacks need to be retrained so we Supreme Architect (God) o, the may be of service to our people Universe did not create you and to ourselves and humanity. (woman to be a plaything for men. During slavery, Blacks were de­ Instead, woman is actually a co- prived of the right to know, which creator with God, and through a made them able to be used as "a woman will come men and wo­ tool and a slave," and which has caused us to reject our own men who will bring about heaven teachers. We accept tutelage on earth. When a woman has from caucasoid scholars and thoughts of rejecting the child during pregnancy, those thoughts thinkers from the past without affect the development of that judging it for its real value. child. That's why you have pro­ Today's education should teach duced children today that hate us to think, to analyze, to critique. W /X theirselves and are prone to sui­ cide, because you rejected it while it was in the womb, and you wished it dead ... so you have created children that will murder you today-cold and heartless. We must lift up the honor of our women, if we want to make a bet­ ter world, that better world is coming from the womb of a wo­ man. This is definitely needed around this nation, particularly the aspect of bringing up the Blac(< male to a certain level of consciousness so he knows how to treat the Black woman. An impromptu question and answer session was arranged on the next day at the Alumni House where students were able to pose questions to me in an informal setting. The level of questioning, was impressive. I told the stu­ dents I felt confident in our future after hearing their probing ques­ tions. Hand shakes and hugs was an emotional moment, a fitting conclusion to this historic visit to the lands once trod by the great institution builder, Booker T. Washington "Reinvestments in the Community" is a weekly column appearing in API publications through out the USA v