* w July 3 1 ,1991-The Portland Observer-Page 7 i Portland r ■y.' Observer THE LOCKER ROOM WIN A COOL MILLION! MI DESIGNER WINE TASTING Tuesday-Saturday 7:30 p.m. Saturday Matinee l:00p.tn. Sunday Matinee 2:00 p.m. In fo rm a tio n Budweiser 6 0 -Second Sprint E very W ednesday N ight (As many uogrrs as can be made in 60 secondi.) Stars rosier, and were a big part o f Jeffs w inning ways. The summer team was organized by coach M ark Burke and was later joined by coach W illie Grant, who helped instill in the team a positive attitude and fighting spirit. The team was f i ­ nanced through individual contributions and currently needs further financial assistance. Coach Burke is the varsity baseball coach at Jefferson and he can be contacted at the school. The last three games were played at the Senior Babe Ruth State Tourna­ ment (16-18 year olds) at Tigard High School. Jefferson won one and lost two, and competed hard through the - 7 -V j •* •- ’ V *‘■>4 H o le -ln -O n e S h o o to u t. A ny H o le -ln -O n e in S unday's M illion D ollar S h o o to u t wins $1,000,000! ($50,000 per year for 20 years) 6 6 7 -7 7 0 0 7. . * < 7 Pick up a free daily adm ission! pass ccdMultnomahGreyhound I . . 't G ra n d prizes for closest to th e pin in S unday's M illion Dollar S h o o to u t include: T rip to S apporo, Japan com p lim en ts o f A zu m an o T ravel Track in the magazine depart ] m ent o f any Fred Meyer. 1991 Jefferson Summer Baseball a Big Success Jefferson baseball returned to the winning ways o f old as the school’ s summer team com piled a 17-10-1 rec­ ord, w hich included a 12-game w in ­ ning streak that was fin a lly stopped in an exciting 9 inning game against Southwest Portland. Scott Z iegler won seven games pitch­ ing and Joe Robertson, Sedric Ford, Anthony Green, Hakeem M cA llister, Benny Thompson, Jayson Warren, and Suntory Robertson made big contribu­ tions w ith the bat and glove. A ll play­ ers, w ith the exception o f Sedric F o rd - who w ill attend Gram bling in the fa ll, w ill return to the varsity school team in ’ the spring. Joe Robertson, Sedric Ford, and M ark Burke Jr., whoattend Cleve­ land H igh School but who w ill con­ tinue to play Jefferson Summer Base­ ball, all h it over 500 and together hit 10 home runs. Scott G all, Jeff Coryell, and Aaron W ild e r also made important contributions to the team. Three play­ ers from Benson H igh School (Brian Cunnington, Steve M olony, and Ryan Estes) rounded out the Jefferson A ll- ■» S' - > Q ualifying c o m p e titio n every day - O N LY $1 PER S H O T , N O LIMIT! 9:00 am to 7:00 pm W ed. - Sat. 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Sunday. RESERVATIONS RECOMMENDED R eservations 6 6 9 - 2 2 8 0 V * - O p e n to all a m a te u r golfers (18 years a n d older, n o professionals). A L L T H E D IF F E R E N C E NE 223rd & Glisan ?»A to benefit Portland/Sapporo Sister Cities Association U n it e d W a y t-» O regon’s Favorite Spectator Sport '•.«>. - 1 Presented by Watch Mi Designer, Multnomah’s sprint champion, compete against his toughest rivals tonight in the 31st United Way Stakes! M U L T N O M A H G R E Y H O U N D TRACK Aï- V $1,000,000 HOLE-IN-ONE SHOOTOUT COMPETITION R U N S T O N IG H T ! GREYHOUND RACING V t i v > . ’ A : ''- . , T rip to PG A to u r e v en t Set of Pinem eadow golf clubs >■. * • : Million Dollar Prize available O N L Y in Sunday’s “M illion Dollar Shootout". See entry firrm at com petition site /or complete contest rules. ■ • 7 / N O T O U R N A M E N T T IC K E T P U R C H A S E . ’ V • I -. •4** » 7 R E Q U IR E D T O P A R T IC IP A T E ! G.I.JOES « QTGCDil • •• WAY •'***/■' NORTHWEST OPEN July 31 - August 4, 1991 -*•* H eron Lakes Golf Course PRO-AM PRESENTED BY EASTMAN KODAK Havoline» 3 7^7 BEAVERTON O ffic ia l Sponsor O ffic ia l Car Incorporateci INFINITI Jeff Team Picture Kneeling in front - Morgan Burke (Scorekeeper) (lift to right) - Ryan Estes, Mark Burke, Aaron Wilder, Bennie Thompson, Joe Robertson, and Jeff Corgell. Second Row - (left to right) - Steve Moloney, Scott Gall. Anthony Green, Scott Ziegler, Sedric Ford, and Brian Cunnington. Standing - (lift to right) - Suntory Robertson, Coach Willie Grant, Coach Mark Burke, and Hakeen McAllister. ... r Hi Prudential S e c u rities f c FO R M U LA Official Pacific N W Section Investm ent Firm O ffic ia l A c c o u n tin g Firm -SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS- SAY YOU SAW IT IN P O R TLA N D O BSER VER SummertimeSavings! tournament. One o f the hallmarks o f the 1991 team was its togetherness and unity, as exem plified in the good sportsmanship displayed through the entire schedule. In the years to come, coaches Burke and Grant plan to build a baseball powerhouse at Jefferson and they call on the com m unity to support Jefferson baseball. P IV O T Teen Parent G raduation On Friday, July 26,1991 eightteen parents w ill graduate from PIVOT: NEW C H AN C E at its second graduation ceremony at Monroe School, 2508 N. E. Everett, at 7:00 p.m. PIVOT is a comprehensive job train­ ing program dedicated to empowering teen parents w ith personal and profes­ sional development skills to aid in breaking the welfare cycle. Eight teen parents, ages 17-21 w ill graduate as program completers in the Business and C lerical occupations. Seven w ill graduate as GED completers this quarter. Both moms and babies w ill be adorned in graduation hats to celebrate their achievements. Families, friends and com m unity supporters arc invited. » w hRUA co Wnm A p roduction o f JEFF S A N D E R S P R O M O T IO N S , IN C . (503) 644-6057 THE : /«CVS