July 31, 1991" 1 he Portland Observer "Page 3 •Portland Observer RELIGION Scripture o f the ‘Weei^ Scripture of the Week Micah 6:8 a- ’ ■ t ‘v l.yl Church, One Child M allory Avenue Christian Church sponsors A Health Information to Pray by } ! In a Special Worship Service Topic: HIV an d AIDS / W hen: August 4, 1991 11:00 AM W here: 126 NE Alberta y s P lease jo in us in discu ssin g how this inform ation affects ou r com m unity Free Meal to F ollow X Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary Announces Scholarship Opportunity MRS C’ s WIGS Wholesale & Retail Hundreds of Wigs For your everchanging lifestyles fc _ * _ • Naomi Sims • Bornfree • Michael Weeks adi , . And other name brands Betty Cabme t z — \ l A . Everything from current styles to specialty wigs unique hair ornaments Hair beads & beauty supplies Mrs. C's Ebony Essence Cosmetics Zuri Cosmetics beautician A STUDENT DISCOUNTS QQ4 CCOC fcO I "wwfcw 7th & Fremont ( 707 N.E. Fremont ) The St. Martin de Porres Court 225 offers a scholarship toadeserving black student from the inner city of Portland for attendance at a Catholic grade or high school. The Knights of Peter Claver La­ dies Auxiliary Court 225 is a Catholic Service Organization working to im­ prove religious educational opportuni­ ties and community outreach. Applicants will be selected based on acceptance in a Catholic grade/high school and financial need. Scholarships in the am ountof $200 to $500 will be awarded for the 1991- 92 school year. A completed application must be submitted by August 15,1991. For additional information, con­ tact Teletha Benjamin at 284-0518 ä :§W:::5 BÄ ; • ; ... :<• 103 N.E. Morris Street Portland, Oregon 97212 Church Phone: 287-7457 weaving Oiraräh Psalm 34. 3 4236 NE Eighth Avenue (comer of Äfh 4 Skidmore) Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 287-0261 FUNERAL D IR E C T O R S Fam ily Owned and Operated Since 1954 Serving the C ity of Portland for over 37 years In your hour of need Vann &Vann are there to serve Cleodus Vann 503/281-2836 5211 N. W illia m s P o rtla n d , O r. 97217 *10*****^ ‘ A V ‘ • tí l-AM «rite TO S to n e T o w e r C h u rc h , N .E . S an d y B lvd . & 3 0 t h W o rs h ip Services 8 :0 0 A .M . & 11:00 A .M . C h u rc h S ch o o l 9 :3 0 A .M . to 1 0 :3 0 A .M . B ib le S tu d y , W ednesdays, 116 N .E .S c h u y le r 10:30 A .M . a n d 6 :3 0 P.M . R adio M in is tr y each S u n d a y , 8 :0 0 A .M .-K B M S A T e a c h in g C h u rc h W ith A R e aching M in is tr y D r. Ja m e s E. M a rtin . S e n io r P a s to r C h u rc h O ffic e 1 1 6 N .E . Schuy er. The ancient Norsemen considered Thursday sacred to Thor and the name actually comes from "Thor's day.' Maranatha Church Sunday Services Sunday School 9:00 A.M. Morning Worship 10:30 A.M. Evening Worship 6:00 P.M. Midweek Service - Wednesday 7:00 P.M. Sunday School 9:30 AM. Saturday- BASIC Youth Service 7:00 P.M. Sunday Worship 11:00 AM. Bible Study, Wednesday 5:30 PM. Prayer Service, Wednesday 6:00 PM. Rev. Dr. Joe S. Hardie, Pastor Philüp S. NeJson, Pastor & WE ARE MOVING SUNDAY SERVICES 4222 N.E. 12th Avenue, Portland, Oregon St. M ark B aptist Church 100% HUMAN HAIR FOR BRAIDING A Jesus L oves You/ JAiHan UsŒqjüâ W Those words, written by the Apostle Paul, are especially fitting for the millions of Americans who face life’s challenges as single per­ sons. America’s growing singles popu­ lation represents a mosaic of situ­ ations: students and young adults involved in their careers, single parents coping with heavy demands, divorced and widowed adults deal­ ing with loss and change, and others who, for various reasons, have not married. Each of these persons has his or her own particular needs and prob­ lems, but all have a common need for affirmation, acceptance and in­ teraction with others, says a new 44-page booklet —“Stand Firm in the Faith”—produced by the Ameri­ can Bible Society (ABS). The book­ let is a supportive Scriptural re­ source for today’s singles. Many single persons are left without a sense of direction or in­ volvement in their local congrega­ tions. This new, five-chapter ABS booklet can help single persons make creative use of their freedom and opportunities to serve. They can find in God’s Word the resources that a resilient faith needs to respond to the many opportunities life pres­ ents for sharing love. It also offers affirmation of the single person as an individual, confident in his or her own identity. For a free sample of “Stand Firm in the Faith,” write to: American Bible Society, Dept. SI, 1865 Broadway, New York, NY 10023. classes, adoption support groups, dis­ cussions on African American culture interview techniques for private and public adoption agencies, presentations for transracial families, and church and organizational presentations on adop­ tion. There are several annual events sponsored by One Church, One Child: Adoption Sunday, recruitment fair, children’s event, adoptive families picnic, banquet, and a Christmas party for adopted and foster children. O. Virginia Phillips, Ph.D., the executive director of the program, is responsible to a 25-member board of directors-each of whom is a minster. Dr. Phillips is a graduate of Union Graduate School, Cincinnati, Ohio with a doctorate in Education Administra- tion/Psychology. She is highly compe­ tent administrator and a mother of nine with fourteen grandchildren. She has been working with high-risk and spe­ cial needs children since 1977 and is an adoptive parent herself. MT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH Be alert, stand firm in the faith, be brave, be strong. Do all your work in love. — 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 Presented by M u ltn o m a h C ou n ty Health D ivisio n HIV O utreach P roject and Oregon M in o rity AIDS C oalition The Egyptians, about 3000 B.C., used a checkmark as the letter T waiting African American children. Additionally, the media is widely used to gel this information into the Afri­ can American community: public service announcements on television and radio stations; OCOC representa­ tives appearing on local television shows; a bimonthly newsletter “ Love Spoken Here’’ featuring waiting chil­ dren; a cooperative effort with the news magazine of an African Ameri­ can radio station to feature waiting children and, most recently, a public awareness campaign involving purple ribbons for everyone to display on their car antennas until all waiting African American children have been place in adoptive homes. The theme for One Church, One Child in 1991 is EDUCATION. This theme will be applied to practically every phase of the One Church, One Child recruiting and adoption process. The services to families and children offered by One Church, One Chi Id includes pre-adop­ tion counseling, pre-adoption training God's Word For Singles (Alberta and Mallory) 2 Í > One Church, One Child is one of several community service programs under the umbrella of Albina Ministe­ rial Alliance. One Church, One Child is a minority recruitment program which seeks to place African American chil­ dren in African American adoptive homes. The national One Church, One Child program began in 1980and came to Oregon in 1988 with the full en­ dorsem ent o f G overnor Neil Goldschmidt. Before the inception of One Church, One Child there was no effort made to actively recruit African American families for adoption. The effective­ ness of One Church, One Child is evi­ denced in the numerous African Ameri­ can adoptive applicants and the (75%) increase of adoptive placements with African American families since 1988. One Church, One child recruits its families by providing churches and community organizations with presen- tors who inform the congregation/staff about the need of adoptive families for Rev. Wendall H. Wallace Senior Pastor "Maranatha Live” Radio Program/Talk Show KPDQ 93.7 FM 800 AM 11:00 P.M. to 12:00 midnight (Each Sunday) He That Loveth Not, Knoweth Not God; For God Is love I John 4:8 St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church M allory Avenu« Christian Church 8101 N. Fiske Avenue Portland, Oregon 97203 (Disciples of Christ) Sunday Service 10:45 Sunday School ”9:90 Bible Study 6:00 Evening Service 7:00 P.M. God's Prosonce promises Pow er through Jesus Christ in G ood Timos and Bod Timos Moattau/ ii.e s "Como to me oil you who or« w eary ond heavy laden and I will give you rest" 9:45am 11:00am 7:30pm Sunday School Morning UJorshlp Tuesday Bible Study and Prayer 126 N.E. »berta Portland. OA 97211 (503) 286-5173 Inter-racial Congregation Church Phone: 289-0147 Study Phone: 289-1911 1 Faulkner Denise A. Bell Postor Theme: Whatever you’re going to do for the Lord, do it now. I Peter i v . l l ... s .<• r.íí b 7.’ .V- & • .v., S'