* • 4 i Portland J u ly 2 4 , 19 9 1 —T h e P o r t la n d O b s e r v e r —Page 9 Observer - « CLASSIFIEDS GROUND TRANSPORTATION CLERK The Port of P ortland has an im m ediate openin g for a G round T ransportation C lerk at Portland International A irport R esponsibilities include: • P rocessing all lost and found item s. • T yping and filing all departm ent correspondence. • C ollecting and recording perm its, I.D. c a rd s and o th e r required fees. • H andling c u sto m e r com plaints. • A nsw ering telephones. P referred Q ualificatio n s: • D em onstrated oral and w ritten com m unication skills. • A ccu ra te typing skills. • P revious d a ta entry experience. • A bility to w o rk w ith lim ited supervision. In addition to a starting salary range o f $15,07 2 - 16,833 annually, the P ort offers a com prehensive benefit package. If interested and qualified, apply in person a t the Port o f P ortland E m ­ plo ym e n t O ffice, 700 NE M ultnom ah, 14th floor. A pplicants re sid ­ ing o u tsid e the Portland m etropolitan area and physically disabled applican ts m ay request application m aterials by calling (503) 731 - 7400. P reem ploym ent drug screening is required. A ll applications m ust be received by 5 p.m ., Friday, July 2 6 ,1 9 9 1 . © Port of Portland BUILDING MAINTENANCE MECHANIC T he Port of Portland has an im m ediate opening fo r a Building M aintenance M echanic at Portland International Airport. T he successful candidate w ill be responsible for: • M aintaining bag belt and conveyor system s • M aintaining and repairing plum bing system s • M aintaining building facilities P referred q u alificatio n s • M inim um o f five years experience as a bag b e lt/conve yor m e ­ ch anic and as a m illw right • S killed in carpentry and the use o f related pow er tools • A rc and gas w elding skills • P ossess a valid O regon or W ashington class B drivers license OR ability to obtain w ithin 90 days of em ploym ent In addition to a starting salary of $17.58 per hour, the P ort offers a com prehen sive benefit package. If interested and qualified, apply in person at the P ort o f Portland, E m ploym ent O ffice, 700 NE M ultnom ah, 14th floor. A pplicants residing outside the Portland m etropolitan area, and physically disabled applicants may request application m aterials by calling (503) 731-7400. P reem ploym ent drug screening is required. All applications m ust be received by 5 p.m ., Friday, July 2 6 ,1 9 9 1 . T he Port is an Equal O pportunity Em ployer © SALES INSTALLERS PARAGON C A B LE PA R A G O N C A B LE , a leader in the dynam ic fast growing cable television industry is seeking enthusiastic self starters to sell and install cable services in m ultifam ily housing. If you are highly m otivated and have a strong desire for success, w e w ould like to talk w ith you. W e offer: • C areer in a grow th industry • N ew products and services • T raining program • Full em ployee benefits • Base vs. com m ission • G as allow ance C all 230-2099, ext. #205 to ar­ range fo r an interview , or a p ­ ply in person at: P A R A G O N C A B LE 3075 NE S andy Blvd. Portland, OR 97232 Equal O pportunity Em ployer Fred M eyer HOTLINE! For a recorded list of cu rre n t job openings, call our 24-hour Job H otline: (503) 239-7446 Fred Meyer Equal O pportunity Em ployer C o m m u n it y L ic e n s e d P r a c tic a l N u rs e P ro v id e p ractical n u rs in g c a ie to cli­ e n ts in p rim a ry care o r co m m u n ica­ ble disease clinics; d u tie s include protocol-based client a ss e ssm e n t. o b ­ ta in in g lab specim ens, a ss istin g p ro­ v id ers an d p a rtic ip a tin g in clien t leaching. Port of Portland R eq u ires O reg o n licen se a n d o ne y e a r o f experience. ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR A pply by A ugust 2, lililí, at M u ltn o ­ m a h C o u n ty E m p lo y ee S e rv ic e s, Room MHO, 1120 SW F ilth Ave., P o rtla n d , OIL M ailing ad d ress: P.O. Box 14700, P o rtla n d , OR 97214 m ent projects. In addition to a starting salary of $19,850 to $22,441, co m m ensurate w ith experience, the Port provides a com prehen sive benefits package. P referred Q u alificatio n s: • Prior experience in a clerical support position • E xcellent clerical skills including W ordP erfect Equal O pportunity Employer KXL Radio • Lotus 1 -2-3 • A bility to transcribe from dictation equipm en t • E xcellent organizational and com m unication skills If interested and qualified, apply in person at the P ort o f Portland E m ploym ent O ffice, 700 NE M ultnom ah, 14th floor. A pplicants residing outside the Portland m etropolitan area and physically disabled applicants m ay request application m aterials by calling (503) 731 -7400. P reem ploym ent drug screening is required. All applications m ust be received by 5 p.m ., Friday, July 2 6 ,1 9 9 1 . T he Port is an equal opportunity em p lo ye r. £4 P referred Q u alificatio n s . , • A dvanced d egree in econom ics, planning, or business ad m in istra ­ tion, or equivalent experience; • 3 years experience in advanced research; • T horough know ledge o f w orld trade, w orld econom ics, regional trade, and regional econom ics; • E xperience in strategic planning; • H ighly developed dem onstrated com m unication skills. T he P ort o ffers a com petitive salary and benefits package. If interested and qualified, apply in person a t the P ort o f P ortlarxl E m ploym ent O ffice, 700 NE M ultnom ah, 14th floor A p plican s residing outside the Portland m etropolitan area and physically disabled applicants m ay request application m aterials by calling (5 0 3 1 731-7400 P reem ploym ent drug screening is required. All ^ p lic a tio n s m ust be r e i i / e d by 5 p.m .. Friday, July 2 6 .1 9 9 1 . The Port is an equal opportunity em ployer. PARAGON C A B LE Perform s m oderately com plex accounting activities relating to the m aintenance of a c o m ­ plete and accurate general ledger and resulting m anage­ rial reports and financial state­ ments. Keeps com prehensive and com plex accounts requir­ ing the analysis of accounting transactions and the e sta b ­ lishm ent or m aintenance of controls. Assists w ith finan­ cial statem ent preparation on a m onthly basis distributes to m anagem ent. Use of PC and o ther office equipm ent re­ quired. Interm ediate level p o ­ sition requiring course w ork or experience equivalent to a degree in accounting or b u si­ ness adm inistration. Tw o to four years of significant a c ­ counting experience required. W e offer comprehensive bene­ fits package and com petitive salary. PAR AG O N C ABLE 3075 NE Sandy Blvd. Portland, OR 97232 Equal O pportunity Em ployer NURSE PRACTITIONERS & PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS Family Nurse Practitioners and Physi­ cian Assistants needed immediately lor primary care in community and school- b ased clinics in the Portland area. Multnomah County oilers competitive salaries based on experience and an excellent fringe benclit package. C o n ta c t J a m e s E. M cD onald, RNFNP, a t (503) 248-3674. An Cqual O pportunity Employer DENTIST Im m ediate opening at D am m asch S tate H ospital in W ilsonville, Oregon. Applications being taken for a full-tim e dentist to provide general dentistry services to psychiatric inpatients. C ontact Personnel D epartm ent: (503) 682-4611. An equal opportunity em ployer. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Restaurant Management ■Ulftft KINO * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * S J® ■ i - - • • '• * •* Police O fficer Portland Public Schools School Police Officer E stablishm ent o f eligibility list for position o f police officer for P ort­ land Public S chool Police Dept. A pplications, com plete jo b re­ quirem ents and m inim um q u a li­ fications avaliable. 90 term hour o f college credits recom m ended. O nly qualified applicants w ill be tested. C ontact Portland Public Schools, 501 N. Dixon, Portland, OR 97227. Applications accepted thru Friday, A ugust 2nd. For in- formaton, Call 249-2000, ext 307. Equal O pportunity - affirm ative action em ployer. C O U N S E LIN G Residential On-Call B ack-U p W orker $6 Per h o u r C O D A Inc. seeks O n-C all backup worker to provide sole facility and clie n t supervision at o u r residen­ tial treatm ent facilities. E xperi­ ence w ith residential drug or alcohol clients required. Variable shifts. To apply subm it standard C O D A application form includ­ ing screening question responses to address below . A pplication m aterials available at C O D A Inc., 210 NE 20th, P ort­ land, O AR 97232. Equal opportunity/affirm ative action em ployer. * * If you are m ature, en th u sia stic and have PR ID E, com e o ve r to Burger King. M ost of our A s s is ta n tT e a m Leaders (m anagem ent) sala­ ries begin at $15,40 0 and they can m ake as m uch as $29,000. W e have excellent training program s and benefits package. * R estaurant M a n agem e nt N orthw est Inc. is a franchise o f Burger King C orporation. * * * * © * * * * Equal Opportunity Employer * * * * I * .’• 4 » . t í ■ _ . A-.? * a * • - ef? F I »•x • • >•*.. . i - ! .. Part Time Counselor A s s is ta n t - N ew D ire c tio n s S ta rtin g sa la ry $6.40-$6.70 h r p lu s b e n e fits . C oda Inc. seeks C ounselo r A s s is ­ tant at N ew D irections R esiden­ tial T reatm ent Facility. P osition is responsible for supervision of facility and resident clients. D u­ ties include supervising client activities, responding to crisis, conducting safety checks, fa c ili­ tating one group, planning menus and shopping, supervising UA, house m aintenance. Position w orks 10am -m idnight both S a t­ urday and Sunday and 12:30- 5pm W ednesday (32.5 hours w eek). To qualify: 1 year experi­ ence in drug treatm ent, good ju d g e m e n t and interaction skills required. R esidential treatm ent experience preferred. M ust be certified/certifiab le in CPR. To apply subm it standard C O D A application form including screen­ ing question responses to a d ­ dress below. A pplication m aterials available at C O D A Inc., 210 NE 20th, P ort­ land, OR 97232. Equal opportunity/affirm ative action em ployer. A D V E R T IS E ! PORILAXDQBSERVER MENTAL HEALTH T herapist/case m anager needed for innovative intensive case m anagem ent team . W ork w ith sm all caseload of CMI clients. A bility to relate to m inorities necessary. Liberal vacation and benefits. 6.1% retirem ent. C o m ­ petitive salary. M asters degree or bachelors d e ­ gree, plus two years human serv­ ices experience. ‘ L’. * ’«¿V • C O U N S E LIN G S end R esum e to: Kim Burgess, Program M anager N /N E C om m unity M ental H ealth 4950 N.E. M artin Luther King Jr.B lvd. Portland, O R 97211 C losing Date: A ugust 9,1 9 9 1 Phone (503) 249-0066 M IN O R IT IE S A R E E N C O U R ­ AG ED T O A P P LY EOE zwiX-WK'ÿXÿ-X:»:::-»: NOTICE OF INTENT T h e O re g o n D e p a rtm e n t o f T ra n s p o rta tio n , H ig h w a y D iv is io n , is s e e k in g q u a lific a tio n s fro m c o n s u ltin g firm s w ith e x p e rie n c e in p re lim in a ry a s s e s s m e n ts p re p a ra tio n fo r h a z a rd o u s m a te ria l s ite s . P re lim in a ry a s s e s s m e n t p re p a ra tio n w ill be c o n d u c te d u n d e r s ta n d a rd s a n d g u id e lin e s s im ila r to D e p a rtm e n t o f E n v i­ ro n m e n ta l Q u a lity P o lic y 2 4 0 .0 0 . T h e s u c c e s s fu l c o n s u lta n t w ill e n te r in to a fle x ib le s e rv ic e c o n ­ tra c t to p ro v id e s e rv ic e s fo r a tw o -y e a r p e rio d at a m a x im u m c o s t o f $ 1 3 5 ,0 0 0 p e r ye a r. If y o u a re in te re s te d in b e in g c o n s id e re d , a R e q u e s t fo r Q u a lifi­ c a tio n s ca n be o b ta in e d b y c a llin g o r w ritin g P ro g ra m S e c tio n , 3 0 7 T ra n s p o rta tio n B u ild in g , S a le m , O R 9 7 3 1 0 ; te le p h o n e (5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 -6 5 6 3 . S ta te m e n ts o f Q u a lific a tio n s are d u e b y A u g u s t 2, 1991. * W e ’re looking for individuals w h o ’ve had e x ­ perience as a head w ait person, production leader or lead cook... ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ -« iifV Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently seeking an experienced Life/Disability Claims Analyst. Qualified candidates will have experience in life and disability claims adju­ dication, CRT experience and the ability to type 40 wpm. Other qualifi­ cations include: • demonstrated ability to develop professional correspondence using correct structuring, spelling and grammar. • previous phone experience in a problem solving environment • the ability to remain flexible in a changing environment • medical term inology is desired • 3rd party adm inistrator experience is desired Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package, flex-tim e work hours and com petitive salary. Pre­ em ploym ent drug screening required. To assure your resume is proc­ essed immediately, place ad #91-1767 at the top of your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 5th Fir 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 TDD# 225-6780 Equal Opportunity Employer * Com e into our m ain office & fill out an application or send your resum e to: Restaurant Managem ent Northwest, Inc., 1410 SW Jefferson, Portland, OR 97201. Attention: Dave M cCartney, Director of Hum an Resources. * * * S tarting in 1972 w ith a single restaurant, w e've grow n to w here w e now operate 28 restau­ rants (soon to be 29) in the Portland/Vancouver m etropolitan area. And w e are still expanding! * * * * SEEKING ENTRY LEVEL MANAGEMENT CANDIDATES * Port of Portland LIFE/DISABILITY CLAIMS ANALYST City Of Portland T he Port o f Portland has an opening for a S enior E conom ist in its P lanning D epartm ent. The successful can d id a te w ill: • D evelop, manage^ and dissem inate econom ic analysis and re- and regional econom ics; v« j • E stablish a netw ork w ith econom ists and planners from public and private agencies, businesses, and universities, • C oordinate research w ork w ith staff in operating groups, • P rovide recom m endations for m anagem e nt strategy decisions based on econom ic analysis and research; • D evelop P ort-w ide business intelligence system . STAFF ACCOUNTANT S enior City P lanner/G eneralist - to $3,662/m o Public W orks O perations M anager - to $56,763/yr For m ore info/closing dates call (503) 823-4573 (24 hr job inform a­ tion) No resum es please. Bureau O f Personnel 1220 S .W . 5th A ve., First FI. Portland, O R 97204 A pps also available at: Urban League 10 N. Russell M inorities, fem ales and disabled encouraged to apply. SENIOR ECONOMIST search- • M onitor, collect, analyze, and present inform ation about the tra n s­ portation industry, w orld trade, w orld econom ics, regional trade, i. fa x -* INSURANCE N ew s E ditor; e xperience required. R esum es only to: O perations M anager PO Box 14957 Portland, O regon 97214 Equal O p portunity Em ployer Port of Portland 1* A C C O U N T IN G M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty offers co m p eti­ tive salarie s an d a n ex cellen t frin ge b en efit package. The Port of Portland is recruiting for an A d m inistrative C oordinato r for the D irector of Planning. T he successful candida te w ill be responsible for: • P roviding clerical and adm inistrative support for the P lanning D irector and other Planning staff; • P roviding assistance in preparation and m aintenance o f d e p a rt­ m ent budget; • S cheduling m eetings, arranging travel, and coordinatin g d e p a rt­ »Advertising K Employment » Bids/Sub-Bids Sub-Bids Requested Oregon State University Tennis Court Renovations Bids: 30 July 1991 2:00pm Water Research Lab Reroofing Bids: 13 August 1991 3:00pm Rosenfeldt Laboratory and Feed Barn Building Reroof Bids: 13 August 1991 2:00 pm Merle Doty and Son, Inc. 1656 NW 13th Street Corvallis, Oregon 97330 Phone 752-4550 Fax 754-2242 CCB #5403 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business, minority and women-owned business and disadvantaged busi­ ness enterprises. •j. ^'.A »