July 24, 1991—The Portland Observer-Page 5 WANTED TIMBER & LUMBER WE WANT TO PURCHASE SAW LOGS, STANDING TIMBER AND/OR RANCH LAND WITH STANDING TIMBER BUT THE PHONE COMPANY SAID NONI Contact: Johnny Shaw IDAHO TIMBER (503) 898-2207 CORPORATION WE SAY YES!! NO CASH DEPOSIT NO CREDIT CHECK > // ? \ SERVICE ACTIVATED IN 3 TO 5 DAYS CALL NOW (503)224-4910 D ad ’ s O il S ervice heating oils Best Cash P rices 104 NE Russel St. Portland, Or 97212 (503) 282 5111 Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote! - For Best Results Advertise in the Observer American Red Cross Community CPR Review Before leaving on vacation, it may be tim e to refresh your CPR skills. Sum m er recreation can be fun and safe if you’re prepared. Red C ross will offer the CPR Com m unity Review at the O regon Trail Chapter, 3131 N. V an­ couver Ave, Portland, Saturday, A u­ gust 10, betw een 8:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m ., in Conference Room A. This is a renew al course for those who hold current Com m unity CPR cer­ tification. Students need to pass a w rit­ ten test and perform skill checks on each C om m unity CPR skill. This serves as an excellent review for those planning to take Red Cross in­ structor or professional rescuer courses. The fee is 522. A textbook may be purchased at the Safety and Health Resale Desk, at The O regon Trail Chapter (M onday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m .). Call 280-1440 to register. Health Check-Ups For Women Offered A health check-up for women will be given from 9 a.m . to 1 p.m., Satur­ day, August 10,1991 at W estern States Chiropractic College C linic, 2900 NE 132nd Avenue in Portland. The 515 examination fee will cover the cost o f a pap smear, breast exam , spinal examination, and urinary lab test. The check-ups are adm inistered by fourth-year interns under the supervi­ sion o f chiropractic physicians. A p­ pointm ents are necessary and may be made by calling 255-6771. Vegas Here We Come! PACIFIC TELECORP, INC. "you can call on us" Children Who Live With Smokers At Greater Risk Of Poor Health LORRAINE HLAVINKA All Types of Auto Plate and Window Glass Storm Doors and Windows 4709 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd Portland, Oregon 97211 Woman-Owned Phone 249-5886 FREE ADMISSION TO MEMBERS AND NON-MEMBERS " i f you d o n 't attend...your com petitors probably w ill" BU$INE$$ AFTER HOURS NETWORKING E X C L U S IV E L Y F O R B U S IN E S S E S ... WANTING TO INCREASE LEADS MAKE ON-THE-SPOT SALES IMPROVE THEIR VISIBILITY INTRODUCE THEIR PRODUCT/SERVICE GET CUSTOMER REFERRALS NETWORK WITH O TH ER BUSINESSES (door prizes and specials invited) TH U RSD A Y - A UGUST 8T H , BEN SO N H O T E L , 6:40 PM - 9:30 PM NO HOST BAR BUSINESS ATTIRE ONLY BRING PLENTY OF BUSINESS CARDS Presented by: Children who live with smokers are nearly twice as likely as children w ho live in smoke-free households to suffer fair or poor health, according to a study jointly funded by NICHD, the Federal Centers for Disease Control and the Office of Maternal and Child Health. More than a quarter o f a m illion children who arc 5 years old or under and living with current sm okers are in fair or poor health, representing 4.1 percent of children in this age group. In com parison, 2.4 percent o f children who never lived with smokers and 3.5 percent who lived with former smokers had fair or poor health. A pproximately 50 percent of all U.S. children 5 years old or younger have been exposed to cigarette smoke at home at some time in their lives, and more than 25 percent o f children in this age group were ex­ posed before, as well as after, birth. The risk of exposure to cigarette smoke and, subsequently, poor health increased for children from families with lower income and education levels. Children in families with an annual income under 510,000 a year were alm ost twice as likely to be exposed to cigarette smoke at home than children in families with incomes o f 540,000 or more. (Advance D ata, Centers for Disease Control, June 18, 1991, No. 202) • • • • • • Oregon Business Network "partners in progress" RSVP: (503) 244-5794 Ext. 38 Creed of the black Press T h e Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from social and national antagonism s when it accords to every person, regardless o f race, color, or creed, full human and lcagal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press stri ves to gclp every person in the firm belief that all are gurt as long as anyone is held back. SAVE ON VINYL SIDING INSTALLED ON YOUR HOME BY EXPERTS SPECIAL 40% DISCOUNT 3 COLORS ONLY IVORY - BEIGE - GRAY CALL CAREFREE VINYL HOMES 283-0348 FOR FREE ESTIMATE Pictured form left to right: Wendy Williams, Naamon Archer, Natalie Lagris, seated in back is Derick Spears. Fresh Connection, a local dance group, has been performing together for the past three and one half years. Their perform ances have ranged from Roosevelt High School to a recent show at Portland’s Rose Festival W aterfront Park. They can also be seen in one of channel 4 9 ’s season prem ier com m er­ cials. The group is venturing to Las Vegas July 27th through A ugust 2nd. They will be filming a music video for their first single record. To see them live this summer. Fresh Connection will be dancing with the Calvin W alker Band at the Bite in Portland at W aterfront Park on A ugust 11th from 7 - 8 pm. Stopping Racism Begins At Home T o the Editor: O ne thing that is o f growing con­ cern to me is the num ber o f black people that I run into who seem to have a problem with my being married to a white woman. In discussing this issue, I have found that the main accusations tow ards me and other black men in so- called “ interracial” relationships, is that we are self-haters and “ sellouts.” I believe that these accusations are very serious, considering the day and time that we live in. On the one hand I can understand that the animosity towards us is an em otional reaction to the treat­ m ent that we as blacks have suffered at the hands o f the oppressor. At the same tim e, if em otions arc not kept in check by a well balanced and rational mind, then we will continue to be victims of w hat Huey P. Newton called “ Reac­ tionary Suicide.” There are many theories on the effects o f “ m iscegcnation ’ ’ on particu­ lar “ races.” These theories were propa­ gated by racists who needed an excuse for conquering the world. J.A. Rogers points this out brilliantly in his book, Sex and Race Vol. I,IL and III. I think itis very important that “ w e” exercise the power to create our own defini­ tions. And when I say “ w e” I am talking about all o f us who arc victims o f the accepted definitions of today. Malcolm said, “ O f all our studies, history is best qualified to reward our research.” That doesn’t just mean black history, that means all history; because all people’s history is tied together. If wc studied “ true” history we would know , for instance, that to refer to the N ative American as an “ indian” is an insult parallel to calling the African (or African-A m erican) a “ nigga.” W e would also find that the African and the Native American have a history of working and living together in peace and harmony. That is, until today when race seems to be such an issue. W e would also find that a w hite man by the name o f John Brown gave his life for the cause o f freedom, and that it would be unfair to call him a devil because o f the color o f his skin. A sa m atter o f fact, there are w hite men today who arc working for our freedom. Not by com ­ ing to us, but by going where the prob­ lem is; in their own com m unities. They realize that no man is free until all men are free. As far as the “ sellout” issue is concerned, 1 would like to ask this one question: W hat are YOU doing for the com m unity? My wife and I run the PTA H O TEP Learning and Resource C enter in the hopes o f sharing know l­ edge and wisdom with those who have an interest in the com m unity. Now I’ll tell you w hat I’m not doing. I’m not selling drugs. I’m not exploiting and robbing the com m unity deaf, dumb, and blind. I ’m not raping the women. I’m not killing the brothers. If you re­ ally w ant to address the “ sellout” is­ sue, then think about this: W e are all “ sellouts” for allow ing great leaders like M alcolm X, M artin Luther King Jr., Martin Sostrc, Huey P. Newton, Bobby Seale, Edlridge Cleaver, Assata Shakur, Angela Davis, G eroim o Pratt, Fred H ampton, Mark Clark, Bunchy Carter, Jon Huggins, Kwamc Nkru- m ah. Nelson Mandela, W innie M an­ dela, Steven Biko, ad infinitum; to fall victim to the racist, imperialistic pow er structure without calling for its accounta­ bility. As a m atter o f fact, I w ant to know w hat happens when they come after Farrakhan? Are wc going to hand him over too? W hen are we going to quit selling ourselves out by electing leaders who d o n ’t have our best interests at heart? Instead o f w orrying about kindergarten cultural nationalist issues, like “ inter­ racial” relationships, wc should better use our tim e thinking about w hat to do with cats like Marion Barry, and that bom b-dropper in Philadelphia, not to mention other cats who are nothing more than lackeys o f the oppressor. It’s time to move on. We need to deal with real issues. O ur parents al­ ready established the fact that “ black is beautiful.” Now it’s up to us to take it a step further. W hen we know that everyone’s genealogy can be traced back to a single black woman, then we should have no problem knowing that w hether you are black, white, red, yel­ low, or brown we have the same “ m om m a” and we are all brothers and sisters. That means my wife is valid, and so is my love for her. It is a blessing to know and to find that there arc w hite folks who are willing to learn the nature o f the effects oppression has had on us, and arc willing to go into their own communities and do som e­ thing about it. These are our allies, and they should not be alienated. My wife and my relationship to her, for the same reason that I m entioned above, arc not the enemy. The real enem y is within. PTAHOTEP, M uham m ad Abdullah Suggested reading materials: 1) Huey P. N ew ton,To Die For The People, Revolutionary Suicide 2) Stokely Carm ichael, Black Power, Stokely Speaks 3) R obert L. Scott and W ayne Brockridee, Rhetoric o f Black Pow er 4) Bobby Scale, Seize the Time 5) Dr. Ivan Sertim a, They C am e Before Colum bus 6) M alcolm X, T he A utobiogra­ phy 7) J.A. Rogers, Sex and Race Vol. 1,11,111 8) W ard Churchhill and Jim Van dcr W all, Agents o f Repression, The C ointclpro Papers