Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 24, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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J u ly 2 4 , 1 9 9 r - T h e P o rtla n d O bserver--P ag e 3
»P ortland O b se rv e r
The 39th General Baptist Convention Will Convene
The 39th annual Session of the
General Baptist Convention of the
Northwest will convene July 28, Au­
gust 4, 1991 at the O.B. Williams Con­
vention Center, 220 N.E. Beech Street.
Dr. O.B. Williams, President for
the past 39 years, along with Pastors
and Churches o f the City of Portland, is
expecting a record number of delegates
to this year’s session. The session will
consist of services, lectures, seminars,
and meeting of the auxiliaries and boards
of the Convention, which includes 40
churches in Oregon and Washington,
making this the largest regional con­
vention of black baptists. Dr. Williams
will be delivering his 39th Annual
Message as President on Sunday, Au­
gust 4 at 3:00 p.m.
Special guest of the Convention
will be Dr. S.J. Gilbert, Sr. Pastor, Mt.
Sinai Baptist Church of Houston, Texas
and General Secretary of the National
Missionary Baptist Convention of
America. He will be accompanied by
his wife, Mrs. Alyce Gilbert, who works
faithfully at Mt. Sinai with the Youth
and Children’s Ministries and is the
“ Hour of Power” coordinator for the
National Missionary Baptist Conven­
tion o f America M inisters’ Wives
Auxiliary. Dr. Gilbert will preach nightly
at the 7:00 p.m. evening worship.
The Convention will begin on
Sunday, July 28 at 4:30 p.m. with the
Ushers Annual Day. This service will
be held at the Vancouver Avenue First
Baptist Church, 3138 North Vancou­
ver, Portland, Oregon, Dr. O.B. Wil­
liams, Pastor. The guest speaker for the
Ushers will be Rev. Robert C. Jointer
of New Hebron. M íssíssíddí . who will
Public Welcome
You are invited to hear
M ary Kay Beard
Former safecracker; once convicted
of armed robbery and named on the
FBI’s most-wanted lis t
Mary Kay Beard now helps
ex-convicts readjust
* * * Special Music * * *
(Martha Murphy & Others)
A ll Seats Free
* * • Church Air-Conditioned * * •
Remarks from Earnestine Banks
(Outstanding Speaker with
be preaching throughout the week for
the Ushers Auxiliary during their Morn­
ing and afternoon sessions beginning
on Wednesday.
The Boards of the Convention
(Home Mission, Foreign Mission,
Evangelical, and Educational) will
sponsor a Joint Board Worship on
Monday, July 29 at the O.B. Williams
Convention Center at 7:00 p.m. Dr. A.
Bernard Devers, I, Pastor, Progressive
Baptist, Seattle, Washington will be
the speaker.
On Tuesday, July 30 will be the
grand Pre-Convention Musical and
Welcome Program. This year’s musi­
cal promises to be a great highlight as
the choirs of the city will be singing.
Ms. Eva N. Miles, Chorister of the
Convention will be coordinating this
gala event
The Convention opens properly on
Wednesday, July 31 with a Prayer Hour
at 8:00 a.m., followed by the Memorial
Hour at 9:00 a.m. Rev. Walter M. Brown,
Jr., New Hope Baptist, Portland, will
be preaching. At 10:00 a.m. Dr. Wil­
liams will officially call the convention
to order and Dr. J.A. Boles, Sr. of St.
John Baptist, Tacoma will bring die
Bible Lesson. Rev. Charles Dickerson,
Galilee, Moses Lake will Present the
Theme (God’s Available Power for
Service), and Rev. James C.E. Faulkner,
S t Paul, Portland will deliver the Intro­
ductory Sermon.
Scheduled to discuss the theme
throughout the week are: Rev. John
Eberhardt, Pilgrim Rest, Yakima; Rev.
Howard A. Robinson, Jr., Berean,
Seattle; Dr. Wilbert Reed, Sr., New
Direction. Seatde: Rev. R.L. Stone,
New Jerusalem, Yakima; Dr. Robert L.
Jeffrey, Sr., New Hope, Seattle; Rev.
J.G. Myers, Union, Longview; Dr. J.A.
Boles, St. John, Tacoma; and R ev. Robt.
E. Houston, Sr., Greater St. Stephen,
Ministers that will be preaching
throughout the week include: Rev.
Raymon H. Edwards, Sr., True Vine,
Portland; Rev M.J. Thornton, Greater
Friendship, Seattle; and Dr. R.A. Allen,
Boyd Memorial, LaGrande.
Giving leadership to the Auxilia­
ries throughout the week will be: Mrs.
Elnora Wayne (Senior Women), Mrs.
O.B. Williams (Mission #2), Mrs. Carolyn
Cotton (Junior Women), Mrs. Wilma
Pitre (Children’s Department), Rev. A.
Bernard Devers, II (Youth), Mr.
Woodrow Bryant (Ushers), Mr. Henry
A. Knight (Brotherhood), and Ms. Danella
Bletson (Nurses).
Officers of the Convention include:
Drs. F.A. Allen and Joe S. Hardie (Vice
Presidents); Dr. C.M. Neal (Vice Presi­
dent At Large); Dr. W.P. Johnson (Vice
President Emeritus); Rev. Robt. E.
Houston, Sr., (Recording Secretary); Mrs.
Mary Marbles (Corresponding Secre­
tary); Mrs. Oneida L. Warren (Financial
Secretary Emeritus); Dr. Wilbert Reed,
Sr. (Treasurer); Rev. C.L. Buhl (Chair­
man of Finance); Rev. Raymon H.
Edwards, Sr. (Co-Chairman of Finance).
For more information regarding the
39th Annual Session, please call either
Rev. Robt. E. Houston, Sr., Recording
Secretary at 287-6691 or Ms. Otharyn
E. Rand, Financial Secretary at 282-
9496. The Exec-U-Lodge at the Con­
vention Center will be the Headquarters
Prison Ministry)
Fran Howard will present
10 minutes of slides from
Alabama W omen’s Prison
Sunday, July 28, 1991
Time: 3:00 P.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Maranatha Church
4222 N.E. 12th Avenue
Portland, OR. 97211
(503) 288-7241
Sponsored by: Prison Ministries,
For more information Call: John
Parker, Director - 284-7563
S to n e T o w e r C h u rc h ,
N .E . S a n d y B lvd . & 3 0 t h
W o rs h ip S ervices 8 :0 0 A .M . & 1 1 :0 0 A .M .
C h u rc h S ch o o l 9 :3 0 A .M . to 10:30 A .M .
B ib le S tu d y , W ednesdays. 116 N .E .S c h u y le r
1 0 :3 0 A .M . a n d 6 :3 0 P.M .
R a d io M in is tr y ea ch S u n d a y , 8 :0 0 A .M .-K B M S
• Naomi Sims • Bornfree
• Michael Weeks
A T e a c h in g C h u rc h W ith A R e aching M in is tr y
D r. J a m e s E. M a rtin . S e n io r P a s to r
And other noma brandi
Everything from current styles to specialty wigs
unique hair ornaments
Hair beads & beauty supplies
Mrs. C's Ebony Essence Cosmetics
Zuri Cosmetics
C h u rc h O ffic e 1 1 6 N .E . Schuy c r ,
things through God who strengthen us.
In mystery and silence, God is pres­
ent in our changes. He brings new life
out of change, hope out of despair, growth
out of difficulty. We must learn to see
G od’s hand in the unfolding of our lives.
We must learn to allow the Holy Spirit
to guide us, that we may know the joy
God gives to his people.
We must stop apologizing for our
lives, our circumstance, our lot in life.
Live for the glory of God, using what­
ever we have internally and externally,
making a point to place God in the
forefront. Shed the guilt, be consistent,
love on purpose (conscious effort), be­
come vulnerable, enjoy being a child of
God. God will not allow change to de­
stroy his temple. Share your true feel­
ings with God, God can handle them
and will not turn away from his chil­
dren. I Cor. 3:16-17.
There will be changes in the church,
on our jobs, in our homes and some of
these changes will hurt us deeply, but be
reassured that our God does not place on
us more than we can bear. He places
more opportunities before us than we
can see or comprehend. We should not/
must not become caught up in our own
hopes, plans and fantasies, (and so crushed
when they disappoint us), that we close
our eyes to the open pathways God sets
before us. We must open our eyes and
accept the changes offered us (the new
life), for by so doing we go on in grace
and show forth the resurrection of Jesus
C hrist
God will judge the immoral and
adulterous. We must keep our lives free
Pamela Michele
6 $
from the love of money, and be content
with what we have; for God said, “ I
will never fail you nor forsake you.”
Therefore we can confidently say, “ The
Lord is my helper, 1 will not be afraid,”
what can man do to me? Hebrews 13:2-
It is our innermost attitudes, belief,
and thoughts that are responsible more
than any other factor, for our successful
handling of the changes that will come
in our lives; or for our failure to handle
the changes that must come in the lives
of all who exist. Negative attitudes and
beliefs; blaming others for our circum­
stance, blaming others for the problems
of our race, our family, is self defeating
and leads me to believe that we have no
true foundation in Jesus Christ, our
Lord and Savior. Unleash your inner
power, set your vision, build a winning
self-image. Psalm 32:8 says “ I will
instruct you (says the Lord) and guide
you along the best pathway for your
life; I will advise you and watch your
progess.” Psalm 25:12 “ Where is the
man who fears the Lord? God will
teach him how to choose the best.”
“ The Lord is the one who goes
ahead of us. He will be with us. He will
not fail us nor forsake us. Do not fail us
nor forsake us. Do not fear (change), or
be dismayed. Deuteronomy 31:8. James
4:7-Submit yourselves to God; humble
yourselves before God, James 4:10.
Hope and quietly wait for the salvation
of the Lord. Lamentations 3:26 KJV.
God bless you and the changes in your
life as you grow in Christ and service to
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Tam a n d Vince.
Shore with us this day
o f new beginnings
when our daughter
‘Pamela (Michele
Mr. ‘Vincent Morgan
on Saturday, the twenty-seventh o f
nineteen hundred and ninety-one
thru-thirty o'clocf in the afternoon
Redeemer Lutheran Church
5431 (Northeast 20th Avenue
Portland, Oregon
Pdder and Mrs. Nuedell M. Mitchell
Reception following the ceremony
4222 N.E. 12th Avenue, Portland, Oregon
St. Mark Baptist Church
103 N.E. Morris Street
Portland, Oregon 97212
Church Phone: 287-7457
Jesus L oves You/
TFâŒqjüâ S ü l l
No matter what kind of changes
occur in our lives; a new job or life style
- a new baby - a new husband or wife -
a death - changes need to be wrapped in
We need strength and patience to
adapt to changes, and wisdom to initiate
changes, and wisdom to initiate changes,
and prayer is the connecting link that
provides us with knowledge and inspi­
ration from God. The power of the Holy
Spirit is released through prayer. As we
face the challenges that changes bring
to our lives, we must be persistently and
increasingly people of prayer.
We must learn to live as simply as
possible, keeping focus on serving
mankind. We must learn to use what we
have for as long as we can. We must
raise ‘‘Global Christian” by educating
our children about the needs of others
and how we are all dependent on each
other. The “ dog eat dog” syndrome has
no place in the Christian family. As dif­
ficult as it seems, it is our Christian ob­
ligation to become better steward of our
God-given gifts of creation.
Changes are inevitable. We experi­
ence changes on a regular ongoing ba­
sis. Some changes are gradual and long
termed, such as aging. Some can hap­
pen in the blink of an eye and affect the
rest of our lives. Some are planned and
caused to happen. Some changes we
have no control over and they will hit us
like a ton of bricks. Strong confidence is
needed in the fear of God and he always
has a refuge prepared for those who love
and him trust him. Proverbs 14:26; Isaiah
16:4; II Corinthians 12:9. We can do all
For your everchanging lifestyles
7th & Fremont ( 707 N.E. Fremont )
The Family-Changes
Wholesale & Retail
Hundreds of Wigs
281 -6525
Scripture of the Week Micah 6:8
Jetty Cabine
Scripture o f the ‘Wfcef
Sunday Services
Sunday School
9:00 A .M .
Morning Worship
10:30 A .M .
Evening Worship
£ b o ra h
6:00 P.M.
Midweek Service - Wednesday
7:00 P.M.
Psalm 3 4 :3
Sunday School 9:30 AM.
4236 NE Eighth Avenue
(503) 287-0261
Bible Study, Wednesday 5:30 PM.
Prayer Service, Wednesday 6:00 PM.
Rev. Dr. Joe S. Hardie, Pastor
S. Nelson, Pastor
7:00 P.M .
Sunday Worship 11:00 AM .
8th ft Skidmore)
Portland, O regon 97211
Saturday- BASIC Youth Service
Cleodus Vann
5211 N. W illia m s P o rtla n d , O r. 97217
"Maranatha Live" Radio Program/Talk Show KPDQ 93.7 FM 800 AM
11 ;00 P.M. to 12:00 midnight (Each Sunday)
He That Loveth Not, Knoweth N ot God;
For God Is love 1 Jo h n 4:8
St. Paul Missionary
Baptist Church
Mallory Avenue Christien Church
8101 N. Fiske Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97203
Fam ily Owned and Operated
Since 1954
Serving the C ity of Portland
fo r over 37 years
In your hour of need
Vann &Vann are there to serve
Rev. Wendall H. Wallace
Senior Pastor
(Disciples of Christ)
Sunday School
M orn ing W orship
Tuesday B ible
Study and Prayer
126N.C. « b e rta
Portland. Oft 97211 (5 0 3 ) 286 -5 17 3
Inter-raclai Congregation
Study Phone: 289-1911
Sunday Service
Sunday School
Bible Study
Evening Service
7:00 P.M.
God's Presence promises
Pow er through Jesus Oirist in
G ood lim es and Bod Times
AtoO rtna/ 11 :SQ
"Come to m e oil you who ore
w eary and heavy loden and I
will g k e you rest"
9 :4 5 a m
1 1:00am
7 :30pm
Church Phone: 289-0147
Denise A. Bell Pastor
Theme: Whatever you’re going to do
for the Lord, do it now.
I Peter i v . l l
y «s**