r ♦ < **4****«re*«««***' ♦ e I W - > i ► ♦ ♦ ♦ July 17,1991-The Portland Observer -Page 5 ■ Grand Opening Since 1952 Loose Endz Hair Salon SAVE ON VINYL SIDING INSTALLED ON YOUR HOME BCIT THE PHONE COMPANY SAID NO III r v ii t \ 7 / BY EXPERTS SPECIAL 40% DISCOUNT 3 COLORS ONLY IVORY - BEIGE - GRAY CALL CAREFREE VINYL HOMES Special On Cuts, Curls & Perms Come visit us at 3140 E. Burnside Next door to Music Millennium 283-0348 234-4971 I FOR FREE ESTIMATE X WE SAY YES!! i Bus Service Reinstated NO CASH DEPOSIT NO CREDIT CHECK SERVICE ACTIVATED IN 3 TO 5 DAYS CALL NOW (503)224-4910 PACI FIC TELECORP, INC "you can call on us" « f ', Wigland It is again possible to take a one- day bus excursion to the scenic Oregon coast “ This round trip schedule rein­ states the service discontinued last winter and provides needed tourist transporta­ tion along the Oregon coast,” says Robert Krebs, intercity programs coordinator wnh the Oregon Department of Trans­ portation. The new bus route connects Port­ land to Lincoln City and runs south on U.S. Highway 101, making stops in 20 Oregon Coast towns along the way. Southbound buses depart Portland daily at 8:30 a.m. with northbound buses leaving Brookings at 10:10 a.m. Bus connections in larger cities also have been improved to offer access to Wil­ lamette Valley points, Grants Pass and Medford. Krebs said that as well as supply­ ing passenger service, the enhanced schedule provides a way of shipping small parcels throughout the region. The bus service is operated by Greyhound Lines Inc. For schedule and fare information, call your local Grey­ hound terminal. Out’ o/ //zc Northwest Largest Wig Displays Wigs anil Hairpieces For all Nationalities E va G abor N aomi S ims R enee of P aris Synthetic & Human Hair For Braiding & Weeving Mon - Fr. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday 10 - 5:30 pm / * •: Near Lloyd C.enter 2 8 2 -1 6 6 4 110 5 N .E . B r o a d w a y UN fON zAVENUE^ LAsV.COMPAbJ Y> LORRAINE HLAVINKA All Types of Auto Plate and Window Glass ,,7. ( Storm Doors and Windows 4709 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd Portland, Oregon 97211 Phone 249-5886 W oman-Owned D n ad ’ s O il S ervice heating oils Best Cash P rices 104 NE Russel St. Portland, Or 97212 (503) 282 5111 G “WE DON’T THINK THEY SHOULD SMOKE” Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote! To help retailers enforce state laws prohibiting the sale of cigarettes to minors, we are providing a sign like the one shown here for display where cigarettes are sold. There is also a new booklet available from The Tobacco Institute for families with young children. It's called "Tobacco: Helping Youth Say No." It helps WE DO NOT SELL parents help their children resist peer TOBACCO PRODUCTS pressure to smoke. For a copy w rite to TO PERSONS UNDER 18 R .). Reynolds Tobacco Company, RO. Box 1207, Winston-Salem, NC 27102. That young people and smoking don't go together has long been the position of the tobacco industry. And the industry has recently launched aggressive new programs w ith the express purpose of putting cigarettes further out of reach of young people. Here's what MRS C’ s WIGS ITS THE LAW Wholesale & Retail Hundreds of Wigs / we're doing: • Supporting state laws that would prohibit the sale o f cigarettes to those under the age o f 18. • Supporting state legislation to require supervision o f vending machines in locations frequented by minors. • Requiring cigarette ads on billboards to be at least 500 feet from any elementary, ju n io r or senior high school or children s playground. • Sharply lim iting the distribution o f product samples and premiums. For your everchanging lifestyles • Naomi Sims • Bornfree • Michael Weeks And other name brands Betty Cabine proprietor TUES - SAT 1 1:30 >6:00 E ve rythin g from cu rren t styles to sp ecialty w igs uniqu e h air o rn am en ts H air beads & b ea uty supplies M rs. C 's E bony E sse nce C osm e tics Z uri C osm etics 281 -6525 7th & F re m on t ( 707 N .E. F re m o n t) < ..A- A . ♦ < A 4.4 A O \ BEAUTICIAN A STUDENT DISCOUNTS 100% HUMAN HAIR FOR BRAIDING A WEAVING R .). Reynolds believes that these new tobacco industry programs w ill help young people understand that smoking is NOT part of growing up. wo/c/s T obacco C o m p a n y ‘ * W g