Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 10, 1991, Page 9, Image 9

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July 1 0 ,1991'”The Portland Observer-"Page 9
Health Division Announces New Oregon Study
Of Maternity Services Needs Assessment
A 1990 maternity needs assess­
ment has been completed by the Ore­
gon Health D ivision. This important
study is repeated periodically to serve
as a barometer on how w ell Oregon is
caring fo r its pregnant women. The
health o f society’s pregnant women
has historically served as a w indow for
the health o f our future generations. In
order to assure that a ll infants have a
healthy start in life , it is essential that
expectant mothers receive adequate
prenatal care.
Both inadequate prenatal care and
low birth weight have improved be­
tween 1987 and 1989. In 1987 8.6 per
cent o f pregnant women received in ­
adequate prenatal care, which is de­
fined as fewer than five prenatal visits
or care started in the last three months
o f pregnancy; by 1989 this percent was
reduced to 7.3. Likew ise, in 1987 5.4
per cent o f babies were low birth weight,
which is defined as babies weighing
less than 5.5 lbs.; by 1989 it fell to 5.2
per cent. These improvements can be
attributed to increased slate general
funds dedicated to prenatal care for
low-income women and intensive out­
reach efforts o f the local county public
health departments.
Some o f the highlights o f the re­
Wli.it nukes iK-« - at kaiser Pc-niancnte? Great opportunities for growth and
advaiK-eineii! in your career with a fully accredited, non-profit group practice
iiK'dic.il can- program O u r Region has the largest HMO dental records
department in the country, with 150,000 active charts, find out how you can
iKKome a respected member of the dental care team at Kaiser Permanente by
considenng the following opportunity:
\\ e aie seeking a creative, forward thinking professional to take responsibility
for dental records at the regional clinics. You will review and analyze the
ptXential ro automate the department, ensure program-wide availability of
dental records, develop and implement dental records policies and procedures,
forms and protocols, as well as review, purchase and maintain all dental care
literature given to members.
11 isition requires an Accredited Records Technician with at least 2 years’
supervisory', management experience in a large records department, preferably
in a union shop, and strong oral and written communication skills. Prefer
expeiit in e develi >ping and managing budgets along with working knowledge
of (.lex riptivc statistics and quality assurance initiatives.
Please send your resume or call: John Bukovi, Manager, Central Support
Services, Dental Care Program, Kaiser Permanente, 7201 N Interstate Ave
Portland, OR 97217. (503) 286-6867.
I he health caring people
Equal opportunity employer
Free Health Fair
For Veterans
and Friends
The Portland Veterans A ffairs
Medical Center is hosting a free health
fair fo r veterans and friends. This w ill
be a no-cost event and w ill take place
July 25, 1991 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00
p.m. in the V .A .M .C . A uditorium lo­
cated at 3710 SW Veterans Hospital
Road, Portland, Oregon. (S.W. Veter­
ans Hospital Road is located just o ff
S.W. T e rw illig e r Blvd.)
Free health screenings and much
more w ill be provided to help promote
the V .A .M .C .’s “ Fitness For L ife Pro­
gram.” This program encourages pre­
ventive medicine by promoting healthy
lifestyle changes through diet, exer­
cise, education, and medical physical
examinations; reducing the controllable
risk factors o f vascular disease.
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port are:
- Approximately 53 per cent
o f the women who have given birth in
Oregon have incomes low enough (less
than 250% Federal Poverty Level) to
q ualify them fo r some type o f assis­
tance including reduced fees at Local
Health Departments.
- One-quarter o f the women giv­
ing birth in Oregon used Medicaid as
their primary method o f payment for
prenatal care.
- Local Health Departments pro­
vided prenatal care to almost 14 per
cent o f all Oregon women giving birth.
- In terms o f ethnic o rigin , His­
panic women had the highest rate o f
inadequate prenatal care (21% ), fo l­
lowed closely by African-Am erican
women (19.2%). This rate is four times
higher than the inadequate prenatal care
rate fo r Caucasian women (5.0%).
- Based on an odds ratio, teen
age mothers (women less than 18 years)
were seven times more like ly to receive
inadequate prenatal care.
Copies o f the report can be ob­
tained through the Maternal & C hild
Health Section o f the Oregon Health
D ivision, located at 1400 S.W. Fifth
Avenue, Portland, OR 97201.
United Grocers Fundraisers Near $2 Million Mark for
Hospitals for Children
United Grocers and its members
have raisednearly S455.000 between
June, 1990 and June, 1991 for hospi­
tals for children. Some 5270,364 o f
that w ill go directly to pediatrics at
Docmbechcr C hildren’s Hospital.
In the past four years, the United
Grocers effort has raised nearly S2
m illio n for pediatrics at Docrnbechcr,
Sacred Heart General Hospital in Eugene
and Rogue Valley Medical Center in
Medford. Money raised this year helped
complete new day surgery and bone
marrow transplant units at Doembccher
and w ill help purchase needed equip­
ment for the other hospitals. These
hospitals serve children throughout
Oregon, northern C alifom iaand south­
west Washington.
United Grocers’ and its members’
contributions were approximately one
fourth o f all that was raised for the
C hildren’s M iracle N etwork Telethon
in Portland, Eugene and M edford in
June. United Grocers contributes
594,000 each year to underwrite the
production costs o f the telethon. The
rest is raised from chcckstand canis-
tersand fund-raisers staged by in d iv id ­
ual stores, advertising groups includ­
ing T h riltw a y, Sentry and Food C on­
nection and by United Grocers em ­
ployees in Medlbrd and Portland. Fund­
raisers this year ranged from hot dog
feeds to bowl-a-thons to auctions and
“ Supporting these hospitals is like
providing insurance for the children o f
our communities. The hospitals touch
every com m unity in Oregon, south­
west Washington and northern C a li­
fornia. Thanks to the efforts o f so
many individuals, we arc able to make
a great impact on pediatric programs
in this region,” Alan Jones, president
o f United Grocers and member o f
Docmbcchcr’s board o f directors, said.
For the past four years, United
Grocers has been the largest contribu­
tor to pediatrics at the three hospitals.
Last year, United Grocers and its
members received the Oregon G over­
nor’s Voluntarism Aw ard for their e f­
United Grocers, Inc. is a retailer-
owned cooperative serving more than
363 member stores throughout Ore­
gon, Washington and northern C a li­
fornia. The company operates d is tri­
bution centers in Portland and Medford.
I l is best known by the names o f its ad­
vertising groups-Thriltway Stores, Sen­
try Supermarkets, Select Markets, Shop
Smart/Food Warehouse and Food
Connection—or by individual store
names such as Kicnow ’s, Strohcckcr’s,
W izcr’s, Food Valu, Hank’ s, and many
other fine independent grocers.
.per8on in ’1® f ° urs® °* a li,etime wa,ks * distance“
almost three times around the equator.
( “ IM &9WES AW 0 3 I T F C T H ."?
. & it
The skeleton of the face is made up of 14 bones and 32 teeth.
Sneezes have been clocked at 100 miles an hour.
To Help Stay Well, Stay Well Informed
H elping people stay w ell, and w ell
inform ed, by sharing a spectrum o f in ­
form ation and services, is the aim o f
the Health Resource Centers at St.
Vincent Hospital and Providence M edi­
cal Center. The centers o ffe r free in fo r­
m ation on hundreds o f health topics.
Demand is high for health screen­
ings and caregiver resources, two o f the
most valuable services offered.
For the convenience o f area resi­
dents, free health screening clinics are
conducted in the com m unity fo r adults
age 60 and over. C linics are held at
retirement homes, churches and other
locations on a rotating basis; and at
Providence Medical Center. Other health
screenings such as blood pressure checks
and cholesterol screenings are offered
at each center.
“ Early detection o f health prob­
lems and education are our goals in
offering these health screenings,” says
Karen Dernedde, director o f the St.
Vincent Health Resource Center. “ We
want to help people to m onitor their
own health status and to realize the
importance o f regular medical atten­
tion. The screenings are not meant to
substitute fo r a v is it to the physician.”
The centers also extend a helping
hand to the growing numbers o f adults
who fin d themselves providing care for
a fa m ily member.
‘ ‘Caregiving is a growing concern
o f American families,” notes Dernedde.
“ E ighty percent o f care fo r older adults
is provided by fa m ily members, who
often are thrust into this role w ith o u t
know ing the resources that are a va il­
able to help them.
To assist caregivers. Providence
and St. Vincent offer books and video­
tapes on caregiving for free loan or
purchase, as w ell as free pamphlets and
In addition to caregiving inform a ­
tion, the centers’ resource libraries offer
books, videotapes and free pamphlets
on a wide range o f health related topics,
from high blood pressure to home safety.
5 A new pamphlet, “ I t ’ s tim e fo r a
change o f heart” outlines some p racti­
cal ways to make behavioral changes to
help improve heart health. Copies o f
the booklet are available by ca lling the
Health Resource Center at either St.
Vincent Hospital or Providence M e d i­
cal Center.
Other services include physician
referrals, an emergency response sys­
tem, com m unity health education and
w alking clubs.
Both centers are open weekdays,
Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m.
to 5 p.m. For more inform ation, please
call St. Vincent Health Resource Cen­
ter, 291-2655 or the Health Resource
Center at Providence M edical Center,
Opportunities in Health Care
Serving in the West Since 1856
St. Vincent Hospital
and Medical Center
Providence Hospital
Providence Medical Center
Providence Seaside Hospital
Providence Milwaukie
Providence Child Care
Sisters of Providence
Health Plans of Oregan
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The Sisters of Providence began in 1856 and continues in Oregon today with
the work of St. Vincent Hospital and Medical Center, ITovtdencv Medical
Center, Providence Milwaukie Hospital, Providence Child Care, Sisters of
Providence Health Plans of OregonJTovidence Hospital Medford^nd Provi­
dence Seaside I lospital,as well as other health and community service loca­
tions on the West Coast.
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