Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 10, 1991, Page 12, Image 12

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Page 12—The Portland Observer-July 10, 1991
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Portland Observer
Section 108 Loan Application for
Portland Community Reinvestment Initiatives, Inc.,
Acquisition, Rehabilitation, Resale and Management
of Dominion Capital Properties in Northeast Portland
The City of Portland Bureau of Community Development and
Portland Community Reinvestment Initiatives, Inc. (PCRI), will
conduct a hearing to explain project proposals and receive public
com m ent on a proposed Department of Housing and Urban
Development Section 108 application. The hearing will be:
W ednesday, J u ly 17,1991
7:00 p.m.
K ing N e ig h b o rh o o d F a cility
The King Facility is handicapped accessible. Interpreters will be
furnished upon 48 hours’ request. Questions regarding the
hearing of requests for interpreters should be directed to the
Bureau of Community Development at 796-5166.
S tatem ent of C o m m u n ity D evelo pm e nt O b je ctive s
and P rojected Use of F unds fo r
P o rtla n d C o m m u n ity R einve stm ent In itia tiv e s , In c .’s,
A c q u is itio n o f D o m inio n C apital P ro p e rty
On or about July 31, 1991, the City of Portland will apply for
$13,750,000 in Section 108 loan guarantee funds from the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development. The use of
these funds will be for acquisition rehabilitation and management
for rental or resale to low-and moderate-income families of ap­
proximately 353 properties currently owned by Dominion Capital,
These activities will be consistent with Community Development
Block Grants (CDBG) regulations, will benefit low-and moderate-
income families and will achieve national objectives for the
CDBG program of benefiting low-and moderate-income persons
and households to obtain decent housing and a suitable living
The 108 program provides funding for com munity development
programs where repayment is guaranteed by future CDGB allo­
cations. Under a current proposal, the funds throu~h fhe Section
108 program will be made available by the C iiy ,o Portland
Community Reinvestm ent Initiatives, Inc., an Oregon nonprofit,
community-based organization. PCRI was formed to purchase
all property of Dominion Capital, Inc., located principally in North/
Northeast Portland, to improve its quality, reduce its cost to
renters and purchasers and to manage it to enhance its value to
Portland's North/Northeast neighborhoods. The bulk of the prop­
erties to be acquired are located in the ten neighborhoods of
Piedmont, Woodlawn, Concordia, Vernon, King, Humboldt, Boise,
Sabin, Eliot and Irvington.
The business plan developed in conjunction with the Section 108
loan application anticipates sufficient income to PCRI from rental
and contract sales payments and other fees associated with the
corporation’s business to provide loan repayment. In addition, a
purchase refinance plan envisions substituting 108 loan funds
with funds from conventional lenders and private agencies to
accelerate repaym ent of the loan. If these funds are insufficient
to repay the loan, loan repayments must come from future
Community Development Block Grants.
The City, through PCRI, proposes to meet program objectives by
undertaking the following activities:
PROPERTY ACQUISITION ($9,175,210): An offer has been
made to Dominion Capital, Inc., through the Federal Bank­
ruptcy Trustee to purchase all property interests of Dominion
Capital for the stipulated amount. The approxim ately 353
properties are comprised of approxim ately 208 rental proper­
ties and 145 properties with contracts of sale outstanding to
homeowners and investors.
PROPERTY REHABILITATION ($1,439,500): Funds will be
spent directly by PCRI to renovate rental properties and will
be made available in the form of loans to contract purchasers
to perform renovation of these properties to assure that they
are decent, safe and sanitary and can be econom ically m ain­
tained in habitable condition.
ORGANIZATION COSTS ($72,000): These funds will be
used to equip PCRI with the necessary facilities, tools, ac­
counting systems and staff necessary to undertake program
OPERATING RESERVES ($3,1 124,790): These funds are in­
tended to assure access to capital for unforeseen expenses
in the acquisition, rehabilitation and operation of the Domin­
ion portfolio. The business plan projects income and ex­
pense estim ates for the first five years of operation. It does
not anticipate the use of these funds.
TOTAL: $13,750,000
Citizens are invited to com m ent on the proposal by submitting
comments to Dan Steffey, Director, Bureau of Community Devel­
opment, 808 S.W. 3rd Avenue, Room 600, Portland, OR 97204,
by July 22,1991; or persons can appear in person at the time and
place indicated above.
C-TRAN hereby announces its 1992 goals of 15% Disadvan­
taged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation in Federally funded
A description of how this goal was established will be available for
public inspection M onday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00
p.m. for 30 days from the date of this notice at C-TRAN, 2425 NE
65th Avenue, Vancouver, W ashington.
C-TRAN will accept informational com ments for 45 days from the
date of this notice. Address comments to Sandy French, Pro­
curem ent and Grants Manager, C-TRAN, PO Box 2529, Vancou­
ver, W ashington 98668.
The Urban Mass Transportation Administration will also accept
informational comments for 45 days from the date of this notice.
Send com m ents to UMTA, Region X, 915 Second Avenue, Suite
3142, Seattle, W ashington 98174.
Multnomah Education Service District
Invitation For Bids
No. 087-91-189
Junior Counselor Transportation
Bids are solicited to furnish transportation for junior counselors
to and from five outdoor school sites for the fall 1991 and spring
1992 sessions of this agency’s Environmental Education pro­
gram. Bids will be received by Michael Mlynarczyk, Purchasing
Agent, at 11611 NE Ainsworth Circle, Portland, OR 97230-9097
(PO Box 301039, Portland, OR 97230-9039) (Phone: 503-257-
1791) until no later than 4:00 pm, Pacific Daylight Savings Time
(PDST), July 25,1991, at which time and address the bids will be
publicly opened and read alound.
The successful bidder will not be required to be licensed for as­
bestos abatem ent under section 7 of ORS 468.883.
Specifications may be obtained at the above office. Each bid
must contain a statem ent as to whether or not the bidder is a
resident bidder as defined in ORS 279.029. The District may
reject any bid not in com pliance with all prescribed public bidding
procedures and requirements, and may reject for good cause
any or all bids upon a finding of the agency it is in the public inter­
est to do so. No bid will be considered that is received after the
appointed date and time.
Informational Advertisement
Department Of Transportation
Highway Division
Call For Bids
Sealed bids will be received until 9 a.m. on July 25, 1991, for the
projects listed below:
C ounty
Multnomah, Clackamas, Portland Area Freeway “ H E LP” Signs
and W ashington
on various freeways.
Oregon Coast Hwy. (Route 101) at
13th St. in Reedsport. Traffic Signals.
Goshen-Divide Sec., G oshen-Divide
Hwy. (OR 99), in or near Creswell. 1)
A.C. Pavement & Oiling, or 2) Rein­
forced Concrete & Structural Steel
Bridges & Grade Separation Structures,
or 3) Misc. Highway Appurtenances.
DBE Goal.
Traffic Loop Repair Project (Unit 3) of
Pacific Hwy. East, Mt Hood Hwy., East
Portland Freeway, and Clackamas Hwy.
Clackamas and
Union and Baker
Ladd Canyon Drinking Fountain Grade
Sec., Old Oregon Trail (Rt. I-84), ap­
prox. 1 mi. S.E. of La Grande & North
Powder. Signing. DBE Goal.
Mill City to Gates. Sec., N. Santiam
Hwy. (Rt. 22), bet. Mill City & Gates. 1)
Earthwork & Drainage: 2) A. C. Pave­
ment & Oiling.
Bear Creek Bridge Sec., Main St., in
City of Medford. Reinforced Concrete
& Structural Steel Bridges & Grade
Separation Structures. DBE Goal.
Bids due July 23,1991, at 2:00 p.m.
Bid No. B61-200-6003
Sealed bids will be received by the Director of Purchasing,
Multnomah County Purchasing Section, 2505 SE 11th Ave.,
Portland, OR 97202 for: Asphalt Concrete Pavement Overlay on
various county roads in Southeast, Fairview and Troutdale area.
Plans and specifications are filed with the Purchasing Director
and copies may be obtained from the above address for a $5.00
nonrefundable fee. Checks and money orders only. Plans and
specifications will not be mailed within the Tri-County area.
Prebid conference: None
Prequalification of Bidders: Pursuant to the Multnomah County
Public Contract Review Board Administrative Rules (AR 40.030)
Prequalification shall be required for this project for the following
class(es) of work: Asphalt concrete pavem ent and oiling - high­
ways, roads, streets, and airport runways.
Prequalification applications or statem ents must be prepared
during the period of one year prior to the bid date. Prequalification
application and proof of prequalification by the Oregon Depart­
ment of Transportation m ust be actually received or postmarked
to Multnomah County Purchasing Section by not later than 10
days prior to bid opening.
All bidders must comply with the requirements of the prevailing
wage law in ORS 279.350.
Details of compliance are available from Larry W eaver, Purchas­
ing Section, Departm ent of G eneral Services, 2505 SE 11 th Ave.,
Portland, OR 97202, 503-248-5111.
Contractors and subcontractors must be licensed for asbestos
abatement work if the project involves working with asbestos.
No proposal will be considered unless accom panied by a check
payable to M ultnomah County, certified by a responsible bank, or
in lieu thereof, a surety bond for an am ount equal to ten percent
(10%) of the aggregate proposal. The successful bidder shall fur­
nish a bond satisfactory to the Board in the full amount of the
Multnomah County reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
L illie W alke r, D ire c to r
P u rc h a s in g S e ctio n
Sealed bids for the Steam Pipe Intertie, University of Oregon,
Eugene, Oregon, will be received by the Oregon State Board of
Higher Education at the University of Oregon, Physical Plant De-
jartm ent, Conference Room 2,1295 Franklin Blvd., Eugene, O re­
gon, 97403 until 4:00 p.m., PDT, Thursday, August 1,1991 , and
:hen publicly opened and read aloud by the Undersigned or a
designated representative.
The work covered in the contract docum ents includes connecting
to a 12” steam and 6" condensate located outside the University
of Oregon Physical Plant, installation of a pressure reducing
station, its concrete slab and metal building, and connection to the
U of O's 20 psi main line, 60 psi main line, 225 psi main line, and
jum ped condensate. Piping ranges from 2" to 14" diameter.
To expedite construction, the Owner is providing the meters, most
of the valves, traps, pressure reducing valves, and pressure relief
Airport W ay-Cairo Jet. Sec., Olds Ferry-
Ontario Hwy. (Rt. OR-201), approx. 1
mi. S.W. of Ontario. A.C. Pavement &
Oiling. DBE.
W ork includes control wiring and conduit between the flow meters,
transmitters, and the com puters in the boiler control room. Also
included is electrical wiring to the lights in the new building.
Plans, specifications, and bid docum ents may be obtained in Rm.
10,Transportation Building, Salem, OR 97310. Prime contractors
must be prequalified ten days prior to the bid opening day. For
additional information, please contact Commission Services at
If your bnusiness is not certified as a Disadvantaged Business En­
terprise (DBE) or a Women Business Enterprise (WBE), please
contact the Office of Minority, W omen, and Emerging Small Busi­
ness at 155 Cottage, Salem, OR 97310, phone (503)378-5651.
Bids will be received on a lump-sum basis for all of the work. Two
sets of contract docum ents may be obtained by prime bidders only
from Balzhiser & Hubbard Engineers, Inc., 975 Lincoln Street,
Eugene, Oregon 97401, upon a refundable deposit of $40.00.
Additional sets may be obtained for the cost of reproduction.
ROOM 204, 411 W. 8TH ST. IN MEDFORD.
OR 97070 AT 9 A.M. ON THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1991.
The Oregon Departm ent of Transportation, Highway Division, is
seeking statements of qualifications from qualified consultants
to perform prelim inary site investigations (in accordance with
OAR 340-122-240) and prepare corrective action plan (in accor­
dance with OAR 340-122-250) for leaking storage tank sites at
Detroit, Minto and McMinnville. The selected consultant may be
requested to perform corrective action plans and/or to monitor
the execution of those plans.
If you are interested in being considered, a Request for Q ualifi­
cations can be obtained by calling or writing the Program
Section, 307 Transportation Building, Salem, OR 97310; tele­
phone (503) 378-6563.
Statem ent of Qualifications are due July 15, 1991.
Deposits will be refunded for docum ents returned in good condi­
tion by actual bidders within two weeks after opening of bids, but
to nonbidders only if returned no later than one week prior to bid
Contract docum ents may be exam ined at the University of Oregon
Physical Plant Department, 1295 Franklin Blvd., Eugene, OR
97403; the office
of Balzhiser & Hubbard Engineers, Inc., 975 Lincoln Street, Eu­
gene, Oregon 97401; Eugene
Builders Exchange, 135 Silver L n „ Eugene, Oregon 97404; Con­
struction Data & News (W est Side), 925 NW 12th, Portland, OR
97290; Construction Data & New (East Side), 1125 SE Madison,
Portland, OR 97214; Daily Journal of Com m erce Plan Center,
2014 NW 24th Ave., Portland, OR 97210; Oregon Builders Ex­
change, 250 NE Garden Valley Blvd., Roseburg, OR 97470;
Salem Contractors Exchange, 2256 Judson SE, Salem, OR
97302; Medford Builders Exchange, 315 N. Bartlett, M edford, OR
97501; and Dodge/Scan, 100 W est Harrison, Suite 430, Seattle,
WA 98109.
All bidders must com ply with ORS 279.350 relating to prevailing
wage rates.
Bidders are invited to a mandatory Pre-Bid Conference which will
be held at the Physical Plant Conference Room 2, Eugene,
Oregon 97403 on Thursday, July 18, 1991, at 10:00 a.m., PDT.
No bid will be considered unless fully completed in the m anner
provided in the Division B-” lnstructions to Bidders" upon the bid
form provided and accom panied by bid security.
Oregon State Board of Higher Education
George Pernsteiner, Associate Vice Chancellor
Eugene, Oregon
Holladay Park Medical Center
1225 Northeast 2nd Avenue
(503) 233-4567
Com m itted to Carter O pportunity f o r A tt Americans
24-Hour Job Line 239-3116
An Equal O pportunity Employer
A Legacy Member
Sealed bids for the Tennis Court Renovations project will be re­
ceived by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education until 3:00
PM, local time, July 30, 1991. Bids will be opened and publicly
read aloud on July 31, 1991 at 3:00 PM local time.
Additional information may be obtained by Contacting the OSU
Physical Plant, Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2001 or
telephone 503-737-4921.