July 3 , 1991*-The Portland Observer—Page 7 General Powell Urges Students At His Former Junior High To Stay In School written to the General at the suggestion o f their te a c h e r, R o sem ary Kerr, visited him in W ashington recently, he produced a framed picture o f his graduat­ ing class. “ I spent last night searching through my attic to find this,” General Powell said. He also entertained the students with stories about the various sou­ venirs in his office. One o f his favorite items seemed to be a Saddam Hussein beanbag with tw o black eyes. “ W henever I felt frus­ trated during the war, I punched the beanbag,” General Colin Powell (Taken From Parade June 2 7 ,1 9 9 1 Issue) G eneral Colin Powell, who served as “ captain” o f his graduating class at Intermediate School 52 in the South Bronx in 1950, has advised the students there now to “ stay in school and get a good education.” “ T hat’s w hat helped me when I was where you are,” General Powell added in a letter he sent the students from Saudi Arabia. “ Look around you in your class­ room; I bet y ou’re looking at a judge, a lawyer, an Army general, a famous architect, a doctor, a couple o f movie stars, and many, many other famous Americans o f the future,” General Powell wrote. “ Each one o f you has that potential. And I’m going to be watching you, so work hard and pre­ pare yourselves to win the future.” W hen six o f the students, who had he joked. “ The most valuable gift General Powell gave the kids was his genuine, down-to-earth personality,” observed Ms. Kerr. “ Living in a neighborhood like ours, the kids see mostly problems. General Pow ell’s success speaks very deeply to them. That someone who is greatly admired w ent through some of the same difficulties they experience... They equate that with, ‘N ot all people who com e from this area are people into drugs and other problems. W e can make it through.’ ” Ms. Kerr agreed. “ By exam ple, he showed them: ‘You can be somebody. I’ve done all this, and I was one o f you.’ ” And Latisha Hopewell, age 12, one o f the students who m et General Powel, in W ashington, summed it up. “ For the first time, I feel like a w in­ ner,” she said. PDX Passengers Post May Mark Portland International Airport (PDX) achieved its best May ever for passengers handled, when 526,627 person traveled through the airport in May 1991. PD X ’s May passenger total was a 2.5 percent increase over M ay 1990. PDX continues to outpace the United States aviation industry, which was down 1.1 percent in May 1991 versus May 1990. PDX grew in May despite losing service from USAir, which accounted for 3 percent o f the market. “ O ther carriers have com e in to pick up the slack on the USAir ro utes," said Keith Phildius, Port o f Portland aviation di­ rector. “ PDX continues to post good numbers in the m idst o f reduced de­ mand nationally,” he added. The Port operates Portland Inter­ national and three general aviation air­ ports in Hillsboro, Troutdale, and Mulino. Air cargo tonnage through PDX in May was 11,096 tons. For the first five months of 1991, PDX has shipped 55,479 tons, a 1.6 percent increase over Janu­ ary-M ay 1990. General aviation operations (take­ offs and landings) showed modest growth in May 1991. Operations at Hillsboro w ere up 3 percent to 20,615, while Troutdale was even with 9,227. G en­ eral aviation operations at PDX were up 4 percent to 5,379 MRS C’s WIGS Wholesale & Retail Hundreds of Wigs For your everchanging lifestyles .7^1. Betty Cabine proprietor TUES - SAT 11:30*6:00 Planned Parenthood Prepares For Possible Loss Of $500,000 In Federal Funds Planned Parenthood leaders will forfeit $500,000 in federal funds if they are forced to comply with a federal regulation known as the “ Gag R ule.” Saying that the “ Gag R ule” is "contrary to the ethics o f health care,” Planned Parenthood o f the Columbia/ W illam ette’s Board of Directors voted unanimously W ednesday night to con­ tinue to provide full information to Planned Parenthood patients, even it it means losing a half-million dollars. Last month, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the federal government may ban federally funded family planning clinics, including Planned Parenthood’s Southeast Portland clinic, from provid­ ing patients with any information about abortion, even patients who ask for the information. The Bush Administration says it will take away m oney from federally funded clinics that do not comply with this “ Gag R ule.” “ To abide by these regulations is clearly contrary to our mission, ’ ’ Eliza­ beth Flanagan, president of the Planned Parenthood Board o f Directors, said at a press briefing Thursday. “ They re­ quire Planned Parenthood to betray the trust of our patients and to treat low- income patients with less than the dig­ nity and truthfulness they are entitled to .” Flanagan said the agency has not heard yet from federal officials on whether or how Planned Parenthood must comply with the regulations, which appear to be quite strict. “ We are currently exploring every option to determ ine if there is a way we can work with these regulations without com prom ising the care we provide, but we are not hopeful,” Flanagan said. Planned Parenthood of the Colum- bia/Willamette receives about $500,000 in federal funds, about 20 percent o f the agency’s $2.5 m illion budget. Federal funds are used to subsidize services provided by the agency’s Southeast Portland clinic. The money allows Planned Parent­ hood to serve low-income women in the Portland area by offering services free of charge or at reduced c o s t “ Loss o f the federal funds will jeopardize our ability to provide these basic medical services, most o f which have nothing to do with abortion,” Flanagan said. “ These services include annual exam s, cancer screenings and birth control information. Our South­ east Portland clinic serves about 10,000 women a year.” The agency’s plans to open a clinic in Northeast Portland next year also would be jeopardized by the loss o f federa, funds, Flanagan said. Allie Stickney, Planned Parenthood executive director, said the agency might have to raise fees to offset the loss of funds. “ T h at’s something we just d o n ’t want to do,” she said. “ Part o f our mission is to offer services to anyone, regardless o f their ability to pay. By raising fees, we risk losing some o f the very patients we are committed io serve." Stickney said the agency is plan­ ning a “ massive fund-raising campaign” to challenge agency supporters to make up the loss with increased contribu­ tions. “ W e have one other hope, the United Slates Congress,” Stickney said. “ Both the House o f Representatives and the Senate are considering bills that would overturn the G ag Rule. “ W e are asking all o f our support­ ers to speak out forcefully to their leg­ islators. We are asking our supporters to tell Congress that the Gag Rule is a violation of the doctor-patient relation­ ship, a hardshipfor low-incom e women and a violatio;. of the freedom of speech. We w ant to build momentum in C o n ­ gress to overturn the gag rule and over­ ride a veto by President Bush. “ W hatever the outcom e. Planned Parenthood will continue to disclose all o f the information that will help o u r patients to make decisions about their health and their lives,” Stickney said. In addition to its Southeast P o rt­ land center, Planned Parenthood o f the Colum bia/W illam ette has clinics in Beaverton, Gresham and V ancouver, Wash. Wigland One of the Northwest Largest Wig Displays Wigs and Hairpieces For all Nationalities E va G abor N aomi S ims R enee of P aris Synthetic & Human Hair For Braiding & Weeving • Naomi Sims • Bornfree • Michael Weeks And other name brands Everything from current styles to specialty wigs unique hair ornaments Hair beads & beauty supplies Mrs. C's Ebony Essence Cosmetics BEAUTICIAN Zuri Cosmetics 4 S TU D EN T DISCOUNTS 281-6525 7th & Fremont ( 707 N.E. Fremont ) Systolic Hypertension In The Elderly Program (SHEP) SH EP was designed to test whether drug treatm ent to lower elevated sys­ tolic blood pressure can reduce the num ber o f strokes, heart attacks, and deaths from cardiovascular disease in men and women ages 60 and older. Until now, medical research has fo­ cused on the effects o f reducing dia­ stolic blood pressure; SHEP is the first clinical trial to evaluate possible health benefits o f lowering isolated systolic hypertension in a population prone to developing this major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and sudden death. Results o f the study are expected to have significant public health im pli­ cations. Som e 3 million people over age 60 have an elevated systolic blood pressure, and the number of older people with this condition is expected to in­ crease to 8 million by the year 2025. Isolated systolic hypertension is asso­ ciated with a two-to-three-times higher risk o f stroke as well as increased risk of coronary heart disease, heart failure, heart attack, and sudden death from cardiovascular disease. 100% HUMAN HAIR FOR BRAIDING A WEAVING Mon - Fr. 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday 10 - 5:30 pm LORRAINE HLAVINKA All Types of Auto Plate and Window Glass Near Lloyd Center Storm Doors and Windows 2 8 2 -1 6 6 4 4709 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd Portland, Oregon 97211 1105 N.E. Broadway Woman-Owned Phone 249-5886 SummertimeSavings! Plum p Fryer Hindquarters Stock the freezer! They are a great buy at this low price. Approximately 3-Lb. Package. Enjoy the great taste of poultry! « m A roc DEVELOPMENT Commission Meeting Date: July 10,1991 Place: Portland Building 1120 SW Fifth Ave., 11 th FI. E ffectiv e 7/3 T hru 7/9/91 Portland, OR Time: 9 3 0 a.m. SAFEWAY Commission meetings are open to the public A complete agenda Is available at PDC. Call 823 3200 PD C Is the a t y of Portland’» urban renewal, housing and economic development agency. C O P Y R IG H T 1978, S A F E W A Y IN C . I