p*_ ENTERTAINMENT Page 4 -The Portland Observer July 3, 1991 Portland Observer Norman Sylvester Band Nostalgic Hair Design Community Center Hosts Several Performers The Com m unity Center fo r the Perform ing Arts presents the fo llo w in g performers: Friday July 5th: The Dharma Bums. Opening the show w ill be Dose and Prairie School. Doors open at 9:00. Showtime is 9:30. Advance tickets are $5, and cost $6 at the door. Saturday July 6th: High Perform ­ ance and Dura C ell, featuring Silver Shadow “ D .” Doors open at 9:00. Showtime is 9:30. Advance tickets are Cheryl Garner is a native of the NE community of Portland. She graduated form Jefferson High school, and went to college, and is now doing It your way. Come let me take care of your hair. I can make the difference! . Your Nineties hair stylist doing what's best for your hair. i Tuesday, July 16th: Oasis Fir Foods Market w ill host Downtown St Dance w ith Zasu Pitts M em orial chcstra. Show time is 8:00. Advanc tickets are $8, and cost $10 at the l A ll ages are welcome for show and v o fl unteer information, please caU the CCPA at 687-2746. The C om m unity Center For The Perform ing A rts is located on the cor» ner o f 8th & Lin coln and is w h e e lc h a fl accessible. A ll ages are welcome. BLUES, JAZZ § BAR-B-Q ? with San Francisco Blues Sensation g ie fn w h e e le r The Luther Tucker Band Plus The World's Greatest Blues Steel Guitarist OFFERS Freddie Roulette and Portland's Finest Norman Sylvester is a soulful Portland blues cat who is on the right track. He is a fine singer and guitarist as well as a sensitive songwriter who brings a personal touch to universal blues themes. Born in Louisiana and armed with "the love of his music in his heart," Norman Sylvester is a Portland home-town favorite. With strong backing from his band and vocal assistance from the "Sweet Thangz," Norman Sylvester performs blues with style, grace, and last but not least, a big heart. \ Charters, Cruises and Fine Dining The Norman Sylvester Band For more information call Curt 286-ROSE JULY 5,1991, 9:30PM -1:30 AM COMMUNITY CENTER 1625 N.E. Alberta St. (across from Texas II) ” r Music by The Norman Sylvester Band "P H E N O M E N A L !" - Larry Frascella. US MAGAZINE Keyboard Sensations "TW O TH U M B S U P !” I Janice Scroggins & Benny Wilson SiSM«l with E O tfl Plus The Dynamic Jazz & Blues Vocals of “ M A T T Y R IC H HAS SU CC EED ED , B IG -T IM E !” Leanne Sylvester & Mario DePriest -J a c k M a th e w *. N E W S D A V and “FUNNY AND A B S O R B IN G ! Kenny Wild on Saxohone T h e w o r k o f a n e x c e p t io n a l f ilm m a k e r . Y o u c o u ld h a r d ly a s k to r a m o re m e m o r a b le d e b u t." -M a tth e w F la m m . N E W YORK July 12,1991 9:30 PM -1:30 AM THE MELODY BALLROOM (downstatairs) 615 SE Alder St. POST “ S P IK E L E E , M O VE OVER! ‘S t r a i g h t O u t O f B r o o k l y n ’ is d y n a m ic , h o n e s t a n d p r o v o c a t i v e . " - J u d , S t o n e , S A N F R A N C I S C O C H R O N IC L E “ ‘S T R A I G H T O U T O F B R O O K L Y N ’ IS S T R A IG H T F R O M THE HEART! COVER $5.00 AT DOOR Bar-B-Q Dinners NOT Included in Cover Charge E n o rm o u s ly in v o lv in g , b e a u tifu lly a c te d . " -D a v id ■ w lr to , L A R E A D E R THE SAM UEL G O L D W Y N C O M P A N Y a n d A M E R IC A N PLAYHOUSE'" THEATRICAL FILMS prevent A BLACKS N PROGRESS P R O D U C TIO N A MATTY RICH FILM STRAIGHT OUT OF B RO OKLYN O rig in a l Scare C o m p ose d by H A R O LD WHEELER D irecto r o f P h o to g ro p h y JO H N ROSNELL Editor JACK H A IG i S E xecu tive P roducer» L IN D S A Y L A W IRA D E U T C H M A N A ssociate Producer ALLEN BLACK W ritte n Produced a n d D irecte d b y MATTY RICH EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT CHECK DIRECTORIES FOR MORE INFORMATION • ■ ■:.....• • • ts e y 31 NW First 223-9919 WEDNESDAY JULY 3 Perfect 10 ♦ THURSDAY JULY 4 to SUNDAY JULY 7 Curtis Salgado a n d th e A unique environment featuring a wide variety of entertainment, astounding international vaudeville, quality crafts, delicious food and an exceptional spirit of community. STILETOS Near Veneta, 13 miles west of Eugene ♦ JULY 12,13 ® . 14 MONDAY JULY 8 Jimmy Haskett Band 11:00 A M - 7:00 P M ’ Visit The Left Bank! Friday.. $6 • Saturday...$8 • Sunday . $7 ■ ♦ M M IO llS M M U M TUESDAY JULY 2 PMA Showcase ROSE MOYFR J KOIN CENTER J43-3S15 M I II Iwuomwiiii inuii «) * m o k : iií 19 CLACKAMAS CINE MAS TIGARO C INEMAS ■ ’«* esa*. Y i III »•»I ?«* —73 V I III REGULAR ENGAGEMENT STARTS FRIDAY, JULY 12. • * * * * «. M 12 years A under F REE! 55 years A better 1/2 price! NO dogs on property • NO public camping • NO video cameras Take The Bus from the Lane County Fairgrounds...It's FREE!