Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 03, 1991, Page 10, Image 10

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    Page 10- The Portland O bserver-July 3, 1991
N otice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Tri-
C o u n ty M etropolitan Transportation D istrict of O regon (Tri-M et)
at 3:30 P.M., W ednesday. July 3 1.1991 at the Portland Building,
1120 S.W . 5th A venue. S econd Floor, M eeting Room C, for the
purpose of conside rin g a project for which federal assistance
uh 1er S ection 3 of the Urban Mass T ransportation A ct of 1964,
as am ended, is being sought.
The project under consideration is the W estside Light Rail E xten ­
sion project. The p roposed light rail alignm ent to B eaverton is a p ­
p ro xim a tely 11.5 m iles long, beginning at the p resent SW 11th
A venue term inus of the eastside light rail system in dow ntow n
P ortland and term inating just w est of SW 185th in W ashington
County. An alternatives analysis study for extension of w estside
light rail from S W 185th to Hillsboro is under d eve lopm ent. The
e stim ated p ro je ct costs for the project from dow ntow n P ortland to
SW 185th is $760 m illion.
Included in the g ra nt request is funding for right of w ay a cq u isi­
tion, final design and construction m anagem ent, construction
(trackw ork, tunnel, 12 stations, 5 p ark-and-rides lots, m a in te ­
nance facility), electrification, signals, com m unications, 29 light
rail vehicles, related equipm ent and im provem ents and p roject
adm inistration.
A detailed description of the alignm ent, with station and park-
and-ride locations, is included in the d raft g ra nt application, as
well as an item ized budget.
A discussion of disp lace m e n t of persons, fam ilie s and b u si­
nesses is included in the d ra ft Final E nvironm ental Im pact S ta te ­
m ent for the project.
This project is in conform ance with co m p rehensive land use and
transportation planning in the area and is pro gram m ed in the
region’s T ransportation Im provem ent Program .
A statem ent of T ri-M e ts’s ch arte r bus service is available for in­
spection at the T ri-M e t A dm in istratio n offices.
Tri-M et will not be e ngaging in school bus operations.
Private transportation ente rp rise w ill not be dire ctly affected by
the project.
This project is currently under review by the state and d istrict
At the hearing, T ri-M et w ill afford opportunity for interested p e r­
sons or agencies to be heard w ith respect to the social, econom ic
and e nvironm ental aspects of the projects.
A copy of the d ra ft g rant a pp lication for the proposed project, a
draft Final E nvironm ental Im pact S tatem ent, and a tra nsit d e ve l­
opm ent plan for the area are currently available for p ublic in sp e c­
tion at the w e stsid e C o rrido r P roject O ffice, 115 NW First avenue,
Suite 500, P ortland O regon, 97209. C ontact the W e stside C o rri­
dor Project C o m m unity R elations D epartm ent at 2 73-4352 for
more inform ation.
A person re q uesting an in te rp re te r fo r the hearing im paired shall
give T ri-M et at least 48 hours notice of the request by contacting
T ri-M et at 238 -4 9 52 or T D D 238-5811, M onday through Friday,
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m ..
Douglas L. Capps
Executive Director
Public Services Division
Second Career Opportunity
If you are currently successful, but are looking for a career change,
consider a career as a financial services representative. Someone
who helps individuals, families and businesses find better ways to
manage their money now while planning for a better future.
Talk with us. We are a 50+ year old nationwide company expanding
in the Oregon and W ashington areas. We offer excellent career and
earnings opportunities. No travel. Full-time or part-time to start.
Floreid Walker
District Manager
W addell & Reed, Inc
Waddell & Reed, inc.
Assistant Buyer
West Coast Grocery Company is
accepting resumes form candi­
dates qualified for the position of
Assistant Buyer.
experience or Marketing degree
preferred. Retail Grocery and or
buying experience desirable.
Candidates must have proven
problem solving, decision mak­
ing, excellent time management,
and negotiation skills. Highly
skilled clerical ability, 10-key and
personal computer proficiency
required. Must be a team player
with excellent communication and
rapport-building skills. This is a
full-time position with medical,
dental and profit sharing bene­
fits. Salary commensurate with
experience. Qualified candidates
should submit a resume with
career references to: West Coast
Grocery Company, P.O. Box
12909, Salem, OR 97309 or fill
out an application on second floor,
3601 State Street, Salem, Ore­
Delaunay Mental Health Center
seeks full time Qualified Mental
Health Professional to work with
people with long term mental ill­
ness in Day Treatment/Pre-Vo-
cational/Vocational setting. Sal­
ary commensurate with experi­
ence. Please send resume to
Mary Gill Denevan, M.A., 5215
N. Lombard, Portland, OR 97203.
Delaunay is an Equal Opportu­
nity Employer.
Data Entry Clerk-Fulltime, Salary
range $9672 to $14,508. Com ­
puter training, 1-2 years experi­
ence with Data Base input. Must
be fast, accurate and flexible,
multiple software input. Please
contact Boys and Girls Aid Soci­
ety 222-9661 x169 for applica­
tion. Position open until filled.
Equal Opportunity Employer.
Social Service, Manager position,
Adoption Services. Full service
Statewide Adoption program
which includes services to all
members of the Triad. Master
Degree in Social Work or related
Discipline preferred, five years
experience, strong organizational
skills, comfort with fee based
service provision. Salary range
$21,226 to $31,839 (fully quali­
fied candidates start $22,000 to
$26,532) Call Boys and Girls Aid
Society 222-9661 X169, for ap­
plication. Deadline 5:00pm July
19, 1991. Equal Opportunity
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications
for two Grade 1 or 2 Group Medical Claims Analysts for our subsidi­
ary company. Total Plan Alternatives, a third party administrator.
Qualified candidates will have group health claims experience to include
knowledge of medical terminology and anatomy, knowledge of ICD-9
and CPT-4 coding, and the ability to operate a calculator and CRT. The
position also requires excellent communication skills and the ability to
work overtime to meet deadlines.
The successful candidate will be responsible for the following...
• Accurate administration of claims processing procedures
• Processing all types of claims as assigned including COB and 3rd
• Responding to written and telephone inquiries from Group benefit
offices, subscribers, providers and other departments
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Of Oregon offers an excellent employee
benefits package and competitive salary. Pre-employment drug screen­
ing required. To assure your resume is processed immediately, place
ad #140 at the top of your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume
Blue Cross
Blue Shield
of Oregon
Human Resources Dept. 5th Floor
100 S.W. Market
Portland, OR 97201
TDD #225-6780
Equal Opportunity Employer
The James River Corp., Wauna
Mill, is looking for a Journey Level
Industrial Painter. To be consid­
ered, candidates MUST have at
least 5 years experience in in­
dustrial painting (residential and/
or auto painting experience does
not qualify), preferably in the pulp
and paper or related industry.
Apply at the Washington State
Employment Service, 711 Vine,
Kelso, WA, or Oregon State
Employment Service, 818 Com ­
mercial in Astoria, OR. Include
resume and proof of journey level
status (certification), if available.
Applications accepted until July
8 at 5:00pm. The W auna Mill is
located on Oregon Highway 30
between Longview and Astoria.
Equal Opportunity Employer
James River
Delaunay Mental Health Center has
a full time reception position open­
ing. 35 hour work week. Great
benefit package. Salary com ­
m ensurate with experience.
Contact Ron Hale at 285-9871,
Tues.-Fri. at 285-9871. Delau­
nay is an Equal Opportunity
$$ MONEY $$
N A T L CO. Looking for person with
demonstrated sales exp in retail
FOODS. General merchandise
sales, ability to handle detailed
paperwork in a quick and effi­
cient manner. Good com m uni­
cation skills a plus to interface
with customers. Position is full of
variety, some travel & offers com­
pany perks, Major MEDICAL,
For more info call PATTHOM AS
FEE. JOB #389. $24k-$28k.
O il S ervice
heating oils
Best Cash Prices
104 NE Russel St.
Portland, Or 97212
(503) 282 5111
Call for Quote!
Tryouts Scheduled For
1991-92 Blazer Dance Team
Tryouts for the 1991-92 Blazer Dance Team will take place on Saturday,
July 13,1991, at Lewis and Clark College gymnasium. Auditions will begin at
8:00 a.m. and conclude at 5:00 p.m. Applications for the 1991 -92 Blazer Dance
Team are available at the Trail Blazer office. All dancers must be 19 years of
age or older by November, 1991.
There will be two rounds of judging, featuring a basic routine and two
dance combinations. Dancers will be judged on dance ability, enthusiasm and
appearance. Those selected will return the next day for final auditions, also held
at Lewis and Clark College gymnasium.
For more information regarding the auditions, call the Dance Team
Hotline at 231-5275.
$6 Per hour.
CODA Inc. seeks On-Call back up
worker to provide sole facility and
client supervision at our residen­
tial treatment facilities. AA de­
gree and experience with resi­
dential drug or alcohol clients re­
quired. Variable shifts. To apply
submit standard CODA applica­
tion form including screening
question response to address
Application materials available at
CODA Inc., 210 NE 20th, Port­
land, OR 97232.
Equal opportunity/affirmative ac­
tion employer.
ad ’ s
Regulatory Review Committee
Commissioners Earl Blumenauer
and Gretchen Kafoury announced the
formation of a Regulatory Review
Committee charged to help make im­
provements to the City’s land division
process in order to reduce costs to
developers and home buyers and to
improve City services.
The charge of the committee is to
review existing City policies and prac-
uces governing subdivisions and Planned
Unit Developments in the city and to
recommend ways to make the process
more efficient and less costly for both
the developer and the City. The goal is
to provide the best, most efficient serv­
ice possible, thereby stabilizing or even
reducing the cost of housing construc­
Professional Sales
Right Time, Right Career, Right Company
Waddell & Reed, a national investment and financial planning firm, is
adding to our staff.
We are seeking high quality professional people who are:
• Ambitious
• Personable
• Seeking a career change
• Interested in unlimited earnings potential
• Enjoy working with people
We train.
Floreid Walker
District Manager
W addell & Reed, Inc.
W iddell & Reed, inc.
S ealed bids w ill be received until 9 a.m . on Ju ly 2 5 ,1 9 9 1 , fo r the
project listed b elow :
LIC? Then take the first step toward
a satisfying and rew arding career:
Apply today at First Interstate Bank
o f O re g o n l W e have im m ediate
o penings th ro u g h o u t the g re a te r
Portland area.
W e offer competitive wages and an
excellent benefits package. Interest­
ed individuals may apply in person
in the Human Resources D ept, 13th
floor, at our Headquarters Building
at 1300 SW 5th, Portland, between
the hours o f 1 0 :0 0 a m - 4 :3 0 p m
M onday - Friday or at any o f our
F irst In te rs ta te Bank o f O re g o n
' First Interstate Bank
Equal Opportunity Employer
We Promote a Drug-Free W orkplace
Job Hofline (503) 778-8188
Public Transportation Subsidy
V arious
Part-Time &
Full Time
Automatic Vehicle Classification and W eigh-in-Motion
Installation S ec., var. hwys. throu g hto u t the State.
Plans, sp ecificatio n s, and bid d ocu m e n ts m ay be obtained in Rm.
10, T ra n spo rta tion B uilding, S alem , OR 97310. Prim e co n tra c­
tors m ust be p re qu a lifie d ten days prior to the bid opening day.
For additional in form ation, please contact C om m ission S ervices
at 3 78-6526.
If your business is not ce rtified as a D isadvantaged B usiness En­
terprise (D BE) or a W om en B usiness E nterprise (W BE), please
contact the O ffice of M inority, W om en, E m erging Sm all B usiness
at 155 C o tta g e, S alem , O R 97310, phone (503) 378-5651.
Earn up to $339.84 per week as­
sembling our products at home.
Call today (206) 298-5543 dept.
STAY HOME and make up to
$1,000.00 a week or more. Over
400 companies need homework -
ers/distributors NOWI Call to­
day (206) 481-4839 dept. B-23.
When Is It A Good Time To Get Married?
une is the perfect time to talk
about getting married. It seems
that most women desire to be a
bride or a bride in general. At 35 years
of age, childless, graduate school edu­
cated, single (never been married), and
successful in the eyes (not in my own)
of my peers/family, there’s not a day
that goes by without someone telling
me that I need to settle down or get
married. These individuals close to me
consistently ask why not or when I plan
to get married. My answer? Frankly,
marriage has yet to become one of my
strongest priorities and besides, one
must at least have a candidate to enter
this enlightened state. By the same token,
you can’t relocate to five cities in seven
years and expect to cultivate meaning­
ful relationships. Building my resume
and healing from past pains ranked
much higher than a commitment to
another person. If you ask my grand­
mother about marriage and me, she’ll
tell you that I’ve missed the boat. 1
don’t think so. It takes some humans
longer to heal from old emotional and
psychological wounds.
Now, the question each person must
ask themselves is, when is it a good
time to get married? That’s if marriage
is on the agenda. You know, according
to those I spoke with, it’s time to get
married when you plan your future and
can’t see it without the other person in
your life. You know it’s time to get
married when people refer to your mate
as your “ lovely wife” or “ your hus­
band” when you’re not married. You
also know it’s lime to get married when
your friends recruit you as a babysitter
another person, not because of the way
or tell you how good you are with
she fits her jeans or because of his nice
children or maybe even what a fantas­
house. Spirituality and love are very
tic parent you would make. Why do
some people get married? To cut ex­
Marriage removes the concept
penses, tax exemptions, for money/life-
known to people as self. Originally you
style upgrade, multi-car discounts on
were one, but it combines the two reali-
auto insurance, wedding gifts, or to
hush up the neigh­
“ ...W hat is M arriage ? The myth tells you
borhood gossip
it is. It’s the reunion of the separated duad.
about the revolv­
ing door to your Originally you were one. You are now two in
house, and finally, the world, but the recognition of the spiritual
because your par­ identity is what marriage is. It’s different from a
ents believe that love affair. When people get married because
you are living
they think it’s a long love affair, they’ll be
together in sin.
very soon, because all love affairs end
M a rria g e
should be from the in disappointment. But marriage is recognition
heart. The heart is of spiritual identity. If we live a proper life, if
the first to know
our minds are on the right qualities in regarding
that it’s ready to the person of the opposite sex, we will find our
get married, but
proper mate. But if, we are distracted by certain
the head, with all
sensuous interests, we’ll marry the wrong
its judgm ents,
logic, insecurities, person.”
and em otional
John Campbell,
baggage gets in the
“Power o f Myth”
way. Marriage is
an evolutionary process. It’s impera­
tics or worlds. When you make the
tive that humans chase their innermost
sacrifice in marriage, you are not
dreams, sow their wild oats, purge them­
compromising the character of your
selves of decadent social habits, and
mate, it’s for the unity o f relationship.
learn economic responsibility before
Your identity becomes the relation­
entering marriage, because it will only
ship, not you as an individual or your
create problems down the line or later
needs. Marriage is a consolidation of
in the relationship. There is no substi­
wills, energy, emotions, weaknesses,
tute for maturity and believe me, it can
strengths, and passion. It’s also sharing
only enhance marriage. Marriage should
dreams and trusting someone with those
not be for the sake of marriage, or
feelings not privy to just anyone. Until
because you want kids, or because
that day, I guess that. I’ll just tolerate
someone is pregnant for that matter. It
those questions about when and if it,
should, marriage that is, happen be­
marriage, is going to happen. My heart
cause you feel spiritually connected to
will know...