Ju n e 26, 1991—T h e P o rtla n d O b s e r v e r - Page 9 i Portland Observer CLASSIFIEDS SAIF CORPORATION LET US CHALLENGE YOU C ounseling RESIDENTIAL ON-CALL BACK-UP WORKER SAIF C orporation is O regon's only public non-profit com pany s p e ­ cializing in workers* com p e n sa ­ $6 Per hour. tion insurance. SAIF is a p e r­ C O D A Inc. seeks O n-C all back up form ance driven, progressive worker to provide sole facility and com pany seeking talented p ro ­ c lie n t supervision at o u r re sid e n ­ fe ssionals w ho thrive on change tial treatm ent facilities. A A de­ and new opportunity in em erging gree and experience w ith re si­ inform ation technology. dential drug or alcohol clients COM M UNICATION SPECIALIST required. Variable shifts. To apply W e are recruiting for tw o C om m u­ subm it standard C O D A a p p lica ­ nication S pecialists. Both posi­ tion form including screening tions are responsible for e nsur­ question responses to address ing available, effective and effi­ below . cie n t o p e ration of S A IF 's voice A pplication m aterials available at and d a ta netw orks. O ne position C O D A Inc., 210 NE 20th, P ort­ w ill specialize in Local A rea land, O R 97232. N etw orks and the o ther w ill s p e ­ Equal opportun ity/affirm ative a c ­ cialize in the phone netw ork. tion em ployer. A pplicants m ust have tw o years training or experience w ith p e r­ sonal c o m p u te rs , te le p h o n e Part Time Counselor system s o r N ovell local area netw orks, including installation, Assistant - New testing and configuring hardware Directions and softw are. In addition, appli­ S ta rtin g s a la ry $6.40-$6.70hr cants should possess a w orking p lu s b e n e fits. know ledge o f voice and data C oda Inc. seeks C ounselo r A ssis­ technology; ability to detect and ta n t at N ew D irections R esiden­ isolate the source o f problem s tial T re a tm e n t Facility. P osition effecting netw ork access and is responsible for supervision of operation s; e xcellent co m m u n i­ facility and resident clients. Du­ cation and interpersonal skills. ties include supervising clie n t Q ualified applicants are encour­ activities, responding to crisis, aged to request an applicant conductin g safety checks, facili­ packet by calling 503-373-8047. ta tin g o n e g ro u p , p la n n in g C om pleted applicant packets m enues and shopping, super­ m ust be retu rn ed by Friday, vising UA, house m aintenance. June 2 8 ,1 9 9 1 . P osition w orks 10am -m idnight S a i f C O R P O R A T IO N both S aturday and Sunday and Personnel O ffice 12:30-5pm W ednesday (32.5 Post O ffice B ox 988 hours w eek). T o qualify: 1 year S alem , O regon 97308-0988 experience in drug treatm ent, FAX No: (503) 373-8628 good ju d g e m e n t and interaction E Q U A L O P P O R T U N IT Y skills required. R esidential tre a t­ EM P LO Y E R m ent experience preferred. M ust be certified/certifiab le in C PR . ELECTRICIAN T o apply subm it standard C O D A T he O regon H ealth S ciences U ni­ application form including screen­ versity is recruiting fo r an Electri­ ing question responses to a d ­ cian. T his is a full tim e, day shift dress below . position w ith a m onthly starting A pplication m aterials a va ilable at salary of $2404 plus a good benefit C O D A inc., 210 NE 20th, P ort­ package. Applicants should have land, O R 97232. Equal o p p o rtu ­ a valid Lim ited Journeym an nity/affirm ative action em ployer. M anufacturing Plant, G eneral Journeym an , Lim ited S upervis­ WEIGHMASTER 1 ing M anufacturing Plant, or $ 1 4 7 8 -$ 1 9 4 2 MONTHLY G eneral S upervising Electrician O regon S tate H ighw ay D ivision is License. A pplicants should have adding n a m e s to a lis to fq u a lifie d the follow ing experience: M ain­ applicants for positions statewide. tenance, Repair, Installation & T hese positions issue citations; T rouble shooting of M otor C o n ­ determine vehicle size and weight trol system s, Fire Alarm Systems com pliance; and conduct safety & Electrical equipm ent in Health inspections to enforce m otor C are fa cilities; M aint, R epair & ca rrie r o peration laws. A fte r tw o Installation o f Electrical D istribu­ years of successful training at tion S ystem s and M aint, R epair this level, em ployees are reclas­ & Troubleshooting of Emergency sified to W eighm aster 2 ($1606- G enerator system s. $2131 m onthly). R equires one P lease m ail resum e or description year o f public contact experience o f relevant w ork experience to: explaining rules and regulations OHSU, Physical Plant, attn: Elec­ to individuals on how to co n d u ct trical S upervisor, 3181 SW Sam their business. T o apply, contact Jackson Park Rd., Ptld, OR O D O T Personnel at (503) 378- 97201. EOE 6281 for an application packet. W e are an A A /E E O E m ployer. PAIN TER JOURNEY LEVEL PAINTER T he Ja m e s R iver C orp., W auna Mill, is looking for a Journey Level Industrial Painter. T o be consid ered, candida tes M U S T have at least 5 years experience in in­ dustrial painting (residential and/ o r auto painting experience does not qualify), preferably in the pulp and paper or related industry. Apply at the W ashington State E m ploym ent S ervice, 711 Vine, Kelso, W A, o r O regon State E m ploym ent S ervice, 818 C om ­ m ercial in A storia, OR. Include resume and proof of journey level status (certification), if available. A pplication s accepted until July 8 at 5:00pm . T he W auna Mill is located on O regon H ighw ay 30 betw een Longview and Astoria. Equal O pportunity Em ployer m /f. James River Corporation HOMEWORKERS NEEDED Earn up to $339-84 per w eek as­ sem bling o u r products at hom e. Call today (206) 298-5543 dept. B*23 S T A Y H O M E and m ake up to $1,000.00 a w eek or m ore. O ver 400 com panies need hom ework - ers/distributors N O W I Call to ­ day (206) 481-4839 dept. B-23. BUILDING CODES INSPECTOR 1 The State of Oregon Building Codes A gency has vacancies th ro u g h ­ o u t the state in the follow ing c e rtifications: Boiler, Electrical, M anufactured S tructures and Parks, Plans Exam iner, and Plumbing. The Inspector enforces the state and national code stan­ dards w ithin field o f certification and assigned geographical area. T his recruitm ent w ill be used to establish a list o f certified people in each area of certification. T he list w ill also be used to fill current openings. Salary: $2035 - $2706/ m onth. E xcellent benefits. R equest announcem ent, ce rtifica ­ tion criteria, and application p ro ­ cedure from P ersonnel O ffice, Building C odes A gency, 1535 E dgew ater N W , Salem , OR 97310. (503) 378-4046. An Equal O pportunity Em ployer. O N -C A LL STAFF/C H AR G E REGISTERED NURSES D am m asch S tate H ospital is now hiring On-Call Staff/Charge RNs. M ust have Psych experience and be w illing to w ork som e w e e k­ ends. Salary com m ensurate with experience. C ontact Jim Panos, Asst. N ursing D irector at 682- 4605. E Q U A L O P P O R T U N IT Y E M P LO Y E R VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTOR Installer TC I C a blevision o f O regon, Inc. an Equal O pportunity E m ployer, cu rrently has a full tim e opening for the following position: Installer Q u alification s: G ood driving rec­ o rd & go o d custom er service skills. P ole clim bing & Ladder- w ork experience. D rug te st required o f final a p p li­ cant. A p plication s accepted Until: June 2 4 ,1 9 9 1 Interested parties m ay su b m it applicatio ns/resum es by m ail to: TCI C ablevision of Oregon, Inc. 3500 SW Bond Street Portland OR 97201 Attn: Greg Anderson DENTIST Im m ediate opening a t D am m asch S tate H ospital in W ilsonville, Oregon. Applications being taken for a fu ll-tim e d e n tist to provide gen e ra l dentistry services to psych ia tric inpatients. C ontact P ersonnel D epartm ent: (503) 682-461 1. A n equal opportunity em ployer. Physical Therapist P hysical Therapist- S u m m e r School (3 1 days - 4.5 hour ( excluding 07\04\91) (06\20\91 - 08\02\91 ) S alary: N egotiable depending on experience. C all 257-1501 fo rM E S D applicatio n m aterials. A n E qual O pportunity Em ployer & D rug F ree W ork Place. at Advertising as Employment « Bids/Sub-Bids Experienced Business Instructor to teach a variety o f business and clerical subjects. E m phasis on W ordprocessing Instruction/ S preadsheeting: First C hoice Program , Lotus 1 -2-3, D atabase II, III. B.S. in vocational education with State C ertification o r equivalent, or a com bination o f technical training and experience on a year for year basis with a demonstrated instructional ability in the perti­ nent vocation. A pply in person at PIVO T, 2508 N.E. Everett, Room 107-A, P ort­ land, O regon. C losing date M onday, July 1 ,4 :3 0 p.m . Equal O pportunity E m ployer - M FVH Director Of Alumni Relations W illam ette U niversity C ollege of Law invites applications for the position o f D irector of A lum ni Relations. R esponsibilities in­ clude adm inistering the annual Law Fund Drive, preparing the alum ni publication, planning alum ni events such as class reunions, receptions and sym ­ posia and identifying m ajor gift prospects. A law degree is p re ­ ferred but not essential. A p p lica ­ tions are encouraged from women and m em bers of minority groups. Please send letter o f application and resum e to: Dr. Barbara M ahoney, 900 S tate Street, S a ­ lem, O R 97301. T he search com m ittee w ill begin review ing applications July 1. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED FROM ALL QUALIFIED MBE/WBE/DBE SUBCONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS City of Carlton Phase II Construction Project Wastewater System Upgrade Bid Date: June 28,1991 -10:00 A.M. C & M CONSTRUCTION, INC. 13805 SW Tualatin-Sherwood Rd. Sherwood, OR 97140 (503) 625-5289 FAX (503) 625-5079 We are an equal opportunity employer SUB-BIDS REQUESTED OREGON GOLF CLUB WEST LINN, OREGON Bid Date: June 27,1991 @ 2:00 P.M. PDT ANDERSEN CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. 6712 N. Cutter Circle Portland, OR 97217 (503) 283-6712 Fax (503) 283-3607 SEALED BIDS ONLY PRIOR TO BID TIME!!! ANDERSEN CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. IS GENERAL CONTRACTOR ON THIS PROJECT. We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from disadvan­ taged, minority, women, and emerging small business enterprises. Oregon Contractor’s Board Registration #63053 SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Oregon State University Langton Hall - Rooms 10 & 12 Remodel Bids: 3 July 1991 @ 2:00 pm Corvallis School District 509J Osborn Aquatic Center Phase 1 Maintenance and Remodel Project Bids: 10 July 1991 @ 2:00 pm MERLE DOTY AND SON, INC. 1656 NW 13th Street Corvallis, Oregon 97330 Phone 752-4550 FAX 754-2242 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from small business, minority and women-owned business and disadvantaged business enterprises SUB-BIDS REQUESTED FOR ROOFING RE-BID PACKAGE THE STATE OF OREGON HUMAN RESOURCES BUILDING I I «V I I I This Saturday - June 29 I I 11 - 5 • Memorial Coliseum I I meet potential employers • career counselors I educational advisors • job recruiters • attend I free ongoing seminars on resume and proposal I writing, interviewing, career trends, and more I I I I Presented by KXL Newsradio 750 AM & K95.5 FM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I to the 1991 "Northwest Career Fair ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ * * * * S E E K IN G E N T R Y L E V E L M A N A G E M E N T C A N D ID A T E S * * * * * * * * Starting in 1972 w ith a single restaurant, w e ’ve grow n to w here w e now operate 28 restau­ rants (soon to be 29) in the Portland/Vancouver m etropolitan area. And w e are still expanding! * W e’re looking for individuals w h o ’ve had e x ­ perience as a head w ait person, production leader or lead cook... * * * * * If you are m ature, en th u sia stic and have PRIDE, com e over to Burger King. M ost o f our A ssista n tT e a m Leaders (m anagem ent) sala­ ries begin a t $15,400 and they can m ake as m uch as $29,000. W e have excellent training program s and benefits package. * * * * * * * * R estaurant M anagem ent N orthw est Inc. is a franchise o f Burger King C orporation. * * * © * * * * * * C om e in to o u r m ain o ffic e & f ill o u t an a p p lic a tio n o r send y o u r resum e to : R estaurant M anagem ent N o rth w e st, Inc., 1410 SW J e ffe rs o n , P o rtla n d , OR 97201. A tte n tio n : Dave M cC artney, D ire c to r o f H um an R esources. * Equal Opportunity Employer * * * * ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ DATA PROCESSING PROFESSIONALS T here A re a M illio n R easons W hy We Speak Y our Langu age Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications for Program m er Analysts. Several large projects and new business efforts will be requiring individuals with experience working in a large scale IBM environment. Successful candidates will have strong communication, interpersonal and user skills. Positions require 2-5 years experience in performing sys­ tems analysis and design, coding, testing and implementation assign­ ments. CICS skills a definite plus. Candidates must also have experience in the following: •COBOL • OS/JCL eVSAM • TSO/ISPF Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours, and com petitive salary. Pre­ employment drug screening required. To assure your resume is proc­ essed immediately, place ad #098 at the top of your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume to: B lue C ro s s B lue S h ie ld o f O regon H um an R e so u rce s Dept. 5th F lo o r 100 S.W. M arket P o rtla n d , OR 97201 TDD #225-6780 Equal Opportunity Employer INSURANCE MEDICAL CLAIMS ANALYSTS Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently accepting applications for tw o Grade 1 or 2 Group M edical Claims Analysts for our subsidiary company. Total Plan Alternatives, a third party administrator. Qualified candidates will have group health claims experience to include knowledge of medical term inology and anatomy, knowledge o f ICD-9 and CPT-4 coding, and the ability to operate a calculator and CRT. The position also requires excellent communication skills and the ability to work overtime to meet deadlines. The successful candidate will be responsible for the following... • Accurate administration of claims processing procedures • Processing all types of claims as assigned including COB and 3rd party • Responding to written and telephone inquiries from Group benefit offices, subscribers, providers and other departments Blue Cross and Blue Shield Of Oregon offers an excellent em ployee benefits package and competitive salary. Pre-employment drug screen­ ing required. To assure your resume is processed im m ediately, place ad #140 at the top of your resume or in your cover letter. Send resum e to: B lue C ro ss B lue S hield o f O regon H um an R esources Dept. 5 th F lo o r 100 S.W. M arket P ortland, OR 97201 TDD #225-6780 SALEM OREGON BID DATE: JULY 9,1991 4:30 PM HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF OREGON 1300 SW 6TH AVE P.0. BOX 1300 PORTLAND, OREGON 97207 OREGON LICENSE #28417 BID PHONE: 503-221-8811 FAX NUMBER: 503-221-8934 WE ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AND REQUEST SUB-BIDS FROM DISADVANTAGED, MINORITY, WOMEN OR EMERGING SMALL BUSINESS ENTERPRISES * Restaurant Management Equal Opportunity Employer »? I < ; ' "" $ > «