Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 26, 1991, Page 6, Image 6

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    age 6 •• I he Portland Observer-June 26, 1991
The Rhino Walk: That Brother Be Strollin’
L in d a Shelter
L e o n h a rd t
Jerry High
$35. Per Month For The Set
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washer Co
$30 Delivery & Installation
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Y o u ’ ve seen “ M ichael,” too, a
dozen times a day on every television
network, on every cable channel-and
so has everyone else in the country;
that determined, long-striding A frican
male in w alking shorts emanating total
com m itm ent fo r ‘ h is’ mission o f S A V ­
NOS O F A F R IC A ! What
happened to “ S A V E TH E
C H IL D R E N ? ” That con­
tinent has m illion s o f black
children projected to starve
each year.
N ow , “ M ich ae l,” our
ebony crusader fo r A fric a ’ s
w ild life , w ill be in San
Francisco today. Last week
he was on a freeway just
outside Miami-which makes
him a ‘s tro llin g ’ so-and-so. However,
i f there was a good piece o f com m uni­
cation equipment in the trusty knap­
sack (La nd ’s End?), he would have
heard the latest report from South A f ­
rica. The Natal Parks Board ju s t an­
nounced they would have to R ED U CE
2000 T O 1000! And that further adjust­
ment o f herd size to food supply would
mean “ selling o ff 100 per year to p ri­
vate ranches fo r SH O O TING B Y P R I­
V A T E H U N TE R S .”
I had a childhood friend at a local
pool hall who would never alert anyone
to an easy shot; “ D on ’ t woke the fool
up, let him slept o n .” Should we
‘awaken’ Michael? Should we tell him
about the 50,000 acre ‘ ranch’ in south
central A frica owned by Am erican
m illion aire Courtland Parker? C om ­
pletely surrounded by over 36 miles o f
electrified fence-The famed “ Soleo”
w ith its thousands o f 'endangered spe­
cies,' including both B L A C K A N D
W H IT E RHINOS. And, o f course, there
are many sim ilar situations, such as the
90,000 acre ranch in northern Kenya
owned by a European woman they call
“ C ookie.” N ow , Cookie is having a
ball on her spread experimenting w ith
the “ integration o f cattle w ith in w ild ­
life ” -including, rhinos. Should we tell
o f the entire ecological in ­
frastructure which must nec­
essarily include m an’s am­
bitions and foibles as w ell
as the animal and plant
kingdoms; not a piecemeal
In the United States the
proper tim e fo r such a study
and a serious implem enta­
tion o f controls w ould have
been 80 years ago when
President Theodore Roosev­
I ’ m sure that a number o f readers
w ill relate this article to previous ones
o f mine ( “ A frica The Z o o ” ), where I
have pointed out what is really happen­
ing is that entire regions o f A fric a are
under economic siege (land grab). The
more naked aspects o f colonialism , and
corporate exploitation have yielded to
a gentler and more sophisticated struc­
ture. The very same strategic acquisi­
tions o f lands whose future and ‘ real’
values are related to cash crops fo r
export and minerals, o il and gas, can
now be conserved (taken over) and
controlled under the umbrella o f En­
dangered Species and Ecology. The
best advertising agencies and docu­
mentary producers in Am erica and
Europe have been employed to enhance
the mission.
The American public w ould seem
to be the most naive body p o litic in the
w orld as witness to the “ Spotted O w l
Caper” and the economic disaster it
threatens; or some o f the “ W etlands”
struggles in other parts o f the nation.
R andy G la dfe lde r
D avid Shelter
Kodak Gears Up For Education Essay Contest In Fall
M ore than 350,000 fourth-graders
in the nation’s largest school districts
w ill have the chance to w rite their own
ticket to the N F L Pro B ow l when East­
man Kodak Company launches its
education essay contest this fall.
The Kodak/Alan Page Challenge
in the Great Cities, sponsored by Kodak
in cooperation w ith N F L H all o f Famer
Alan Page and the C ouncil o f Great
C ity Schools (coalition o f 47 urban
school districts), w ill return after two
years o f resounding success in 1989
and 1990. Students compete to w in a
trip to the Pro B ow l in H onolulu on
Feb. 2, 1992, by w ritin g the best 150-
word essay that answers the question,
“ Alan Page says, ‘ W ith an education.
A Winning Team:
Lloyd District & Blazers
A ll Portland’s proud o f the T rail
Blazers and their w inning season, but
we in the L lo yd D istrict can take spe­
cial pride - they’ re our neighbors, and
have made their home in the Port o f
Portland B u ild ing fo r 21 years.
Long-tim e good neighbors and
certainly our most illustrious, the Blazes
and the b uilding started life together
in 1970. From a 10-person office on
the th ird flo or, the T ra il Blazer office
has expanded to an elegant suite that
occupies the entire sixth flo o r o f 700
Northeast M ultnom ah Street, in the
L lo y d D istrict.
Blazer team members use the o f­
fice o nly fo r meetings and to pick up
th eir m ail, but a 63-member sta ff is
busy running a big business. M arket­
ing, accounting, publicity, sales, media
and broadcasting are some o f the o f­
fic e ’ s activities.
The T ra il Blazers want to build a
new arena to hold the thousands o f
fans w ho now are unable to get tic k ­
ets. Furtherm ore, they want to stay in
the L lo y d D istrict. According to John
Lashbury, director o f media services,
our neighborhood is the Blazers’ first
choice in location, although other sites
have not been ruled out.
“ T his ia a dynamic area, where
i t ’s happening in Portland,” Lash-
Iju ry said. “ The changes in the past
l ew years are very exciting. Fans are
used to com ing here fo r T rail Blazer
games, and access to freeways and
public transportation is great.”
A new T ra il Blazer arena would
o ffe r 50% more seats and a w ider va­
riety o f seating, givin g more fans the
o pportunity to see games. The C o li­
seum is the smallest N B A playing
k • -
arena, and, although pleasant for spec­
tators, is not up to current standards
in com fort and convenience fo r team
Lashbury explained that plans
fo r a new arena w ill not progress
until the sales o f 70-100 lux ury suites
are assured. The suites, common in
newer and larger sports facilities,
offer privacy and com fort to specta­
tors w ithin , usually corporate execu­
tives and their business guests. Food,
drink, video monitors, comfortable
chairs and personal service are ty p i­
cal amenities available to suite ow n­
Lashbury explained that other
sports organization were returning
from the suburbs to central c ity loca­
tions to build stadiums and arenas.
A fter years o f trial and error, teams
are concluding that urban locations
are best fo r them, their fans and the
cities themselves.
He cited M ia m i’ s recent deci­
sion to make a new sports arena the
cornerstone in revitalizing the c ity ’ s
center, and held that the Detroit Tigers
would make a “ big m istake” by
abandoning their venerable baseball
stadium for the suburbs, especially
when it could be a focal point fo r
much-needed urban development.
A workable relationship with the
Coliseum and a public-private finan­
cial partnership are dependent upon
the new Blazer arena being created
in the L lo yd D istrict, but all con­
cerned seem to be p ullin g fo r its
Speaking fo r the neighborhood.
T ra il Blazers, w e’ re glad you like it
here; i t ’s where we want you to stay!
starting point to visualize the number
and scope o f hate crimes in this com ­
m unity.
C ity o fficials and com m unity lead­
ers w ill re-establish their comm itment
to eradicate prejudice, hate and bias in
our com m unity and outline a funded
action plan as w ell as com m unity in ­
volvement that w ill address this serious
issue. C ity and com m unity leaders
include Portland C ity Commissioners;
D istrict Attorney M ichael Schrunk;
Marsha Congdon, Oregon Vice Presi­
dent and CEO o f U.S. West Com m uni-
cations/Oregon Public Policy; and rep­
resentatives from the M etropolitan
Human Relations Commission; U.S.
Justice Department; Coalition for Human
D ign ity; Black United Front; Urban
League and S.E. U p lift
Historical Center Hours Announced
The Oregon H istorical Society w ill
maintain its present schedule fo r the
exhibition galleries and bookshop o f
the Center, now open seven days a
week. Hours w ill continue from 10
a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Satur­
day and from noon to 5 p.m. on S unday.
President Robert H. Huntington stated
that the Society feels a strong responsi­
b ility to visitors and to citizens o f the
state who fin d it most convenient to
come to downtown Portland on week­
ends. The Center is located at 1230
S.W. Park Avenue and is open to the
public w itho ut charge.
Measure 5 has had an effect upon
the reference and research library which
is also located at the Center. Beginning
on July 1, the library w ill be closed on
Monday. Open house Tuesday through
Saturday w ill be from noon to 5 p.m.
The mission statement recently
adopted by the board o f directors states
that the Society “ shall collect, pre­
serve, exhibit, publish and make a vail­
able materials o f historical character
and interest and collaborate w ith other
groups and individuals w ith sim ilar
aims.” President Huntington reaffirmed
the S ociety’s com m itm ent to the m is­
sion and to the consensus that the pres­
ent schedule w ill allo w the Society to
continue to serve the public w ithout
Steve Bennett, Executive D irector
o f the Board on Police Standards and
Training, announced that Basic C or­
rections Class No. 72 and Basic Police
Class No. 165 w ill graduate from the
Oregon Police Academy in M onm outh,
Oregon, on Friday, June 28, 1991.
The Academy is an integral part o f
the training program administered by
the Oregon Board on Police Standards
and Training (BPST) and is designed to
furnish training fo r police, corrections,
and parole and probation officers
throughout the state.
Awards w ill be presented to out-
frequently include highly-paid jobs. In
M ay, the machinery and transportation
equipment industries lost 300 jobs apiece.
Lum ber and wood products em ploy­
ment grew by 1,000, but fell short o f a
typical M ay increase o f 1,300. Saw­
m ills took the biggest hit, losing 300
jobs as more m ills reported layoffs due
to market conditions and log shortages.
W orst o f a ll, eight o f the ten industries
which manufacture durable goods now
employ fewer workers than they did
one year ago, for a total jo b loss o f
11,800 since last May.
“ W ith the expected influx o f young
job-seekers fo llo w in g the end o f the
school year, this is a good tim e o f year
for young people to get jo b experience
and we encourage them to contact our
o ffices,” said Pamela A. Mattson, Em ­
ployment D ivision
Adm inistrator.
“ O pportunities in Oregon arc brighter
than those in most o f the nation, and we
are seeing openings in the retail and
agricultural sectors.
“ However, there appears to be fewer
opportunities this year than last and, in
some cases, young people m ight face
s tiff com petition for the jobs that do
become available.”
standing officers fo r performance in
academic achievement, professional­
ism, defensive tactics, and physical
development. Dave W illiam s, Deputy
C hief, Operations Branch, Portland
Police Bureau, w ill present the gradu­
ation address fo r the ceremony which
w ill commence at 10:00 a.m. in the
Fine Arts (Rice) A u dito riu m at W est­
ern Oregon State College in Monmouth.
Families o f the students, supervi­
sors, department heads, and c ity and
county officials w ill be among the guests.
A reception fo r graduates w ill fo l­
low the graduation exercise.
Basic Corrections Class No. 165
Employment In Oregon: May 1991
S tability continues to be the d om i­
nant force throughout most o f Ore­
gon’ s economy, according to statistics
released by the Oregon Em ployment
D ivision. The State’ s seasonally ad­
justed unemployment rate crept up to
5.9%, m arking the fifth straight month
o f rates in the 5.8% to 5.9% range. In
sharp contrast, the U.S. rate has risen
from 6.2% in January to 6.9% in May.
However, Oregon’s stability is
positive o nly when compared w ith the
recession being fe lt in most o f the na­
tion. Compared w ith the rapid eco­
nomic growth o f the past few years,
Oregon’s economy has definitely slowed
in recent months.
The E m p loym ent D iv is io n ’ s
m onthly survey o f Oregon employers
also indicated stability in the overall
economy. A fte r adjustment fo r normal
seasonal trends, the number o f payroll
jobs changed by just 100. However,
some industries performed well w hile
others suffered through a rough month.
Widespread jo b losses in durable
goods manufacturing caused the most
concern. Durable goods arc those prod­
ucts which generally last at least three
years. The industries that make them
“ Em ploying Total S elf,” a five -
week workshop designed to ide ntify
assets and ease career transition, starts
July 8 at the Westgate Plaza.
The workshop, led by career coun­
selor Lee Davis, w ill meet from 7:30 to
9:30 p.m. at 3800 Cedar H ills B lvd.,
Davis leads the popular workshop
in developing individual action plans
that lead participants to satisfying
employment. She says, “ People de­
serve to have a surplus o f money doing
what they love to do. M y purpose is to
help them get there.”
“ Em ploying Total S e lf” is spon­
sored by L iv in g Enrichment Center.
Suggested donation is $55. To sign
up, call 643-6996.
Classes Graduate From
The Oregon Police Academy
April 29 - June 28,1991
Oregon Police Academy
O ffic e r Richard B. Austria
O ffic e r Robert V. Bustamante
O ffic e r David L . Candello
O ffic e r Shawn N. Doble
Deputy E. D innelle E llio tt
O ffice r Robert A . Hawkins
O ffice r John Hurlman
O ffic e r Shelly M . Kurney
O ffic e r Stephen A. Lambert
O ffic e r Jim m y S. Lee
O ffic e r Gregg A . Lew is
O ffic e r Michael W . Marshman
O ffic e r Keith A. Morse
O ffic e r Nancy I. Poggi
O ffic e r Julia Rodriguez
O ffic e r Daren C. Roeser
Deputy Marshall L . Ross
O ffic e r Brock Sorensen
O ffice r Karl R. Sprague
O ffic e r Steve S. Staul
O ffic e r Brett J. Thackston
O ffic e r Teresa L . Turnbull
O ffic e r Joseph B. W elp
O ffic e r Frederick I. W hite, Jr.
Portland Police Bureau
Portland Police Bureau
Portland Public Schools Police
Portland Police Bureau
Clackamas County S h e riffs O ffice
Portland Police Bureau
Portland Police Bureau
Portland Police Bureau
Portland Police Bureau
Portland Police Bureau
Portland Police Bureau
Portland Police Bureau
Portland Police Bureau
Portland Police Bureau
Portland Police Bureau
Portland Police Bureau
M ultnom ah County S h e riffs O ffice
Portland Police Bureau
Portland Police Bureau
Portland Police Bureau
Clackamas County S h e riffs O ffice
Portland Police Bureau
Portland Police Bureau
Portland Police Bureau
These officers live or work in our community
• -
the future is yours.’ W hat does that
mean to you?”
Further details on the Challenge
w ill be released as plans are finalized
fo r the fa ll.
elt firs t caught the nation’ s attention
w ith his perceptions on “ national treas-
ures-natural treasures” and the neces­
sity fo r their preservation. Today, hind
sight, the W ild life Federation, the
Audubon Society, m ovie stars, and the
polemics o f the leisure class are d rivin g
the system.
I t is tim e to pay attention when
even the gungho Humane Society o f the
United States and the Am erican Asso­
ciation o f Z oological Parks are crying
out, “ W a ita m inu te , there is w orldw ide
confusion here.” W ho is breeding what
animal, preserving what animal and fo r
what gene pool in what zoo, forest or
jungle? We don’t know where we are
going! That should be interesting news
to the logger who is losing his jo b , or to
the African fanner whose crops are being
trampled by marauding elephants-or
whose sons are being recruited by expa­
triate m ovie stars to shoot other A f r i­
cans who have been labeled “ poach­
ers.” In the final analysis, whose ele­
phants and rhinos are they anyway?
Popular Career
News Conference Addresses Increase In
Hate Crimes
Portland C ity Commissioner M ike
Lindberg, M ayor J.E. “ Bud” Clark.
Police C h ie f Tom Potter and o fficials
o f the M etropolitan Human Relations
Commission presented a new program
designed to address the dramatic in ­
crease o f violent hate crimes.
Nearly three years ago, the beating
death o f Mulegeta Seraw compelled
the Portland C om m unity and the entire
State o f Oregon as w ell to acknowledge
the existence o f crimes motivated by
hate and prejudice. The State legisla­
ture responded by strengthening the
intim idation statutes covering crimes
m otivated by prejudice. A d ditio na lly,
law enforcement agencies began pro­
viding mandatory statistics on hate
crimes. A ll o f these actions provided a
Here and there a lonely (lo gica l) voice
cries out the obvious, “ Y O U C A N ’T
Indeed there are endangered species;
the o w l, the salmon, the rhino, the ele­
phant, the gorilla, the H U M A N S -the
A frican, the logger. But a real solution
requires a comprehensive, in-depth study