Page 6 - -The Portland O bserver -J une 12, 1991 Congratulations FGPA National Women Supervisor Sets Goals For Women’s Convention Missionary Rosemary Daniels of has been the FGPA National Women Supervisor for the past two years. During the week of June 16-23 the Full Gospel Penecostal Association will host its 23rd convention at the OB Williams Center. The Women’s theme this year is “ Now is the Time to serve the Lord” , Isaiah 55:6. Missionary Daniels expects women from each FGPA Church and around the country to speak on the theme, as well as Evangelist Agatha Hill of Los Angeles, California, and Minister Cor­ nelia Walton of Dallas, Texas. Evangelist Mattie Wells works closely with Missionary Daniels. They have planned on an inspiring women’s day program. Missionary Daniels will share her newest book, “ Helpful Hints for To­ day’s Women. She has dedicated the book to the FGPA National 1st lady. Evangelist Mother Wells and the na­ tional mother. Mother Frankie Birden. The public is invited to attend. P o rtla n d Paul and Geneva Knauls Geneva s Shear Perfection Geneva's Shear Perfection is open for business at a new location, 5601 N.E. Martin Luther King Blvd. Their new shop is a full service Salon lending special attention to the latest in hair styles and nail care. There are a variety of employees to serve you, and walk ins are welcome. Drop in soon. 15,000 Black Jews Return Home; Wings Over Ethiopia, Part II Continued From Front Page reigned supreme as they forged civili­ Who said that the first Ethiopian (Afri­ zation and has its icons carved into the can) sojourn was FROM ISRAEL TO tomb of King TutanKhamen who was EGYPT? (That is, the alleged ‘captiv­ revered as the reincarnation of Osiris. ity’; historians say that the Pharaohs Tourists to the site will also see the often took in starving tribes experienc­ 3400 year-old inscription, “ MAN ing famine). And who is it that would KNOW THY SELF” . And this system try to make the case that the Biblical provided an awesome and powerful Exodus was THE FIRST MIGRATION theme of birth, death and resurrection- OF CIVILIZED AFRICANS TO THE and the liberation of man’s soul from MIDDLE EAST; albeit Jewish? Does a body and the wheel of reincarnation. It tale unfold? became the universal and seminal force Those who have read the legiti­ in the development of all the world’s mate history of the areas, and who have religions (G.M. James & King, Nile read my documented accounts here the Valley Civilizations). past several years, know full well that “ The ancient historian, Plutarch, thousands of years before there was a tells us that Osiris was bom on the politically and culturally coherent en­ 361st day of the year, which corre­ tity of Israel/Judea/Palestine, Ethiopian sponds to the 26th of December, when and Egyptian dynasties held hegemony we take into account the reform of the over the area, ruling all the way to the calendar. Pope Julius I fixed December Tigris/Euphrates Valleys in the lands 25 as the birthday of Christ, though no astride the “ Ethiopian Sea” (now called one knows the date of his birth. What the “ Persian G u lf ’). Petrie, Breasted, could have inspired Pope Julius I to Montct, Gardner, Mazrui, Murray, Diop, choose that date-unless it was the Van Sertimo, Isaac Newton, Tomp­ Egyptian tradition perpetuated by the kins, Chancellor Williams, DuBois, Roman calendar’ ’ (Diop, The African G.M. James, et al, all document the Origin of civilization). Diop goes on to early transmission to African Culture, point out that the African astronomers Religion and Technology in a seminal and priests structured their calendar generative process to a so-called and pantheon of Gods around their “ Middle East” . And don’t forget Ger­ agricultural cycle. The birthday of Osiris, ald Massey, Godfrey Higgins. the God of resurrection, coincided with Returning to the “ Black Madon­ their spring and regeneration of plant nas” , and examining the original (Af­ life, therefore his statues were always rican) concept of Resurrection and a painted green. Have you noticed that Holy Trinity; the African Gods Osiris, an American corporation has incorpo­ Isis and the child Homs. This “ Egyp­ rated this theme into the labels for its tian Mystery System” , evolved in a ‘food’ products, THE JOLLY GREEN 6000 year old (or more) past when GIANT? More next week. Ethiopia and Kush across the Red Sea Civil Rights Bill Backed Washington (UMNS)--A civil rights bill passed June 5 by the U.S. House of Representatives had the backing of the United Methodist Church’s top social action agency and one of the denomi­ nation’s best-known civil rights lead­ ers. Although supporting the action intended to overturn six 1989 Supreme Court decisions, the Board of Church and Society had opposed a $150,000 limit on punitive damages in cases involving nonracial job discrimination. The Rev. Thom White Wolf Fassett, Church and Society general secretary, said that the ability to claim damages without a cap would be helpful in “ providing remedy to discrimination against women, persons with handi­ capping conditions and religious mi­ norities.” The Bus^adm inistralion has op­ posed the bill on the grounds it estab­ lishes quotas in hiring and the president has threatened a veto. The Rev. Joseph F. Lowery, Atlanta pastor who heads the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, said at a news conference June 3 that “ the president has betrayed his commitment to civil rights” by working “ vehemently and viciously against civil rights.” A D V E R T IS E in th e A nniversary the B ill of R ights 200TH National Bill Of Rights Tour Arrives In Portland Ten tractor trailers, four vans, three Jeeps, two buses and a secure transport vehicle roll into Portland next week from Honolulu, Hawaii, escorting a priceless cargo-an original, scribed copy of the Bill Rights-which will be on display at the Portland Expo Center as part of a 50-state tour presented by Philip Morris Companies Inc. The tour celebrates the 200 anni­ versary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights and will cover more than 26,000 miles over a 14-month period before the document is returned to its home in Richmond, Virginia. The exhibit, open to the public free of charge, features Virginia’s original copy of the docu­ ment, on loan from the Virginia State Library and Archives. “ For the first time, the citizens of Oregon have the opportunity to view this historic document in their home state,” said Guy L. Smith IV, vice president of corporate affairs for Philip Morris Companies Inc. “ The logistics of this enormous project have been overwhelming, taking more than 18 months of advance planning and ar­ “I need to lose weight without losing my social life.” Birthdays. Cookouts. Fam ily get- Introducing the I ILW PERSONAL CHOICE P R O G R A M togethers. How do you lose weight without los'ng your mind? Easy— with ihe new Personal Choice Program from Weight Watchers hew Personal Choice gives you your — — choice of three easy-to follow food plans that range from structured to flexible— whatever s right for you. It’s designed to adapt to your lifestyle, so you can lose weight at your own comfortable pace. What's more, Personal Choice allows you to eat the foods you want, when you want. Even in a restaurant. So you can lose weight without losing friends. If you're looking for a weight loss program that fils the way you live, now the choice is yours h e w Personal Choice Call Weight Watchers and ask about this exciting program today Safe, sensible weight loss for 27 years. FREE FIRST MEETING Join By June 1st and pay $17 Registration Fee Only Subsequent Meetings $9 For additional Savings Ask About Our GOLD CARD (Offer Good Only in Area 083) JOIN ANY CLASS ANYTIME For Information Call (collect) weekdays 8:30t 5:00 (503) 297-1021 New Members Arrive 20 Min. Early Tillamook Park Bldg. Jantzen, Inc. 2108 N.E. 41st Ave. 523 N.E. 19th Mon. 7:00 p.m. Cafeteria Lounge Tues 7:00 p.m. Wed. 12:00 noon Wed. 9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Thurs. 7:00 p.m. Maranatha Church Fri. 9:30 a m. 4222 N.E. 12th (Enter on Skidmore) Temple Baptist Church Sat. 9:30 a.m. 1319 N.E. 7th Fireside Room Tuesday 12:15 p.m. (Brown Bag Lunch Class) See the Bill of Rights, the own« finale of on extraordinary new show, at the Portland Expo Center, 2 0 6 0 N. Marine Dr., June 19-22 10am-8pm; June 23 10am-4pm. Admission is free. Foi < j reservations cdH -800-231-7000. Philip Morris Companies Inc. Weight Watcher» is a regittered trademark of WEIGHT WATCHERS INTERNATIONAL. INC. Copyright 1990 WEIGHT WATCHERS INTERNATIONAL. INC. KfiAFT G fN f.A l FOOOS • M illi» BMW1NG COM . ANY • - M i l l - M O SH IJ U S A ’ • 7 ^ 3 ........................................-.................................... ....................................., — ....... ...y • B ß ' A - :• ‘I v.r rangements.” The 15,000-square-foot exhibit, housed in a high-tech pavilion, pres­ ents a kaleidoscope of video images from Martin Luther King to Chief Jus­ tice Earl Warren, interspersed with other civil liberties issues falling under the protections guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. Film clips from classic movies, such as Mr. Smith Goes to Washington in which the principles of the Bill of Rights are eloquently and dramatically expressed, are presented on monitors throughout the exhibit. A musical fan­ fare heralds the arrival of the document itself, and visitors stand within two feet of the parchment as it rises from be­ neath the floor. The exhibit, designed to appeal to all age groups, will be on display from June 19-23. Hours are: 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. on June 19-22 and from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. on June 23. From Portland, the tour moves on to Juneau, Alaska. The Bill of Rights Tour is pre­ sented by Philip Morris Companies Inc., the world’s largest producer of con­ sumer packaged goods.