« « « «VR»' Page 4—The Portland O b s e rv e r-June 12, 1991 5S5&THE LOCKER ROOM New Bulls On The Blocks Scottie Pippen Horace Grant BY ULLYSSES TUCKER, JR. There was considerable specula­ tion by NBA followers and experts as to whether the National Basketball Association could survive the future retirement o f Boston’s Larry Bird and Los Angeles Laker guard supreme Magic Johnson. From the looks o f the NBA Finals, A ir M ichael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls look as if they will carry the league for the next decade and work some magic of their own before the week’s out. It’s very difficult to im ag­ ine Chicago blowing three chances to win one game, especially with two games being played on their home floor. W hat happened to the Los Angeles Lakers? After splitting the first two games in Chicago, fans/experts, etc... predicted that the Lakers would handle the young Bulls in five or six games. Make that five years. There is nothing like the spring of fresh legs. They run faster, jum p higher, and last longer in the heat o f battle. M agic Johnson, who is as good as any player ever to put on ap air of tennis shoes, has got to be tired of seeing Scottie Pippen, M ichael Jor­ dan and Horace Grant in his face all game long or in his sleep for that m at­ ter. Magic Johnson has never worked harder to bring the basketball up the c o u rt W hen it comes to half-court de­ fense, the Chicago Bulls are the new “ Bad B oys” in the NBA. Byron Scott should be listed on the side of a milk NE Student To Visit France Blazer fans and Portland media need to face harsh reality, it’s over Michael Jordan carton and Big Nam e Jam es (W orthy) is not the same on one good ankle. The Lakers look so bad that some folks are wishing that the Portland Trail Blazers had prevailed against them. Maybe next year. Anyway, where is the Laker bench? W hy is A.C. Green playing limited minutes after carrying them on his back against the locals? Questions, ques­ tions, questions, and more questions. It was the hope, though not on record, of the Locker Room that Los Angeles defeat the Bulls to make Portland look good. You know , defeated by the W orld Cham pion Lakers in last year's play­ offs kind o f rhetoric that they print during the pre-season. It would have been nice, even nicer had the Blazers made it to the finals against the Bulls like Sportslllustratedpredicicd. Magic m ight not have another opportunity to win another NBA Cham pionship, but why feel sorry for him? He has five rings stored away in some safe or secu­ rity box. It is time to change the guard or pass the torch. W hat better person than Air Jordan to pass it to. Julius Erving passed it to him. Although now situated in a differ­ ent conference, the Chicago Bulls and the Lakers have met four previous times in the NBA Playoffs. Between 1968 and 1973, the Bulls and Lakers squared o ff in four Playoff series, when both were members o f the W estern Confer­ ence. Los Angeles was victorious in all four series, and nrior to the current Finals the Lakers had an overall record o f 16-7 in gam es against the Bulls. The two teams first m et in 1968, when the Lakers trounced the B u lls4-1. LA later lost in six gam es to the Boston Celtics, who were led by Sam Jones, Bill Russell, and John H avlicek. Starting in 1971, the Lakers and B ulls faced each other for three straight years, with two o f those series going the full seven games. In 1971, the L akers took the Bulls 109-98 to win Game 7. The follow ing year, enroute to the 1972 NBA Title (W ilt Chamberlain, Elgin Baylor, and Jerry West), Los Angeles sw ept Chicago 4-0 in the W estern Conference Sem ifinals once again. The teams m et for the final time in the W estern Conference Play­ offs in 1973’s Semifinal round, and the Lakers got the best o f the Bulls in seven gam es, w inning the clincher 95-92 at the G reat W estern Forum . It has been a long tim e com ing, but this one is for B ob “B utterbean" Love, Chet Walker, Jerry Sloan, B ob Boozer, Clifford Ray, and Storm in' Norman Van Lier. Next tim e y o u ’re in North C aro­ lina, specifically in G reensboro, C har­ lotte, or W ilm ington, check out “ Flight 23” owned b y -y o u guessed it-M ichael Jordan. Jordan’s parents, his older brother and younger sister have joined forces as an enterprising crew behind a very suc­ cessful sporting goods chain (5 stores). The stores carry a com plete line o f Nike aoDarel and licensed NBA products. City of Portland Proclaim Professor Ali Muhammad Day bv Aaron Fentress So were to believe that the blazers were the If Portland had a Major League Baseball team best team in the west last year because they made or an NFL franchise then the bad memories o f the it to the finals. Then, were supposed to believe that Trail Blazer's collapse would have been forgotten they are the best team in the league this year by now. It would be time to pay attention to the because they had the best regular season record. baseball team and prepare for the 1991 NFL sea­ All this over blown hype about the blazers in son. But Portland doesn't have a baseball or foot­ Portland wouldn't be so bad if they at least had one ball team. So what does Portland sports fans and ring in the last few years. It's arguable that the the sports media do ? They dwell on the past. Lakers should have beaten the Pistons in 1989 if Somebody please shoot somebody so we can put Magic Johnson and Byron Scott weren't out with this Blazer crap to rest until October. injuries. Arguable, because the Lakers won the Last Thursday, June 6, The Oregonian ran a championship in 1987 and 1988. But is it arguable 12 page spread reviewing the 1990-91 Trail Blazer to assume that the blazers should have won the season. The headline read "The one that got away." championship this year simply because they made What got away ? Is a championship implied here it to the finals last year and won the regular season ? If it is then the Portland media and fans need to race this year ? get a clue and realize that the Blazers were no closer If the blazers and their fans insist on treating to an NBA championship then any other final-four this season as "the one that got away," then they can team of the past 10, 20, 30.... hell, since the NBA look to see a few more get away in upcoming years. began. The blazers are not that good and here's why.... If we are to assume that the Blazers are great The blazers are by no means great because not ' then we must assume that the 1987 Dallas Maver­ only did they lose to the Lakers, but they lost to icks, who took the Lakers to seven games in the them in six games while possessing the home-court Western Conference Finals, are great. We must advantage. Which is all you get by having the best also assume that the 1985 Denver Nuggets were regular season record, and we saw how much that great, they took the Lakers to six, like the Blazers meant. did this year. If every team that doesn't quite make The blazers are by no means great because it to the finals is great, then there is no greatness, they lost two games in the first round to Seattle. just mediocrity. Two games to the eighth seed in the playoffs. Another thing that bugs me is the fact that Championship tarns sweep the first round. In fact everyone northwest o f sanity looks to the blazers it’s considered a crime for the number one seed to best record as an indication o f their greatness. But even lose one to the number eight seed. Needless will these same people admit that the 1990 Lakers to say, no team has won the NBA championship were the best team last year despite not even after losing one game in the first round since the making it to the conference finals ? The Lakers had sixteen team format was introduced in 1984. the best record that year. In fact it was identical to The blazers are by no means great because that of this years blazers, 63-19. The answer to this they can’t win on the road in the playoffs. The is no. blazers were 1-6 on the road in the playoffs. The Portland fans believe; that the Detroit Pistons Lakers meanwhile were 4-2. Enough said. were the best team in the NBA last year but only It's pretty much a given that the blazers are an because they beat the blazers. This undoubtedly extremely gifted and dangerous team and worthy leaves the blazers as the second best team in the to be called champions. But lets let them prove it NBA and the best in the west, because they made before we actually do. Then it will mean some- it to the finals. thing. Dr. Chuck KunerCs CONCORDIA BASKETBALL CAMPS High School Team Camp June 23-28, 1991 Individual Girls’ Camp June 30-July 3, 1991 Teaching fundamentals and team play in a Christian environment. Resident and Commuter Reasonable Fees Khalil T. Edw ards is a 7th grader at Catlin Gable School. He will be leaving this week with his class for a three week visit to France. He will visit several cities there, khalil has taken french for five years, and while he enjoys the language, he plans to attend Howard U niversity or M Oore College after his tenure at Catlin Gable. He has aspirations o f becom ing a film maker or a writer. He is the youngest of five children. K halil’s older brother James Edwards in in the m ilitary stationed in Germany. The brothers are hoping for at lest a brief visit before Khalil returns to the suites. K halil’s parents are: Antonette and Keith Edwards. Dr. Chuck Kunert Concordia College 2811 N.E. Holman Portland, OR 97211 St Philip the Deacon Episcopal Church Father’s Day Bar-B-Que Pictured form left to right Harold Williams/Coalition of Blackman, Professor Ali Muhammad and Don Williams/Washington Martial Artist. Ali Muhammad teaches modem self defense. His martial arts career spans over three decades. During his career, Ali has earned third degree black belts in Tae Kwon Do and Hapkido; seventh degree black belts in Kenpo, Ju-Jitsu, and is a registered professor of Karate. His style of A faqsirat is unique and universal. Additional credits include, being ranked second in the United States in A mis-sticks. Professor Ali is consid­ ered among his contem poraries as Quintessential in the martial arts community. Call 288-9371 ext. 7137 or 282-4495 or write: I ^ n FRESH FRYERS Frye, A Father’s day barbecue will be held by the M en’s Club of St. Philip the Deacon Episcopal Church at 120 N. E. Knott starting at 11:00 a.m. Saturday, June 15, 1991. This annual feast fea­ tures fine food and supports many worthy program s through a donation o f $5.00. For further inform ation, please contact St. Philip’s at 281-5802. HINDQUARTERS POUND c 89 *1®’ •1" .»1“ P IN W H E E L S ............................. ............... POUNO CHICKEN SAUSAGES............ ...... POUNO WHOLE BAOOBB FRYERS. WESSON OIL Correction TOM ATOES • REGULAR STEWED • MO SALT STEWED • WHOLE PEELED 14.5 OZ. CAN Erica and Karis In our last issue, phone num bers for Erica N. M ashia and Karis J. S toudam ire were listed incorrectly. Please note cor­ rection: 284-1771 Champs O f The B udw elsw Hoops Classlc-Prevost Foushee (far left), Budweiser national ethnic marketing manager; Jo Jo White (far right), former NBA all-star; and Tom Mataya, manager, Anheuser-Busch Entertainment Marketing Group, pose with the winning team at the second annual Budweiser Hoops Classic, held at the Palace at Auburn Hills in Michigan, home of the Detroit Pistons. The Budweiser Hoops Classic was the culmination of a three-month-long radio promotion held in 20 markets across the country. », «J* • > •» • * ... MrtA * r • * * » * * * A*» V * A. A *» * "Æ '" T O W * SINCE 19OS SPECIALS EFFECTIVE JUNE 4 through JUNE ». 1991 M E MS E R OF UmTED OROCgRS touwt £ ♦ ' * » JÎÎ