vr J Page 8 T h e Portland O b server June 5, 1991 Future Blazers Baby TJ.’s SENTRY TJ.’s SENTRY 463 6 NE 4 2 n d 284-6812 9 0 9 N K illingsw orth 285-6352 5 4 0 0 N.E. 3 3rd • 2 8 4 -0 6 4 4 O p e n 7 am - 11pm O p e n 7 a m - 11pm N o w O p e n 24 hrs. WILSHIRE PARK SENTRY Photo Contest Winners Announced Welcome To TJ.’s Wilshire Park Sentry Gigantic 4 Day Parking Lot Plant Sale Let's get acquainted! We are offering you these six outstanding coupons good June 5th thru June 11th, 1991 at any of the three T.J.'s Sentry Markets. We're your locally owned and operated Sentry stores, creating jobs and opportunities for our community. We make every effort to re-invest your hard earned dollar by supporting many of our neighborhood organizations and events. Give us a try... we think you'll enjoy our convenience, friendly employees, great service and weekly specials! A t All Three T.J.'s Locations. Check Out The Special Prices At Our O utdoor Sale For All Of Your Gardening Needs Featured At TJ.’s Sentry Blazer team spirit is alive and well in these winning photo entries from the Sentry Supermarkets Future Blazer Photo contest. These were the five photos judges determined embodied “Blazer Mania." Pictured (top left to bottom right): Rayce Helper of Molalla scanning the sports page for news about his favorite team, Michael Clack of Myrtle Creek showing his version of the slam and jam, Patrick Czerny of Blodgett kicking back after 43 minutes o f court pounding, Christopher Schumacher of Milwaukie eyeing a jump shot from the three-point line, and Jayson Hall of Northeast Ad Effective June 5th Thru 11th r '~ ~ OR „ More ihan 200 babies from across Oregon and Southwest Washington vied fo r five prime spots on the “ starting line-up” o f the Sentry Supermarkets Future Blazers photo contest. Judges pored over stacks o f snapshots o f babies and tots aged 2 years and under to p ick a handful that displayed outstanding team spirit and creative composition. The con­ test was promoted as the d raft for the Portland T ra il Blazer’s starting line-up o f year 2013. The winners were 11-month- old M ichael C lack o f M y rtle Creek, Ore., 7-m onth-old Patrick Czerny o f Blodgett, Ore., 16-month-old Rayce Helper o f Molalla, 12-month- old Christopher Schumacher o f Milwaukie, and 10-month-old Jayson H all o f Northeast Portland. “ We were astounded at the num­ ber and quality o f the entries,” said Sentry Supermarkets President David Sorensen. “ You can tell just by look­ • 1 WHEAT bread • Service C enter ■ • Hot a nd C old Deli (Excluding 42nd St. Store) ■ • Bakery G oods from T.J.'s Bake Shop • V ideo Rental I • Film Processing 1 • Floral D epartm ent • Full Service Carry Out • Farm Fresh Produce • Quality M eats C ut to Your Specifications • C o ffe e Shop (Excluding 42nd St Store) • C o m p le te Selection of Fine Wines • C o m p le te Selection o f Fine Meats & Cheeses Designated O regon Lottery Sales & Service Ctr FREE 88e ENTER TO WIN «50, n Oregon Lottery Tickets OREGON LOTTERY Therm-O-loc > Enter at all 3 locations-New contest each week TW O LITER NAME ADDRESS, I I I MS0,te d F ,a « « s CITY, STATE, ZIP _ oepö> DAYTIME PHONE M u st b e 18 o f o ld e r to e n te r N o p u r c h a s e n e c e s s a ry H ^ E n te r e a c h w e e k thru July 16. 1991 D e ta ils a ^ a c t v s t o r e ffe a d O t/“ Weekly "Sentry Insert In This Week magazine I I I ■ LIMIT two c euS**1 i " 0 ' " Stay In School ,y name is R ukiya W illiam s. I ’ m thirteen years old, attend W hitaker M id dle School, and I ’ m in the 7th grade. In m y past years o f school, I d id n ’ t do very w ell. I d id n ’ t try very hard and got some pretty bad grades in school. I gave up ju st too easy. Then I became very interested in sports, But my parents w ou ldn ’t let me participate in them because o f m y grades. But now, I ’ ve changed. I started studying harder and using m y head more. I now have a 4.0 average. But I look at some kids and I know that they also could try harder. Everyone wants to be in the “ in cro w d .” I used to want that too. But I got in a lot o f trouble. But the question I always ask m yself is, “ W hy do kids drop out o f school?’ ’ Because they think they’re cool. B ut when they grow up and can’ t fin d a job, it ’ s because their education wasn’ t good enough. I really think about my future and I think that other kids should too. School is hard but trying to get a jo b w ithout an education is harder. A Rose Festival Princesses Return to Emanuel isn't the first tune Rose Fcsliuil Princesses Velynn Trazierfrom Grant (left), Mel McDowell from Central Catholic (center) and I leather Tinker from St. Mary's Academy (ri^hl) hair been Io Lmanuel. All three were born here! This tune, however, they arrived as p irl of a color- coordinated entourage of Rose festival royally. When the l.i Princesses of the / 9 9 / ITstii'a visited lm anuel on May 22. they entertained ¡iiUcnls in tl Children's I lealtheaie Center and Rehal’, and had an ii/ielo look at Life I h^ht. T ins .<• T.J S I c o n t r Y 1 1 p s®i'«s BUY 5 VINYL FRAME WINDOWS INSTALLED, GET 1 FREE. LIMIT two ’ «Highest energy effeciency ■Murtt-chamher trame 4 sash creates insulating air spaces ■Overatt insulating glass saves heating 4 air cond cost 4 reduces noise dramaticatly ■Custom-made to sue requirements, all kinds of styles ■Replacement or new construction OUTSIDE ■Lifetime Warranty Portland 1-800-232-5442 T.J.’S I SenSO BUY NOW AT FACTORY DIRECT PRICES FREE EST1MATESZCAU. NOW 691-1143 15,000 Black Jews Return ‘Home ; The Falashas, or Negro Jews o f Ethiopia, led by Queen Judith, put the line o f Solomon and the Queen o f S heba o ff the throne o f Ethiopia in 937 A.D., and ruled for forty years. The Falashas assert that they are the original Jews. They call themselves “ The Beta-Is- rael,” or “ The Chosen People.” W .E.B. DuBois (The W orld And Africa): In Greek legend, Ethiopia, “ land o f the burnt faces,” lay either side o f the Red Sea in A frica and Asia and was inhabited by black folk. Eventually the blacks mixed with yellow Asiatics. After the fifth and fourth centuries B.C. the term Ethiopia was used usually to des­ ignate regions in A frica corresponding to what we now know as Nubia or the Egyptian Sudan. The Sudan was known to the Egyptians and Hebrews as Kash or Cush. In Hebrew folklore the de­ scendants o f Ham “ were Cush and E g y p t” Smith (A D ictionary o f the Bible, 1865): I f we examine the invaluable eth- nograpy o f Genesis (G en.ix.l8,x.6.15- 20) there would seem to be no reason to doubt as to the Ham itic origin o f these tribes...while Ham is the brother o f Shcm...the Hamites are described as those who previously occupied the d if­ ferent countries into which the Aramaean races afterwards forced their w ay. Thus scripture attributes to the race o f Ham not only the aboriginal population o f Canaan, w ith its wealthy and civilize d comm unities on the coast, but also the m ighty empires o f Babylon and N in ­ eveh, the rich kingdoms o f Sheba and Havilah in Arabia Felix, and the w on­ derful realm o f Egypt. Special Seatin For the Gran Floral Parade 2P Continued from front page M, s ì a .,.« pkis oep T6 OZ. C t a c ^ - jACKSObI New “Wings Over Ethiopia” (Isaiah 18:1) (Part I) by Rukiya B. Williams «4 78* I I I I I I I I I I PEPS» « II ing at the entries that there are some enthusiastic children and parents. They’re really behind the Blazers!” Five $500 US savings bonds were awarded as grand prizes. In about 12 years, the face value o f each savings bond w ill be $1,000. The five w inning children are also re ce ivin ga T ra ilB laze rT -shirtplu s a special “ Future Blazers starting line-up” team photograph. “ W e ’d really like to thank all o f the parents and fa m ily members who sent in photographs,” added Sorensen. “ There was a lo t o f thought and e ffo rt behind many o f the photos. Sentry Supermarkets is a o ffi­ cial radio sponsor o f the Portland T ra il Blazers. There are 68 inde­ pendently owned Sentry Supermar­ kets serving Oregon, Southwest Washington and Northern C a lifo r­ nia. The facts above are just a little part o f the testimony from the most noted and accepted historians in the field. The last citation, from Smith, one o f the most erudite B ibical scholars and archaeologists o f the “ 19th century” , was a white Englishman (W illiam Smith, L L .D ., Classical Examiner in the U n i­ versity o f London and editor o f the Dictionaries o f Greek and Roman A n ­ tiquities). This invokes an interesting commentary. U n til the latter h a lf o f the century, one finds for the most part, a rather factual and truthful account o f A frican presence throughout the an­ cient w orld, and o f the ethnicity o f key actors in the form ation o f civiliza tion (especially in Europe whose nations restricted A frican slavery to their colo­ nies). But by the end o f that century there had developed a vicious process for RACIST REVISIONISM OF HISTORY which quickly spread to America. Inter­ estingly, it was coincident w ith the grow ing attacks upon the intellectual capacities o f darker races; “ I.Q .” -even upon southern and Slavic Europeans as demonstrated by the related tightening o f U.S. Im m igration Codes. This proc­ ess had continued u ntil today w ith a number o f Bibical ‘ scholars’ busy at producing rewrites and new versions o f the * Good B o ok” . N ot noticed by many have been their determined efforts to conceal or obliterate the predominate A frican presence by renaming tribes and languages, and by gerrymaning geography. Even as late as my youth, whites consistently patronized older black men w ith a w hite beard like mine by addressing them as ‘ * MOS ES ’ ’ -and we know from our grandparents that blacks, themselves, named children after B ibical characters. Common sense had led them to the inference that i f only a few hundred “ Hebrews” were taken into captivity in A fric a proper, and a fa irly short time later 12,000 souls departed fo r home in the Exodus (taking along the Pharaohs silverware” “ Spoil The Egyptians” )- then undoubtedly, E V E R Y O N E C O N ­ C ER N ED W AS B L A C K ! I can s till remember police investigating burgla­ ries in the ghetto, “ I know you niggers (sic) steal. Y ou made o ff w ith the Phar­ aohs’ dinnerware, didn’t you.” Earlier, you see, there was little doubt as to who those “ w ooly-headed” prophets, preachers and warriors were, as w ell as the knaves you fin d in any race. W hile we evaluate the preponder­ ance o f evidence fo r the early A frican presence in the “ Semite” lands, wc should consider some very revealing aspects o f that “ Dictionary o f the Bible” . Generally, wherever there is an illu s ­ tration or description o f a technology or domestic artifact used in ancient Israel, it is seen to be A frican in nature or derivation (Egyptian/Ethiopian / Sudan). The same is true w ith many other texts. A classic example is the famed hand m irrors made in the exact form o f the Egyptian * * Ankh ’ ’ , symbol o f life , or the wine presses, or b rick­ making, or gold m ining. Then, too, there arc the standards o f measure­ ments like the “ c u b it” , imported d i­ rectly from Ethiopia and Egypt (Solo­ mons Tcm plc-Noahs’ s A rk). More revelations next week: N im ­ rod, reed boats, Cush, Candace, etc. Commissioner M ik e Lindberg announced special seating w ill be avail­ able fo r senior citizens and individuals in wheelchairs who want to view the grand Floral Rose Parade, Saturday, June 8. The reserved seating area on the Eastside w ill be fo r senior and wheel­ chair view ing on N.E. M artin Luther K ing Jr., Boulevard in front o f the Convention Center. T w o portable to i­ lets w ill be at this location, w ith one accessible to the Handicapped. On the Westside, park bench seating w ill be on both sides o f S.W. Stark, between Broadway and Park in downtown Port­ land. Parking for vehicles w ith disabled parking permits has been reserved for both areas. The Eastside parking loca­ tion is in the Convention Center park­ ing lot for a $4.00 charge. Its Time To Cutback Tall Grass And Weeds M ay 1st through September the Bureau o f Buildings Neighborhood Inspection Section w ill increase inspec­ tions on T all Grass and weeds. I f you own or manage property in the C ity o f Portland or rent w ith an agreement to maintain the property it is your respon­ s ib ility to ensure that the property is maintained at a level that meets the city code. Failure to meet these requirements could result in the Bureau contracting to have the w ork done for you. I f this is done a c iv il penalty could be imposed along w ith a lien fo r the contractors fee. G ive your neighbor a gentle re­ minder that i t ’ s tim e to cut back their grass and weeds. The bureau w ill take complaints i f you call 796-7306 be­ tween the hours o f 8:00 A M and 5:00 PM. Please keep in mind that when enforcement is increased so arc com ­ plaints.