June 5 , 1991—The Portland Observer - Page 5 Portland Observer ENTERTAINMENT “SOAPDISH” /^ M S u m m e r W o rk s h o p The School o f M ir a c le -E a r - Don’t Trust Your Hearing to Anything Less than Miracle-Ear BALLET- THEAT J u ly 8 - A u g u s t 10, 1991 n A rtis tic D ire c to r Joseph W yatt S chool D ire c to r G u e s t F a c u lty : S te p h a n ie A d e lm a n H a y d e e G u t t ie r r e z C h e r ie N o b le B ru c e S m ith revisions to raise sagging ratings.The lower the ratings go the more outrageous the plots become. The off-screen con­ niving and manipulative way the cast carries on their liaisons is hilarious. The acting will make you smile. The over acting will make you laugh out loud. It is rare when a movie can boast of having three academy award winners. Sally Field plays Celeste Talbert, the soaps most popular, yet insecure star. Celeste goes to the local shopping cen­ ters when she needs an ego recharging. Celeste takes the soap opera’s writer and her best friend Rose Schwartz (Whoopie Goldberg) to “ work” the crowd. Whoopie reminds us why she won an academy award with a stellar supporting role performance as the only sane person in an insane business. The comedy is a little slow taking off, but when Kevin Kline shows up in a sec­ ond-rate dinner theater you’ll be glad you came to the movie. For registration and information contact: The School of Oregon Ballet Theatre 1120 S.W. Tenth Avenue Portland, OR 97205 • (503) 227-6890 A D V E R T IS E in n T T a v n A n r m u n Sternwheeler Days b June 21-22-23 PRESENTS SCHOOL & 0 È «Ml THURS., JUNE 13 thru § |P |S U N ., JUNE 16 M M ÉSfi *//// W PORTLAND MEMORIAL COLISEUM Thur., Jun 13 Fri., Jun 14 Sat., Jun 15 Sun., Jun 16 ★ 7:30 PM A 10:30 AM 7:30 PM 11:00 PM ■ 3:00 PM 1:00 PM 4:30 PM e TICKETS: S10 & $8; $1.50 ★ KOIN-TV/FRED M EYER F A M IL Y N IG H T - Save $3 on all seats. ▲ Z1OO JUICE & COOKIES M A TIN EE All sea ts $7.50 (no further discounts). Special treat for children after the show . • KPTV/PEPSI W A TC H N IG H T - Free souvenir w atch for first 1,000 children. ■ D ePA U L D U C K Y DERBY D A Y Portion of p ro ceeds benefits DePaul T reatm ent Centers.. per ticket d iscount fo r boys and g irls 2-12 co u rte s y of JCPenney. ON SALE NOW at the C oliseum , P e rfo rm in g Arts Center, Civic A u d ito riu m & all G.l. Joe/Ticketm aster o utle ts (service charges m ay be added). FOR INFO & CHARGE BY PHONE: 2 4 8 -4 4 9 6 Iservice charges m ay apply). FOR GROUP DISCOUNT INFO: 235-8771 Schedule subject to change due to NBA Playoffs. S F U H E STREET LIVE tr .lu n n o SESAME STREET CHARACTERS » | > r b» VEE CORPORATION in Co o p er»!»" t * " CHILDRENISi TELEVISION WORKSHOP SESAME STREET CHARACTERS C J .m M en .o c P r o d u c e r ,, Inc h ey LdRGi 223-9919 31 NW First WEDNESDAY JUNE 5 Caryl M ack ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ . THURSDAY JUNE 6 Dub Squad FRIDAY JUNE 7 Crazy 8s SATURDAY JUNE 8 Crazy 8s safes Stationary Brochures Programs ETC... ' a PROFESSIONAL The eighth annual Stern wheeler Days celebration promises to be the highlight of the Columbia Gorge this summer. Sponsored by the Columbia Gorge Lions Club, with both financial and man-power assistance for many local businesses and citizens, as well as the City and Port of Cascade Locks. Two and a half days of fun and entertainment for all. Kids games and rides; wine, cheese and smoked salmon tasting; food and craft booths; Stem­ wheeler rides; and the best yet parade which starts at 11:00 AM on Saturday, June 22nd. There will be a raffle drawing for a sail board outfit. Several local organi­ zations will also be having drawings for prizes at their booths during the festival. Thunder Island will be the week­ end home for the Mountain Men, who will be dressed in their traditional cos­ tumes. They promise more displays and entertainment than ever this year. There will be Sternwheeler Days hats and T-shirts for sale at the infor­ mation booth on the festival grounds. Souvenir programs are available from, many businesses as well as in the infor­ mation booth. We ask that you support the celebration. Admission to the festival grounds are free. This would be a good weekend to invite your friends or relatives to visit. Camping facilities are available in the park. Marine Park looks better than ever this year. Many improve­ ments can be seen around the visitor center and the Stemwheeler loading area. Come and help us welcome the Stemwheeler back to Cascade Locks. Last year’s attendance was over 18,500 persons. We expect more this year. Pioneer Courthouse Square It’s big. It’s crunchy. It’s smooth. It’s the eighth year of Pioneer Court­ house Square’s Peanut Butter and Jam Sessions. Downtown Portland’s oldest outdoor music series, sponsored by The Portland Business Journal and U.S. Banks, kicks off at noon on Thursday, June 13th, and continues on Tuesdays and Thursdays through August 15. Like your peanut butter crunchy? Try the rockin’ blues o f the Blubinos, the roadhouse stomp of The Switch- masters, the rootsy rock of Mystery Train, or the chunky reggae backbeat of Dub Squad. Smooth more your style ? Noth­ ing’s smoother than Lloyd Jones’soul, the deft picking of the nationally re- known Country Gazette, or the slinky strut of Paulette N Power. And Peanut Butter and Jam has a worldwide flavor. Kotoja, a twelve- piece Afro-beat band and the spicy eleven-piece salas of Conjunto Allegre are just two of the treats. W e’re even serving up some savory downhome Barbeque (Orchestra) with hot jug jazz. A special child’s portion is avail­ able on July 30th, when T.& O. Rail­ im a g e road, Albert Alter and hungry sharks from OMSI stir up a savory mix of music, mime and museum mayhem. With 18 shows to choose from, featur­ ing the best in blues, worldbeat, coun­ try and rock, you’re sure to find some­ thing to your taste. For your tastebuds, Paradise Bak­ ery is cooking up a record breaking eight-foot peanut butter and jam cookie.lt will join the nutty and infec­ tious Crazy Eights at Center stage on June 13th, our eighth year season opener. And who says there’s no such thing as a free lunch? Opening day features a drawing with prizes from the food folks at Cascades in Pioneer Place. Someone will win lunch from Cascades for every Tuesday concert, somebody gets lunch on Thursdays, and one lucky and well-fed individual wins lunch for every Tuesday and Thursday of the series. You don’t have to be president to win. Just be there opening day, June 13, and throughout the summer. Join us at noon for lunch and tasty tunes. It’s going to be a mouthful. CONSULTANT Are You What We’re Looking For? ■ SUNDAY JUNE 9 Balafon MONDAY JUNE 10 Jim m y Haskett Band ♦ TUESDAY JUNE 11 PMA Showcase M 4 4 4,A <44-M • I < H elp in d ivid u a ls be th e b est th e y can be w h ile doing the sa m e fo r yo u rse lf. W e are looking for positive, self-m otivated, m ature self-starters to help develop the W estern region. You would be part of a supportive team of im age c o n s u lta n ts w ho conduct m akeovers just like "before” and “ a fte rs ” y o u ’ve se e n on television and in m agazines. These c o n s u lt a tio n s in c lu d e : C o lo r a n a lyse s + facial S h ape + A d va n ce d Skin Care & Instruction + Accessorizing + F ash ion P e rso n a lity + B o d y Type. A ttitu d e and d e sire to le arn & g ro w are m ore im p o rta n t th a n p ast exp. B e n e fits to you. PT & FT O p tio n s + F le xib ility + R e co g n itio n + P rof T ra in in g + M g m t O p p ty + S e lf-S a tisfa ctio n . C all J e n a 23 1 -5 1 2 9 . M M Wrf -»4 «. 4.4 4 4* * V * ♦ M f * ‘ ** •*•* •?.' 1 1 ) « Are you or someone you know troubled by hearing loss? Then Miracle-Ear wants you to know that all hearing aid companies are not the same! O nly at Miracle-Ear Centers will you find the peace-of- mind and satisfaction that comes with our “Total Hearing System.” We invite you to compare Miracle-Ear to other hearing aid companies. You’ll discover that Miracle-Ear stands above the rest! Call Today for a FREE Hearing Test Cascade Locks, Oregon • • I rv L I XT1 U I I ■ U llllfllJ .I r 1 1 XI 'i n I ■ i ■ * 2 • f i r i ' i 1 ’ U iw i m n □ * 4* L o r r a in e G r a v e s Psychologists say,’’Soap Opera viewers like to see somebody whose life is worse than their own” . In “ Soapdish” , not only are the lives of ‘The Sun Also Sets’ soap opers charac­ ters worse than the viewers’, it turns out that the stars’ real lives are worse than the viewers. “ Soapdish” is a zany, satiric look at the hassles and the hustles of daytime T.V.TheT.V. castis filled with schem­ ing rivals, dealing with last-minute script A ï I O regon James Canfield S' r E-A-T-E-R-Y Dine In or carry out & Delivery Catering Available Parking in rear Open 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Let us Cater Your Next Party Order by 11 00 »or 1 00 delivery minimum order required 280-9851 3517 N.E. M. I. King Blvd A A A .* • • Vi. ' . Call the Miracle-Ear Center nearest you for a FREE hearing test and consultation. We’ll explain the results of your test and give you a copy for your medical records. You can even take a “test listen” on our Master Hearing Aid, so you'll know how well a Miracle-Ear system may help you hear again. Meade- Other Ev Contante BenefltloYou Exclusive Sharp'" Gold Circuit, for outstanding sound clarity and extra-tong battery life'’ YES- Exclusive Optisound'” custom­ fitting system, tor improved comfort and sound quality7 YES- Free service and cleaning tor the lifetime of your instrument7 YES- Nationwide service and repairs at more than 2.000 locations? YES- More than 40 years in the industry? YES- ’ See your Miracle-Ear consultant tor complete conditions and details ot the 2-year ‘ Hearing Protection Plan " Genuine M iracle-Ear hearing systems are found only at M iracle-Ear Centers. Accept no substitutes. 1420 Lloyd Center Inside Newberry’s 287-8787 Miracle-Ear A m e ric a ’s B e tte r H e a rin g C e n te rs' 5 1991 Dahlberg, Inc. “I need to lose weight without losing my social life.” Birthdays. Cookouts. Fam ily get- Introducing the IlL Vr PERSONAL CHOICE P R O G R A M togethers. How do you lose weight without los'ng your mmd? Easy — with the new Personal Choice Program from Weigh! Watchers. h e w Personal Choice gives you your choice of three easy-to-follow lood plans that range from structured to flexible— whatever s right for you. It s designed to adapt to your lifestyle, so you can lose weight at your own comfortable pace. What's more. Personal Choice allows you to eat the foods you want, when you want. Even in a restaurant So you can lose weight without losing friends If you're looking for a weight loss program that fits the way you live, now the choice is yours. New Personal Choice Call Weight Watchers and ask about this exciting program today Safe, sensible weight loss for 27 years. FREE FIRST MEETING Join By June 1st and pay $17 Registration Fee Only Subsequent Meetings $9 For additional Savings Ask About Our GOLD CARD (Offer Good Only in Area 083) JOIN ANY CLASS ANYTIME For Information Call (collect) weekdays 8:30t 5:00 (503) 297-1021 New Members Arrive 20 Min. Early Tillamook Park Bldg. 2108 N.E. 41st Ave. Mon. Tues Wed. 9:30 a.m. & Thurs. Fri. 9:30 a m. 7:00 7:00 5:00 7:00 p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. Temple Baptist Church 1319 N.E. 7th Fireside Room Tuesday 12:15 p.m. (Brown Bag Lunch Class) Jantzen, Inc. 523 N.E. 19th Cafeteria Lounge Wed. 12:00 noon Maranatha Church 4222 N.E. 12th (Enter on Skidmore) Sat. 9:30 a.m. Weight W atc h e r* i* a registered tradem ark of WEIGHT WATCHERS INTERNATIONAL. INC. Copyright 1 WO WEIGHT WATCHERS INTERNATIONAL. INC. For Best Results Advertise in the Observer !• ! •r