June 5 , 1 9 9 r”The Portland Observer-Page 3 ■ Portland Observer by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Vhurch ixx / hand i m coho : N oom ANNUAL CMI3RATION OP’ ACHIEVEMENT 7 p .m ., Friday Evening, June 14, 1991 at bAPiwT cu ucai 4822 N. Vancouver Ave., tjiLinncc on Wygml 6LrccL Theme: '"Hie P o w e r o f’ b ib le Knowledge" ôpcilkcr: Dev. Pk'k Danner, H.A. A&sl.. Pastor, Dunlap I'xipl.ksl Church (Scalile, Washiii^jLon Member ol'N IX IC ’a I'irsL Faculty in 1982 C c ililx n lc i will lie nwnnJoiJ. mid «liidcnU will l c I’ceoyiizcil lòr uwi|>lcüoii o i |ucmca BY MATTIE ANN CALLIER-SPEARS I ’ ve discovered a curious and over­ whelming portal that simply loomed over my understanding. No m atter how old or how young, the individual may be, the mind is able to perceive appear­ ance; w hether it be visual or spiritual. Even though the spiritual and the physical, or worldly, seem to, at times, they seem to coincide with one another, yet, there is a dram atic difference be­ tween th two. A person’s spiritual awareness and his/her physical aw are­ ness is realized at a very early age. A baby is able to distinguSish taste, shapes and colors before a word is even spo­ ken. I found that the state o f poverty, for instance, which has had a trem en­ dous effect on the world populous, is not perceived as poverty, to the person experiencing it, until that person’s precept o f stability, wealth and confi­ dence has been jarred by some outside stimulus. Each day, we can see people dow n­ town, under the bridges or even in the malls who have no jobs, no hom es and don’t know where the next meal is coming from. But, are the ones on the outside the only ones w ho can see their condition? O n one of the evangelism team ’s outings, I asked a little child where her m other and father were. Her response was, “ I don’t know .” She was having the time o f her life just playing outside with the other children, in the neighborhood. Her dress was tattered, tom and dirty. Her hair was uncombed. Her face was unwashed; but, she was happy. How could this child sm ile when, visibly, there was nothing to sm ile about? It was because she was not aware o f her impoverished condition. This kind o f innocence is Aller llic piwj^imi: OcIiesliiiienU mid lour o i llic new uuiipus wlilcli w now being p ie p iird SPECIAL ACMIEVEMEMT5 Notili Portland ISiblc Collq-p Ten,«jiniilv k xiilod hi Dcicaii Ity ilw l Cliureh P .O . box 11437 • '228-2919 G IV E US T H IS DAY,. Ä'DO'lxn o K A ^ U C U tiC D A Q W t& y PO Box I l ò t i , P orllanä, Oregon 972111503) 288-1335 7dw*«i D rkifif. GUTD, i EXTENDED F A M IL Y HOMES PR O G R AM 5 m litic i, n r cat v « i( A N N O U N C E M E N T !! tvaium Ktttetu. Fin *trr«a 7>M*ar«' M allory Avenu« Christien Church (Disciples of Christ) T H E NEXT P A R E N T T R A I N I N G S E S S IO N Kun Kat. KOIN TV S ttrtw y G o d 's p re s e n c e p r o m is e s P o w e r th r o u g h J e s u s C h r is t in G o o d T im e s A n d B a d T im e s Matthew 11:28 " C o m e to m e a ll y o u w h o a re w e a r y a n d h e a v y la d e n a n d I w ill g iv e y o u r e s t " IS SC HEDULED FOR SATURDAYS: L yn F m t. Amarai» K id Cmu JU N E 8 ,1 5 , 22, 29 Sfinii Hoifit» rtfr r—' W here: In the G U TD Conference room - 5806 N A l b i n a (Please Dr h m r d Wird. D im o i use the side door to enter) L*uM Luid. OSU E jmmum Frigrim Tim e: From 9:00 a m to 12:00 n o o n ADXliOALHLMBUU o , Jr—u C riqu e. HD There w ill be fo u r (4) classes for each session so please keep these Saturday dates in m in d fo r this session: June 8, 15, 22, 29. The schedule for the next session w ill be announced. Gui h u t r m . A in ritj 9:45am 11:00am 7 :30pm If you have any questions, please contact the G U 1U office between the hours o f 9:00 • 4:30. C all 288-4335 or 283-6452. Judj h y r . GUdft McCiyi Offttt perceived as being totally overw helm ­ ing to a mind that has never experi­ enced it. I can rem em ber when my sisters and brothers and me were grow ing up, we d id n 't always have everything but our m other would sew for us. She would make dresses that she saw in the m aga­ zines. She would make patterns out of newspaper. She would make shirts and trousers for my brothers. She made suits or shorts or w hatever we needed to give the appearance being middle class and not poor. However, at school, the kids would talk about us and call us names like “ the little rich k id s” or “ they think they’re too much because they have new clothes.” The kids had no idea that our m other would pull old dresses, o f her own or our great aunt’s, apart and make clothing for us. I w on­ der if it was a feeling o f entrapm ent from society that made our m other go through all the trouble o f creating these visions o f fabric or was it just because she loved us. Because she wanted the best for us-even though the kids at school were less fortunate. She w asn’t negligent in her maternal responsibili­ ties. She would talk to us and tell us that we were somebody no m atter what anyone on the outside would say to the contrary. Yet-we were little children just as the little girl was. If our m other had not struggled to make us clothing to give us an illusion o f wealth, on the outside, would our lives have been different? The Holy Spirit struggles with us each and every day trying to get us to believe that we are somebody, in Christ Jesus. W ithout Christ, we are nothing. N ot one stitch o f clothing or any expen­ sive brand o f perfum e or any type of monetary wealth will give us the wealth St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church S u n d a y S e r v ic e 1 0 :4 5 S u n d a y S chool M o rn in g W o rsh ip T u e s d a y Bible S tu d y a n d P ra y e r S unday S chool 9 :3 0 B ib le S tu d y We look forw ard to seeing you there. Kick. 126 N .E . A lb e rta P o rtla n d , O R 97211 (503)288-5173 D en ise A . B ell P a s to r M tm fitt N ili lUnlty. Ilird ty Oil Cfitn Uirra. fm k K u r o ta that is spoken o f in the scripture. [Prov. 11:1-31] Furthermore, Christ H im self said ‘ ‘ ...Lay not up for yourselves treas­ ures upon earth, where moths and rust will destroy it and thieves will break in and steal it. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where you treasure is not subject to moths or rust or the i ves. “ [Matt. 6:19 23] The old cliche’ “ Beauty is in the eye o f the beholder’ ’ is quite true. But- it is also depends largely upon the beholder. W ho is she or who is he? If we go through life using other human beings as yardsticks, we will fail every time. O ur primary example should be Christ. He came to this world and lived an exemplary life. One which we should hold up high. Show it to our kids. Let them see themselves through the life of Jesus. Jesus was not rich in worldly goods but he was rich with spiritual treasure: faith, hope, mercy, goodness, virtue, and charity. W e, as human beings, find it hard to look beyond a person’s clothing or their monetary wealth. W hen will we SV learn that the spiritual versus worldly • r . wealth is a frame o f mind. W e are » , bom e-not knowing. And many go to C i their graves-not knowing. Are we ever ready to look into the revealing face of truth? The revealing face o f Jesus- Himself. By increasing our spiritual awareness, our state o f being will be transitionalized. Christ instead of clothes. Clothes do not make the m an/woman- but, Christ does. Looking for a feeling o f security, comfort, and peace? Turn your eyes upward! Look to Jesus from which cometh your help. He is the one who made this earth and the heavens. HALLELUJAH! Praise the Lord! 8101 N . Fiske A venue P o rtla nd , O regon 97203 Church Phone: 289-0147 Study Phone:289-1911 DttH Sigh. C*y Scripture o f the Week M icah 6:8 Spiritual VS. Worldy Wealth O n Sunday,June 9,1991 at 3:00 p.m. Bethel African M ethodist Episco­ pal Church will honor it’s Pastor and First Lady, Rev and Mrs. M ilton G reen, with an Appreciation C elebration as the end o f his fourth year approaches. Theme: “ A Loving H eart Sees the N eed.” This day will be filled with many special blessings as we strive to honor our pastoral family. This a golden opportunity to com e together in the name o f O ur Lord, Jesus C hrist to say ‘‘thanks for bringing us thus far along the w ay.” The Bethel family extends and invitation to the com m unity to join us in expressing thanks to a very dy­ namic speaker, pastoring in the 9 0 ’s. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call 288- 5429 or 288-5420. at ir a RELIGION Scripture o f the ‘Wkef