. X M t ì IT» Ì Ì Ì Y t t l l U V. June 5 ,1991-The Portland Observer-Page 17 The Pacific Northwest Regional Office and Gifford Pinchot National Forest SALUTE A •>. * 1. ; . JB irjH, V 'T V S ■ .» * V.. the Leaders of Tomorrow through THE COOPERATIVE EDUCATION PROGRAM You’ll Stay with Standard Considering a job change? It* TV-?* O ¿ .'••V.-•1 V v' - • b ’ K* , W e need people w ith a w ide range o f talents to jo in us in o u r d ed icatio n to excellen ce for policyow ners. A. * Y ou can take pride in helping fam ilies and businesses » Y ach iev e financial secu rity through S ta n d a rd ’s p ro d ­ ucts a n d services. J Y o u ’ll e n jo y S ta n d a rd ’s e x c elle n t benefits, c o m ­ A blend of academic study and work experience-That's what the Forest Service Education (Coop-Ed) program offers. Coop-Ed is a career-related student employment program offered through qualifying educational institutions. For Further Information petitiv e w ages, flexible hours, ch ild care subsidy, e d u ­ catio n al assistance and fitness center. S tandard is also an affirm ative action, eq u al o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo y er that p rom otes from w ithin. W e care about you p erso n ­ ally an d professionally. F in d out fo r y o u rse lf w hy em p lo y ees and clients stay w ith Standard. V isit o u r H um an R esources office on the th ird flo o r o f S tandard P laza, 1100 S. W . Sixth, in d o w n -to w n P ortland. O r call o u r jo b hotline for c u rren t jo b o p p ortunities. Call 248-2884 Application hours: 9am-lpm, Mon-Fri Standard Contact your College Placement Office. Forest Service policy prohibits discrimination because of race color, national origin, sex, age, religion, or handicapping condition. INSURANCE COMPANY PORTLAND, OREGON Dedicated to Excellence for Policyowners .. - • • * ».• .7 > r .. r ’»• • • . w : .. . . 7 0 îisxÿ’V ■ - • f e o V/'ZV; 1 OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OPPORTUNITIES b The Oregon Department of Transportation and its five divisions offer many job opportunities in a wide variety of disciplines. Jobs are available around the state and include managerial, professional, technical, engineering, maintenance, skilled craft, entry level and clerical support. Here are just a few of the opportunities available within the Oregon Department of Transportation. r- Harold Las ley Portland District 2A Manager Highway Division Lwin Hwee S tr u c tu r a l D e s i g n e r , B r id g e S e c tio n Highway Division Joni Reid Eastern Oregon Field Representative Public Transit Division / ♦ Ì 1 *• Sunday Dick Canyonville Section Supervisor Highway Division i 1 Xavier Falconi A ccess M anagem ent C o o rd in a to r P l a n n in g S e c tio n H i g h w a y D iv is io n 3 f For more information about job opportunities at ODOT. please call or visit ODOT Personnel. 120 Transportation Building. Salem. 378-6281 Motor Vehicles Division Personnel. 1905 Lana Avenue N.E., Salem. 378-6901 or call ODOT's toll-free job hotline at Evelyn Minor- Lawrence C a re er D e v e lo p m e n t Marsha Ryan C o m m u n ity S e r v ic e E m p lo y m e n t P ro g ra m M a n a g e r 1-800-233-1618 M anager C e n tr a l S e n ic e s M o to r V e h i c l e s D iv is io n D iv is io n O R E G O N AN an E Q t 'A L D E PA R T M E N T EM PLO YM EN T OP PORT I M T V OF AND T R A N S P O R T A T IO N A E E IR M A T IV E A C T IO N EM PLO YER > 4 Î b,« • b.4 . ... »A-,..« A M '