Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 05, 1991, Page 13, Image 13

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    June 5,1991- The Portland O bserver
Page 13
19 9 1
/7 P m II cuw I Ökiesw-eA. Special idittäni I
job corps oma
Oliver Smith, Career Development Specialist
There is a Job Corps Recruitment and
Placement office located at the King Neigh­
borhood Facility, 4815 NE 7th Ave. Ollie
Smith, former assistant to Mayor Clark, was
employed by Dynamic Educational Systems,
Inc., as a career development specialist to head
up that office in October of 1990. This office
serves young men and women in the north/'
northeast area of Portland, as well as, southeast
Portland and Gresham.
Job Corps is a training program that was
established 28 years ago by the U.S. Federal
Government, Dept. of Labor. The purpose of
Job Corps is to provide young men and women
between the ages o f 16-21, the opportunity to
obtain training, at no cost, in various occupa­
tions. When a young person signs up to enter
Job Corps, he or she has 31 different occupa­
tions to choose from. Training in Auto Body
Repair to Welding, as well as Pre-Apprentice-
ship Training is available in occupations re­
lated to the construction trades.
“ In the past, training was focused mainly
for young males. That has all changed’, Smith
states. He goes on to say “ that young women
now have the opportunity to be trained in the
traditional trades, but also in occupations such
as nurses aides, Geriatric Aide, Cooking, Busi­
ness-Clerical and many more.”
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Young women are encouraged to check
out what Job Corps has to offer. Once a young
woman completes the application process, she
could begin Job Corps training in two weeks, in
m ast cases.
Job Corps is an alternative to the tradi­
tional educational arena Smith says that he
stresses that young people stay in school and
obtain his or her diploma, but in many cases, for
whatever reasons, a segment of young people
do not complete or can not adapt to the tradi­
tional school setting. Jobs Corps can help fill
the need for those youth who want to obtain
their GED as well as be trained for their future.
If one qualifies, the training will cost the
student nothing. Room and board is provided at
the center as well as money is provided for your
personal needs. The applicant can choose from
10 different centers located in Oregon, Wash­
ington, and Idaho.
“ The cost for pay as you go training is
prohibitive, in most cases, for our youth, espe­
cially our minority youth. Here is an opportu­
nity for young people to obtain top notch train­
ing and Job Placement assistance,” states Smith.
There is much more to the Job Corps story.
If you have any questions, call Ollie Smith at
503-284-4563 or 1-800-452-5218.
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Center in Astoria, Oregon.
At Tongue Point, I entered the Busi­
ness Clerical training program. This
program taught me clerical-secretarial
skills, as well as gave me an opportu­
nity to grasp the necessary training to
Train for Your Future
be productive in the business world. I
spent 19 months at Tongue Point and
after graduation was placed in a job. I
was employed by Dynamic Educational
Systems, Inc.; a Job Corps and Re­
cruitment and placement agency in
Job Corps
While at Tongue Point, I relieved my
GED, obtained valuable training,
Diana on her way to work
as well as grew in maturity.
In the past. Jobs Corps was thought to
be for men only. Today, Job Corps is
for both men and women. Training is
com m itm ent
In speaking with friends of mine, I
The training provided by Job Corps is
free. If you are looking to better your­
self, Job Corps is for you. I encourage
young women between the ages of 16-
21 to investigate the opportunities
was told about Job Corps. As I inves­
tigated the possibilities of Job Corps,
I quickly realized that it was a train­
ing program that I couldn’t pass up. I
contacted a Job Corps representative
and entered Tongue Point Job Corps
There are ten Job Corps centers in the Northwest, benefiting young men and
women in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Alaska. These are operated by the
U.S. Forest Service, the Bureau of Reclamation and private contractors. Centers
learned to interact with people of dif­
ferent races, and cultural backgrounds,
I was 18 years old. I had dropped out
of school and was looking for a .way
to obtain some training in order to
better my life. Because of lack of
funds, I was not able to enter the
traditional training outlets, such as
college or other training programs
that required a substantial monetary
are located at:
available in the areas of Dental Assis­
tant, Nurses Aide, Business Clerical,
Geriatric Aide, Cooking, and Construc­
tion trades as well.
available through Job Corps. I did it
and it was the best decision I could
have made.
Diana Smith
Tongue Point Job Corps Graduate
• Free Job Skills Training
• Free GED or High School Diploma
• Free Medical & Dental Care
• Free Room & Board
You can choose from over 31 different job
training programs,
• Business Occupations - Carpentry
• Nursing/Geriatirec Aide - Cooking
• Dental Assistant - Painting
• Auto Mechanics & Auto Body Repair
• Brick Masonry - Welding
and many more.
TONGUE POINT - located in Astoria,
near the Pacific Ocean at the mouth of
the Columbia river, enrollment capac­
ity, 486 men and women.
SPRINGDALE - a satellite of the Tongue
Point Job Corps Center located in Trout­
dale, enrollment of men and women,
PORTLAND - 50 non-resident women.
•TIMBER LAKE - 60 miles SE of
Portland in the Mount Hood National
Forest, capacity, 234.
♦CASCADES - Sedro Wolley, is lo­
cated 70 miles north of Seattle at the
foot o f the Cascade Mountains in the
Skagit Valley; enrollment of men and
women, 327.
•FORT SIMCOE - this center sits at
the foot of the eastern foothills of the
Cascade Mountains. 45 miles south­
west of Yakima on the Yakima In­
dian Reservation men and women
•COLUMBIA BASIN - located at Moses
Lake in the central part o f Washington;
men and women enrollment, 225.
♦CURLEW - 150 miles northwest of
Spokane in the beautiful Colville Na­
tional Forest, capacity to serve 198
men and women.
•MARSING - in the southwest part
of Idaho, 15 miles from two large
communities and 40 miles from Boise;
enrollment capacity, 200 men and
•Operated by the US Forest Serv­
•Operated by the US Bu­
reau of Reclamation.
•ANGELL - on the beautiful Oregon
Coast, 5 miles south o f Waldport and
120 miles southwest of Portland; men
and women enrollment capacity 208.
•W OLF CREEK - found in the Majes­
tic Umpqua National Forest; enroll­
ment, 231.
For More Information Contact: O llie Smith, 4815 NE 7th Ave.(King Neighboihood Facility) 284-4563 or 1-800-452-5218 Dynamic Educational Systems, Inc.