Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 29, 1991, Page 9, Image 9

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    M ay 29, 1991--T h e P ortlan d O b s e rv e r-P a g e 9
Portland Observer
The Port of Portland has an opening for a Sr. Planner in its Aviation
Department to:
• Prepare, coordinate, update, and manage site planning t
• Prepare and manage development programs
• Perform and manage aviation studies and analyses
• Coordinate, monitor, and manage environmental planning issues
Preferred Qualifications
• Course work or experience equivalent to an advanced degree in
architecture, civil engineering, planning, or related areas
• Aviation planning and development experience
• Project management skills with interdisciplinary teams
• Ability to operate CAD system and use microcomputer
The Port offers a competitive salary and benefits package.
If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland
Employment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants resid­
ing outside the Portland metropolitan area and physically disabled
applicants may request application materials by calling (503) 731-
7400. Preemployment drug screening is required. All applications
must be received by 5 p.m., Friday June 14,1991.
Port of Portland
The Port of Portland has an opening for a Parking System Manager for
Portland International Airport to develop, implement, and mange the
Portland International Airport parking system program.
This position requires a high level of initiative and excellent interper­
sonal and customer relations skills. Experience with parking m an­
agement is a plus.
Preferred Qualifications
• Coursework or experience equivalent to a degree in business adm ini­
stration, transportation, or related field
• Project management skills
• Customer service orientation
• Ability to manage profit/loss center
• Excellent oral and written communication skills
The Port offers a competitive salary and benefits package.
If interested and qualified, apply n person at the Port of Portland Em­
ployment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants residing
outside the Portland metropolitan area and physically disabled appli­
cants may request application materials by calling (503) 731-7400.
Preemployment drug screening is required. All applications must be
received by 5 p.m., Friday June 7,1991.
The Port is a equal opportunity employer
Port of Portland
The Port of Portland has openings for two part-time Parking Control
The successful candidates will:
1. Direct vehicle traffic and prevent gridlock terminal roadways and in
the short-term parking structure.
2. Enforce roadway parking policies.
3. Testify in District Court, as needed.
4. Provide information to customers on airport use, services, and the
metropolitan area.
Preferred qualifications include:
• Familiarity with the City of Portland
• Customer service experience
• Ability to work in extreme weather and be on feet for long periods of
If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland
Employment Office, 700 N.E. Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants re­
siding outside the Portland metropolitan area and physically dis­
abled applicants may request application materials by calling (503)
731-7400. Preemployment physical examination and drug screen­
ing are required. All applications must be received by 5:00 p.m.,
Friday, June 7,1991.
The Port is an equal opportunity employer.
Port of Portland
Holladay Park Medical Center
1225 N o rth e a s t 2 n d A v e n u e
(5 0 3 ) 2 3 3 -4 5 6 7
24-Hour Job Line 239-3116
An Equal Opportunity Employer
A Legacy Member
"Tem porary Services
Public Affairs
Research Assistant in Chemical/
biological Oceanography. Duties
include automated nutrient analy­
ses and stable isotope work,
chemical and biological meas­
urements at sea and in the labo­
ratory using computer-interfaced
equipment. Applicants should
have an M.S. in relevant field or
minimum of two years relevant
experience beyond B.Sc. Suc­
cessful applicant is expected to
work at sea for 2-3 months of
year, and assist in staging for
expeditions. Salary $23,000-
25,000 per year depending upon
experience. Application must be
received by 21 June 1991. Send
statement of interest, CV.and list
of three references to:
P.A. Wheeler, Ocean. Admin. Bldg.
104, College of Oceanography,
Oregon State University, Corval­
lis, OR 97331-5503. OSU is an
AA/EO employer and is respon­
sive to dual-career needs.
Recycling Information
Part Time
METRO is recruiting for a part-
time program assistant to per­
form a variety of adm inistra­
tive, clerical, custom er infor­
mation service and referral
functions in support of the
Metro Recycling Information
Center. Primary duties in­
clude answering phone calls
and inquiries from the public,
businesses and other gov­
ernment reports. This posi­
tion involves extensive pub­
lic contact work ovei the tele­
phone as the recycling Infor­
mation Center is responsible
for handling over 69,000 calls
per year. This position will
require working from 8:00
a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on Satur­
days and Sundays, and Mon­
day mornings from 8:00 until
12:00 p.m. This recruitment
closes 5:00 p.m., Tuesday,
June 4, 1991. Applications
and supplemental require­
ments available at:
Metro Personnel Office
2000 S.W. First Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97201
Resumes not accepted
AA/EEO Employer
(Research Assistant)
METRO is recruiting for a re­
search assistant in the eco­
nomic and demographic pro­
grams of the Data Resource
center. This position will be
responsible for assisting staff
economists with statistical
research and data base main­
tenance; performing various
office related duties in sup­
port of departmental activi­
ties; and assisting the public,
government and business in
obtaining maps and data
products. Education/Experi-
ence equivalent to two years
formal training in statistics,
economics, or related field
which data collection and
management was a prime
responsibility. This recruit­
ment closes at 5:00 p.m., on
Thursday, June 6, 1991.
Applications and supplemen­
tal requirements available at:
Metro Personnel Office
2000 SW First Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97201
Resumes not accepted
AA/EEO Employer
METRO is recruiting for a re­
sponsible secretarial position
providing staff support serv­
ices to the Public Affairs De­
partment. The position will
function as lead word proc­
essor for the department's
administration, graphics, and
waste reduction/recyding pro­
grams. In a dd itio n , this posi­
tion will also set up an m ain­
tain central files for the d e ­
partment’s administration and
graphics programs, serve as
back-up telephone reception­
ist, and distribute and post
daily mail. Demonstrated
editing skills and experience
with word processing software
is required. Education/expe-
rience equivalent to a high
school diploma or GED and a
minimum of two years of ex­
perience in a responsible
secretarial or clerical posi-
k tion. This recruitment closes
Wednesday, June 5, 1991.
Applications and supplemen­
tal requirements available at:
Metro Personnel Office
2000 SW First Ave.,
Portland, ORegon 97201
Resumes not accepted
AA/EEO Employer
TEACHERS for Therapeutic Child
Care/Head Start Program. Bache-
lorsdegree; minimum A A in ECE
required. 1 yr. experience with 3-
5 yr. olds in ECE setting, devel­
opmental orientation, daily plan­
ning, supervising adults. 31 hrs/
wk. Beginning salary $9.51/hr.,
45 wks/yr., July - June. To be
considered, completed applica­
tions must be received no later
than 4 p.m., June 6, 1991. Em­
ployment expected to begin July
8 ,1991.
Positions require dependable auto­
mobile, insurance, valid driver’s
license. Obtain application, posi­
tion announcement and job de­
scription 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Mon.-
Fri., EOC Office, 10621 N.E.
Coxley Dr., Vancouver, WA
98662, (206) 896-9912.
Accepting applications for current
and future openings, full time, on
the swingshift and night shifts in
G eropsychiatric/M edical
Services program at Oregon State
Hospital. Excellent benefit pack­
age includes generous health/
dental options, state paid retire­
ment and paid holidays. Monthly
salary $2123, - $2771. Shift dif­
ferential and compensation for
BSN/MSN. Call 378-2293 or 378-
English as a Second Language
1991-92 School Year to provide
direct instruction to students.
Qualifications: Valid Oregon Teach­
ing Certificate with grade level
authorization K-12. Experience
and/or training in teaching for-
eign/second language.
Call 257-1510 (24 hr job informa­
tion) for salary & closing dates.
Required MESD employment
applications can be obtained in
person at M ESD’s Recruitment
Office at 11611 NE Ainsworth
Circle, (Airport Way), hours are
8:00-5:00, Monday thru Friday.
To receive application materials
by mail, please send a self-ad­
dressed, stamped envelope in­
dicating position of interest to
Multnomah Education Service
District, Attn. Recruitment Office.
P O Box 301039, Portland, Ore­
gon 97220-1039.
An Equal Opportunity Employer
& Drug Free Work Place
Available In
NE Portland
W ilsonville
(5O3| 297-8037
5319 SW Westgate Drive Suite *146
Portland, Oregon 97221
Seasonal Jobs
In A laska
Equal Opportunity Employer
For Best Results
Advertise in the Observer
Earn up to $30K
within 6 months.
Travel & Housing
provided by employer
send $20 to:
IL E. Klccha
I».O. Box 931
Brisbane, CA 94005
Statistics and Econometrics
METRO is recruiting for a man­
agement intern for a position
with the System Measure­
ment and Analysis program
of Metro’s Solid Waste De­
partment. Appointment to this
position is for a maximum of
one year. Hours per week
will depend upon the sched­
uled of the applicant varying
between 20 and 60. This po­
sition will primarily help with
the data collection and sta­
tistical analysis as a part of a
modeling project designed
to simulate solid waste gen­
eration, transport, and deliv­
ery. The simulation is struc­
tured as a series of nested
logit models that predict
choice probabilities for waste
generators and hauler as a
function of geographic and
economic attributes. This re­
cruitment closes at 5:00 p.m.,
Tuesday, June 4,1991. A p­
plications and supplemental
requirements available at:
Metro Personnel Office
2000 S.W. First Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97201
Resumes not accepted AA/
EEO Employer
Geographic Information
METRO is recruiting for a man­
agement intern for a position
with the System Measure­
ment and Analysis program
of Metro's Solid Waste De­
partment. Appointment to this
position is for a maximum of
one year. Hours per week
will depend upon the sched­
ule of the applicant varying
between 20 and 60. This
position will primarily help with
the development of a Geo­
graphic Information system
(GIS) application being de­
veloped by Metro for simulat­
ing the generation, ARC/INFO
on HP and Sun workstations.
This recruitment closes at 5:00
p.m.,Tuesday, J u n e 4 ,1991.
Applications and supplemen­
tal requirements available at:
Metro Personnel Office
2000 S.W. First Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97201
Resumes not accepted
AA/EEO Employer
Bad Credit, Okay.
No Down Payment
"88 - "91. Guaranteed Approval.
» Bids/Sub-Bids
Committed to Carter Opportunity fo r A tf Americans
— —T |
$39,956 - $58,281
METRO is recruiting for a Risk
Manager to be responsible
for identifying, evaluating, con­
trolling and minimizing the
agency's risk and liability and
workers’ compensation pro­
gram. A partial list of duties
include analyzing loss infor­
mation; developing, recom­
mending and implementing
loss control programs and
policies; administering the
agency’s insurance, self-in­
surance and workers' com­
pensation program; establish­
ing records and procedures
for reporting and handling
claims and developing and
managing the Insurance Fund
budget including the alloca­
tion of cost and reserves. This
position closes on Friday, May
31, 1991. Applications, sup­
plemental requirements and
a full Job Announcement are
available at
Metro Personnel Office
2000 S.W. First Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97201
Resumes not accepted
AA/EEO Employer
METRO is recruiting for an A c­
counting Clerk to be respon­
sible for assembling, sorting,
recording and filing informa­
tion related to purchases and
contracts; entering informa­
tion related to contracts into
automated system ; assisting
in preparation of regular re­
ports as requested related to
contact amounts, expiration
dates, insurance and expen­
ditures; maintaining contract
files and performing general
offices duties. Education/
Experience equivalent to a
high school diploma or GED
plus a minimum of one year
experience preferably work­
ing in a procurement office
setting. This position closes
on Wednesday, June 5,1991.
Applications and supplemen­
tal requirements available at:
Metro Personnel Office
200 S.W. First Ave.
Portland, Oregon 97201
Resumes not accepted
AA/EEO Employer
Excellent home income address­
ing labels.
Details, send self-addressed
stamped envelope.
Honey, Box 6509-T,
Charlottesville, VA 22906
$32,779 - $52,507
METRO is recruiting for a Pro­
curement Officer to plan, o r­
ganize and manage activi­
ties of the Procurement Divi­
sion. This position will over­
see preparation of bid and
proposal documents as re­
quested by other Metro divi­
sions; assure compliance with
Metro Code requirements for
all purchases and contracts;
Examine contracts, amend­
ments, change orders oi other
irregularities; Assure implem­
entation of M etro’s program
for for contracting with Dis­
advantaged and Emerging
Small Business Enterprises;
Administer recycled paper
purchases and Act as liaison
with MERC to assure com ­
pliance with HB 3075 (1989
Legislature), which requires
first opportunity for economi­
cally distressed neighbor­
hoods in the immediate vi­
cinity of the Oregon Conven­
tion Center. Education/Expe-
rience equivalent to a bache­
lors degree in public or busi­
ness administration or a re­
lated field is desirable. Five
years of increasingly respon­
sible purchasing experience
required. This recruitment
closes Wednesday June 5,
1991. Applications and sup­
plemental requirements avail­
able at:
Metro Personnel Office
2000 S.W. First Ave.
Portland, Oregon 97201
Resumes not accepted
AA/EEO Employer
Title: Project Assistant
Duties: Assist in Operation of
Education/Employment project
for adult offenders.
Must have background in C o u n ­
seling, Education or experience
working with offenders. B.A.
degree in related field preferred.
Preference given to applicants
with experience in developm ent
and implementation of research
Salary: $1,200.00 per month, Full
medical/dental benefits
Hours: 40 hr. work week (full time)
Application Procedure:
Send Resume to 1733 N.E. 7th
Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97212
Attention: Arnold Price, Education
By June 3 ,1 9 9 1 .
1985 Sedan DeVille
Fully Loaded Excellent C ondition
Call 775-0864 or 644-4996
See at 8820 S.E. Rural, Portland