M ay 2 9,199 1— The Portland Observer—Page 7 UN1ÇNZAVENUE^ GEÁSSf.CQ M P /W Y Í “I need to lose weight without losing my social life.” Introducing the IW PERSONAL CHOICE Birthdays Cookouts. Family get- togethers. How do you lose weight without los'ng your mmd? Easy — with the new Personal Choice Program Irom Weight Watchers P R O G R A M Mi racle-Ear Don't Trust Your Hearing to Anything Less than Miracle-Ear hiew Personal Choice gives you your Are you o r someone you know troubled by hearing loss? Then Miracle-Ear wants you to know that all hearing aid companies are not the same! choice oi three easy-to follow food plans that range from structured to flexible—whatever s right for you. It s designed to adapt to your lifestyle, so you can lose weight at your own comfortable pace. What's more. Personal Choice allows you to eat the foods you want, when you want. Even in a restaurant. So you can lose weight without losing friends If you're looking for a weight loss program that fils the way you live, now LORRAINE HLAVINKA the choice is yours. New Personal Choice Call Weight Watchers and ask about this exciting program today Only at Miracle-Ear Centers will you find the peace-of- mind and satisfaction that comes with our “Total Hearing System.” All Types of Ayto Plate and Window Glass Storm Doors and Windows 4709 N E MLK Jr. Blvd Portland, Oregon 97211 Woman Owned Phone 249-5886 Albina Community Workshops Offered The North/Northeast Economic Development Alliance and the Port­ land Bureau of Planning will co-host three community workshops to gather comments on the Discussion Draft Albina Community Plan. Saturday, June 8 workshop at Peace Lutheran Church, 2201 N Portland Boulevard at 9:30 am. Review and comment on the plans; discussion groups. Thursday, June 20 workshop at Vemon School, 2044 N Killingsworth Street at 7:30 pm. Review and com­ ment on the plans; discussion groups. Saturday, July 20 workshop at King Facility, 4815 NE 7th Avenue at 9:30 am. Review and comment on the plan; review of results o f the first two work­ shops. Copies of the District wide Plan and associated neighborhood plans for Sabin, Woodlawn, Eliot, Kenton, King, Piedmont, Arbor Lodge, Irvington, and Boise will be available at all work­ shops. Copies of the District-wide Plan and neighborhood plans will also be available at the King Facility, 4815 NE 7th Avenue, Peninsula Neighbors, 2410 N Lombard Street and the Bureau of Planning, 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Room 1002. Please call 796-7700 for further information. Safeway Reaches Out To The Hearing/Speech Impaired On a related note, Safeway Offi­ cials announced the addition of the Telecommunication Device network (TDD) to their Pharmacy operations in Oregon and SW Washington. Telecommunication Devices make it possible for the deaf, as well as speech impaired individuals to access the phone system. However, for the communication to be complete, the individual and/or business being called must also be equipped with TDD re­ lated equipment. Safeway is proud to be one of the first businesses in the region to install this equipment in their Pharmacy De­ partments because it will OPEN the lines of communication with this seg­ ment of the population while REMOV­ ING a longstanding barrier. According to Safeway’s Pharmacy Coordinator, Mr. Jack Boehme: “ We believe offering this service in our Pharmacies will provide a more convenient and hopefully, a more com­ fortable way for people to place their prescriptions and medical purchases.” Here is an example of how the Safeway TDD Prescription Service works: 1. Using their TDD machine, the caller will dial Safeway, using a TOLL FREE 1-800 Number. 2. The call will be received by the TDD machine located in the Pharmacy of the Safeway Store at 28th and Haw­ thorne in Portland. 3. Using the technology of the TDD, the caller will give their name, address and phone number, as well as their or­ der. This information will be used to determine which Safeway Store (lo­ cated nearest the customer’s home) will fill the order. This service was on line as of May 15, 1991. Safe, sensible weight loss for 27 years. FREE FIRST MEETING Join By June 1st and pay $17 Registration Fee Only Subsequent Meetings $9 For additional Savings Ask About Our GOLD CARD (Offer Good Only in Area 083) JOIN ANY CLASS ANYTIME For Information Call (collect) weekdays 8:30t 5:00 (503) 297-1021 New Members Arrive 20 Min. Early Tillamook Park Bldg. Jantzen, Inc. 2108 N.E. 41st Ave. 523 N.E. 19th Mon. 7:00 p.m. Cafeteria Lounge Tues 7:00 p.m. Wed. 12:00 noon Wed. 9:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Thurs. 7:00 p.m. Maranatha Church Fri. 9:30 a.m. 4222 N.E. 12th (Enter on Skidmore) Temple Baptist Church Sat. 9:30 a.m. 1319 N.E. 7th Fireside Room Tuesday 12:15 p.m. We invite you to compare Miracle-Ear to other hearing aid companies. You’ll discover that Miracle-Ear stands above the rest! Call Today for a FREE Hearing Test Call the Miracle-Ear Center nearest you for a FREE hearing test and consultation. We’ll explain the results of your test and give you a copy for your medical records. You can even take a “test listen” on our Master Hearing Aid, so you’ll know how well a Miracle-Ear system may help you hear again. Otter Exclusive S h a rp ' Goto Circuit, lor outstanding sound clanty and extra-tong battery Me’ YES- Exclusive O ptisound' custom- fitting system, for improved comfort and sound quality’ YES- Free service and cleaning tor the lifetime of your instrument? YES- Nationwide service and repairs at more than 2.000 locations? YES. More than 40 years in the industry? YES. ' See your Miracte-Ear consultant tor complete conditions and details of Vie 2-year "Heenng Protection Plan ' G enuine Miracle-Ear hearing sy ste m s are found only at Miracle-Ear Centers. A ccep t no su b stitu tes. (Brown Bag Lunch Class) 1420 Lloyd Center Inside Newberry's Weight Watchers is a registered trademark of WEIGHT WATCHERS INTERNATIONAL. INC. Copyright ,9 9 0 WEIGHT WATCHERS INTERNATIONAL. INC. 287-8787 NEW HOMES Miracle-Ear® in NE Portland priced from under $60,000 America’s Better Hearing Centers" - ■M M Come and talk with the builder. Let’s discuss floor plans & other options. J.A.M. Development Don Jones, owner B B #58292 "You'll Love our quality and service" Don Jones Salem 581-2552 Portland 220-1623 Call Today • 1991 D a h lb e r g , In c PCC Receives Rotary Club Of Albina Scholarship Flyers Stationary Brochures Programs ETC... Plump Fryer Hindquarters Appx. 5-Lb. Bag. Excellent baked, broiled, fried or use recipe above for delicious, zesty barbecue chicken. Beef Blade Chuck Steak Or Roast. Safeway quality grain-fed beef. Great to marinade and barbecue or pot roast with your favorite vegetables. 1/4 inch trim. SAFEWAY COPYRIGHT 1978, SAFEWAY INC. Mncto- to You The Rolary Club of Albina Foun­ dation recently announced a new schol­ arship for graduating Jefferson High School seniors to attend Portland Community College, Cascade Campus. The scholarship will award $ 1,000 per year for two years to a Jefferson senior who has achieved a minimum 2.5 GPA and who attends the Cascade Campus on a full-time basis, 12 or more credit hours per term. Rotary Club scholarship priority will go to those students who plan to enroll in a Cascade Campus career/ technical program; secondly, to stu­ dents attending full-time at Cascade with plans to complete a career/techni- cal program at another PCC campus; and third priority, to those who are pursuing a lower-division transfer cur­ riculum with the intention to transfer to a four-year school. Interested students may contact Barbara Ward at Jefferson High School, 280-5180,5210 N. Kerby, for applica­ tion materials. Safeway Announces Two New Programs Safeway announced the introduc­ tion of two (2) new programs designed to make shopping at Safeway more convenient, while also providing addi­ tional customer services. Safeway’s two (2) new Customer Service programs are: 1. Selling of Tri-Met Bus Tickets and Passes - Safeway Stores in the greater Portland Metropolitan area will be selling Tri-Met Bus Tickets and Passes, as well as Max Light Rail Tick­ ets and Passes. 2. Western Union Money Trans­ fers - Each of Safeway’s 102 stores in Oregon and SW Washington will be equipped to handle Western Union money transfers, effective early June. Safeway stores also feature: Automatic Teller M achines (ATMs)* Federal Express Drop Boxes* Electric Motor Scooters* Nutrition Information Home Grocery Delivery Service Fax Machines* Shopping Carts Equipped with Infant Carrier Seats Player Activated Lottery Machines (* Available at selected Safeway Stores)