May 29,1991—The Portland Observer—Page 11 i Portland Observer BIDS/SUB-BIDS - « ,*« Attention Renters You may qualify for Housing Assistance under the Section 8 Rental Assistance Program for low income families, handicapped, dis­ abled and elderly persons. The Housing Authority of Clackamas County will be accepting applications for families who qualify for one, two, four, and five bedroom units effective June 3,1991 at 8:30 a.m. Eligibility will be based upon income and family size. Assistance is in the form of a rent subsidy and may be provided in the home in which you presently live, subject to program criteria. We will be accepting applications, for the section 8 Rental Assis­ tance Program for one, two, four, and five bedroom waiting lists until further notice. Priority will be given to families who claim and qualify for a prefer­ ence under the Federal Preference law. Families who have been displaced through no fault of their own, living in substandard housing as defined by HUD, and/or -»-families who pay more than 50% of their income for rent and utilities would qualify for a preferred status. Occupants of and applicants on the present waiting list for Public Housing and other assisted housing must specifically apply for the Section 8 Rental Assistance Program if you wish to participate. Applicants for the section 8 programs will not lose their place on the Public Housing waiting list. For further information, call 655-8267. Interested fam ilies may apply for the Section 8 program at: Housing Authority of Clackamas County 13930 S. Gain Street Oregon City, OR 97045 Öl EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for the Friendly and Music Reroofing Project, Univer­ sity of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education at University of Oregon, Physi­ cal Plant Department, Conference Room 2,1 2 9 5 Franklin Boule­ vard, Eugene, Oregon until 3:00 p.m., PDT, June 2 0 ,1991, and then publicly opened and read aloud by the Undersigned or his designated representative. Briefly, the project consists of reroofing all or portions of two (2) buildings, approxim ately 26,500 SF of roof area, including the re­ moval of existing shingle and built-up roof systems and the instal­ lation of new wood shingles, new asphalt shingles and new elastic sheet roofing. Bids will be received on a lump-sum basis for each of the two (2) building packages, as shown on the drawings and as described in the Specifications. One (1) set of the Project Manual may be obtained from Söderström Architects, P.C., 1200 N.W. Front Avenue, Suite 410, Portland, Oregon 97209, 503/228-5617 by bidders only upon deposit of $50.00. Additional sets may be obtained for the cost of reproduction. Deposits will be refunded for documents returned in “good con­ dition” within two weeks after opening of bids. The Project Manual may be examined at the University of Oregon Physical Plant, Eugene; Daily Journal of Commerce Plan Center Portland; Construction Data,Portland; Eugene Builder's Exchange, Eugene; Salem Contractor's Exchange, Salem; Construction Data Plan Center, Portland; Oregon Builder’s Exchange, Rose­ burg; and Impact Business Consultants, Portland. All bidders must comply with the requirements of the prevailing wage law in ORS 279.350. No bid will be considered unless fully completed in the manner provided in the “ Instructions to Bidders’’ upon the Bid Form pro­ vided and accompanied by Bid Security. A m andatory examination of the site and conditions will be made at 10:00 a.m ., PDT, June 11,1991. Bidders shall meet with the Owner’s Representative at the Physical Plant Office prior to the required examination. OREGON STATE BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION By George P. Pernstelner Associate Vice Chancellor Facilities Division Eugene, Oregon ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID Sealed bids for the OSU Street and Parking Lot Asphalt Concrete Pavement Patching project will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education until 2:00 PM, local time, June 11, 1991. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud at that time. Additional information may be obtained by contacting the OSU Physical Plant, Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2001 or telephone 503-737-4921. rr H a b ita t for H u m a n ity In tern a tio n al Ed Warmoth Public Relations C onsultant 92 1 9 Southwest Line Drive Cornelius, OR 97113 (5 0 3 ) 628-3227 For Best Results Advertise in the Observer Multnomah Education Service District ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS INVITATION FOR BID FOR PROCUREMENT AND STOCKPILING OF SOILS FOR THE ST. JOHNS LANDFILL NO. 015-91-186 FOOD PRODUCTS Bids are solicited to furnish dried, milled and canned food products for this agency's Cooperative Purchasing program. Bids will be re­ ceived by Michael Mlynarczyk, Purchasing Agent, at 11611 NE Ainsworth Circle, Portland, Oregon 97220-9017 (PO Box 301039, Portland, Oregon 97230-9039) (Phone: 503-257-1791) until no later than 4:00 pm, PDST (Pacific Daylight Savings Time), June 18, 1991, at which time and address the bids will be publicly opened but will not be read aloud. The successful bidder will not be required to be licensed for asbestos abatement under section 7 of ORS 468.883. Specifications may be obtained at the above office. Each bid must contain a statement as to whether or not the bidder is a resident bidder as defined in ORS 279.029. The district may reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, and may reject for good cause any or all bids upon a finding of the agency it is in the public interest to do so. No bid will be considered that is received after the appointed date and time. #91 B -16-S W Notice is hereby given that the Metropolitan Service District will receive sealed Bids for the Procurement and Stockpiling or Soils for the St. Johns Landfill, #91B-16-SW. The landfill is located at 9363 N. Columbia Blvd., Portland, Oregon. The work contem ­ plated is the first step towards construction of closure im prove­ ments at St. Johns Landfill. The elements of this Request for Bids consists of soil procurem ent and site preparation of three subar­ eas of the landfill. Procurement of soils shall include up to 955,000 tons of subgrade embankment material and up to 400,000 tons of sand. The procured material will be placed on the site as com pacted subgrade fill and as preload. Sealed Bids must be delivered to the Metropolitan Service Dis­ trict, Solid Waste Department, Room 320, 2000 S.W. First Ave­ nue, Portland, Oregon, 97201-5398, to the attention of Linda Pang-Wright, Engineer, no later than 10:00 a.m., P a cific S tan­ dard Tim e, T uesday, the 18th day o f June, 1991. At that time, the Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud in Room 440, 2000 S.W. First Avenue, Portland Oregon. Attendance at a Pre-Bid Conference at Metro at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, June 3, 1991 is mandatory for prospective Bidders. Potential Bidders may obtain Bid documents by contacting the Solid Waste Department at 221 -1646, ext. 208. Metro may reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed public purchasing procedures and requirements and may reject for good cause any or all bids upon a finding of the agency that it is in the public interest to do so. No Bid will be received or considered by Metro unless the Bid contains a statement by the bidder that the provisions of ORS 279.350, regarding prevailing wage rates, are to be complied with. Each Bid must contain a statement as to whether the Bidder is a resident Bidder, as defined ORS 279.029. Bidders and Subcontractors may need to be licensed under ORS 468.883 (regarding licensing of contractors on projects involving asbestos abatement) in the event the soils may be contaminated. Bidders and Subcontractors must be registered with the Oregon Construction’s Board pursuant to ORS 701.035-80. Small Business Development Center Counselor Small Business Development Center Counselor for Eastern Oregon State College Regional Services Institute. Responsible to the director of Regional Serv­ ices Institute for all aspects of small bueinesscounseling in five eastern Oregon Counties: Baker, Grant, Barney, Union and Wal­ lowa. The counselor will provide counseling to Small Business Development Center clients, develop training programs and work closely with business and economic development groups. Also responsible for assisting with program promotion, coordination and implementation with other RSI programs and staff mem­ bers. Minimum qualifications: MBA or CPA certificate. Two years experience as a small business owner/manager re­ quired along with demonstrated skills in helping business owners solve business management problems. Appropriate business experience will be considered in lieu of MBA. Application dead­ line June 21, 1991. Send appli­ cation letter, resume and three current recommendations to: Terry Edvalson, Director, Re­ gional Services Institute, East­ ern Oregon State College, La Grande OR 97850-2899. (503) 962-3755. AA/EOE. OFFICE SERVICES AND BUILDING MANAGER $2148-$3022 MONTHLY The Dept. of Transportation seeks applicants to manage and super­ vise ODOT Building facilities in Salem. Requires four years experience in lead work or super­ vision; OR four years of experi­ ence in building management. A Bachelor’s degree in a field re­ lated to management (such as Business or Public Administra­ tion), or a field related to this position, may substitute for up to three years of the required expe­ rience. Successful applicants should be experienced in devel­ opment of programs and poli­ cies, long and short-range goals and plans, program evaluation, or budget preparation. To apply, contact ODOT Personnel at (503) 378-6281 for an application packet. Applications and test responses must be returned by 5:00 p.m.. May 28,1991. AA/EEO EMPLOYER HOUSING AUTHORITY of PORTLAND REQUEST FOR MANAGEMENT PROPOSALS Since its establishment in 1941, the Housing Authority of Portland has been Portland’s major provider of safe, decent, and afford­ able housing to the lower income community. The Housing Authority, through its several programs, provides housing assis­ tance to over 7,300 households. A portion of this housing (2,644 housing units) is owned by HAP and is operated within the Low Rent Public Housing program. The Medallion Apartments ( a multi-story apartment building lo­ cated at 1969 NE Johnson) provides 92 one-bedroom housing units to participants in the Low Rent Public Housing Program. The Housing Authority has had the Medallion Apartments m an­ aged through a Property Management agent. The existing Management Agreement has expired, and at this time, HAP is requesting proposals to manage these apartments. * * * * * * * * * ' Proposals for Management of the Medallion Apartments will be evaluated on the following criteria: DATA COMMUNICATIONS TECHNICIAN $1686-$2236 MONTHLY Oregon Dept. of Transportation seeks applicants for a position in Salem. Responsible to maintain maximum availability of the Department's Computer Systems Data Communication Network. Requires one year experience in computer operations, user sup­ port, or closely-related work which included applying data commu­ nications and operating computer terminals; OR completion of tech­ nical training in Computer Sci­ ences including specific training in data communications; OR an equivalent combination of train­ ing and experience. To apply, contact ODOT Personnel for an application packet. Applications and skills sheet must be returned by 5:00 p.m. June 13, 1991. AA/EEO Employer Our Portland area and Vancouver Fred Meyer stores are now hiring for the following part-time positions: ÄKS* f e - »ç V *. j . T.. f e - A.* .Tí A -? •?.«vA’. • ••- - ¿ y & , 1 • ; » r-.r... - • f * • • *.. ' : ■*. r y - -y : 1. Experience in the management of housing for low income households (25%); 2. Financial resources, financial history and stability of the management company (15%); 3. Management plan for the Medallion (35%); and, 4. Reasonableness of cost of management services (25%). A Request for Management Proposals for the Medallion Apart­ ments may be obtained from the Housing Management Office (3rd floor), Housing Authority of Portland, 135 SW Ash Street, Portland, OR 97204. Proposals must be submitted to the Hous­ ing Authority of Portland, 135 SW Ash Street, Portland, OR 97204 by 2:00 p.m. (PDT), Monday, June 11, 1991. Questions regarding the Request for Proposals may be directed to Mr. Joe Pribil at 260-1642. Loren Tarbell Director of Maintenance ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID Sealed bids for the Peavy Arboretum Machine Shed Expansion project will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education until 2:00 PM, local time, June 18, 1991. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud on June 19, 1991 at 2:00 PM NOTICE OF INTENT • Cashiers «Customer Service Clerks • Oarrlon Center Clerks «Courtesy Clerks Choose the Fred Meyer store location that is most convenient for you! We Offer: • Exciting, fast paced work environment • Flexible part-time hours Our stores hire individually by location. For more Information, apply in person at the Customer Information Desk of a Fred Meyer near you. Monday-Friday 9AM-4PM The Oregon Department of Transportation, Highway Division, is seeking proposals from qualified consultants to provide consult­ ing services to help Management implement a more participate style of management throughout the Highway Division. The major qoals of this consultant service are increased organizational effi­ ciency and effectiveness. Individual goals within the proposed work scope includes improvements in supervisory skills, and developing a teamwork approach to problem solving and deci­ sion making. , _ _. If you are interested in being considered, a Request for Propos­ als can be obtained by calling the Program Section, Room 307 Transportation Building, Salem, OR 97310; telephone (503) 378- 6563. , Proposals are due by 5:00 pm on June 12,1991. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Call our Job Hotline (503) 239-7446 Graphic Arts Services Deadline: June 28,1991 Frail Meyer Equal Opportunity Employer Editor Wanted The Lavender Network, Oregon’s gay and lesbian newsmagazine, has an opening for a permanent, part-time editor. This position entails supervision of volunteer writers, reporters and proof-read­ ers, as well as generating new story ideas and networking to expand coverage. Applicants should have experience in writ­ ing, editing and word process­ ing. Salary $325 per month at .25 FTE. For application and job de­ scription contact: The Lavender Network, Inc., P.O. Box 5421, Eugene, OR 97405. Position closes Monday June 3, 1991. AA/EOE. t • •Î-. local time. Additional information may be obtained by contacting the OSU Physical Plant, Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2001 or telephone 503-737-4921. A Great Start For You... « * .ri --L*... »’ r The Oregon Department of Energy is seeking proposals for graphic arts services for public information projects. Required skills include design, graphics, artwork, layout and photography. Some projects will be federally funded. The contract to be awarded will begin September 1, 1991 and end June 30, 1993. For a complete copy of the Request for Proposals, call Jan Simmons 503-378-6968, or toll-free in Oregon 1-800-221-8035. Proposals must be received by ODOE not later than 5 pm, Friday, June 28,1991. NO LATE PROPOSALS W ILL BE AC CEPTED. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for Cornett Hall Reroofing project, Oregon Institute of Technology, w ill be received until 2:00 PM, June 12,1991. Addi­ tional information is available from the O.l.T. Physical Plant, (503) 885-1690. t ♦ « • I ♦ A * • A* * f A • • *-• ft.<£*« yi.c,. . >■** * tìii lifb l iiltifi A t A A A k M AMA ES«