•' • • ' «’<»«*-*' • ■»•♦ ••»*♦•»»<»'» » • • »-» »V#-» rv ♦»*» Volume XXI, Number 22 May 29,1991 "The Eyes and Ears o f The Community" 1991 S tJflO X jZ pST . F ESTIVAL COURT Jenifer Deas Wilson Annie Chan Franklin Heather Tinker Velynn Frazier Alise Anderson Molly McDowell Britany Blakeley St Mary's Grant Cleveland Central Catholic Lincoln Parents Must Bridge The Gap by: McKinley Burt PAGE 2 African American Festival Northwest Gospel Jubilee Rachelle Hansen Roosevelt Debbie Van Dooremolcn Jennifer Conner Beckie Child Shalaunda Brown Melissa Willis Marshall Parkrose Jefferson Benson Madison PAGE 3 Memorial Day And The Black Warrior “ A Touch Of Elegance” Rude Awakening by: Billy Don Moore Christy Green PAGE 4 Magic Simply Won't Go Away by: Aaron Fentress PAGE 5 | Search For Woman Age 30 or Over to Become Dove Classic Model Army Honors black volunteers in Revolutionary War PAGE 6 I BY PROFESSOR MCKINLEY BURT INDEX 2 News Religion Entertainment The Locker Room News News News Classifieds Classifieds Classifieds/Bids News 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Next Week Careers, A Special Issue Once again the nation has put on that annual display of acknowledge­ ment, patriotism, honor and personal grief; Monday was Memorial Day, honoring U.S. military personnel who have died in service to their country. This year the occasion was influenced by two factors of special significance; The controversies surrounding DES­ ERT STORM, and the belated honors to veterans of VIETNAM. And once again many African Americans have been confronted with issues of race and economics stemming from their disadvantaged situation in this republic-contrasted with their two centuries of a devoted and unflagging patriotism and commitment to the na­ tion’s defense. The problem of attain­ ing a proper mindset is compounded by the discriminatory job market which ‘forces’ a large number of our youth into the military; Others of us, unpro- testing, fall into that great category, “ Patient Patriots” (Eugene Observer, 2/20/91). All in all, there is much more to an examination of “ Blacks In The Military” than a simple reiteration of ‘black dues’ and the heroic and glori­ ous deeds that support such equitable treatment. It has been my experience that most African Americans have made a rather rational appraisal of the world in which they live, and that their traumatic expe­ riences in this land has shaped a realistic approach to man and his institutions. Few, if any of us believe or indulge the rhetoric and polemics of foreign ‘ways of life and politics that avow superior opportunity and social empathy. All of the world’s nations-and institutions and idols would seem to have “ feet of clay” ; And for those of us who do not read to well, there arc the omnipotent C-SPAN Continued on Page 12 Serenz Pilot Les Femmes has chosen 22 high school seniors, to be presented in their 40th Annual Debutante and Cavalier Ball, “ A Touch Of Elegance.” Dedicated to improving the lives of African-American youth, while pre­ paring them for life after high school is one goal of Les Femmes. The Portland based organization of women has de­ veloped a strict code of ethics and rig­ orous curriculum for the young people to follow. To reward the participants for fol­ lowing the ethics code and curriculum, each senior who demonstrates academic success and service to the community will be honored in the formal ball on Sunday, June 23 at 8 pm in the Grand Ballroom of the Oregon Convention Center. Each week through June, Les Femmes and the Portland Observer will feature three young people who were chosen as 1991 debutantes and cava­ liers. This week meet Christy Marie Green, Eric DeShawn Jenkins and Ser­ ena Renee Pilot. Green, the daughter of Edmond Green and Dr. Brenda Green, is a sen­ ior at Parkrose Senior High School. At Parkrose, Green was selected as home­ coming princess, a two year varsity cheerleader and track team member. Chosen as Student of the Month in January, Green is an honor student and traveled to England to participate in the Westminster Abbeys New Year’s Day parade. Green attends M l Olivet Bap­ tist Church and is an associate member of Maranalha Church. This fall she will enter Hampton University and major in architecture. Jenkins, the son of Doyle and Cynthia Johnson, is a senior at Benson High School. At Benson Jenkins Continued on page 12 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION O F th e African American Festival « > 4. * ♦ ♦ - I' *