M ay 22, 1991--The Portland O bserver-Page 5 Portland Observer ENTERTAINMENT “ABC” Another BAD Creation Mark Red Li I Dave Ro Ro C h ris Another Bad Creation one of the newest singing groups are topping the charts with new top single "Spider man". They also have prior hits. Isesha and Playground. They're destined to be one of the top singing groups in the country. Seeking Stolen Goods Live Jazz At The Jazz De Opus Teens & Company Presents Skits W ednesdays through June we arc proud to welcome back the great sounds of the Tall Jazz Trio. Tall Jazz Trio feature’s the work o f Michael Horsfall on the Vibraphone with Dan Prcsly on the Acoustic Bass and Kurt Dculschcr on the Drums. Since our first show in November, the public response has been quite fa­ vorable. W ith the continued interest and support that has been shown by Portland’s jazz, enthusiasts w e’re happy to have Leroy Vinncgar anchor our Tuesday’s with the help of Mark Simon on Piano and Carey Campbell on vo­ cals. On both Tuesday and W ednesday nights, our entertainm ent starts at 9:00 pm and ends at 1:00 am. Many of Portland’s best known jazz artists have been sitting with the artists that we have featured. Please com e by and check up on the Jazz Scene at the Jazz Dc Opus! We would like to thank you for your support of live Jazz in Portland and hope to see you at Jazz De Opus in the future. TEENS & COM PANY, an aw ard­ winning teen theatre troupe, will pres­ ent skits about teen pregnancy, peer pressure, drug-and-alcohol abuse and other issues im portant to teenagers in the troupe’s May 31, season finale. Sharon M itchell, story reporter for KGW -TV’s “ Good Evening” program, will be the program ’s m aster o f cere­ monies. TEENS & COMPANY has a multi­ ethnic cast of 11 talented students from 10 P ortland-V ancouvcr-area high schools, a mix of.humor and drama, the troupe’s skits arc written by cast m em ­ bers. The hour long finale will offer a dozen skits about peer pressure, preg­ nancy options, racism, sexual harass­ ment, hom ophobia and other topics. TEENS & COM PANY is spon­ sored by Planned Parenthood o f the Colum bia/W illam ette and the M etro Perform ing Arts, a city arts program sponsored by the Portland Bureau of Parks and Recreation. tit Jungle Fever TH*LM A&LOWSE IS A KNOCKOUT! A young, black architect's affair with his Italian-American secretary renders them both outcasts from their families and causes heartaches for them and the ones they love in Spike Lee's Jungle Fever," a Forty Acres and a Mule filmworks Production/A Spike Lee Joint. The film stars Wesley Snipes and Annabelle Sciorra. Je« Craig. US MAGAZINE “MOVIE DYNAMITE...DETONATED BY AWARD-CALIBRE PERFORMANCES FROM GEENA DAVIS AND SUSAN SARANDON.” S um m er W orkshop Peter Travers, ROLLING STONE The School of O regon BALLETTO THEATRCJ n James Canfield July 8-August 10,1991 Marlon McClain, pictured on the right, recently had his car broken into in downtown Portland. McClain, a nationally regarded producer, had some valuable recordings, ID, personal items, credit cards, a passport and other materials taken from his car. Anyone with any information should contact McClain at: 639-0217 or at 221-0288. There is a reward. McClain has two Gold Records (Nu-Shooze and Kenny G) to his credit. He also produces U-KREW. Artistic Director THELMA ^LOUISE ÄTKMJQLMTMM1HI«.» ÏHUN^.^.RIDUÏSOLTf^ ÜLSV* WLVNIXTN GEtNAHALTS THFJJW iiailT HWIU l EIT ì L 1 McBRIDF HANS 71M AftJt DEAN (I BRBN«CALLIE UH* Rl b B TTK NUBLE NOMLS SfENCHl Í ADRIAN KüDIK. CALLS KHOLTEI " " 8 RIDLEY SCOTT - MIMI POLÌ “ 'S RUMP SCOTT ‘ *5 Ai T Catering Available Parking in rear Open 10:00 am - 6:00 pm "SS Let us Cater Your Next Party G uest Faculty: Stephanie Adelman Lorraine Graves H aydee Guttierrez Cherie N oble Bruce Smith Order by 11 00 tor 1:00 delivery minimum order required 280-9851 3517 N.E. M. I. King Blvd S t a r t s F r id a y A t T h e s e T h e a t r e s ! MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY U.OYD CINEMAS rpo<.»v| 243-6938 ROSE MOYER 776-4065 V I III Fasag MATINEES SATURDAY & SUNDAY MO»F» W4 WS |?O6l 2M-0000 (ftflllYJ VANCOUVER MALL D ad ’ s O il S ervice heating oils Best Cash Prices 104 NE Russel St. Portland, Or 97212 (503) 282 5111 2 23-9919 31 NW F irst * School Director Are You What We’re Looking For? Help individuals be the best they can be ■3< while doing the same for yourself. We are looking for positive, self-motivated, mature self-starters to help develop the Western region. You would be part of a supportive team of image consultants who conduct makeovers just like “before” and “ afters” you’ve seen on television and in magazines. These c o n s u lta tio n s in c lu d e : C o lo r analyses + facial Shape + Advanced Skin Care & Instruction + Accessorizing + Fashion Personality + Body Type. Attitude and desire to learn & grow are more important than past exp. Benefits to you. PT & FT Options + Flexibility + Recognition + Prof Training + Mgmt Oppty + Self-Satisfaction. Call Jena 231-5129. Dine in or carry out & Delivery Joseph Wvatt PROFESSIONAL image CONSULTANT -v - E -A -T -E -R -Y Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote! Can You Picture W EDNESDAY MAY 22 P a u le tte D avis For registration and information contact: The School of Oregon Ballet Theatre 1120 S.W. Tenth Avenue Portland. OR 97205 • (503) 227-6890 pORTLAXDijBSERVER Double Tee Presents Vanilla Ice and Special Guest TB A arc being presented by Double Tee Presents at the Civic Auditorium on Sunday, Septem ber 8, 1991 at 8:00 PM. For further information contact: Dough Fish or Marianna Bitar at (503) 221-0244. CREED OF THE BLACK PRESS The Black Press belle» cs that America can best lead Uic world away troin social and national antagonisms when It accords to every person, regardless of race, color, or creed, full human and legal rights. Hating no person, tearing no person, the Black Pi eai strives to help «> cry person In the firm belief that all arc hurt as long as anyone la held back. FRESH STRAWBERRIES sweet and flavorful Yourself In One ♦ ADVERTISE Of These Quality T H U R S D A Y M A Y 23 J o s e p h in e O c e a n Pre-Owned Luxury ♦ Cars? We Can Help F R ID A Y M A Y 24 Dub S quad Make Your Dreams ♦ Come True. S A TU R D A Y M A Y 25 Dub S quad Low Down-Low PINT BASKET PEPSI COLA-DIET PEPSI-PEPSI LIGHT PEPSI FREE-WILD CHERRY PEPSI M O U N TAIN DEW-SLICE (All Flavors) DR. PEPPER-MUG ROOT BEER regular or sugar free flavors Available O.A.C. SUNDAY MAY 26 C ra zy 8s 30 Year Quality Dealer M O N D A Y M A Y 27 C hubby C u rrie r Z y d e c o B and $ 1 8 »199 49 12 oz. CANS Monthly Payments ♦ • PEPSI • DIET PEPSI • PEPSI FREE • MOUNTAIN DEW • D R . PEPPER pack OF 1 6 o i. ■ BOTTLES ■ 1818 N.E. Sandy Blvd. T U E S D A Y M A Y 28 T e rry K ing & B obby Evans 234-0409 "W h e re Good Cars A n d Good People M eet!” THE FRIENDLIEST STORES IN TOWN SINCE 1908 SPECIALS EFFECTIVE MAY 21 through 26 1991 MEMBER OF INITED GROCERS PLUS DEPOSIT