Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 22, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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M a y 22, 1991"*The P o rtla n d O b s e rv e r-P a g e 3
Portland Observer
by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears
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Scripture o f the. iVeef^
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Scripture o f the Week M icah 6:8
Sabin Portrait Project
Celebrates Diversity
Celebrating cultural diversity in
the neighborhood and increasing stu­
dent awareness that fam ilies come in
all “ styles: combine in a fam ily por­
trait project on display on Thursday
(M ay 23).
Photographs o f 29 fam ilies may
be viewed w ith accompanying biogra­
phies w ritten by fifth-graders from 7-9
p.m. in the gymnasium at Sabin Ele­
mentary, 4013 N.E. 18th Ave.
The portraits, taken by photogra­
pher Roland Dechert, capture fam ilies
doing what they enjoy most - fishing,
playing sports and games, etc.
“ P o rtra it" photos depict the d if­
ferent kinds o f fam ilies m aking up
Sabin’s com m unity: foster families,
families headed by grandparents or single
parents, fam ilies from different c u l­
tures and fam ilies w ith handicapped
“ W e want the project to help c h il­
dren feel good about the kinds o f fam i-
lies they come fro m ,” said project d i­
rector Chris Lamp, a kindergarten teacher
at the early childhood education cen­
ter. “ Students learn there arc good,
happy fam ilies o f a ll kinds and that the
traditional fa m ily w ith tw o parents and
tw o children is not always necessary
fo r happiness.”
Biographies - in which students
handled a ll development o f questions,
interview ing and w ritin g - w ill be pub­
lished in a book to accompany the
photo exhibit.
The project, funded by a Portland
School D istrict Teacher Incentive pro­
gram (TIP ) grant and Pacific Power
and L ig h t Co., w ill be displayed in
Sabin’ s library after next Thursday’ s
e x h ib it
For more inform ation, please con­
tact Chris Lam p, Sabin teacher, 280-
6482 or B ill Garbett, director o f public
inform ation and communication, 249-
3304, Portland Public Schools.
St. Paul Missionary
Baptist Church
8101 N. Fiske Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97203
Church Phone: 289-0147
Study Phone:289-1911
Sunday Service
Sunday School
Bible Study
Evening Service
7:00 P.M.
Pastor, Rev. James C.E. Faulkner
Portland Communit y College Selected
For Starlig Parade
Portland Com m unity College staff
and students have been selected to
participate in the Saturday night, June
1, Starlight Parade, part o f the Portland
Rose Festival.
The entry, “ A Rainbow o f Oppor­
tunities,” marks PCC’ s second year
w ith the event. The 1991 entry w ill
highlight the diverse cultural back­
grounds o f students, staff and comm u­
nity participants. PCC students, staff
and college friends have volunteered
lim e and resources to plan, organize,
decorate and perform in the college’s
Starlight parade effort.
PCC’ s entry features a hay wagon
pulled by a four-horse hitch o f regis­
tered S u lfolk draft horses, donated for
the event by George and Jean Horner o f
Forest Grove.
The Suffolk draft horses have
appeared in numerous parades, horse
AME Missionary Women To Hold
International Convention
The W om en’ s Missionary Society
o f the A frican Methodist Episcopal
Church w ill hold its 12th Quadrennial
Convention in Baltimore on June 28-
July 3,1991. Over 10,000 women from
throughout the United States and 32
other countries arc expected to attend.
Delores Kennedy W illiam s, conncc-
tional president o f the W om en’ s M is­
sionary Society o f the A .M .E . Church,
has announced the convention theme:
“ Called, Com m itted, Compelled to
Serve. ’ ’ S he added that the convention­
eers w ill participate in inspirational
experiences that w ill assist w ith en­
hancing their ‘ ‘call and comm itment to
Christian missions.”
The 12th Quadrennial Convention
is being hosted by the Second Episco­
pal D istrict where H. Hartford Brook­
ins is bishop;. The week-long conven­
tion program w ill feature international
activities, worship services, cultural
T h e m e : W h a te v e r y o u ’re g o in g
to do fo r th e L o rd , do it now.
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r r r w T f n r n r i- * i * i * i * i * i * i * I I I » 1 » 1
21.» 1 ♦ I
Sunday W orship 11:00 A M .
Bible Study, Wednesday 5:30 PM.
Prayer Service, Wednesday 6:00 PM.
Re v. D r. Joe S. H ardie, Pastor
He That Loveth Not, Knoweth N o t God;
F o r God Is love ! Jo hn 4:8
Cleodus Vann
Family Owned and Operated
Since 1954
Serving the City of Portland
for over 37 years
In your hour of need
Vann &Vann are there to serve
4222 N.E. 12 th Avenue, Portland, Oregon
Sunday Services
5211 N. W illia m s P o rtla n d , Or. 97217
Sunday School
9:00 A.M.
M orning W orship
10:30 A.m.
Evening W orship
6:00 P.M.
M idweek Service - W ednesday
7:00 P.M.
Saturday - BASIC Youth Service
7:00 P.M.
Governor Reoeats Call For
Restoration Of Critical Programs
Rev. Wendall H. Wallace
Senior Pastor
"Maranatha Live" Radio Program/Talk Show KPDQ 93.7 FM 800 AM
11:00 P.M. to 12:00 midnight (Each Sunday)
Jesus Loves You/
f you are a graduating
ttudcnt, i t ’s time to shine,
fou can be what you want
o be. Don't forget the ones
vho have carried you thus
ar. Let them know that you
ippreciate them in what
iver capacity they have
ulfilled fo r you. Remember
o be good to each other!
I stepped into the cool, blue, deep
The cool,
blue, deep,
only fo r a moment and then I re­
waters cleansed
my soul and
1 was scared, Yes, that’ s what it was.
p u rifie d my
I was uplifted w ith utter bliss and ev­
Fear o f
strength which was wrapped with in ­
A chance.
fin ite hope
The next day I stepped into the cool, as i f it were a present being handed
to me.
deep waters and I was knee deep.
I was shocked w ith jo y that was
I stayed
large r than life its e lf when it
longer than usual and fin a lly I dived
came to my knowledge what I had
in as
i f I was taking a chance.
I took a chance.
M y muscles were rejuvenated,
(Ms. Paige W illia m s is a student
M y body was cool on the outside and w ith a double m ajor at Portland State
warm on the inside.
University. She expresses her inner­
I fe lt tingles o f cool sensation
most thoughts o f her acceptance of
throughout my
C hrist and her baptismal experience
body penetrating through the inside through carefully placed pros and
Sunday School 9:30 A M .
Ällän Ifaiijfjly Œ
June 1, 1991
7:30 P.M.
Greater M l. Calvary C.O.G.l.C.
1234 NE Killingsw orth
Portland, OR
Choirs, Instrumentals, Soloists
from around the city
Everyone is Welcome
Bishop H.B. Daniels: Host Pastor
Bishop J.C. Foster: Stale Bishop
PsaJm 34:3
4236 NF Eighth Avenue
(c o m « of 6th A Skid mor»)
Portland, Oregon 97211
(503) 287-0261
PhUHp S. Nelson, Pastor
. ” ■.
»»m i
* ' * *
by Paige Williams
ticke ts- 9.50 balcony, 14.50 orchestra
at G I J o e 's /T ic k e tm a s te r o u tle t
R a dio M in is tr y each S u n d a y . 8 :0 0 A .M .-K B M S
A T e a c h in g C h u rc h W ith A R e a ch in g M in is tr y
D r. Ja m e s E. M a rtin , S e n io r P a s to r
Deep Waters
7:00 - 10:00 PM
103 N.E. Morris Street
Portland, Oregon 97212
Church Phone: 287-7457
S to n e T o w e r C h u rc h ,
N .E . S a n d y B lvd . & 3 0 t h
W o rs h ip S ervices 8 :0 0 A .M . & 11:00 A .M ,
C h u rc h S ch o o l 9 :3 0 A .M . to 10:30 A .M .
B ib le S tu d y . W ednesdays, 116 N .E .S c h u y le r
1 0 :3 0 A .M . a n d 6 :3 0 P.M .
events, community outreach and health
awareness activities and a multitude o f
the special events. One m ajor special
program thrust w ill be the “ Missionary
on the M ove” (M O M ) project where
the convention participants w ill visit
community sites to be extensions o f
Christ as they aim to make a difference.
Another convention highlight w ill be
the exhibit trade show where Women
Missionary Society members, small
business entrepreneurs and corporations
w ill distribute information and/or sell
The W om en’s Missionary Society
o f the A.M .E. Church, organized 113
years ago, was established “ to help
woman and youth grow in the k n o w l­
edge and experience ol God through
His Son, Jesus Christ, thus challenging
them to respond to G od’ s redemptive
plan in the w o rld.”
St. Mark Baptist Church
I Peter iv .ll
shows and fairs. Homer, and M orris
EIcverud, a Cornelius resident, w ill drive
the wagon. Both are experienced horse
owners and trainers.
Fifteen students and staff w ill ride
the hay wagon, carrying fluorescent­
decorated umbrellas in case o f rain.
The umbrellas have been donated by
the Shcdrain Corporation in Portland.
Portland, M ountHoodandClacka-
mas com m unity colleges w ill jo in tly
sponsora booth in the M ade in Oregon
pavilion at the Rose Festival in Water­
front Park, from Friday, M ay 31 to
Sunday, June 9,11 a.m .to 10 p.m. The
display’s theme, “ Community Colleges:
Education That W orks,” w ill feature
workforce and literacy training, part­
nerships and the small business con­
nections the three colleges have in the
Portland metro area.
Governor Roberts called the reve­
nue forecast released good news for
Oregonians, and repeated her call that
S68 m illio n be set aside to build an
ending balance o f $200 m illio n . The
remaining additional revenue should
be used to restore critical services in
human serivccs, education and correc­
tions programs that other wise would
have been cut.
“ We cannot continue business as
usual and spend all the money that
comes in,” Governor Roberts said. “ Our
economic ouiltxfk is now strong but
there arc uncertainties lurking: the timber
and salmon protection plans and the
national recession may hurt Oregon’ s
economy further. We must save a sig­
nificant rainy day fund to protect us if
such troubles arise.”
Slate Economist Paul Warner and
the Budget Director Paul Warner com ­
pared the new forecast to the revenue
forecast available in December, when
the Governor prepared her budget.
Under current law, the state w ill
have $163.9 m illio n more than the
economist predicted in December. The
slate is taking in more personal and
corporate income taxes because o f the
healthy economy. Stale agencies also
arc spending less through the end o f the
1989-91 budget period, leaving more
money available in 1991-93.
The Governor is urging the Legis­
lature to repeal the 2-pcrcent. A t the
time she prepared the budget, w hich
incorporated a repeal o f the 2-pcrccnt.
A t the lime she prepared the budget,
which incorporated a repeal o f the 2-
perccnt kicker, the economists predicted
that the kicker fund would be $127
m illion. The May estimate is up by $53
m illio n , to $180 m illio n .
O verall, the state is anticipated to
have $217.1 m illio n ($163.9 under
current law, and $53.1 from the kicker)
more than the G overnor expected in
December, when she o rig in a lly pro­
posed the 1991-93 budget.
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