Page 12—The 1’ •« iai '* Observer -May 22, 1991 ADS LEAD TO... GRESHAM W YOUR AFFORDABLE TRANSPORTATION CENTER Chrysler * Plymouth MEMORIAL DAY SELL A BRATION 4 to Choose From PLYMOUTH 20 to Choose From 1991 Voyager AWD 1991 Voyager Air, Front Wheel Drive, auto, 2.5L SOHC EFI, P195/75R14 BSW tires, cloth int., equipment may vary Front Wheel Drive, auto, 2.5LSOHC EFI, P195/ 75R14 BSW tires, cloth int., equipment may vary Drive For Only $239 per mo Drive For Only $269 per mo SPECIAL PURCHASE PLYMOUTH 5 to Choose From CHH SLER 1991 Acclaim Shocking Revelation: The First And Original Statute of Liberty Was Dedicated To The Newly-Freed Black Slaves In 1865 BY PROFESSOR MCKINLEY BURT The original model had broken chains of slavery at her feci and in her left hand - also she dark Negroid face. 1 just verified this fact phone call to the Mu- of the City of New York which has an original model on exhibit (212) 534- 1672. Other documen­ tation at end of ar­ ticle. After the assas­ sination of Abraham Lincoln, a group of French liberals pre­ sented a gold medal to Mrs. Lincoln. Part of the inscription read, “ Lincoln...saved the Union W ITHOUT VEILING THE STATUE OF LIB­ ERTY.” But, what is the sordid chain of events that led, not to a magnificent monument in international acclaim to the emancipation of the blacks in Amer­ ica, but, to a statuary with Anglo Saxon visage, welcoming more European immigrants? g#» Let us review a well-documented (seldom cited) scries of events that led to this twist of fate. The first idea of building a statute to the liberation of Black American slaves in the U.S. was first broached in 1865 in France by Eduard Rene Lefebvre dc Laboulaye. He was an internationally renowned ju ­ rist and the author of a thrcc-volumc history of the United States. At the dinner meeting, a most enthusiastic guest turned out to be Fredric Auguste Bartholdi, a young sculptor with a flair for the colossal and a fervent proponent of THE FREEDOM OF MAN. Bartholdi agreed to design and build A BLACK STATUE OF LIBERTY. This is the original model which, as stated, is on exhibit at The Museum oflheC ily of New York, Fifth Ave. and 103rd Streets. This original model was presented to the American Com­ mittee on the Statue o f Liberty, but suggested a little too much liberty to the northern conserva­ tives. The Americans removed the chains from the black female’s left hand and tucked a tablet in to her folded arm. The beautiful African face molded by Bartholdi was al­ tered to a Cauca­ sian visage and the » «nr w broken chains at her feet were removed (were we being told something early on?). As Bill Cosby once said, “ African American History...Lost, Strayed or Stolen!” The detractors of Portland’s ’’Baseline Essays” are daily being brought face to face with even more of the omis­ sions and perversions they fight to pre­ serve by their racist on­ slaughts. And daily, I encounter more of these racists “ asides” as I continue to develop the country’s largest data base of African and African American contributions to the world’s science, mathematics and technology. For addi­ tional readings on this Statue of Liberty caper, see “ The New York Times Maga­ zine, Part II, May?, 1986, and the New York Post, June 17, 1986. J. PORTLAND C O M M U N IT Y YOU ARE INVITED! 1991 5th Avenue COLLEGE ________ an OPEN-HOUSE CELEBRAT ION Sponsored by Air, tilt, cruise, p. windows & locks, AM/ FM, cassette w/graphic equlaizer, p. seats, white exterior, blue interior, vinyl top, V6, low miles (7,212), r. defrost, mt. wipers, automatic o/d, tinted windows, air bag. AT, tilt, cruise, air, stereo, rear window defrost, equipment may vary. T To PCC SKILLS CENTER A COLLEGE/COM M UNITY PARTNERSHIP NORTHEAST WORKFORCE CENTER PRIVATE INDUSTRY COUNCIL STATE EMPLOYMENT DIVISIO N WHEN? MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1991 TIME? 3:00 I’.M. UNTIL 5:00 l’.M. PLACE? 739 N. KILLINGSWOKTH STREET PORTLAND, OREGON $9888 or Buy $189 Drive $16,990 H )R MORE INFORMATION, PLKASK CAI.I. 240-5341 OR 240-5342 Rose Equipm ent To Relocate 75 E Powell GRESHAM CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH Portland is one of four communi­ ties across the country to be awarded a joint grant from The Better Homes Foundation and United Way of Amer­ ica. Chosen from among 40 applicants in 32 communities nationwide, a coali­ tion of Portland service agencies led by the Multnomah County Department of Human Service’ Community Action Program will receive S94,000 of a total of $289,000 awarded nationwide. Other communities receiving funding include Huntsville/Madison County, Alabama; Bronx, New York; and Yakima County, Washington. All grants will be matched from local sources. The coalition includes the Hous­ ing Authority of Portland, Portland Met­ ropolitan Chamber of Commerce, United Way of the Columbia-Willamette, Ore­ gon Adult & Family Services, M l Hood Community College, Mental Health Serivces West, and Portland Impact. The Homeless Families Stabiliza­ tion Project grant will assist at least 300 homeless families with at least one preschool child by providing permanent housing and comprehensive supportive serivces as well as long-term intensive case-management The Better Homes Foundation and United Way of America developed the joint awards because of a common concern for homeless families with children under age six. “ These children are so vulnerable, and homelessness is so devastating for little kids. Yet, we know that if we get them the help they need when they are this small, they are very responsive,’’ said Wiley B. Cooper, Vice President, United Way of America. The Better Homes Foundation was founded in 1988 by Better Homes and Gardens magazine. The only national non-profit organization dedicated solely to helping homeless families. The Bet­ ter Homes Foundation has awarded 62 grants to 55 programs in 23 states since O P P O R T U N IT Y H a v e th e o p p o r tu n ity to r e a c h a c u ltu r a lly d iv e r s e w o r k fo r c e th r o u g h th e P o r tla n d O b s e r v e r. Y o u c a n re a c h u s at (5 0 3 ) 2 8 3 -0 0 3 3 o r fa x (5 0 3 ) 2 8 8 -0 0 1 5 its inception. Its president is Ellen L. Bassuk, M.D., Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and a leading authority on homeless families. United Way of America’s Step-Up Endowment, with financial support from the Annie E. Casey Foundation, is fo­ cused on the development, testing, and replication of collaborative efforts to assist homeless families toward self- sufficiency. United Way of America is the na­ tional Service and Training Center for more than 2300 community-based United Ways throughout America. Each United Way is au tonomous, governed by a local board of experienced volunteers. United Way assess current and future commu­ nity needs and bring people and organi­ zations together to address them. United Way also raises and distributes funds »o over 40,000 health and human care organizations (over $3.11 billion in 1990- 91). m BY BILLY DON MOORE .« 665-7121 “Your Community Minded Dealership“ Homeless Families Project Wins Grant E Q U A L AM uns «uBrert w p t w A D V E R T IS E in I h " iroses - z The NE Portland Business Com­ munity will lose a good friend in the next couple of weeks. Rose’s Equip­ ment and Supply will be moving to it’s new location. Rose’s had been a fixture in our community for years and will surely be missed. The owner, Tom Rose says the neighborhood has been good to them. General manager, Bob Mulli- son goes on to say, “ We have just run out of space and need more room since the business is growing by leaps and bounds. Rose’s Equipment has helped to establish a lot of businesses in North Inner Northeast. They recently worked on the House of Umoja project supply­ ing the kitchen equipment. Bob says that the image that NE Portland is not a place to do good business is vastly in error. Martin Luther King Blvd. is on it’s way back and any new business should be able to prosper. We will miss the area but remain connected because of the 12 years we spent on the Boule­ vard. Thanks for the memories. » N o rth e a s t 4 0 8 9 N E M.L.K. Jr. Blvd. 2 8 4 -4 9 3 8 S o utheast 2 0 7 SE Clay 2 3 3 -7 4 5 0 THANKING YOU FOR 12 YEARS GF CONTINUED PATRONAGE. Effective June 1, inventory to be combined et 207 SE Clay St. location