Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 22, 1991, Image 1

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Volume XXI, Number 21
May 22, 1991
'The Eyes and Ears o f The Community”
“Famous Amos” Visits The Portland Observer
W alley ‘ ‘Famous Amos, ” the in­
spirational, international cookie en­
trepreneur, stopped by the Portland
O bserver Office this past Tuesday,
May 21, 1991.
He was in Portland to promote
his new franchise “ Chip & Cookie
Boutiques. They will be marketed in
the Portland area late this fall. He will
also deliver a special keynote address
to his first national ‘ ‘Franchising for
Women and minorities” satellite video
conference on June 15, 1991.
This unique satellite video con­
ference will be presented to the public
through Portland Community College
in mid June.
Says, Susan P. Kezios, President
of conference sponsor, Women in Fran­
chising, Inc., “ This will be the largest
franchise conference ever held to edu­
cate women and minorities about their
opportunities to succeed as franchise
entrepreneurs. Our goal is that every
woman and minority in the country
will be within easy driving distance of
a conference location.”
The “ Franchising for Women and
M inorities” conference will be held
from 9 a.m. to 12 noon in all four time
zones; some speakers’ remarks will
be taped for later transmission. But,
S top B u sh ’s
B acklash A g ain st
C ivil R ig h ts by:
B e n jam in F. C havis,
T he P ayoff fo r th a t
T echnical
M o tiv atio n
by: M cK in ley B urt
Trail B lazers H ead
to Los A ng eles
D am o n S to u d a m ire
S tars in S oviet/A ll
S tars G am e by: B illy
D o n M oore
M ik e D u n le a v y
Grace Collins
Ju n g le Fever
The Locker Room
Wally "Famous Amos" Shows his new product Chip & Cookie
Grace Collins Center
Receives Re-certificationn
A formal hearing was held on May
8th that gave the Grace Collins Center
full certification.
W hile the re-certification o f the
Center and the partnership that has
developed between the Center and CS D
is noteworthy. This event is meant to
call attention to the plight o f not only
Grace Collins, but many day care cen­
ters that find themselves in similar or
worse struggles due to lack o f adequate
funding, the inability to operate at
breakeven, and the lack o f resources to
provide children in the
inner-city with an
e n ric h e d le a rn in g
environm ent that will
provide the necessary
positive start needed
to break the cycle of
poverty, ignorance
and dependence that
results in the need for
social programs.
The Collins Cen­
ter provides a subsi­
dized quality daycare
program for low in­
com e, single parent
or “ at risk’’ and w el­
fare fam ilies (PIC,
AMA, AFS) who are
going to school, in
training or working to
upgrade their skills
and their quality of
life. Our goal is to
continue providing
this vital service in
addition to top notch
teaching and training for preschoolers,
infants and toddlers.
There is an urgent need for quality
day care in our area and answ ers must
be found to deal with closing and or
marginally operating Centers like Grace
F oro v cr4 0 y carsth cG race Collins
Memorial Community Center, formerly
known as the Christian Community Cen­
ter has operated in the Portland inner-
city at its present location.
Next Week
News From the African
American Festival
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Kezios explains that regardless of time
zone, attendees at every location can
question the speakers in a live, inter­
active form at
International celebrity agreed to
address the conference, he says, be­
cause ‘ ‘anyone, regardless of color or
sex, can achieve whatever they want
to do.” Amos, Founder of the Fa­
mous Amos Cookie franchise, is also
the author o f The Power In You; Ten
Secret Ingredients for Inner Strength.
His success allows him to speak with
authority on the importance o f over­
coming life’s challenges. As a fran­
chise entrepreneur, he teaches people
how to build a business based on
personal integrity, commitment and
Amos also acts as national spokes­
man for the Literacy Volunteers of
American (LVA). A portion of the
proceeds from the video conference
will be donated to LVA.
And Amos is about to jum p back
into the industry with a new cookie
boutique franchise based on twochar-
acters. Chip and Cookie. This Insti­
To register for a conference lo­
cation near you, call toll free (800)
Veronica Green
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Holiday Driving
Safety Urged'
The M emorial Day Holiday is
coming and school is almost our for the
summer. Motorists are reminded to lake
extra care when driving in areas where
children arc likely to be playing, bicy­
cling or walking.
While children generally know how
to be safe cyclists and pedestrians, they
don’t always rem em ber to do it. C hil­
dren may dart out from between parked
cars, fail to check intersections before
they enter them or do something else
Young children also do not have a
very well-developed sense of depth
perception and may not realize how
close a vehicle could be when they
choose to cross a street.
Right turns at red lights also can be
dangerous. Motorists watching for other
traffic may not notice a young pedes­
trian in a crosswalk.
Motorists should be particularly
cautious in residential areas, near parks
and playgrounds and other locations
where children are likely to be.
Parents also can help ensure safe
holidays by making sure their children
know how to walk safely. Reviewing
these safety tips with children could
help reduce the risk of an accident:
-Choose the route with the fewest
streets to cross.
-Cross at comers.
-Look in all directions before cross­
ing any street-every lime.
A Touch Of Elegance
Les Femmes has chosen 22 high
school seniors, to be presented in their
40th Annual Debutante and Cavalier
Ball, “ A Touch o f Elegance.”
Dedicated to improving the lives of
African-American youth, while prepar­
ing them for life after high school is one
goal o f Les Femmes. The Portland based
organization of women has developed a
strict code o f ethics and rigorous cur­
riculum for the young people to follow.
To reward the participants for fol­
lowing the ethics code and curriculum,
each senior who demonstrates academic
success and service to the community
will be honored in the formal ball on
Sunday 23 at 8 pm in the Grand Ball­
room o f the Oregon Convention Center.
Each week through June, Les
Fem m es and the Portland O bserver will
feature three young people who were
chosen as 1991 debutantes and cava­
liers. This week meet Edric Lovcllc Carter,
Terence Rcymond Hendrix and Kim­
berly Patrice Moon.
Terence Reymond Hendrix
Kimberly Patrice Moon
Carter, the son o f Edward and Pat
Carter, is a senior at Benson High
School. In addition to playing football
and basketball at Benson, Carter takes
time to participate in M E S A -a group
dedicated to m athematics, engineer­
ing and science.
Carter, who was voted Hom ecom ­
ing King at Benson, was selected as a
model for the 1989-90 Mcir & Frank
modeling troupe. This modeling expe­
rience has peaked C arter’s interest in
performing arts. He will attend Oregon
Stale University this fall and major in
business administration /economics and
minor in drama.
Hendrix is a senior at Central Catho­
lic High School and is the son of Gcotge
and Odessa Hendrix. W hile in high
school, Hendrix lettered in football,
track and chccrlcading. W orking in the
community is not new to Hendrix, who
has been a NAACP youth member for
twelve years. He also is active in Jack
& Jill o f America, Inc. where he has
served as teen president and vice presi­
dent over the Portland chapter and teen
parliamentarian for the Far W est re­
gion. Hendrix, attends Ainsworth United
Church of Christ, and will pursue a
business degree at Hampton Univer­
sity this fall.
Moon, the daughter o f Donald and
Brenda Moon, is a senior at Jefferson
High School. Enthusiastic about Jef­
ferson, Moon participated in cheer­
leading, spirit club and was a peer
helper. She also is a member of Toast­
masters, the human relations com m it­
tee and the Academy o f Future Educa­
tors. Moon attends Vancouver Avenue
First Baptist Church and sings in the
youth choir and works on the youth
usher board. Selected to the M etro­
politan Youth Commission, Moon
participated in a state-w ide youth
conference. Moon will enter G ram ­
bling State University this fall. Her
ambition is to become a paralegal.
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