May 15, 1991--The Portland Observer-Page 9 Sony Makes Contribution to Scholarship Fund Sony Corporation o f America has made a $25,000 contribution to the Thurgood M arshall Scholarship Fund. Sony Vice Chairman Neil Vander Dussen (left) presented the mock check Dr. Joyce Payne, administer o f the fund, during a reception prior to the Sony Innovators Awards ceremony held re­ cently in New Y ork. The Thurgood Emergency Medical Services Week Marshall Scholarship Fund provides m erit scholarships to students attend­ ing the 36 historically Black public colleges and universities throughout the United States. The Sony Innovators Awards program , now in its fourth year, recognizes the creative talents o f A fr i­ can- Americans pursuing careers in music and film /video. Mckenzie Retires From Freightliner As Director Of Personnel Administration turcr. M ckenzie was hired in October 1971 and held management positions in employment and safety. He was named D irector o f Safety and Em ployment Practices in October 1980. In October 1986 he re­ ceived a prom otion to D i­ rector o f Personnel A d ­ ministration. A ctive in com m unity affairs, M ckenzie has also participated in a number o f groups related to per­ sonnel management, job safety, wage and salary administration and w o rk­ ers compensation. A devoted soccer player, M ckenzie was a member o f the Portland State U niversity varsity soccer team in the late 1950s and continued his interest n the sport as a coach, referee and ama­ teur league o ffic ia l. He served a term aspresidenloflhc Oregon SoccerFoot- ball Association in 1983 and was ear­ lier the first president o f the group’ s northern district. Compton Mckenzie Compton Mckenzie, D irector o f Personnel Adm inistration at Freight- liner Corporation, retired A p ril 30 after more than 19 years o f personnel man­ agement w ork w ith the truck manufac- African American Rodeos Has Grown And Is Expanding The First Afro American In Auto Dealership BY BILLY DON MOORE Governor Barbara Roberts has declared May 12-18,1991, to be Em er­ gency M edical Services Week in the Slate o f Oregon. Emergency medicine is the prac­ tice o f e valuating, stabilizing and treat­ ing life - and limb-threatening illnesses and injuries. Emergency M edical Serv­ ices Week is designed to encourage the public to learn more about the emer­ gency medical resources in their com ­ munities. This year, Americans w ill experience an estimated 92 m illio n medical emergencies serious enough to require a v is it to the emergency department. “ Emergency Medical Services: The Team That Cares” is the theme o f this year’ s Emergency M edical Services Week, an annual event to recognize the high level o f training and com m itm ent shared by the emergency physicians, emergency nurses, paramedics, emer­ gency medical technicians, dispatch­ ers, firefighters , and others who pro­ vide emergency medical care to Ore­ gon’ s residents. Oregonians thank these dedicated professionals fo r their contributions to our health When they write the legacy o f Dorian Boyland one phrase most certainly w ill apply "stick-to-itiveness.” Dorain never gave up on his dreams. G row ing up on the streets o f Chicago can be tough. “ Doe” , as he w o u ld be called fo r most o f his life, had to deal w ith a great deal o f adversity. Most o f it came from the neighborhood, South Shore, where Doe made his mark. No, it wasn’t South Side C hica go State Street in terms o f violent acts, but it also wasn’ t Hoffman Estates, a ritzy upper class area where money talks. Dorian was Doe Boyland drafted at an early age, not by the Chicago Cubs, but by the Black Stone Rangers. The Rangers en­ forced a 6:00 pm curfew on the play­ ground, non-members had to leave. Membership had i t ’ s privileges. The Rangers recruited Dorian because Doe Boy could hoop, and in Chicago, the home town o f w ell-know n athletes such as N B A Isaiah Thomas and M ark Aguirc o f the W orld Champion D etroit Pistons, i f you could hoop you were invited to the party. Dorian had an open invitation. Doe’s parents realized the danger in his Chief, Citizens Invite Public To Workshop On Community Policing How can citizens and police w ork together to solve problems? That’ s the question o f the day fo r O fficers Harry Jackson (N orth Precinct), M ike Pace (East) and Haven Baxter (Central) at a May 18 workshop on com m unity po­ licing. Portland Police C h ie f Tom Potter, Crim e Prevention Manager Ed B lack­ burn and members o f the C h ie f’ s Fo­ rum advisory group invite the public to BAD CREDIT 99mo 81 Ford Fairmont Very Clean 300 cash down 24 mos O.A.C. $1999 the way we can be sure that the com m u­ n ity ’ s priorities for com m unity p o lic ­ ing arc being reflected,” said Potter. Tne CBPIRTS will showcase the finest in rodeo talent with 100 African- American cowboys and cowgirls competing for more than $100,000 in cash and prizes for the 1991 series. It will feature such favorites as steer wrestling, bull riding, calf roping, ladies barrel racing and ladies steer undercoratina.__________________ ______________________________ L IM O U S IN E S E R V IC E * V IS A * M ASTERCARD * D IS C O V E R (NO MINIMUM HOURS) * A M E R IC A N Wo’ro getting Into the graduation modo. If you havo somoono who has "mado it ” lot thorn know how proud wo aro of team. Education Is a proclous tool. Lot our young mon and womon know that wo support thorn In their offorts. At loast say Congratulations! EXPRESS (503) 244-5794 Ext. 66 GREATER PORTLAND-METRO AREA AFFORDABLE RATES A SERVICE OF / egon Discounts to OBN Cardholders ßustness Little or no downpayment YES- New or used YES- Any Make or model YES- We take care of the financing YES- Payments to Fit Your Budget GRESHAM DODGE survey. “ M eeting w ith the com m unity is Portland Police O ffic e r Haven Baxter couldn’ t be more excited. A fte r 23 years on the police force and three years on the W ashington Park beat, he knows it takes patience and consistent dedication to make a difference. On Wednesday morning’s program o f “ The M ayo r’ s F orum ” , O ffic e r Baxter an­ nounced the amazing progress that has been made to clean up Washington Park o f illegal drug dealing. He esti­ mates that the park is now 90% drug fee thanks to some concentrated com m u­ n ity policing efforts by area citizens; the Park Bureau; Zoo, O M S I, Forestry Center and Vietnam M em orial secu­ rity ; and neighborhood association groups. M ayor C lark w ill help aid in the e ffo rt to keep W ashington Park clean by proclaim ing it a certified Drug Free zone at a special social event and in fo r­ mation fair. Volunteer “ Park Hosts” are being recruited to citizen foot pa­ trols in the park, thereby providing a positive presence as extra “ eyes and ears” for the police. It is also planned that Park Hosts w ill serve as a resource fo r tourists and visitors to Washington Park. For further inform ation, contact Lisa Horne, Neighbors Wcst/Northwest - 223-3331. batting .350. His senior year scouts were talking to Doe about being an eve­ ryday player in the Big Leagues and pitching on the major league level. You can’t do both. When draft day rolled along Doe was alone at home when he got the call. 49th player chosen over a ll in the 2nd round. L ittle did Dorian know the draft was on T V . The Pitts­ burg Pirates took Dorian much to his surprise. He had thought it would be the L .A . Dodgers but was not disappointed that it was the Pirates. Dorian purchased a home in Port­ land and armed w ith a degree in B usi­ ness decided to pursue a new career. Dorian went to w ork fo r the form er owner o f the Portland Beavers, Ron Tonkin selling cars.’ T became manger in time but dreamed o f owning m y own store. Ron and I decided to buy a Dodge dealership in Gladstone together. I became the first A fro-A m erican to own or co-own a car dealership.” Dorian was s till determined to own his own store and in time sold his stock back to Ron and made his dream a reality by purchasing Gresham Dodge. Doe says, “ We are in this fo r the long haul. We w ill be here at this same location fo r the next 10 years, You have to treat people right and provide quality service by giving the customer what they feel is the best deal for their money. M y feeling is i f you treat people rig ht they w ill tell someone and that some­ one w ill tell some one and Gresham Dodge w ill sell some cars. Simple, right? Just like in baseball - get the bases loaded and h it a grand slam o f a deal at Gresham Dodge - Just Do It! NEED OF A CAR WE CAN HELP attend. Portland M ayor J.E. Bud C lark and C ity Commissioners w ill be featured guests at the workshop. C hie f’ s Forum members and crim e prevention staff from area neighborhood offices w ill participate as small group leaders. The workshop w ill be 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. (9:45 a.m. reg istra tion ) Saturday, May 18, at Grant H igh School, 2245 N.E, 36th Ave. Pre-registration by M ay 10 is encouraged; registration form s are available at neighborhood crim e prevention offices o r call the C om m u­ nity Policing D ivisio n at 796-3126. The workshop w ill feature examples o f successful problem -solving by po­ lice and citizens and w ill k ic k o ff the distribution o f a com m unity policing Washington Park Declares Victory association w ith the Rangers and sent him away to live w ith relatives. He returned to South Shore High School a few months later where he played bas­ ketball and baseball. He excelled at both, a 3 year starter and M V P fo r the baseball team as a pitcher and out­ fielder, and bas­ ketball M V P as a senior. He was in ­ v ite d to p la y summer baseball against the best in C alifornia, USC, U C LA, ASU, and Stanford. From there Dorian was invited to play in Alaska where the most prestigious Baseball Summer Program is con­ ducted. Players come from all over the country to p a rtic ip a te . Dorian went to Alaska w ith a team from Colorado. This league has produced some o f the finest baseball talent ever. Dorian had a great senior year, leading his team in hitting and had a good pitching season, went 17-6 in his career and made it back to the College W orld Series. Academ ically, his grades were high and life was going w ell for Doe. The scouts knew Doe Boyland was a top notch prospect at this point, 6 ’4 ” , 190 lbs, able to run, h it and throw after 8 5 5 NE G re s h a m Black Owned 666-2277 B u r n s id e O r 9 7 0 3 0 More Californians Applying For Oregon Licenses According to the M otor Vehicles D ivision, more than 74,000out-of-state drivers applied for Oregon driver l i ­ censes in 1990. O f that amount, nearly 31,000 o f these new drivers were from California. This figure is 7 percent higher than in 1989. One reason fo r the in ­ crease may be Oregon’ s lifestyle. “ Oregon has a good economy and an attractive lifestyle. People can move out o f C alifornia, leave the gridlock, and have a nice environment w ithout a lo t o f tra ffic ,” said Ann Snyder, D M V Public A ffairs manager. Washington State contributed the next-highest number o f new Oregon drivers last year, at slightly more than 11,000. Arizona, Idaho, Texas, and Colorado followed with more than 2,000 109 mo 83 Dodge Conversions Van 300 cash down 36 mos O.A.C. $2999 Fix up that spare room! Brand new Thick cut pile Carpet with built in cushion Regular price $38 per sq. yd. Our price $6.99 per sq. yd. or I Like new carpet tile $2.00 sq. yd. Magic Carpet 2716 NE Marlin Luther King, Jr. Portland, Oregon 97212 (503)-288-0878 each. Portland Organizing Project Set Inner- City Agenda Over 700 inner-city residents de­ cided on a tw o year action plan fo r Portland’s low-income neighborhoods at the biennial convention o f the Port­ land Organizing Project. The conven­ tion was held at Westminster Prcsbytc- rianChurch. Governor Barbara Roberts made the keynote address. The convention focused on ra tify ­ ing action agendas for these priority concerns: reducing the cost o f sewer installa­ tions for lower-income residents o f Outer Northeast Portland; securing an agreement to remodel the Interstate Fred M et cr store in North Portland; creating and implem enting bank programs that reduce barriers to home- ownership and business development; developing strategics to combat youth unemployment. Delegates were asked to support efforts to remodel a run-down Fred Meyer store. A t a March 5 meeting w ith 275 POP members, Fred Meyer President C y Green com m itted to have a decision on remodeling the Interstate store by M ay 1. M r. Green delayed a decision until June due to internal company changes since the resignation o f form er Fred Meyer CEO Steve Ste­ vens. Residents o f Northeast Portland asked delegates to support efforts to lower the costs o f sewer installations in the Englcwood/Cully neighborhood, and provide belter financing through a City- lundcd safety net for w orking class and low-income families. Sewer installa­ tion costs are expected to vary from $8,000 to S I7,(XX) a home. Flyers Stationary Brochures Programs ETC- X /¿ J t (hfACt t.» A A « « 4 A A ♦ . * -*. a ,* < .• * • ' ** ' « •• •• ** '• • • ■