Page 8 -T h e Portland Observer - May 8,1991 NEW HOMES in NE Portland 1 priced from under $60,000 Come and talk with the builder. Let's discuss floor plans & other options. FOR PEOPLE WHO THINK THEY GANT GET ONE J.A M. Development Don Jones, owner B B *53292 "You'll Love our quality and service" Don Jones Portland 220-1623 Salem 581-2552 N o t everyone has the m oney it takes to take o u t a h o m e loan from a bank. B u t right now, a lot o f people in Portland w h o think they can’t qualify for a h o m e loan, can. W ith a H o m e- ADDRESS 5212 NE 23rd LOT SIZE 50x100 LIVING AREA 1200sq. ft. Basement 35% partial STYLE old Portland 2 level Partners loan from U.S. Bank. BEDROOMS 4 DINING ROOM possible formal BATHROOM 1 FIREPLACE/WOODSTOVE none It gives you th e m oney you need to buy a house w ith o u t costing an arm and a leg. O r even a foot. H ere’s how TERMS Seller Assisted Financing W ith a H om ePartners loan, the a m o u n t o f m oney ST is o n e third less than even the usual federally insured h o m e 21 loan requires. A n d m ost clos­ PEN IN SU LA REALTY INC. ing costs, for things like title 8040 North Lombard Portland Oregon 97203 Business (503) 286-5826 Fax (503) 286-8675 insurance and o th er fees, d o n ’t Rose Marie Davis A HOMEPARTNERS HOME LOAN 5% 2% HOW DO YOU GET YOUR DOWN PAYMENT? M ust be from your Can be a gift from ow n savings a relative NECESSARY REPAIRS Must be done before All repairs (except those required for health or safety reasons) can loan isgiven be d one after loan is given ADDITIONAL CLOSING COSTS All costs m ust be paid up front M ost costs can be financed ( l o r down payment, up front closing costs, estimated taxes and insurance) S3,652 $2,160 have to be paid u p fro n t— DO YOl QUALIFY? and a g o o d history o f pay­ ing your bills m ight b e all you need. Now, w e aren’t exactly giving away th ese loans to everyone w h o walks in the door. But, w e guarantee th at a lo t o f p eople w h o th o u g h t th ey ’d never b e able to g et a h o m e loan will get one. So, before you give u p o n th e idea o f o w n in g your V OE MONTHLY INCOME ALLOWED EOR HOUSE PAYMENT 28% h o m e loan cost less, it’s easier to qualify for. A steady incom e DOWN PAYMENT you need for a d o w n paym ent OrriuQí V TOTAL CASH REQUIRED AT CLOSING EOR A HOUSE WITH A SALES PRICE OF 130,000 it works. FEATURES/COMMENTS Great investment potential for 1st ti me home owner or investor. Security lighting with bars on windows and doors. Easy access to freeways and downtown Portland. Seller ready to negotiate.] A CONVENTIONAL HOME LOAN they can be bo rro w ed w ith the rest o f th e money. N o t only d o es this U p to 33% ( REDIT HISTORY Previous loan experience W ith o u t p n o r loan on cars, credit cards, etc. experience, landlord references o r a g o o d record of paying utility bills can be used to establish credit history ow n hom e, take a lo o k at w hat U S . B ank’s H o m e Partners liban has to offer. It could save you from a lifetime o f rent. S a le s A s s o c ia te I lie I S Bank HomePartners Program can help you purchase a house in Portland tor up to $49,(XK) You are eligible to apply if your household income does not e xc eed the following income guidelines: 1 Person-$24,000. 2 People— S28.5OO. 5 or more p e o p le -$31,700. HomePartners is offered Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated mr through I S Bancorp Mortgage Company H a b ita t for H u m a n ity In te rn a tio n a l u . s .I b a n k Ed Warmoth Public Relations Consultant © 1991 United States National Bank o f t fregón I — J 1 9219 Southwest Line Drive Cornelius, OR 97113 (503) 628-3227 Notice of Neighborhood Meetings Schedule D ad ’ s O il S ervice heating oils Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote! Best Cash Prices 104 NE Russel St. Portland, Or 97212 (503) 282 5111 8 - King Neighborhood Association Meeting 7:00pm King Facility 4815 NE 7th 13 - Humbolt Neighborhood Associa­ tion Board 7:30 pm Humbolt School 4906 N Gantenbein 8 - Beaumont-Wilshire Neighborhood Assoc. Board 7:30pm Beaumont School 4043 NE Fremont 13 - Eliot Neighborhood Association Board Meeting 7:00pm Grace Collins Daycare Center 128 NE Russell B l O S 15 - Woodlawn Neighborhood Asso­ ciation Meeting 7:00pm Odd Fel lows Lodge 700 NE Dekum 21 - Northeast Coalition Monthly Board Meeting 7:00 pm King Facility 4815 NE 7th 21 - Grant Park Neighborhood Asso­ ciation Meeting 7:30pm Fern wood Middle School NE 33rd & Han­ cock ^2 - Rose City Park Neighborhood Association General 7:30pm Rose City Park School 2334 NE 57th Can You Picture i Yourself In One Of These Quality Pre-Owned Luxury Cars? We Can Help Make Your Dreams MEN’S, W OMEN’S, CHILDREN’S 2 FOR $ 8 4 ’5 ~ Come True. These & many more added weekly. Low Down-Low Monthly Payments CALL FOR DETAILS A V IA 7 7 5 W P Available O.A.C. WOMEN’S TENNIS o for $ 0 Q 9 5 WHITE/ PINK ^JconVlRM !S Cons® ERX 250 Hi * », 281-5819 OPEN 7 DAYS N.E. 3Oth A ALBERTA • PORTLAND, OR 30 Year Quality Dealer D aw 1818 N.E. Sandy Blvd. 234-0409 "W here Good Cars A n d Good People M e e t!"