May 8, 1991 -The Portland Observer -Page 7 Real Estate Reference Manual Offered Oregon Real Estate Commissioner Morelia Larsen, Administrator of the Oregon Real Estate Agency, announced that the Agency is offering a new edi­ tion of its widely used reference book, the Oregon Real Estate Manual., The Manual has been written en­ tirely by Agency staff lo insure that the content reflects the policies and inter­ pretations of the Real Estate Agency, which is responsible for the administra­ tion of programs, the regulation of real estate licensees and the enforcement of laws as enacted by the Legislature. It has been sixteen years since the last Manual was produced. The Oregon Real Estate Manual is designed to be used as a handy resource by practicing licensees as well as being a study tool for new applicants prepar­ ing for the license examinations. The material has been organized to progress from the basic to the more complex. Part I deals with issues that are funda­ mental to most transactions such as W e can h e lp y o u Fix u p y o u r h o m e Green Weatherization Ideas Left lo Right Jo» Taylor, Don Graves Highsmilh, Ana Daffin, Tauheed Sodruddm, Manager J.C. Cowan, Glenda Beveridge, Sieve Busk, Spence Sweet, Fred Merchant Not pictured Elizabeth Descamp, Don Price Meet our staff at the Portland Development Commission’s Home Repair Loan Program. If you need money to fix up your home, we're the folks to see. Depending on your income, you may qualify to borrow up to $12,500 for home improvements at 0%, 3% or 6% interest - maybe the best rates in town. Your chances of qualifying for one of these loans is good if: • you own the home you are now living in • your home needs city-approved repairs or improvements • your household’s annual income falls below a certain level The loan program has been expanded to include these eligible neighborhoods: King, Vernon, Humboldt, Boise, Elliot, Woodlawn, Piedmont, Sabin, Concordia and West Clinton. If you'd like to know if you qualify for one of these loans, call PDC weekdays, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m , at 823-3400. We’ll answer any questions you may have. City funds are limited for this program so call today to begin enjoying the benefits of your home repairs. roc PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION PDC is the City's agency for urban renewal, housing and economic development. The home repair loan program is federally funded by Community Development Block Grants from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development U NTOhUAVENUE< frßLÄSS