T iV \ ' k * è » * • « 1 • « • » * V * • * * » • ♦ » • • » • ' Page 6 --T h e Portland O b se rve r—M a v 8, 1991 ► < ♦ » ? r > r v W v r « W V W *•*'z ; ’ Portland Observer ENTERTAINMENT e y L/iRG Jefferson High School proudly presents the T H E PUBLIC IS CO RD IA LLY IN V IT E D TO ATTEND AN 31 NW F ir s t 2 2 3 -9 9 1 9 A P P R E C IA T IO N B A N Q U E T D IN N E R W EDNESDAY MAY 8 B la c k R o d eo /o r PROFESSOR AL1 MUHAMMAD IN H O N O R O E ♦ T H IR T Y Y E A R S O E E X C E L L E N C E THURSDAY MAY 9 J e ff L a b a n s k y IN C O M M U N IT Y S E R V IC E at the €• ♦ F R ID A Y M A Y 10 C ra zy 8s M ATT DISHMAN COMMUNITY CENTER 77 N.E. Knott Street Portland, Oregon ♦ S A TU R D A Y M A Y 11 C ra zy 8s SATURDAY JUNE 1,1991 7:00— 10:00 PM ♦ TAX DEDUCTIBLE DONATION: $10.00 S U N D A Y M A Y 12 B lu b in o s /M y s te ry T ra in E a rth D ay B e n e fit FOR TICKETS A N D IN F O R M A T IO N C ALL ALEEM SHABAZZ 282-9383, or REV. CHARLES HUNTER 280-5187 ♦ M O N D A Y M A Y 13 J im m y H a s k e tt B a n d performing its 1991 repertoire of original works ♦ Intermediate Theater Portland Center tor the Performing Arts T U E S D A Y M A Y 14 PMA Show case Tuesday and Wednesday May 14 and 15 SPONSORED BY: THE MUSLIM COMMUNITY CENTER OF PORTLAND, THE NEIGHBORHOOD CHURCH OE GOD AND THE NORTHEAST HEALTH RESOURCE CENTER ■ 1 8:00 pm 1991 AFRICAN AMERICAN FESTIVAL BUFFET BREAKFAST Saturday, May 18,1991 8:30 am 9:30 am early. Clark Terry is a veteran jazz trum ­ pet and fluegelhom player whose cred­ its include years with the Count Basie and Duke Ellington bands before going on tour with artists such as Ella fitzger- ald, Oscar Peterson, J.J. Johnson and others during his long career in jazz. O kecon BALLET“ THEAT E-A-T-E-R-Y TA Artistic Director * Joseph Wyatt Catering Available Parking in rear Open 10:00 am - 6:00 pm School Director Welcome Home Parade VISA S te p h a n ie A d e lm a n L o r r a in e G ra v e s t y f/tt ru j ///> < /» R i i i i t / i l ft v .Ä r n w F _ Order by 11:00 tor 1:00 delivery H a y d e e G u t t ie r r e z -lO -R --.iv - ' ........ I ’l l tO IA B I. minimum order required C h e r ie N o b le B ru c e S m ith For registration and information contact: The School of Oregon Ballet Theatre 1120 S.W. Tenth Avenue Portland. OR 97205 • (503) 227-6890 280-9851 ^^Miracle-Ear Don't Trust Your Hearing to Anything Less than Miracle-Ear 7th & Fremont ( 707 N.E. Fremont ) ® Are you or someone you know troubled by hearing loss? Then Miracle-Ear wants you to know that all hearing aid companies are not the same! * Sales items subject to stock on hand. No Reorders 281-6525 Kissing is an art. It should be constantly refined and never ne­ glected. 3517 N.E. M. I. King Blvd Only at Miracle-Ear Centers will you find the peace-of- mind and satisfaction that comes with our “Total Hearing System." BEAUTICIAN & STUDENT DISCOUNTS 100% HUMAN HAIR FOR BRAIOING A WEAVING NEED OF A CAR WE CAN HELP Call Today for a FREE Hearing Test Call the Miracle-Ear Center nearest you for a FREE hearing test and consultation. We'll explain the results of your test and give you a copy for your medical records. You can even take a “test listen” on our Master Hearing Aid, so you’ll know how well a Miracle-Ear system may help you hear again. BAD CREDIT 99mo 81 Ford Fairmont Very Clean 300 cash down 24 mos O.A.C. $1999 YES - Little or no downpayment - New or used - Any Make or model YES - We take care of the financing GRESHAM DODGE 8 5 5 NE G re s h a m B u r n s id e O r 9 7 0 3 0 4 Miracle- Other Far C Om prti Benefit to You Exclusive Sharp" Gold Circuit, tor outstanding sound clarity and extra-long battery llle? YES- Exclusive Optisound’" custom­ fitting system, for improved comfort and sound quality’’ YES- Free service and cleaning tor the lifetime of your instrument? YES- Nationwide service and repairs at more than 2,000 locations'’ YES- More than 40 years in the industry? YES- and details ol the 2-yeer 'Heannq Protection Plan ' Genuine Miracle-Ear hearing systems are found only at Miracle-Ear Centers. Accept no substitutes. 109mo 83 Dodge Conversions Van 300 cash down 36 mos O.A.C. $2999 1420 Lloyd Center Inside Newberry’s - Payments to Fit Your Budget pORTLAXPQBSERVER f u We invite you to compare Miracle-Ear to other hearing aid companies. You’ll discover that Miracle-Ear stands above the rest! The City o f Portland is sponsoring traditional Am erican parade designed i recognize the contributions of vetcr- is with a special w elcome home sa­ le to the men and women o f O pera- an D esert Storm. The parade will take ace on T hursday, July 4, at 11 a.m ., id will travel along S.E. Broadway treet in Dow ntow n Portland. Jan Hazzard, Special Events Coor- nator in M ayor Clark s O ffice, an- iunced at a press conference on Wednesday, May 1, that the parade ill *'concentrate on the contributions Fall ou r citizens, civilian and military, irough our cou n try ’s history . AD VE RUSE * 7^ Let us Cater Your Next Party G u e s t F a c u lty : * 15% to 50% OFF 100% Human Hair wigs! 100% Human Hair for Braiding and Weaving Naomi Sims Wigs Betty Cabine proprietor TUES - SAT 11:30*6:00 $5.00 per person It’s time to officially kick o ff the 1991 Rose Festival season. The 1991 K ickoff Luncheon took place noon on W ednesday, May 8th at the Oregon C onvention Center. The new Oregon Convention Center will be transform ed into “ A Celebration of Color” and will resemble a mini-Rose Festival. Race cars, not air balloons and aircraft will be assem bled outside. M usical entertainm ent will be provided by members o f the rose Festi­ val’s own M iller Genuine D raft One More Time Around Again Marching Band, the largest perm anent marching band in the world. Highlights o f the luncheon in­ cluded the announcem ent o f the Grand M arshal o f the Delta A ir Lines Grand Floral Parade and the introduction of the 1991 Junior and Senior Rose Festi­ val Courts. Craig W alker, m orning host on K103 FM and co-host on K G W -TV ’s “ G ood E vening,” served as M aster of Ceremonies. Erin Neill, reigning queen of Rosaria, welcom ed the new court and took some time to reflect on the 1990 Festival and her reign. For the first time proceeds from the event will be used to purchase play equipm ent for an inner-city park. City Com m issioner Mike Lindberg was presented w ith a check for $6,000 to be used at Harney Park in Southeast Port­ land in the Brentwood Darlington neigh­ borhood. This year’s Rose Festival will take place May 31 through June 23, featuring some 70 events. Dine In or carry out & Delivery James Canfield CLEARANCE SALE I 'v J Rose Festival Kicked Off “A Celebration Of Color” J u ly 8 - A u g u s t MRS C’ s WIGS LYON'S RESTAURANT MLK BLVD. Portland, Oregon submit a b rie f note com m m unity proj- 5, and happenings, m in in g to children Terry McCall. The three represent the opening salvo o f the 10th annual Festival, set Friday, Saturday and Sunday, August 2-3-4, outdoors at M l Hood Com m u­ nity College in Gresham . Additional acts will be announced as they are signed, M cCall said. Cray is no stranger to Pacific North­ west audiences, his international repu­ tation taking root from numerous per­ formances betw een Portland and Se­ attle that finally resulted in a major recording contract in the mid '80s. Jarreau has more than a dozen hit recordings to his credit in a vocal ca­ reer that began professionally in the late ’60s, but which really started when he was 4 years old listening to jazz records his brothers brought home. He learned to harm onize and improvise The School o f United Airlines will provide daily nonstop service between Portland In­ ternational Airport (PDX) and W ash­ ington, D.C., through Dulles Interna­ tional Airport, commencing July 1,1991. United is the only carrier provid­ ing nonstop service between Portland and W ashington, D.C. The summer- season service is scheduled to end Septem ber 4. “ W e are very pleased that United has decided to resum e this important nonstop service to the East Coast. W e are looking forward to the day when the service will be provided throughout the year,” said Keith Phildius, Port of Portland aviation director. efì\<- Singer At Jarreau, Trumpeter Clark Terry and Blues G iant Robert Cray are the first acts signed for the 1991 Mt. Hood Festival o f Jazz, according to Festival o f Jazz Foundation President S u m m e r W o rk s h o p Tickets available at the PCPA box office (243-4496) and at all G l Joes Ticket Master outlets. (Subject to convenience fee.) United Schedules Summer Nonstop Service To Washington D.C. t 10th Annual Mt. Hood Festival Of Jazz 287-8787 Black O w n ed 666-2277 Miracle-Ear America’s Better Hearing (Tenters’ t 1 •1991 Itahlherg, Inc