May 8 , 1991—The Portland Observer-Page 3 "Portland Observer by Mattie Ann Callier-Spears RELIGION Church Launches Annual Building Fund The Sounds Of Blackness When suerproducers Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis set about the business of building their own label, they looked for groups whose musical creativity reflected the essence of what they stood for. They didn’t have to look far. The Sounds Of Blackness, the very first album to be released on Perspective records, is a 40-member vocal and in­ strumental ensemble. It will be hard to classify The Sounds of Blackness, and lock them away in a neat little niche. They defy limitation in both sound and scope. Sound of Blackness is the em ­ bodiment of the music and philosophy of Gary Hines. “ There’s a niche that we aim to fill and we believe that we can and will,” Hines says. “ We feel that we have the right mix, a unique sound and a message being told in a fresh way. People get ready for the mighty sound of The Sounds O f Black­ ness! N.B.E.A. Says “Thank You” BY MATTIE ANN CALLIER-SPEARS The month of April, 1991, began by Portland hosting a national conven­ tion of the National Black Evangelical Association. Many workshops were held at various locations, such as: Multnomah School of the Bible, Warner Pacific College, Sheraton Inn-Airport, New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, Mount Olivet, Piedmont Friends Church, Be­ thel AME, and Emanuel Temple Full Gospel Church. There were delegates from Philadelphia, Chicago; Dallas, Texas; Jackson, Mississippi and mis­ sionaries from Ghana. Everything focused on the theme "In the midst of these years, REVIVE US!” There was something for every­ one. But - more than anything else the convention could have ever accom­ plished, it brought about unity among the churches throughout the city; Black and White, Baptist and Pentecostal, Presbyterian and Catholics. Pastors from white churches exchanged pulpits with pastors from black churches all over the city o f Portland. Even black pastors from out-of-town were sent to preach to all white congregations. This ex­ change was such a tremendous success that the Portland based N.B.E.A. has pledged to have an on going program which will embellish this idea two or maybe three-fold. “ Christians need to know who the rest of their family members are” says Bishop A.A. Wells, Convention Chairman. Staff members, committee mem­ bers, officers and all persons, who took part in making this convention fly, met at J. J. North’s Chuck Wagon located at Northeast 102nd and Halsey, to fel­ lowship together in an atmosphere of “ Appreciation” . Among those being named for their support and assistance was the staff of the Portland Observer who worked feverishly publicizing this convention and the convention activi­ ties. Rev. Aaron Hamlin, National C o­ ordinator and Executive Director of the Portland office, had nothing but good to say about the manner in which the convention was planned, how the delegates were greeted, how the pub­ licity went out and the general attitude of all those who were connected with the convention in any way, shape or form. The Portland NBEA office says “ Thank You!” . Paul Missionary Baptist Church 8101 N. Fiske Avenue Portland, Oregon 97203 Church Phone: 289-0147 Study Phone:289-1911 Sunday Service 10:45 Sunday School 9:30 Bible Study 6:00 Evening Service 7:00 P.M. Next year the convention will be held in Detroit, Michigan. The con­ vention dates are April 22-27,1992. In October, of this year, the Portland NBEA chapter will go to Seattle, Washington where they will discuss the outcome of Portland’s involve­ ment with the NBEA and the positive affects it has lad on the citizens. There are video tapes available on the “ Reconciliation Rally” which was held at the Oregon Convention Center for $25 each. Also, cassette tapes are available on the workshops for $5 each. All persons who did not get their NBEA T-Shirts may obtain them by contacting the NBEA office. If you would like to become a member of the NBEA, the membership is priced at $30 per year. For more information, contact: NBEA Office Portland chap­ ter, 5736 North Albina, Portland, OR 97217, (503) 289-0143. A grand picnic is on the drawing- board for this summer. Keep your eyes and ears open for the place, date and time. Portland! You did real good! Keep lifting up the name of Jesus. The Church of the Living God, Temple #102 is raising funds for our annual Building Fund Project. Any financial contributions towardour proj­ ect goals will be greatly appreciated and is tax deductible. Our immediate needs are: roofing materials, lumber, windows, doors, kitchen cabinets, chairs, a kitchen sink, insulation, and carpets. Again, thank you for your time, support, and many efforts on our behalf. God is good! President: Barbara Daniels Building Fund Telephone: (503) 284-8147 Pastor: Rev. T.N. Noffa Telephone: (503) 254-5863 Please send donations to: Church of the Living God #102 6401 N.E. 10th S t Portland, Oregon 97211 8th International Aids Candlelight Memorial Cascade AIDS Project is sponsor­ ing the 8th International AIDS Candle­ light Memorial. The memorial is sched­ uled for 8:00p.m., May 19,1991. It will be held at the First Congregational Church located at 1126 SW Park Ave­ nue, Portland, OR. Cascade AIDS Project (CAP) is a community-based, non-profit organi­ zation committed to improving the quality of life for people affected by AIDS and HIV disease, and to educat­ ing the community about its preven­ tion. CAP operates the Oregon AIDS Hotline, a statewide information and referral service, and directs an exten­ sive educational program to the gen­ eral public and targeted communities- at-risk about AIDS prevention and awareness. CAP’S support services for people living with HIV disease include the PAL Program, counseling, support groups, public assistance advocacy, in­ formation and referral, a legal clinic, and crisis management. As Oregon’s first and largest AIDS service organi­ zation, CAP is committed to helping the community prepare a compassion­ ate and effective response to AIDS. WE ARE MOVING SUNDAY SERVICES TO S to n e T o w e r C h u rc h , N .E . S a n d y B lvd. & 3 0 th W orship Services 8 :0 0 A .M . & 11:00 A .M . C h u rch School 9 :3 0 A .M . to 10:30 A .M . Bible Study. Wednesdays. 116 N .E .S ch u yler 10:30 A .M . and 6 :3 0 P.M . Pictured above: Christie M. Green, Mattie Ann Callier-Spears, Waverly Davis President, Mayor Bud Clark and Barbara O ’Hare. Mayor Bud Clark Proclaimed Af­ rican American Festival 1991. This years official week will be August 15 through 18,1991. There will be a parade as well as other major events held at the New Oregon Convention Centers Market Expo where the parade will disband. Look for future information the Festival draws near. Pictured below: Prince Hassen Najib with his Royal Court during the 1990 Parade which began at Jefferson High School and disbanded at Fernhill Park. THE GREATER MT. CALVARY MEN’S CHORUS AND THE CITY OF PORTLAND WOULD LIKE TO INTRODUCE THE: To all the moms ‘‘HEAVENBOUND GOSPEL MUSIC” MINISTRY MOTHEDÔ0AY “ IN CONCERT” UNDER THE DIRECTION OF: LONNIE L. HOSLEY MUSIC COORDINATOR: BRANDON L. WOODS SATURDAY, MAY 11,1991 AT 7:00 P.M. !!!! GREATER MT. CALVARY C.O.G.I.C. 1234 NE KILLINGSWORTH STREET PORTLAND, OR 97211 BISHOP H.B. DANIELS, SR., PASTOR THIS INTER-DENOMINATIONAL MUSIC MINISTRY WAS FORMED TO ASSIST IN THE EFFORT OF SA VING THE “ YOUTH" OF OUR COMMUNITIES. THERE WILL BE PROCEEDS DONATED TO THE ONGOING COMMUNITY RELIEF PROGRAMS. "FREE-WILL OFFERING" Pastor, Rev. James C.E. Faulkner MT OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH News From The African Festival PORILAXDQBSERVER 103 N.E. Morris Street Portland, Oregon 97212 Church Phone: 287-7457 I Peter iv .ll Scripture of the Week Micah 6:8 ADVERTISE St. Mark Baptist Church Theme: Whatever you're going to do for the Lord, do it now. Scripture o f tfee. HVeelc Sunday School 9:30 AM. Sunday Worship 11:00 AM. Hible Study, Wednesday 5:30 PM. Prayer Service, Wednesday 6:00 PM. Rev. Dr. Joe S. Hardie, Pastor Maranatha Church 4222 N.E. 12 th Avenue, Portland, Oregon He That Loveth Not, Knoweth Not God; For God Is love I John 4:8 Sunday Services /esus Loves You/ A lto Thupfte Œ SlfEsh PSaJm 3 4 :3 Radio M in is try each Sunday. 8 :0 0 A .M .-K B M S 4236 NE Eighth Avenue A Teaching C h u rch W ith A Reaching M in is try D r. Jam es E. M a rtin . Senior Pastor Portland, Oregon 97211 (comer of 8th 8 Skldmor») (503) 287-0261 C h u rc h O ffic e 1 1 6 N .E. Schuy cr. PhWîp S. Nelson, Pastor WMW MW WMMWAX .W V W M M M VIAM AM AAS-'. ■ ■ • Sunday School 9:00 A.M. Morning Worship 10:30 A.m. Evening Worship 6:00 P.M. Midweek Service - Wednesday 7:00 P.M. Saturday - BASIC Youth Service 7:00 P.M. Rev. Wendall H. Wallace Senior Pastor "Maranatha Live" Radio Program/Talk Show KPDQ 93.7 FM 800 AM 11:00 P.M. to 12:00 midnight (Each Sunday) --- ------- I