'•■ <♦»«« f i f i - J , » Y / » « » » Y f O f t « 'rv tfY iY Y V Y Y Y Y V W Y Y V v « « « < « « « » < * * la y 1, 1 991-T h e Portland Observer - Page 7 Portland Observer ENTERTAINMEN A lvin Singleton the C om poser Whitney Houston a Star Sfuded Show Super Star Whitnew Houston will be in concert here, Wed May 8th at the Memorial Coliseum, accompanying her will be the popular singing group After 7. It's gauranteed to be a Sizzler. the show goes on to Seattle Washington the next Day. Moment With Keith M itchell's A fter 7 Sinfonia Diaspora is A lv in Single­ ton’ s most recent composition among a body o f orchestral essays which in ­ clude Shadows, A Yellow Rose Petal, and A fter Fallen Crumbs. As in his other works, Singleton is less concerned w ith melody, per se, than he is w ith color and texture. The long interweaving, overlapping lines which form the deliberately dramatic shapes o f his orchestral works evolve from motives which grow, interplay, and m irror each other as they change, resulting in a structural development that is best described as “ o rg a n ic " in nature. “ Titles, according to the composer, “ are merely sources o f identification - like names o f people. O nly through getting to know a person is one able to give that name meaning.” A title is also a springboard fo r creativity. “ The choice o f a title is something that cre­ ates an image unto its e lf,” he co ntin ­ ues. “ M y titles arc often chosen long before any o f the music is written, and so are related by association.” In the case o f Sinfonia Diaspera, the meta­ phors which the title generates are appropriate to the music. Sinfonia, in its fractional usage, im plies a sense o f completeness, wholeness and unified structure. Diaspora, on the other hand, implies diversity, dispersal and a “ jou rn e y” o f sorts - in the same man­ ner as when a people and its culture, spread far beyond its place o f origin, changes and develops w ithout losing a sense o f “ where it has been.” E ey 223-9919 31 NW First WEDNESDAY MAY 1 Nine Days Wonder ♦ THURSDAY MAY 2 Josephine Ocean ♦ FRIDAY MAY 3 Watch This Space ♦ SATURDAY MAY 4 Blubinos The singing group After 7 school, “ even though you may m ajor in one subject it may lead you to an­ other. ’ ’ That’ s what happened to Keith. He majored in business and ended up w ith A fte r 7. Kevin and M elvin Edmonds are brothers to Baby Face and their Hits just keep on coming. They plan a new release in September this year. C an't Stop, Heat o f the Moment, One N ight, and others. The sad part is M T V never played their music videos on their show. This was very disappointing to After 7. Platinum Gold: W hat’ s up M T V ?! I f you can’ t get their support, you d e fi­ nitely have ours. Best Wishes! 3Y TONY W A SHINGTON Bringing in entertainment takes long tard work. That’s what Keith M itchell :xplains. Keith M itche ll and Kevin idmonds arc graduates o f Indiana U n i­ versity. M usic is the dream, and A fte r r focuses on ballets. However they do )thcr things w ith their music. Portlan- lers w ill have the pleasure o f seeing kfte r 7 live at the M em orial Coliseum, vlay 8, 1991 w ith W hitney Houston, fhe show promises to be a good one. Ceith has words fo r our community, vlaybe we need to listen and leant. He mcourages all kids to really stay in TOY SOLDIERS M IW fc M H E IM S ’ BETO-« M M W SBB.WW W I** , l GT? A TÍI STAR RELEASE ÀW& I N ’ TBi STAB »«CTUBfS INC A l l BIGHTS B tS fB V f 0 STARTS FRIDAY APRIL 26th CLACKAMAS CINEMAS 248 6986 ■ m u tu □ PARKWAY I GRANO »806« 3537^ gresha ^ 248 M ALL 205 L ^2^6978 inema ^ 6976 V T i l l I X3^ Inoliti 248-6980 MONDAY MAY 6 Boiled in Lead ♦ TUESDAY MAY 7 Smokehouse TANASBOURNE 248-1604 ' I UI I V 'l 111 S E R V IC E * V IS A The M etropolitan A rts Com m is­ sion is seeking A frican and Atrican- American artists o f all disciplines to be included in the Orcgon/Washington Ethnic M in o rity Directory. I f you arc a visual artist, perform ing artist, literary artist, media artist, or fo lk artist, you can be listed in the directory free o f charge. The directory w ill place your * PORTLAND'S OWN APOLLO NIGHT AT THE ROSELAND THEATER GREATER PORTLAND-METRO AREA AFFORDABLE RATES Oregon G Business éWe/Mrt O regon ballet - THEAT July 8-A ugust James Canfield Artistic Director Joseph Wyatt School Director Guest Faculty: % Stephanie A d elm an L o rra in e Graves H aydee G u ttie rre z C herie N o b le Bruce Sm ith For registration and information contact: The School of Oregon Ballet Theatre 1120 S.W. Tenth Avenue Portland. OR 97205 • (503) 227-6890 Jefferso n H igh S chool proudly presents th e “ KMHD (FM89.1) 1991 R a d io th o rr The annual on-air fundraiser for public radio K M H D w ill be held May 3rd through to the 12th, K M H D station manager Tom Costello announced. K M H D ’ s general manager, John Rice agreed w ith his station manager. “ W e are, after a ll, a public radio sta­ tion. The m ajority o f our funding comes from our listeners. Our license-holder, M t. Hood Com m unity College, pro­ vides about 43%, local businesses contribute approximately 8%, and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting provides nearly 13%. I f it weren’ t for our contributing listeners we couldn’ t operate at anywhere near the level we do now .” K M H D first went on the air in 1984, and has since become one o f the top-rated jazz radio stations in the na­ tion. Despite the station’ s popularity w ith radio listeners, funding has been a challenge. For further information contact Tom Costello at 667-7233._____________ performing its 1991 repertoire of original works Intermediate Theater Portland Center tor the Performing Arts Tuesday and Wednesday May 14 and 15 8:00 pm ADVERTISE in Tickets available at the PCPA box office (248-4496) and at all G l Joes Ticket Master outlets. (Subject to convenience lee.) th e MRS C’ s WIGS TA CLEARANCE SALE L TO Betty Cabine proprietor TUES - SAT 11:30-6:00 ‘ 15% to 50% OFF 100% Human Hair wigs! 100% Human Hair for Braiding and Weaving Naomi Sims Wigs i Sales items subject to stock on hand. No Reorders 281-6525 7th & Fremont ( 707 N.E. Fremont) BEAUTICIAN A STUDENT DISCOUNTS 1 0 0 * HUMAN HAIR FOR BRAIDING A weaving W orld Boot Reggae House Rap Blues Soul Cospel Folk Jazz MAY 18, 1991 a t 8:00 PM Music EXPRESS (503) 244-5794 Ext. 66 ✓ The School o f (FORMERLY STARRY NIGHT) $7.00 A D V A N C E SERVICE OF Sum m er W orkshop Novelist and short-story writer Jane Sm iley concludes the 1990/91 Portland Arts & lectures series, Thursday, May 9. Underwritten by Nordstrom, the evening w ith Ms. Smiley takes place in the Arlene Schnitzer Concert H all at 7:30 pm. In her tw o most popular works, The Age o f G rie f (1987), and the com­ bined novellas Ordinary Love & Good W ill (1989), Jane Smiley s k illfu lly extracts aspects o f fam ily life that exist under the surface o f everyday livin g; fleeting observations take on forebod­ ing implications. Furthermore, in an age increasingly obsessed w ith fam ily issues, Sm iley’ s stories provide an in ­ triguing and unconventional wisdom. Smiley also wrote The Greenlan­ ders (1988), “ each long chapter...has its expansive theme, just as the theme o f the Great Extinction runs through the entire novel. But the cadences o f day-to-day village life , the larger so­ cial dynamics as w ell as the domestic particulars, comprise the true riches o f The Greenlanders” (Howard Norman, The New Y o rk Times Book Review). Smiley received her B.A. in Eng­ lish from Vasser in 1971, and her doc­ torate from the U niversity o f Iowa. C urrently a teacher o f creative w ritin g and literature at Iowa State University. Sm iley lives w ith her husband and two daughters in Ames, Iowa and Lac du Flambeau, Wisconsin. VISA PRESENTS D IS C O V E R * A M E R IC A N name in the hands o f 700 galleries, social service agencies, organizations, and individuals interested in locating and showcasing ethnic m inority artists. Take action now! Contact Shelly Matthews at 796-5111 to get listed in the Orcgon/Washington Ethnic M in o r­ ity Directory. The deadline fo r listings in the 1991 directory is May 17. Portland Arts & Lectures Presents Writer Jane Smiley URBAN ENTERTAINMENT COALITION * M ASTERCARD (N O M IN IM U M HOURS) Oregon Dance Consort’ s resident choreographers, Ray T e rrill and Judith Catterall, in 1988, began mounting their twice-yearly concerts at the Portland Center for the Performing Arts, they also launched their T icket Subsidy Program for Forgotten Audiences. Catterall says the idea began to percolate in 1987 after she attended a meeting in which art marketing leaders discussed audience demographics and development. She was appalled at the casual way in which whole segments o f our society were treated as non-entities because it was unlikely that they could ever afford to become paying custom­ ers at arts events. Making use initially o f a grant from US West’s matching G ift Program, ODC sought to build a cooperative spirit into the foundation s o f the program. T ic k ­ ets and educational materials are placed in the hands o f organizations w ith d i­ rect links to the targeted audiences, insuring that they are distributed for maximum impact. Since 1988, over 600 disadvantaged and m inority c iti­ zens have attended ODC events cour­ tesy o f their Ticket Subsidy Program, and nine different organizations have been involved-ranging from The Inter­ state Firehouse C ultural Center to the NE Y W C A and the African American Journal to the Northwest P ilot Project, which serves senior citizens o f lim ited resources. O D C ’s next event is a concert o f two new m ulti-cultural works at the Intermediate Theatre o f the PCPA on May 10 and 11. I f your organization would like to participate in the ticket Subsidy Program as a recipient, or if you would like to sponsor tickets to one o f the shows, call Judith at 286-6472. African And African-American Artist Sought For Directory V IJ J I 248-6984 L IM O U S IN E SUNDAY MAY 5 Goo Goo Dolls/ Junk Monkeys I WASHINGTON SQUARE JA N T Z E N B E A C H V ♦ Oregon Dance Consort: Subsidy Program S10.00 DOOR DON'T MISS THIS NIGHT OF FUN TO SEE PORTLAND'S FINEST TALENT! ! COME AND BE PART OF THE AUDIENCE WHO WILL SELECT THE WINNERS!! USED CD'S <*s Discounts to OBN Cardholders FOR INFORMATION PLEASE CALL: 284 2435 7775 N.E. Broadway 503-284-4828 Portland, Or. 97237.